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Oct. 10, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2013:
Money's the Tool for Continuous Rule:
"Crashing Times when Old Mores Go
Into Planned Obsolescence, Masters Make it So,
Most Victims have Never Suspected
The Future's Planned by the Unelected,
A Thousand Think-Tanks They Own,
Managing World Debt, Love to Loan,
For Money to Them is a Means to an End,
Ensures Their Survival, As Your Knees Bend,
News Makes You Think World is Chaotic,
Yet High Intelligence Guides Future Despotic"
© Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2013

Opinions Given to the Public - Cultural Debasement, Societal Fallout and Self-Destruction - Mass Management - Addiction to News and Horror Movies - National Debt and "Balancing the Books" - Deindustrialization - Service Economies in the West - Think Tanks - Promotion of Sado-masochism - Uniformity - Increase in Mental Disorders in Young People - Eugenics - UN Mental Health Plan - Carbon Taxes - Training into Authoritarian Society.
Listen to the end of Alan's talk tonight (approximately the final ten minutes) as he gives his last RBN broadcast. Keep watching the site for "blurbs" and upcoming interviews which he'll now have time to do. They've all been on hold for over a year or two due to the pace of full-time broadcasts on RBN, which consumed every single day into every following morning with uploads, et cetera.

For the very faithful listeners, keep sending your news links and opinions, as I'll continue posting to the site. And, of course, your donations and orders help me tick along. I'll have time now to try and get the rest of the wood in for winter, which has been slowed by bad weather and reading hundreds of news articles daily. Thank you for your continued support. All the best, Alan.

* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Teen boy in a serious condition following 'choking game'

More mental disorders among young Irish, study shows

UN Mental Health Plan--2013-2020

UN marks World Mental Health Day by focusing on well-being of ageing populations

OECD, "We Must Eliminate Fossil Fuels"

Oct. 9, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 9, 2013:
Saviours of Behaviours:
"Fixing a Society is a Gesture, a Token
By Governments, Knowing Society's Broken,
For the Old System is Gone, is Lost,
Life's Rules are Blurring, What a Cost,
Named "The Great Transformation,"
Where Society to Be Given Indoctrination
By "Experts", From Cradle to Grave,
For "Perfect" Citizens, Sure to Behave,
Huxley's Brave New World, Order Perfect,
Ruled by Specialists on Behalf of Elect"
© Alan Watt Oct. 9, 2013

Austerity, Post-Consumerism - World Run by Specialists - Cultural Shifts - Psychological Persuasion, Prompts - Violence, Drugs and Crime in Society - Computers and Algorithms to Predict Crime - Men of Vision, Creating Culture - The Supertribe - Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance - Zero Tolerance Policies - Council on Foreign Relations/RIIA - New Feudal System, Privatization, CEO Overlords - Regulated Media - Bertrand Russell - Creation of Narcissists and Hedonists - Eugenics - Psychiatry - Generational Alteration.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 9, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Met's Minority Report: They use computer algorithms to predict where crime will happen

Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance

Regulation will be imposed on press as politicians reject self-regulation.

Oct. 8, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2013:
Study the Pricks who Write the Scripts:
"Reading News can Bring On a Fit,
When You Realize the World's a Script,
For All the Changes, the Way We Go,
Were Planned at Summits, Long Ago,
Post-Industrial and Post-Consumer,
We're in Austerity Age, Gloom-and Doomer,
Truth hasn't Hit Just Everyone Yet,
Wait Till You're Handed Your Share of the Debt"
© Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2013

Cultural Revolutions - Normalization of the New System - War of Terror - Maurice Strong - Destruction of Industry in the West - Standardized News - RIIA/CFR, World Resource Takeover and Banking Cartel - Authoritarianism - Interdependent Countries - Launch of UK National Crime Agency - Recruitment and Training of "Elite" Social Workers - Integration of National Governments - Warren Buffet Made $10 Billion from Financial Crisis - Cold War Armaments Racket - Security Industry Contracts - NSA and Elimination of Privacy - Perfectly Predictable World - Centralization of Power.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The National Crime Agency: Does Britain need an FBI?

& More on Above

Elite social-worker course attracts 1,000 graduates, but Frontline will take only the best 100

The recession's biggest winner: Warren Buffet made an astonishing $10BILLION from the financial crisis

DHS, Security Association Sign Agreement on Information Sharing

Greenwald: 'The objective of the NSA is literally the elimination of global privacy'

Oct. 3, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2013:
Playing the Clown, U.S. Government Shutdown:
"Stampeding the Herd is Good for Change,
Goldman Sachs, I.M.F. want to Rearrange
The Money Scam, Give More Power
To the B.I.S. in its Lofty Swiss Tower,
They're Private Institutions, a Cartel,
B.I.S., I.M.F., World Bank can Create Hell
And Frequently Do with High Interest Rates,
Pretending Aid to Nations, Dooming to Fate
Whole Populations Wishing They'd Not Got
Loans Part-Paid by Land-for-Debt Swap"
© Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2013

Authoritarian System - Parallel Government, Technocrats - Radical NGOs - Free Trade Blocs - Authoritative Immunity - Front Politicians - Crisis Creation - Rigged Stock Market - Economic "Confidence" - US Debt Ceiling - Obama Meets Goldman-Sachs for New Line of Credit - IMF on US Gov. Shut-down - US Capitol Lockdown - Obamacare Data Leak - Automatic Number Plate Recognition - The Silent Majority - DHS Privacy Office - Shadow Banking System - Diamond Seller De Beers Moving to Africa - Botswana builds UAV surveillance force - Ohio State Armored Vehicle - Foreign Mercenary "Rebels" in Syria - Julia Gillard gets Jerusalem Prize and Appointment to Brookings Institution - Japan, Okinawa Base - Jimmy Savile - Obamacare Contract Fraud.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

'You should be concerned': Obama warns world markets there is no guarantee U.S. will avoid defaulting on its debts

Obama Meets Goldman-Sachs for New Line of Credit

& More on Above

IMF on US Gov. Shut-down

US Capitol Lockdown

Obamacare security breach leaks data of 2,400 customers

Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Chief DHS Privacy Officer: Government Called Privacy Office "Terrorists"

True Size of Shadow Banking System

Diamond seller De Beers closes its London auction rooms after nearly 80 years as the company heads to Africa

Botswana builds UAV surveillance force

Ohio State University Cops get Armored Fighting Vehicle

Foreign extremists dominate Syria fight

Gillard gets Jerusalem Prize

Gillard's Payoff

Japan to pay $3.1bn to remove US troops from Okinawa, will host spy drones

John Lydon of Sex Pistols Talks About Jimmy Savile (1978)

Woody Allen's Alleged Molestation of 7-Year-Old Daughter Dylan Exposed – Vanity Fair

Company with $1.2 Billion Obamacare Contract Under Investigation for Serious Fraud

Oct. 2, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 2, 2013:
More Bending to Spending, Borrowing, Lending:
"Cashless Society, Completion of Hell,
Without a Number You can't Buy or Sell,
Electronic Transactions'll Send a Slice
Of Tax to Government, Efficient, Nice,
Then Naturally, Some Thinkers Suspect,
If Dissident, Politically Incorrect,
Your Account, as Punishment'll Be Frozen
For However a Period Lawmakers've Chosen,
Agencies Already Listen to Ps and Qs,
We'll Be Trained to Watch Words We Use,
Humans are Adaptable as Darwin Said,
Into Robotic Borg, The Living Dead"
© Alan Watt Oct. 2, 2013

Resource Wars - Globalism and Nationalism - End of the Nation-State - Con of Democracy - Parallel Government - NAFTA - Boer War - Standardization - More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Creation of Public Acceptance for War - Nuclear Waste Buried Underground in Ontario and Scotland - Preservation of US Surveillance Programs - Increasing Poverty, Declining Middle-Class in US - Global Free Trade and Fallout - RIIA/CFR - Radioactivity Found at Fracking Waste Site in Pennsylvania - Border Horror Stories---Canada/US - Psychology of Psychopaths - Slaves Worked to Death in Qatar and Dubai - Cashless Economies and Tax Collection - Feds Arrest Alleged Founder of Bitcoin's Largest Drug Market.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 2, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Ministry of Defence urged to make repatriation ceremonies low-key to reduce 'body bag syndrome'

How Ontario plans to deal with tonnes of nuclear waste: Bury the problem

Chiefs Urge Congress to Keep Domestic Spying Programs

US Census Report Shows Entrenched Poverty and Declining Living Standards

Decline of American Middle-Class

& More on Above

Radioactivity Found at Fracking Waste Site in Pennsylvania

& More on Above

Border Horror Stories---Canada/US

Slaves Worked to Death in Qatar

MasterCard Study Reveals the Rapidly Growing Cashless Economies

Israel eyes cashless economy to boost tax collection

Feds Arrest Alleged Founder of Bitcoin's Largest Drug Market

Oct. 1, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2013:
The Ruling Ruse, Designed to Confuse:
"Shutdown of U.S. Gov. - What Drama,
"Raise the Debt Ceiling" cries Obama,
But Americans Not Only Like Parades,
They Participate in the Charades,
Arguing for or Against Gov. Spending,
Guaranteeing Big Interest to the Lending,
The People? Hasn't Hit Them Yet,
They All Have to Repay the Debt,
Freedom was Long Ago Usurped,
Folks Accept Rule by the Corrupt"
© Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2013

Art of Conology - Economic Warfare - Think Tanks' Projections of the Future - The Public Exist to Serve the Economy - New Form of Slavery - Purpose of Education - Merger of Soviet and American Systems - NSA Spying and Shadow Social Network - UK Cyber-Defence Unit - Smartphone Monitoring - Jobless to Work for Benefits - Swiss War Game on Invasion by Bankrupt France - Easily-Managed Degenerate Public - Cattle Prods for Compliance, Now Stun-Cuffs - Looting the Pension Funds - Country Credit Ratings, Downgrades - Con of Democracy - Debt and Intergenerational Slavery - EU Super-Soviet Demands Cash from Countries - Integration of the Americas - China Buying-up Canadian Energy Companies.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 1, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

NSA Has Built Its Own, Secret, Warrantless, Shadow Social Network, And You've Already Joined It

The Defence Secretary has announced that Britain will build a dedicated capability to counter-attack in cyberspace

Android Is Watching: 8 Ways A Typical Smartphone Is Monitoring You

Formal Shutdown of US Gov. Begins Today

Now work for your benefits: Ministers to unveil tough crackdown on payments to jobless.

Swiss war game envisages invasion by bankrupt French

Now We Have Stun-Cuffs

Looting the Pension Funds

Troubles over US Debt Rating Scam

EU demands £3.5 billion to keep governments afloat

China Buying-up Canadian Energy Companies

Sept. 26, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2013:
Same Old, Same Old as Stories Unfold:
"Tiring Stories on Governments, Deceit, Lies
Politicos Use Government as Private Enterprise,
Nothing Changes, No-One Goes to Jail,
If it Did the Den of Thieves would Turn Pale,
Worsened with Declaration of "Greed is Good",
Lauded by Milton Friedman when in Good Mood,
Eugenical Philosophy of Individuals Surviving
At Expense of Society which Should Be Thriving,
Winners in This Game Love to Boast
How They were So Clever in Screwing the Host"
© Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2013

Mass Migrations - Destruction of Cultures - RIIA/CFR and Branches - War and Societal Changes - Corporate Welfare, Taxpayer-Funded Bail-outs - Britain Sells Stake in Lloyds - Bids for Lloyds Australia Unit - Global System - Compensation Bill for Westgate Shopping Mall - Monsanto Protection Act - US "Media Shield" Bill - Dianne Feinstein - Licenced Journalists and Authorized News - Lord Justice Leveson Promoted - Iran President Rouhani - War Industry Contracts - Huma Abedin and State Department - IPCC Meeting Closed to the Public - Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown and TEPCO Bail-out - New NSA Data Farm.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 26, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Britain Sells Stake in Lloyds for $5.1 Billion

Lloyds Sale of A$9 Billion Aussie Unit to Get at Least Four Bids

Westgate insurer faces Sh6.6 billion compensation bill

Israelis Working with Kenyan Forces

Senate funding bill won't include 'Monsanto Protection Act'

Bill for Going After Alternate Media

& More on Above

Lord Justice Leveson, the man behind the report into the future of press regulation, has been made the third most senior judge in England and Wales.

CNN Slammed for Fabricating Rouhani's Holocaust Remarks

How was Weiner's wife Huma Abedin allowed to 'double-dip' with private contracts while working for Hillary Clinton at the State Dept.? A new lawsuit presses for answers

Why the IPCC Meeting Isn't Being Televised

Investors Of Japan's Most Hated Corporation, TEPCO, To Be Bailed Out Forever

Booting Up: New NSA Data Farm Takes Root In Utah

Sept. 25, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 25, 2013:
Like Pete Tong, "It's All Gone":
"The Western World's Dreams have Faded,
Psychological Warfare Made it Degraded,
Morally, Culturally, Nations Defeated,
The Fifty-Year Plan is Now Completed,
Promotion of Hedonism, "Me" Generation,
Always Leads to Breakdown of Populations'
Cohesiveness, and to Others' Welfare,
Rich get Greedier, There's Less to Share,
Misery Distracted by Drugs and Porn,
More Babies Aborted than Actually Born,
Paying for Wars so Rich can Plunder,
Handed the Tab as Cultures' Rent Asunder"
© Alan Watt Sept. 25, 2013

News Doesn't Have to Contain Any Truth - Con of Money and Economics - Bank Plunder via Governments, Bail-outs and Bail-ins - Iceland, Removal of Large Deposit Guarantees - Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation - Bail-ins in New Zealand and Canada - Planned Wars in Middle East - Iran, Israel and Nuclear Weapons - Hotel Hosting Iran's UN Delegation - Green Party and Legalization of Paedophilia - Destruction of Western Values - Trumpington Village Hall BDSM Workshop - Degraded Society - Libor Fraud Admissions, Kickbacks - Seizure of Fifth Avenue Tower tied to Iran - Poverty and Declining Living Standards in US - Ancient Egypt, Dominant Minority - US Subpoenas 5 Philly Judges for Fixing Cases for Cash.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 25, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Iceland Borrows European "Template" - Removes Large Deposit Guarantees

Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation

After UN speeches, Israel strikes wary tone on Iran

Former US Ambassador to UN Criticizes Hotel Hosting Iran's UN Delegation

The Green Party and Radical Sex Groups

Trumpington Village Hall BANNED from hosting kinky BDSM bondage workshops

Libor Fraud Admissions

US Steals Office Tower in New York

US Census Report Shows Entrenched Poverty and Declining Living Standards

US Subpoenas 5 Philly Judges

Sept. 24, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2013:
Hard to Find a Functioning Mind:
"Media is Hardly Worth Reading Today,
All-on-Board Propagandists Design to Sway
Great Herds of People this Way or That,
If Seeking Truth, It's Not Where it's At,
The Media Use Formulae to Sway Minions,
Ensuring They Receive Daily Opinions,
Trivia Diverts from Passing of Nasty Laws
Giving Governments Money, Greedy Paws,
To Distract Public it Simply Figures
Do a Spread of a Celeb in Her Knickers,
Managing the Herd's Never Been So Easy,
People Adapt to Horror or Articles Cheesy"
© Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2013

RIIA/CFR, Wars and Plunder - Authoritarian Rule in Times of Crisis - Perpetual War Across the World - News for the Day - Syria - Looting of Iraq Museums - Black Market in Artifacts - Club of Rome - IPCC Reports on "Climate Change" - Political Agenda behind Global Warming Scam - Cover-up by Climate Scientists - New Intel Chips Contain Back-Door Processor, Hackable Even When Computer is Turned Off - National Health Service, Genetic Testing and Patient Record Databases - UK, Plan to Send in Troops during Bank Collapse - Euthanasia in Holland, Mobile Death Squads - Cultural Degradation - Pornography on TV.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 24, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

US soldiers lose a nose for antiques?

95% of Intelligent Folk Know the New IPCC Report is Utter Drivel

Climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years.

No 'serious person' should doubt man behind climate change, says Tony B.Liar

The Green Agenda

New Intel Chips Contain Back-Door Processor, Hackable Even When Computer is Turned Off

GPs threaten to boycott 'Big Brother' NHS database

Gordon Brown considered sending in troops as banks faced collapse, Damian McBride claims.

One in thirty deaths in Holland are from euthanasia with most choosing to end their lives due to cancer

Culture is Degraded, Time for Real Sex on TV

Sept. 19, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2013:
System=Compete to Eat, No Relax on Tax:
"The System's a Con Comprised by Deception,
Works by Altering the Public's Perception
Of All that Formulates Life as Normal,
Repetitive Speeches by Economists, Formal,
Our Raison d'être is to Work and Compete
With Nations like China or Suffer Defeat,
Perfected Indoctrination is a Reality,
We All Get it, It's a Lifelong Formality,
Education Ensures that Logic will Fall,
Conforming You into a Brick in The Wall"
© Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2013

More Perfected Form of Slavery - Study of Human Nature - Advisors behind Front-Men - Propaganda for Social Change - Program Scans Twitter to Map the Mood of the Nation - Low-Level Research - Lawrence of Arabia - Use of Media to Alter Public Opinion - Bioethics-Eugenics - Britain---One in Five will Never Stop Working - Planned Inflation - Perception Management - Protection Money, Extortion - Scientists Creating Fake Memories - Technotronic Era - Behaviour Modification - Social Experiments in Europe - Dutch King Declares End to Welfare State - EU Data Retention Directive - Takeover of Africa - Arms Shipments to Syrian "Rebels" - Austerity and Electricity Cut-Offs.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 19, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Following Mood of the Nation by Twitter

Eugenics Alive and Well in UK

Britain---One in Five will Never Stop Working

Police now have more powers to fine motorists

Scientists Creating Fake Memories

Facebook Problems

Dutch King Declares End to Welfare State

Data Retention and Internet Surveillance in Europe

Attenborough Criticises Food Aid (Too Many People etc.)

US President Breaks Arms Shipment Law, Sending Shipments to Syrian "Rebels"

Detroit Loses Power because Residents Did Not Conserve Electricity

Sept. 18, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 18, 2013:
The Perfected Citizen:
"Kind Governments Posing as Our Saviour,
Using Our Taxes to Change Our Behaviour
By Peer Pressure, Guilt and Shame,
Helping Save Money for Government Game,
Adopting New Normals, You will Reform
Opinions and Attitudes and So Conform
To Be a Quality Approved Product, Standardized,
On Hearing Up is Down You're Not Surprised,
Discard Sensibilities and Own Conclusions,
When 2+2=5 There'll Be No Confusion,
Everyone's the Same and No-One's Wrong
When Authorized Opinions Prattled by Throng"
© Alan Watt Sept. 18, 2013

Government into Behaviour Modification - Cass Sunstein and Nudge Unit - Public Altered to Suit the Product - Artificial System - Primitive Peoples - Cognitive Dissonance - Behavioural Economics, "Correct" Choices - Gov. Attic Insulation Program - Charitable Giving - France to Ban Sexualised Child Beauty Pageants - French Revolution and "Progressive" Movement - Anarchism - Sweden Rules Public Masturbation Legal - Normalization of Paedophilia and Bestiality - Turning Cities into Living Laboratories - Focus Groups - Communitarianism and "Well-Being" - Political Correctness in the Masses.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 18, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Government and Behavioural Economics

Behavioural Insights Team

France to Ban Sexualised Child Beauty Pageants

Sweden Rules Public Masturbation Legal as Long as it Is Not Directed at Anyone Specific

Turning Cities into Living Laboratories

Sept. 17, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2013:
Democracy?--The Great Delusion Causes Confusion:
"Trained to Be Servile, Cradle to Grave,
Trained to Be Frugal, Work Hard, Save,
Does Anyone Really Give a Toss?
Trained to Obey every Government Boss,
Your Rights are Written on Tissue Paper,
Flushed Down Toilet Sooner or Later,
Our Masters Barely Conceal Their Scorn
When Addressing Complaints of Lowly-Born,
Government's Middle-Men Live very Well
From Taxes Taken from Workers in Hell,
Who, Because of Banksters, Lost Abodes,
No Help for Them to Lighten Loads,
And Incessant Propaganda Hits You and Me,
"Best Country in the World, We're So Free""
© Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2013

Militarization of Police - Middle East War Agenda - Psychopaths in Positions of Power - Energy and Carbon Taxes - EU Commissioner says, "Policy on Climate Change is Right Even if Science is Wrong" - New Report Counters Climate Change Scare - IPCC and UN Treaties - Totalitarianism - Kerry and McCain's Fake PhD Expert O'Bagy - Media Handout for Artificial Eggs - Global Smart ID for UK Citizens - Emergency Texting Alert System - Monsanto Protection Act - Sheldon Adelson Supports Syrian Strike - Perpetual War.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 17, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Police More Dangerous to Public than Criminals

EU Commissioner says, "Policy on Climate Change is Right Even if Science is Wrong"

Climate Science Reconsidered

New Report Counters Climate Change Scare

Science Based Rebuttal of Global Warming

Top "Climate Scientists" Blame their Computers for Getting it Wrong

GOP Eyeing Internet Tax Legislation

Kerry and McCain's Fake PhD Expert O'Bagy

Bill Gates Brings You the PLEGG (Plant Egg)

Global Smart ID for UK Citizens

& More on Above

UK Gov. Tests Emergency Texting Alert System

Monsanto Protection Act Quietly Extended by Congress

Adelson now stands behind 'commander in chief'

Sheldon Adelson puts money behind nationwide expansion of Israeli American Council

From Hiroshima to Syria, the Real Enemy Is---

Sept. 12, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2013:
Great Transition isn't Supposition:
"World Plan's Chaos is Crazy Like a Fox,
As Deindustrialized Nations take Hard Knocks,
But Then Old-Type Inhabitants are Dying Off,
Leaving the Nations for Multicultural Toffs,
A New Supertribe, Desmond Morris said,
Would Emerge and Prosper Over the Dead,
Private Institutions are Now in Control,
Labouring to Complete a Very Old Goal,
They're Senior to Governments, They're Lurking
In Think-Tanks, Global Meetings, Always Working
On Behalf of Their Masters, Very Stealthily,
Ensuring a Spacious Planet for Super Wealthy"
© Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2013

Lord Grey, Mandell House and Wilson - US Takeover from British Empire as World Policeman - Rise of Global Organizations to Full Power - Resource Wars - RIIA/CFR, Inner and Outer Party, Groups - G-20 Meeting, Economic Crisis and Global Governance - US "Extraordinary Rendition" Program, Trial in Italy - UK becomes "Addictions Capital of Europe" - Destruction of Cultures, Promotion of Drugs - Failed Countries - Bedroom Tax Should be Axed says UN - Syria Intelligence Manipulation - Scottish Nationalist Party, Use of Taxpayer Cash to Buy Land - Media Distraction by Emotive Topics - Richard Dawkins - David Attenborough and "Evolution" - MP Nigel Evans Charged with Sexual Offences - Wind Farms Killing Eagles - Home Foreclosures.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 12, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

G-20 Woes over US Dollar

The Routine "Extraordinary Rendition"

The UK has become the drug and alcohol "addictions capital of Europe", a think tank has warned.

Bedroom Tax Should be Axed says UN

Sweden Interwoven with GCHQ and NSA

Syria Intelligence Being Manipulated even More than in Iraq War

SNP accused of using taxpayer cash to buy land

Dawkins and Paedophilia

Stop Having Large Families---Attenborough

British Parliamentary Speaker Resigns after being Charged with 8 Sexual Offences

--More on Above

& More on Above

Wind Farms Killing Eagles

DC Predatory Debt-Collection Program

Sept. 11, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 11, 2013:
Fight Sedation by Self-Logical Persuasion:
"Want the Truth, then Make Transition,
Unless Topics Trigger Default Position,
You go Back to Authorized Opinions,
Standard Prattling of the Minions,
The Obvious is Often Strictly Taboo,
Works Pavlovian-Style on You
And You Automatically Shy Away,
Afraid of What the Crowd will Say,
Like Old Church's Charge of Heresy,
Turning Mob on You without Mercy,
Don't Shy Away from Curses of Doom,
Acknowledge the Elephant in the Room"
© Alan Watt Sept. 11, 2013

Tax-Free Foundations - Gov. Advocates for Every Child - Standardized News - Money Controls the World - Countries Run as a Business - History of Governments and Wars - Global Takeover and Planned Society - 2009 Report on Israel Using Chemical Weapons against Palestinians - US/Israel Intelligence Sharing Agreement - NSA Backdoor in Crypto Specs - The Public Unable to Think for Themselves - Apple iPhone, Biometrics and Tracking - Asylum Seekers and Australia's Private Prisons - All Wealth Comes from Labour - BRICS Countries Currency Fund - UK Home Mortgages - Racket of Global Warming/Climate Change - Soviet EU Bloc, Financial Transaction Tax.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 11, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

US Media Suppressed 2009 Report Showing Israel Using Chemical Weapons against Palestinians

& Report

NSA Shares Raw Data (on US Citizens) with Israel

US/Israel Intel. Agreement

NSA Backdoor in Crypto Specs

Apple iPhone--Big Brother Dream

Australia's For Profit Private Prison System Soaring

Brics to set up a $100 billion fund to weather currency storms

95pc mortgages 'not weapons of mass destruction', Chancellor George Osborne says
George Osborne insists large home loans are part of a "healthy market" and "aspirational society".

A Science-Based Rebuttal to Global Warming Alarmism

EU Financial Tax Illegal

Sept. 10, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2013:
Simple and Sad, Kill "Cos They're Bad":
""What is Truth", asked Pontius Pilate,
Same Old Question in Wars of the Pirate,
For Behind Lies for Using the Boot
Is Predetermination to Share the Loot,
Out Comes Morality Justifying Slaughter,
Bayoneting Babies, the Raping of Daughter,
War Propaganda's Simple, Stirs Emotion,
Reason Disintegrates, Gradual Erosion
Of Logic, Memory, Repetitive Cons,
Governments the Pimps, Public the Johns"
© Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2013

Authoritarian System - Public Relations, News Handouts - G20 and Personal Energy Taxes - Cold War and Nuclear Threat - RIIA/CFR - Debt and Slavery - Non-Linear Thinking - AIPAC to Step-up Lobbying US to Go to War With Syria - Leading Rabbis Urge Congress to Back Obama on Striking Syria - "Wag the Dog" movie and War Propaganda - Looting of Iraq Museum, Plunder of Oil Fields - Chemical Weapons and Testing - Creation of Boer War - Networking Political Groups - Transgender Push - The West Dethroned - Collective "Well-Being" to Replace GDP - State-Appointed Guardians - US Military Tracking GM Protesters - Poland Plunders Pensions - Rigged System.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

AIPAC to Step-up Lobbying US to Go to War With Syria

Leading Rabbis Urge Congress to Back Obama on Striking Syria

US---"No Imminent Threat from Syria"

Rep. Amash on Syria

Big Deal!---Woman Gives Birth to Baby (Transgender etc.)

The West Dethroned

The US Government's Rogues Gallery

Improper-Gander on Collective Well-Being

Tracking GM Protesters

The Plundering of Poland

More Integration for Globalization
G20 to share tax information by 2015

Sept. 5, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2013:
Dead Loss if You Don't Know Who's Boss:
"The Global Dominance Agenda seems Insane
And the U.S. is Set to Take the Blame,
Yet Internationalists Who Own the Nations,
Extremely Wealthy in Money Occupations,
Have used Countries before, Set on Fire
Revolutions Promising the Heart's Desire
Of Freedom, Equality, Liberty, the Con,
They Bind All with a Financial Thong
Of Slavery, Class, Privileges and Debt,
Privatize Government Departments and Yet
While Stomping Naive into the Mud
They Use Military for the Letting of Blood,
This Huge Agenda Requires Sacrifice,
For War is Peace and Other Orwellian Lies"
© Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2013

Living through a Script - Century of Change - Integration of the Americas - General Wesley Clark, Planned Wars - US Military Worldwide - AIPAC Supports US Strike in Syria - Israeli Policy Statement on Syria - New York Times Self-Censorship - Power of Lobby Groups - Libya - Greater Israel Plan - Exportation of "Progressive" Literature - Israel Missile Test - The Silent Majority - John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich, "Science Diplomacy", Population Control - Mass Immigration - Forced Abortion and Sterilization - Nations "Obsolete" - Global System - Plunder of Pensions - Austerity - Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials and Side Effects - Natural Capital, Green Banks.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 5, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

General Wesley Clark----'US will Attack 7 Countries in 5 Years'

The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told

AIPAC Supports US Strike in Syria

AIPAC, J Street back separate letters to Obama

AIPAC on US -Syria

AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Israeli policy statement supports Obama on Syria (Sept. 5, 2013, Times of Israel)

New York Times 'airbrushes details of hawkish Israeli stance' on Syria after AIPAC press (Sept. 4, 2013, Int'l Business Times, UK)

How White House push to Jews spurred shift on Syria (Sept. 4, 2013, Jewish Daily Forward)

The Case Against Syria

The Destruction of Libya

Obama to step on Hitler's path?

Greater Israel Plan

Russian children get gay love books from the West

Israel Missile Test

Holdren Pushing for Population Control

Pandemic of pension woes is plaguing the nation

Pharma Company Wants to Block Access to Clinical Trial Data of One of Their Drugs

Nature Capital Declaration

Valuation of "Natural Capital" for Agenda 21

Can the World Banks' Green Bonds Become a Scalable Climate Solution?

Sept. 4, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 4, 2013:
Here's Your Views, Courtesy Nightly News:
"Mainstream Propaganda Always Delivers
Bewildering Arrays of Smoke and Mirrors,
Managing the Herd's Done with Devotion
With Impact Shots Triggering Emotion,
Mobilizing the Public to Join and Act,
Careful Sequencing of Fiction and Fact,
The Latter Stretched to Incredulity
By P.R. Think-Tanks' Ingenuity,
The Tyrannical System's Praised as Bliss,
Portraying Itself as the Best There Is"
© Alan Watt Sept. 4, 2013

The Young Targeted for Wars - Group Loyalty - Video Games and Comics---Military Propaganda Targets Children - Zbigniew Brzezinski, Global Governance, Middle East Strategy - Syrian Rebels Financed by the West - Club of Rome, Authoritarian Systems - EU, Speed Limiters on Cars - New Device Uses Your Heartbeat as ID - Obamacare Subsidies - Test Bed of Scotland, Behaviour Modification - National Health Service Database - Porn in Parliament - US Defends White Phosphorous on Iraq - Tony Blair - No Syrian War to Save Obama's Face - Facial Scanning - The New Freedom - Authorization of Military Force on Syria - Looking at the Negative - Corporate Wars.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 4, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Video Games and Comics---Military Propaganda Targets Children

Video: "Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!"

Brzezinski on Political Awakening Making War Difficult

Big Brother is watching: European Union looks to speed limiters to make roads safer

New Device Uses Your Heartbeat as ID

Obama hides Obamacare subsidies for foreign students, guest workers

Government and Behaviour Modification

NHS National Medical Record Database

Porn in Parliament

US Defends White Phosphorous on Iraq

Tony Blair greeted with protests in Thailand over accusations he was due to be paid £400,000 to talk

No Syrian War to Save Obama's Face

Meet the DHS BOSS

Lawfare on Obama and Syria

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac delaying write-offs of delinquent mortgages

Labour Participation at 34 Year Low

Former JP Morgan Trader Arrested in Spain

Monsanto wants Total Control

Sept. 3, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2013:
Propaganda Makes You Think You're Failing,
It Prepares the Mind, has You in Training:

"Propaganda is Racing, Fast and Furious,
To Net Followers or Mildly Curious,
It's Set in Sequence for Every Stage,
The Century of Change Creates the New Age
Which Uses Crises for Obeying Authority
So Special Agencies can Rule Majority,
Club of Rome States Democracies too Slow
To Predict/Prevent Crises as We Go
Spinning through Cosmos, Terribly Scary,
Catastrophes Happen to All the Unwary,
So Specialist Authorities Must have Power,
They'll See Farther from Their High Tower,
Those Below Should Simply Do and Obey,
Don't Think Much, Just Work and Play"
© Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2013

History Down the Memory Hole - RIIA/CFR and Members in Government - Indoctrination through News and Entertainment - Human Interest Stories, Conditioned Reactions - Propaganda Formulas - Standardized Media - Simplistic Propaganda - Scam of Money Creation - Crowd and Individual Psychology - Predictable Behaviour - Benjamin Franklin - Fast-Talking Tent Preachers - "Progressive" System - Incremental Changes - Star Creation Machine, Frank Sinatra - Obama and Declaration of War - Point-by-Point Rebuttal of US Case for War on Syria - Iraq, Fuzzy Photographs for War - Who Benefits? - Banks Plan Valuation of "Natural Capital" - US Black Budget.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Point-by-Point Rebuttal of US Case for War on Syria

Obama on Syria--"If at First You Don't Succeed"

Lawfare on Obama and Syria

Israel to Obama, "Assad Will Disappear One Way or Another"

Valuation of "Natural Capital" for Agenda 21

Snowden---'US $52.6 Billion a Year Black Budget Spy Programs'

Aug. 29, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 29, 2013:
A Peek at Technique:
"There's Really No Need to Speculate
As to Why Societies become Degenerate,
The Technique was Used in Ancient Days
By Troubadours Portraying Various Plays,
It Works Simply, Monkey See, Monkey Do,
Then Those with Wisdom Dominate You,
When Years of Conquer Planned Ahead,
Plays Elevate Nobility of Military Dead,
Then Slaughter, Rape and Things Gory
Are Turned by Ceremony into Glory,
Peace Returns, Nothing's Left to Fate,
Easier to Dominate a People Degenerate"
© Alan Watt Aug. 29, 2013

Art of Conology - Money System - War Agenda, RIIA/CFR - Facts Don't Matter in Planned Wars - US, Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within Last 10yrs. - Rebels Used Gas on Syrians - Weaponized Television - Hypersexualization - Dysfunctional Society - Las Vegas Nightclub Pushing Sexual Envelope - Rigged Financial Markets - Emerging Economies - World Standardization - San Bernardino Bankruptcy - Brain-Computer Interfaces and Mind Control - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" - Degeneration of Language - World Seed Arks.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 29, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

US, Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within Last 10yrs.

UN---Rebels Used Gas on Syrians

Pushing Sexual Envelope

Emerging market funds sinking like it's 1998

The rupee is where? Currency collapse confounds India Inc

San Bernardino bankruptcy gets green light

Scientist sent a brain signal via the internet to control hand of colleague
This is the first ever demonstration of human-to-human brain interface
The technology could be used to help those with illnesses communicate wish for food, but some have raised ethical concerns

Mind Control

UK--Miliband Against War on Syria

First the Seed Bank Now the Sperm Bank

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac delaying write-offs of delinquent mortgages

Aug. 28, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 28, 2013:
Goebbels' Dream, Cass Sunstein (et al):
"Cass Sunstein, Sadly Not One of a Kind,
Works for Government On Changing Your Mind,
When Things don't Add Up and You Suspect
Government Games then Sunstein'll Correct
Your Conclusions, Even Put You to Shame,
Fancy Imagining the Government's to Blame
For Ongoing Wars and Stealing Resources,
Next You'll Blame Obama for Causing Divorces,
All First-World Nations have Psych Teams,
Behaviourists, Neuroscientists, Goebbels' Dreams,
You See, Poor Epistemology Brings Confusions,
So Hail Sunstein for State-Authorized Conclusions"
© Alan Watt Aug. 28, 2013

Constant Propaganda - Everyone Must be Predictable - People Living in a Bubble - System of "Democracy" - Global Private Organizations - US and Israel's Wars - US Planned to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame it on Assad Regime - Rothschild and Murdoch, Oil and Gas Drilling in Occupied Golan Heights - PNAC and Foundation for Defense of Democracies - Cass Sunstein, Infiltration of "Conspiracy" Groups, Healthcare Rationing, Presumed Consent for Organ Donations - Obamacare Lobbyists Profit from the Bill - UK Privatization of Water - Monsanto - Opinion Creators.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 28, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

US Planned to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame it on Assad Regime

Lord Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch's IDT Oil and Gas Co. Drilling in Golan Heights

& More on Above

US and Israel's Wars

Cass Sunstein

--Conspiracy Theories

--Lives, Life-Years, and Willingness to Pay

Obamacare Lobbyists Profit from the Bill

& More on Above

Hedge Funds Are Dumping Monsanto Company

Aug. 27, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 27, 2013:
Formulaic Magic's Aftermath is Tragic:
"Facts don't Matter When War's On the Table,
Bad Excuses are Used as Propaganda Fables,
Nations were Marked Long Ago for Destruction,
Infrastructures Destroyed, Chaotic Dysfunction,
All Democracies Lie but Tyrannies are Worse,
Defying All Logic, They Build Up the Curse,
Then Conjure the Evidence, Generally Planted,
To Sway Public Opinion to Accept War as Granted,
Hell is Manifested by Masters in Perception
Which They Distort, Repeating Lies of Deception,
When the World is Conquered, Known by a Few,
The Killing Machine is Turned On Me and You"
© Alan Watt Aug. 27, 2013

Transhumanism, Gender Bending - Middle East War Agenda - Orwell's 1984 - Project for the New American Century - Rebuilding America's Defenses - Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq - Pre-Emptive Attack Strategy, Preventative War - Establishing "Democracy" - Richard Perle, Total War - Global Empire - SASSA Satellite Launch - Weather Modification, Use of Lasers - BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre' - The New Freedom - British Agents Supervised Destruction of Guardian's Hard Drives - Fukushima Radiation and Thyroid Cancer - Fracking for Uranium - Drastic Population Reduction - Funeral Homes and Scams.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 27, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Rebuilding America's Defenses (pdf of 90 page report)

Rebuilding America's defenses (summary)

Crisis in Syria---All Roads Lead to Tehran

Nato members could act against Syria without UN mandate

US Planned to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame it on Assad Regime

SASSA, the Military's New Satellite Self-Defense System, is Ready to Go to Space

Scientists are attempting to control the weather by using lasers to create clouds, induce rain and even trigger lightning.

BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre'

British Agents Supervised Destruction of Guardian's Hard Drives

Global Cooling

Juvenile Thyroid Cancer and Fukushima

Energy's Latest Battleground: Fracking For Uranium

Funeral Homes and Scams

Aug. 22, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 22, 2013:
Is it Bad to be Mad?
"Standardization of the World is Ongoing,
Causing Cracks in Sanity, News is Showing,
Diverting Attention from Nations at Slaughter
To Little Boys Wishing to Be Called Daughter,
"It's Everyone's Right to Be What They Wish",
Roars Media Which Exploits Miss Dainty Dish,
Or Little Person Demanding to Be Called Giant
Requires Adjusting Brain, Usually Reliant,
And the Best of All This Supposed "Equality"
Reduces Most of Us to Equal Poverty"
© Alan Watt Aug. 22, 2013

One Continuing Agenda - Public Trained Not to Think for Themselves - Winners and Losers - Emotive News - Total Surveillance Society, Personality Profiles - Facebook and Zuckerberg's New Sales Pitch - "Philanthropists" Running the World's Affairs - Amalgamation of Countries under Free Trade - Con of Left and Right - RSPCA Accessing Criminal Records Databases - Propaganda through Fiction - Extortion - Haiti Reconstruction, Aid Money for NGOs and Corporations - License Suspension for Unpaid Taxes - System of Privileges - Money will Fix Everything - Default Positions on Voting.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 22, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Zuckerberg's New Sales Pitch

NAFTA on Steroids: The TransPacific Partnership and Global Neoliberalism

RSPCA drills into cops' databases, harvests private info.

Haiti Reconstruction = Sweat Shops

The IRS is cracking down on small businesses

Behind on your taxes? You may lose your driver's license

Aug. 21, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 21, 2013:
Hypocrisy of Democracy:
"Oh Please Rest in Peace, Democracy,
A Good Con Born in Cunning Hypocrisy,
By an Old Elite Who Already Ruled
And Now has the Entire World Fooled,
It Stopped Generations from Rebelling,
when Democracy became Foul-Smelling,
Every Few Years They'd Vote Out the Old
For a New Bunch with Vigour, Bold,
Who have Promises for Every Faction,
Intending to Fulfil Nary a Fraction,
For Only One Agenda Rules Them All
And Every Politico Knows to Play Ball,
Jumping to the Elites' Opinions,
Those with No Power Called the Minions"
© Alan Watt Aug. 21, 2013

Planned Future - PNAC and War List - RIIA/CFR and Private Organizations - Creation of World Wars - Merger of Communism and Capitalism - Public-Private Partnerships - Feudalism - Authoritarian System - Transgenderism - Creation of New Types of Humans - Con of Climate Change - Devastated Countries in Middle East - False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack - Iraq Death Toll - Moto X Phone is Listening Device - Airport "High Alert" for Implants - Court-Ordered Sterilization - Canada, Penny Stock Fraud - Carbon Capture and Taxes - Cattle Rustling on the Rise - Europe's New Refugees.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 21, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Climate Change

False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

Iraq death toll 'tops 1,000' in July, highest in years.

Mortgage Activity Plunges 50% To April 2011 Levels

Moto X Phone is Listening Device

Body Cavity Searches, Now Breast Feelies

High Court judge makes legal history after sanctioning sterilisation of a disabled man, 36, because it is in his 'best interests'

$100-Million Penny Stock Fraud

Carbon Capture And Storage: Global Warming Panacea, Or Fossil Fuel Pipe Dream?

Cattle Theft on The Rise in Texas, Despite Tougher Penalties

Europe's New Refugees

Aug. 20, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 20, 2013:
From a Tiny Seed to International Corporate Greed:
"We're Witness to Changes in All National Laws
Enabling Public-Private Partnerships, Corporate Wars,
These Massive Corporations have No Moral Clause,
Eyeing Nations' Resources On Which to Get Their Paws,
Never Been a Time for Such Organized Plunder,
Years of Preparation Go into Ripping Nations Asunder,
All Under the Guise of a Vague War on Terror,
War of Terror's More Accurate, We're In It Together"
© Alan Watt Aug. 20, 2013

Obsolete "Useless Eaters" - Falling Fertility - Privatization of Government and Institutions - Taxes on Air and Sunlight - Corporate Wars - Gulf War One, Iraq, Kuwait and Oil Drilling - NGOs and Overthrows of Governments - 21st Century of Change - Immunity to Neo-Cons for Iraq War - Vaccine Contracts - Cervarix and Side Effects - Tottenham Riots - Flashmobs - Black Budgets - EU Fish Sanctions on Iceland and Faroe Islands - Fishing Treaties - Detroit Bankruptcy - Museums Looted in Iraq and Egypt - TransPacific Partnership, Free Trade and Globalization - NY Mayor Bloomberg, Fingerprinting Public Housing Residents - Death Chips for Drone Targeting.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 20, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Dept. of Justice Asks Court to Grant Immunity to Neo-Cons for Iraq War

& PDF on Above

My Daughter, Cervarix and ME/CFS: Coincidence?

Mayor under fire after claiming riots were 'best thing to happen to Tottenham in a while'

Feds give millions in contracts to firms owned by fictitious people

Iceland and Faroe Islands make demands over EU fish sanction stance

UPDATE 2-EU bans imports of herring, mackerel from Faroe Islands

Creditors file objections to Detroit's bankruptcy

Egypt Looted of 1,000 Artifacts

NAFTA on Steroids: The TransPacific Partnership and Global Neoliberalism

Bloomberg Wants Fingerprinting for Public Housing Residents

Death Chips for Drone Targeting

& More on Above

Aug. 16, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 16, 2013:
Elite's Dedication, To Bring In The Deviant Creation:
"Reality Smog's Thick, Establishment's Peddling
So Much Daily Propaganda, it's Overwhelming,
Perpetual War on Terror, Continuous Foreign War,
Yet Not a Single Elite Explains What it's For,
New Cultural Norms Pushed from Top Down,
The Best Economic 'Experts' Sound like Clowns,
Joblessness, Debt, Chaos Seems to Confuse,
Yet All Experts Do is Prattle and Muse,
This Milieu is Managed, Known to a Few
To Destroy All that Was to Bring in the New"
© Alan Watt Aug. 16, 2013

Tiered System, Inner and Outer Party, CFR/RIIA - Darwinism - Plans for Next Fifty Years - Standardized Opinions - State of Panic - Wars in the Middle East, Plunder by Corporations - Governments Funding Terrorists, Black Budgets - Gov. Contracts to Fictitious People - "New World Order" - Food Used as a Weapon - Farm Wages Bill - UK Parliament Cafeteria - Cannibal Killer Luka Magnotta and Fan Site - US Aid to Egypt - 50 Shades of Grey----Expose by Judith Reisman - Sexual Predators and Abuse - Cultural Destruction - Israel and Land.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 16, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Britain's foreign aid has fallen into hands of al-Qaeda, DfiD admits
Almost half a million pounds of British taxpayer-funded aid and equipment has fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda, the Department for International Development has admitted.

UK Government Aid "Seized by Al Shabab"
How Gov. Funds Terrorists

Feds give millions in contracts to firms owned by fictitious people

Farm wages bill blocked by UK Attorney General

Parliament food and drink costs taxpayers £7m

Cannibal killer Luka Magnotta sets up special fan site so admirers can send him letters in jail cell as he awaits trial for dismembering and eating his lover

Senate kills Rand Paul attempt to cut Egypt aid

As Egypt Burns

Does Egypt's latest massacre mark the start of a civil war?
At the very least, any sort of peaceful political reconciliation seems like a pipe dream

The Death of the U.S.-Egypt Alliance

50 Shades of Grey----Expose by Judith Reisman

Israel and Land

Aug. 15, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 15, 2013:
Goodness Me, the Future ain't What it Used to Be:
"Democracies Lined Up for Next Great Shift
Into Austerity and Poverty as the Great Rift
Between Rulers and Ruled becomes More Wide,
Like Two Separate Species Across Great Divide,
It's the Eugenicists' Dream as "Fittest" Go On
Into Less Crowded Future, Their Golden Dawn,
Without "Obsolete", Labouring "Useless Eaters",
Who're Replaced by Robots, No Bottom Feeders,
Until Then the Populations to Suffer Austerity
With Financial Cutbacks of Unceasing Severity,
Fertility, Fecundity is Steadily Decreasing,
Tampering with Food, Drugs is Never Ceasing,
Militarized Police are Readied for Unrest,
Serving Their Masters, the "Aristocratic Best""
© Alan Watt Aug. 15, 2013

Global Conquest - Bankers' System - Long-Term World Plans - Indoctrination through Entertainment - Psychopaths at the Top - Winners and Losers, Philosophy of Elitism - Militarization of Police - Vague Term of "Terrorism" - US Federal Debt and Compound Interest - Consumerism - Wellness Programs - UK Wages Declining - Energy Market Manipulation - Feudalism in Scotland - Carbon Sinks - Wi-Fi Tracking - Recycling Bins Track You - Oliver Stone on Obama - Speeding Ticket Cameras - Water Fluoridation - Socialist System - Forced Home Inspections - New Computer Allows Communication with Man in "Vegetative State".
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 15, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

New Hampshire Wants a Tank

US Debt Six Times Greater than Declared

Wages in the UK have seen one of the largest falls in the European Union during the economic downturn, according to official figures.

JP Morgan Accused of Manipulating Energy Markets

Imagine a feudal country where 432 families own half the land. Welcome to Scotland

Wi-Fi Signals Follow Humans

Scotland's Population Climbs Due to Immigration

Recycling Bins Track You

Oliver Stone on Obama

A Speeding Ticket Camera Company Is Doctoring Evidence Photos

Israel Bans Water Fluoridation

Israel's everyday racism - and how American Jews turn a blind eye to it


US---Forced Home Inspections

--Home visit programs

--Home Visiting

--Evidence-based home visiting

New Computer Allows Communication with Man in "Vegetative State"

Aug. 14, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 14, 2013:
The New You Will Be Fine,
Give Nudging Some Time:

"Propaganda says Governments are Caring, Kind,
They Employ Specialists to Work on Your Mind,
Psychological Warfare, Behavioural Insights Team,
The Latter Sounds Better, the Former's a Scream,
They Work on Schoolchildren, Adolescents, Adults,
Using Lectures, Entertainment, Gov. Run Cults,
Focus Groups, Experiments of Every Variety,
Behaviour Modification is Forced Upon Society,
Old Normals are Out, New Normals are In,
Government Promoted, Nothing's a Sin,
Yet the Fool on the Hill, Hermit High in a Cave,
Shake Heads as "New Freedom" Creates Perfect Slave"
© Alan Watt Aug. 14, 2013

Austerity, Post-Consumer Society - Totalitarian System - Creation of China as Industrial Giant - NGOs Lobbying Government - Predictive Programming - Con of Kinsey Studies - B.F. Skinner - Behaviour Modification, "Nudges", Coercion - UK Psychological Warfare Team - Royal Society - Communist Professors - Destruction of Families - H.G. Wells - Promotion of Promiscuity - Armand Hammer - College Hook-Up Culture - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World - SWAT Raid on Organic Co-op - US-Canada Cross-Border Policing Agreement, Integration.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 14, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Dr. Judith Reisman---Truth on Porn, Kinsey Institute etc.

Dr. Judith Reisman Videos

UK Psychological Warfare Team

Hook-Up Culture

Audio - Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962, at Berkeley University
The Speech
(MP3 - Listen / Download)

Question and Answer Session (MP3 - Listen / Download)

SWAT Team Raid Sustainable Organic Co-Op For Drugs, Find None, Force Them To Mow Their Lawn

U.S. expects immunity for its cops working in new cross-border policing program

Aug. 13, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 13, 2013:
Power's Temptation to Push Indoctrination:
"In-Doctrine-Nation is for the Nation,
Propaganda is Followed by Legislation,
It's Often Emotive, Affects the Moods,
Forcing Changes in Masses' Attitudes,
From Middle-Class to Lowly Minions,
Few Question Their Arrival at Opinions,
Old Ideas Ridiculed, Rejected, Forlorn,
The New Sanctioned to Become Uniform,
Backed by Experts, Famous and Respected,
And Politicos People Think They Elected"
© Alan Watt Aug. 13, 2013

Planned Society, Eugenics, Sterilization - Youth Used for Big Agendas - Cycles of Politics - Rulers of the World, Parallel Government, Technocrats - Jacques Ellul on Propaganda - Cluster Groups - Basic Education/Indoctrination - Standardized Opinion through Media - Identification with Characters in Movies - Pentagon working with Hollywood - Changed Format of News - Britain, Mass Surveillance, Internet Censorship of "Violent Content" - Blocked Websites - Dysfunctional Society - U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans - Cultural Changes from the Top Down - Theft of the Mind.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 13, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

British Wi-Fi Censorship Blocks Hamlet

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

Aug. 12, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 12, 2013:
Celebrities' Staged Opinions Adopted by the Minions:
"How Do You React When the Majority Present
Politically Correct Updates, Manufacturing Consent?
It's a Sad but True Occurrence, Changing Opinions,
Authorized from On High, Adopted by the Minions,
Works Best When Initiated by Scientist or Celebrity,
The More Famous the Better, for Gender or Diversity,
Part of the Ongoing War of Cultural Revolutions
Dreamed Up in Think-Tanks Employed by Institutions,
All Part of the Great Work, Destruction of the Past,
Cultures which Opposed Tyranny Dysfunctional at Last"
© Alan Watt Aug. 12, 2013

Culture Industry - Cultural Revolutions - Destruction of All That Was - Private Organizations Run the World - Lifelong Bureaucrats - Government Manipulating Statistics, Covering Up Fraud - Bankers' System - Vaccine Prices Rise - Flood of Asylum Requests at US Border - Future Projections of America - Face Recognition Searches Pose Privacy Risk - Perpetual Children in Socialism - US Executive Order on Firearms and Ammo - NSA and Total Surveillance - Increasing Size of Police Forces - US Military Surplus Sent to Small Towns - Club of Rome, Global Matrix of Manufactured Consent.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 12, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

When Bad Government Policy Leads to Bad Results---Manipulate the Data

--The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades

--Senior Moody's Executives: There's a Culture of Covering Up Improper Ratings

--Scandal at Treasury: Official Quits Amidst Fraud Scandal

--The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Vaccine prices increased 2,700% in the last decade

Flood of Asylum Requests at US Border

Face Recognition Searches Pose Privacy Risk

Obama Quietly Signs Firearm and Ammo Killswitch

& More on Above

NSA is Turning Internet into a Total Surveillance State

Are Police in America Now an Occupying Force?

Military Giveaways to Small Town USA

Manufactured Consent

Aug. 9, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 9, 2013:
Bye-Bye American Pie,
Pattern of History Doesn't Lie:

"U.S. is Falling, Following British Formula,
Disguised by Political, Rhetorical Metanoia,
As World "Policeman" or Empire Expander
It Dominates More Nations than Alexander,
But Now, Like Britain, it's Swamped with Debt,
Mass Immigration, Welfare, Ongoing, Yet
There's Still More Nations it Wants to Fight,
While U.S. Citizens are Taking Flight,
Seeing the Writing On the Wall,
Knowing Corruption Prompts Empires' Fall,
Plus Police State to Stop the Unravelling
Of Social Order by Those Unable for Travelling,
Fraudulent Banksters Demanding Mountains of Flesh
From Wheat and Tares Readying for the Thresh"
© Alan Watt Aug. 9, 2013

Soviet EU - Collapse of Countries - Service Economies in the West - Lifelong Indoctrination, Brainwashing - Tyrants in Uniforms - C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters - Signs of Third World, Copper Theft Epidemic in US - Austerity - Culture Industry and Radical Change - Destruction of All That Was - Weaponized Entertainment - New Reality Show Promotes Swingers and Orgies - Birth Increase in Britain - Encrypted Email Services Shut Down - Healthcare Fraud, Misdiagnosis, Unnecessary Treatments - US FATCA Law - Americans Giving Up Passports - Costa Rica and Cocaine.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 9, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Copper Theft Epidemic in US

New Reality Show Promotes Swingers and Orgies

Birth Increase in Britain

Scotland's Population Climbs Due to Immigration

Encrypted Email Service Used by Snowden Closes

Medical Mafia and Cancer Treatment

Americans Giving Up Passports

Costa Rica and Cocaine

Aug. 8, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 8, 2013:
Can't Complain with a Hybridized Brain:
"The News Today's Always So Very Depressing,
It Seems the Public Keep Losing, Distressing,
Big Corporations, Big Governments Work Together
Using Taxpayers' Money, They do Feather
The Scientific Sector's Pockets for Grand Design,
On Amalgamation of Nations, World Gov. in Time
With a Reduced Population of Perfect Workers,
Genetically Altered, No Work Shirkers,
Governments as Marx said Will Fade Away,
Happy, Content Hybrids'll have Nothing to Say"
© Alan Watt Aug. 8, 2013

Middle East War List - Scripted World - Dehumanization and Cultural Degradation - Public Adaptation to Changes - Colour Revolutionaries - Egypt, Armed "Jihadists" - Saudi Arabia Attempts to Bribe Putin over Syria - Psychopathic Politicians - Man who Shot his Family to Death to Teach as Psychology Professor - Privatization of Public Institutions - NHS, Ambulance Staff Sleeping in Tents - Samantha Power - Children Contracting Polio from Vaccine - Power of Monsanto and Big Food Monopolies - Elimination of Free-Range Hens - Lawmakers' Immunity to Traffic and Parking Tickets - Israel Sharing Sequester Cuts with US - Agenda 21, Movement from Suburbs into Cities.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Egypt claims jihadists fired US Hellfire missile at government office

Saudi Arabia Attempts to Bribe Putin over Syria

Man who Shot his Family to Death to Teach as Psychology Professor

Problems with NHS Private Contractors

Samantha Power Pushes U.N.

Polio victims' families agree to S/. 1 million settlement

Mumbai child becomes fourth Indian to get polio from vaccine

Power of Monsanto and Big Food Monopolies

Lawmakers Issued License Plates That Make Them 'Invisible' To Traffic Cams And Parking Tickets.

Israel Sharing Sequester Cuts with US

Is this the end of the American dream?

Homeland Security Has New Headquarters in Old Mental Hospital

Aug. 7, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 7, 2013:
World Corps' Magic Creates The Tragic Nomadic:
"The Culture Industry is a Potent Tool
For Directing the Future, It can Fool
Youth Especially into Vehicle for Change,
Fits Elites' Plan to Order and Rearrange
Societies' New Normals, Lower Expectations,
Accepting Authoritarianism Across Nations,
Trained in Synch for the New Social Order,
Ending Sovereignty, Scrubbing Each Border,
Vast Labour Forces Now are Nation-Hopping
As Corporations Rise then Go Down Flopping
Or Else Move Where Business Cost is Cheap,
The Masses Accept this without a Peep,
Blatant Corporate Mockery of Democracy,
Paid-Off Politicos, Full of Hypocrisy"
© Alan Watt Aug. 7, 2013

Mass Management - Long-Term Planned Changes, Radical Alteration of Society - Creation of Promiscuity - Gov. Talking Directly Down to You - Aspen Ideas Festival, National Service, Multiculturalism - Culture from the Top Down - National Terror Response Training Exercise - Global Smart Grid - Falling Wages in U.S. - Built-in Inflation - China Cashes In on Bankrupt Detroit - Free Trade Zones - More 'Young Adults' Living with Their Parents - Police Raid over TV Remote Control - New Normals - Eminent Domain and Underwater Cities - Real Estate Racket - China, Industrial Espionage, Bribes - European Bank Bail-ins.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 7, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Aspen Ideas Festival

Indiana at center of national terror response training exercise

Vibrant Response tests chemical biological radiological and nuclear units

Smart Grid Advancement Act---US

40 Percent Of U.S. Workers Make Less Than What A Full-Time Minimum Wage Worker Made In 1968

China Cashes In on Bankrupt Detroit

Record 21 Million 'Young Adults' Now Live With Their Parents

Police State Tactics

Eminent Domain and Underwater Cities

Industrial Espionage

European insolvent banks: the Council opts for bail-in 2.0

Swiss regulator backs bank bail-ins before government rescues

Aug. 6, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 6, 2013:
Distress by "Progress":
"There's a War on Everyone, A War on the Mind,
A Group Wishes to Control Life of Every Kind,
They Dream of Mastering Atoms and DNA,
Matter and Anti-Matter, Protoplasm and Clay,
They Wish Immortality Only for Themselves,
Served by Humanoids from Off the Shelves,
The Plan is Called Progress, It's Been Around
Before Stonehenge was Set Up to Astound
And Push the Simple into Blind Servitude
To Foreign Priests Dressed in Cloak and Hood"
© Alan Watt Aug. 6, 2013

Banks Fleecing Nations - Rigged System - Royal Institute of International Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations - G20 and Cyprus Model of Bail-Ins - Detroit, Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks - Christie's to Appraise Detroit Museum - Free Trade, GATT and WTO - Plan for Austerity - War on Terror, Perpetual War - NSA Surveillance Program - Training to be "Good" Citizens - Radical Changes - Social Indoctrination - Scotland, GIRFEC, Government-Appointed Snoopers for Every Child - State Intrusion into Homes - NASA, Global Dimming and Chemtrails.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 6, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks

Detroit "Bail-Ins"

Christie's to appraise Detroit museum collection amid bankruptcy

China Cashes In on Bankrupt Detroit

NSA Chief Admits "We've Only Foiled One Terror Plot" (and that one was bogus)

Scotland---Warnings of GIRFEC

NASA ----"Contrail Watching for Kids"

Aug. 5, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 5, 2013:
Ruling Majority by Pure Authority:
"Living Through these Changes is Climactic,
Training Populace to Accept We're Post-Democratic,
Where We Should Leave Governance to Our "Betters",
A Scientific Elite and CEOs, Men of Letters,
With Democracy, the People are an Impediment,
Refusing Policies Designed for Their Betterment,
Marches on Government are Juvenile, Unnerving,
Protesters Think Civil Servants should Serve Them,
The War On Terror has Given Right of Authority
To Override Democracy, Paining the Majority,
We Knew it was Coming, We Could Sense It,
If Not for 9/11, They'd have to Invent It"
© Alan Watt Aug. 5, 2013

Elite Contingency Planning for the Future - Training into Authoritarian System - FBI using Malware to Spy on Suspects - Telecoms, BT and Vodafone Sending Data to GCHQ - Legal Consent by Silence - "Terror" Alert - More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Corporate Welfare for Research and Development - "Burden" of Pensions - National Diversity Data Map - Tax-Free NSA Data Center - Serco Contract for Medicare and Medicaid - Maryland, Tax on Rain Falling on Properties - US Visas for Same-Gender Couples - Dollars to Diplomats - Benghazi Attack - China and One-Child Policy - Polio Vaccine - Australia, Carbon Capture - Bedroom Tax.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 5, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

FBI using Malware

S.O.D.---Program to Use Against All Citizens

How DEA program differs from recent NSA revelations

BT and Vodafone among telecoms companies passing details to GCHQ.

The Cozy Relationship Between GCHQ and Telecom Companies

Senator says terror intelligence 'chatter is like what we saw before 9/11' as 21 embassies close across the Muslim world

US Closes Embassies

More Corporate Welfare Demanded by Scientists

Pandemic of pension woes is plaguing the nation

O'Reilly: Bet you didn't know you live in a racist community

Utah moving to exempt NSA Data Center from tax
Electricity - Jon Huntsman once vowed not to raise the facility's rates for six years.

Serco Awarded $1.2 Billion Center for Medicare and Medicaid Contract Supporting Health Benefit Exchanges

Maryland Governor Taxes Rain Falling on Properties

Kerry Announces Visas for Same-Sex Couples

FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects
Law-Enforcement Officials Expand Use of Tools Such as Spyware as People Under Investigation 'Go Dark,' Evading Wiretaps

FBI expands suspect-surveillance programs to include new personal computer and phone hacking techniques

Dollars to diplomats: How to become an ambassador in a plush foreign outpost

Coldest Arctic Summers all Occurred in Past 5 Years

Revealed: CIA had 21 agents on the ground during Benghazi attack and mounted 'unprecedented attempt' to keep what was going on underwraps'

China Is Ending Its "One-Child Policy"

CDC has Simian 40 Virus Polio Vaccine Admission Article Pulled

Carbon capture & storage plans have angered SW locals

More on UK Bedroom Tax

Aug. 2, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 2, 2013:
Prostitute Politicians Con, The Voter's the John:
"There's an Optimist Centre within the Brain,
Helps Avoid the Unpleasant and Associated Pain,
When Things Get Worse, You Live in Hope,
Believe Politicians' Lies, Go Out and Vote,
Government Controls by Playing on Every Fear,
Economic, Poverty, Wars, Year-After-Year,
Creates a System Making Itself Indispensable,
Which is Never Questioned, Though Indefensible,
You Vote Old Party Out because They're Liars,
Vote the New In because Hope Always Aspires
To See Utopia, the Earthly Promised Land,
A Vision from Politicos, Castles Made of Sand"
© Alan Watt Aug. 2, 2013

Perfect Indoctrination - National Healthcare in Britain and US - Welfare State - Obamacare, Employer Mandate, Financial Penalties, Government-Run Single Payer System - Denial of Medical Treatment to the Elderly - Redefinition of Cancer - A.M.A. and Big Pharma - Surveillance of Internet Searches - Global Vaccine Action Plan - Making Markets for Vaccines - Retail Stores Tracking You - "Bail-ins" to Rob Depositors - Australia, Levy on Bank Deposits - Privatization of Post Office - Green Energy Scams, Battery Systems.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 2, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Obamacare---Stepping Stones to Single Payer Health Care

Redefining Cancer in Time for Obamacare

Proof NSA and Google Spy on You

& More on Above

A Decade of Vaccines Collaboration

"AdvanceMarkets"--long term procurement contracts for vaccines

Retail Stores Tracking You

Australia Banks to Tax Accounts

Bill to revamp U.S. post office set to advance

UK Taxpayer to Foot Bill for Private Companies Working on Big Batteries

Aug. 1, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 1, 2013:
Planned Crises by Masters of Vices:
"We're Moving Rapidly Down the Road to Hell,
Planned Crisis After Crisis is Working Well,
We Live Through a Private Big Business Plan,
Disguised by Politics and Media by Flim-Flam,
Before You Dismiss this News too Quickly,
Read Articles, Books by Professor Quigley
Who was the Historian of the C.F.R.,
Branch of the R.I.I.A. which Plans Future Far
Through Centuries with Myriads of Think-Tanks,
Organization Set Up by World's Biggest Banks,
Shaping the Future, Revolutions in Cultures,
Amalgamating Nations, Circling Like Vultures,
Ensuring Rulership Passed to Son, Daughter,
Advancing and Profiting by Years of Slaughter"
© Alan Watt Aug. 1, 2013

Con of Privatization - Free Trade System - Creation of a New Culture - Destruction of the Family Unit - New Feudal System, CEO Overlords - Government Outsourcing Contracts - Serco, the Company Running Britain - Private Prisons - Deteriorating US Roads and Infrastructure - Surveillance State Based on Secret Law - Perpetual War - Extermination Fantasies at Aspen Institute Security Forum - John Ashcroft - Detroit Houses for Sale - GIRFEC in Scotland - Super Soviet System - Five Eyes Spy Alliance - Signs of a Failed State.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 1, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Serco, the Company Running Britain

US Roads Continue to Deteriorate Despite Stimulus Money

Surveillance State Based on Secret Law

Extermination Fantasies by People Running US

Detroit House for Sale---$1 and No Takers

More on GIRFEC--- Scotland

& Lawyers criticise children plans

& Parents fight SNP's plan for state guardians

& Lawyers warn against 'Big Brother' plans to give every Scottish child a state guardian

Five Eyes spy alliance will survive Snowden

Detroit Cops Robbing Public

July 31, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 31, 2013:
No Pain as Government Trains Your Brain:
"Altering Citizens' Behaviour Certainly does Pay,
Obama's Nudge Unit's Officially Here to Stay,
It's Based on Techniques in Behaviour Modification,
People Should Take to the Streets in Mortification,
Aldous Huxley said Such Methods would Be Used,
Dressed as "For the Greater Good" to the Confused,
That Governments couldn't Resist, Simply Wouldn't,
In Getting People to Accept Things They Shouldn't,
Using Methods in Written, Auditory or Visual,
The Old You will Wither to a Memory Residual"
© Alan Watt July 31, 2013

Elite Selective Breeding and Darwinism - Propaganda Aimed at the Majority - Importance of Initial Indoctrination - Control of "The Masses" - Unelected Technocrats in the Parallel Government - UK Leveson Inquiry and Star Chamber - Chinese-Style Internet Censorship Worldwide - Build-up of China - Privatization of Gov. - XKeyscore and the NSA - New Zealand---Thousands in Anti-Spy March - Privatized Water Supply - Remote Hacking of Automobile Software - Federal Nudge Squad, Behavioral Insights Team.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 31, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Cameron Looks to China to Supply First Internet Censorship Wall in Britain

Chinese firm Huawei controls net filter praised by PM

XKeyscore and the NSA

US Declassifies Phone-Snooping Order (well, some of it)

New Zealand---Thousands in Anti-Spy March

UK---Private Water Companies Rake in 600 Million Pounds in Profit while Soaking Consumers

UK National Service Bill

Hackers hijack software in a CAR and remotely control the steering, brakes and horn using a laptop

NUDGE SQUAD: Feds forming Behavioral Insights Team

Federal 'nudge squad' led by 20-something wunderkind gears up to change Americans' behaviors - for our own good

July 30, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 30, 2013:
Good Career, The Overseer:
"Philosophers have Humour, Some very Witty,
Saying a Captive Population Lives in the City,
Never has This Observation Ever Been So True,
Government Agencies Salivate, Fight Over You,
Agencies (or Shepherds) Never Miss a Beat
And Sheeple Being Sheared Seldom Ever Bleat,
There's Good Money in Overseeing the Herd,
Bureaucracies Recruit Each New Economic Nerd,
Ideas are Limitless with Good Imagination,
It's a Growth Industry, Good Career Occupation,
Tax Them for Working, Eating and Breathing,
Lots of Penalty Taxes Such as CO2 on Sneezing,
New Taxes Added Yearly to the Endless List,
Bottom Line for Sheeple---Taxed 'cos You Exist"
© Alan Watt July 30, 2013

Only Right in Democracy is to Vote - PR Personas of Politicians - Austerity and "Well-Being" - Inner and Outer Party - NSA and Mass Surveillance - Totalitarian System - Planned Society - Military-Industrial Technology - Thermal-Imaging Drones to Fly Over Homes - Unemployment and Poverty in US - Countries Deindustrialized with Free Trade - Geo-locks on Software, Price Gouging - Free Movement of Goods and Labour - EU Bribes to UK Companies to Hire Foreign Workers - Gov. Agency Sting Operations, Canada Day Plot, 'Mr. Big' Technique - Creation of Criminal Organizations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 30, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be "Abolished"

& More on Above

Revealed: Up to 6,000 'beds in sheds' set-up by rogue landlords are found by spy plane's thermal image camera

4 out of 5 Americans Struggling against Poverty

American dream dying: Obama's economy sends 4 of 5 near poverty: poll

GMO Whistleblower

Australian Parliament Urges Consumers to Avoid Geo-locks on Software

Brussels offers UK firms £1,000 cash 'bribes' to hire foreign workers

Police may have used controversial 'Mr. Big' technique in alleged B.C. bomb investigation: lawyer

B.C. Legislature bomb plot accused John Nuttall in psychiatric hospital

July 29, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 29, 2013:
You're Trained in Suspension of Diagnostic Perception:
"Media Portrays World as Run by Pranksters,
Certainly Close, but More Accurately "Gangsters",
Today's Hood is Eloquent in Speech,
University Trained, a Well-Dressed Leech,
He's a Corporate CEO, or Chairman of the Fed,
He's Internationalist Now that Nationalism's Dead,
He Signs Agreements, Treaties with Other Gangsters,
Prime Ministers, Presidents and Central Banksters,
Working Together for a "Better Society"
Where Consumers Pay More for Less in Variety,
Where Everything You Need to Stay Alive
Is Corporately Owned so Rich can Thrive,
They Own the Governments yet Preach Democracy,
Helped by Lifers which Staff Each Bureaucracy"
© Alan Watt July 29, 2013

Cultural Revolutions - Contamination of Cultures - Jimmy Savile and Celebrity Paedophile Ring - Front-Men Politicians - UK Internet Firewall to Block "Extremist Sites" - Exportation of "Gay" Marriage - Health Effects of GMO Foods - Drugged "Well-Being" - Monopolization - GM Wheat and Contaminated Fields - GIRFEC in Scotland, Gov. Overseer for Every Child - EU Air Force, Spy Drone Fleet - Increased Use of Pesticides - Spain, Tax on Sunlight - North Pole Melt Debunked - Lloyd Blankfein and Goldman Sachs - UK Bedroom Tax.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 29, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The Savile Ring

U.K. Cameron's Great Firewall

Internet Watch Foundation

Cameron's Pornwall includes "Extremist Sites"

David Cameron has said he wants "to export" gay marriage around the world. (Britain Hasn't Anything Else to Export)

GMOs: Not Even in Moderation

GMO Whistleblower

Canada Geese May Have Spread GM Wheat

Proposed Law Assigns Government Agent for Every Child

Scotland---Written Evidence Submitted to Education and Culture Committee on GIRFEC

EU planning to 'own and operate' spy drones and an air force

EPA Allows 3000% Increase in Food Pesticides

Food is Drowned in Pesticide

Spain Taxing the Daylights Out of You---Literally

& More on Above

Another North Pole Melt Video Debunked

& More on Above

Cheer up, Australia: Goldman Sachs chief

Attempted Suicide Protest over Tax--UK

July 26, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 26, 2013:
Governance Advances by Taking No Chances:
"Secretive Organizations Developed Over Time,
Employed by Governments to Keep Us in Line,
Comprised of Specialists in the Human Mind,
Human Psycho-dynamics and Related Kind,
Lectured by Historians and Anthropologists,
Behaviourists, Neuroscientists and Psychologists
Working in Think-Tanks, Our Mind-Polluters,
Running Us in Game Theory via Computers,
It's So Easy Now with Data and Systems,
Projecting Our Future Running Algorithms"
© Alan Watt July 26, 2013

World Standardization, Amalgamation of Countries - One System Running the World - Democracies - Mass Immigration from Diverse Cultures - Foreign Aid Programs, Departments of International Development - Gov. Grants for Radical Organizations - "United Stasi of America" Projected onto US Embassy Wall in Berlin - Internet Filtering, Blocked Content - Transatlantic Investment and Trade Partnership - Interdependence - G20 - Pharmaceutical Companies, Bribes by Sales Reps - Pentagon Deploying Surveillance Blimps - Military-Industrial Complex - Detention of Ukrainian Activist - Soviet Psychiatry.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 26, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

We don't know where our £5bn foreign aid goes: Huge sum is paid out with almost no checks on how it is spent

"United Stasi of America" Projected onto US Embassy Wall in Berlin

UK Porn Filter Will Censor Other Content Too, ISPs Reveal

U.K. Cameron's Great Firewall

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Chinese police allege Glaxo sales reps trained to offer sexual bribes

Pentagon Deploying Blimps over Washington DC

Old Soviet Tactic Used on Ukrainian Activist

July 25, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 25, 2013:
Royal Institute of International Affairs:
"Astounding, the Plans for Global Free-Trade,
A Hundred Years Ago, the Plans were Laid
By a Private Club in London, the City,
Whose Offspring Took Over, They're Sitting Pretty,
They Run the B.I.S. over Each Central Bank,
For Inflation, Deflation You've Them to Thank,
They Run the World Bank and IMF Too,
Set Up the UN to Control Nations and You
Through International Treaties Each Member Signs,
For any Infringement the Countries Get Fines,
Independent Nations Amalgamate into Trading Blocs,
In so Doing the Sovereignty Gets the Chop,
There's to Be Three Trading Blocs for the World,
Once Completed, Goodbye Nations, Flags Get Furled"
© Alan Watt July 25, 2013

Maurice Strong - World Run by Private Organizations - Club of Rome - "Democracy" Forced on Countries - News Doesn't Have to be Truth - Vaccines and Autism Epidemic - Gov. Contracts with Big Business - Vaccine Induced Inflammation - Vietnam Suspends Hep. B Vaccination Program for Children after Deaths - Power of Private Central Banks, BIS and IMF - Free Trade Agreements - Increasing Food Stamp Recipients - Effect of Genes on Intelligence - Eugenics and Labelling - Plan B One-Step Contraception Drug - U.K., New Police Powers - Adjustable Rate Mortgages are Back - Carbon Tax.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 25, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Mother of Post Vaccine Autism in Child Talks on CNN

Autism Epidemic Linked to Epidemic of Vaccine Induced Diabetes

Vaccines, Depression, and Type-1 Diabetes--Going Beyond Your Doctor

Japan---Health Ministry Withdraws Recommendation for Cervical HPV Vaccine

Vietnam Suspends Hep. B Vaccination Program for Children after Deaths

Who Controls the Global Economy?

Obama's economy: Two food stamp recipients for every job created

GCSE results 'influenced by children's genes, not teaching'

FDA rules Plan B One-Step will be only drug available to women of any age without prescription despite its bigger price tag

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries

U.K. Police to be Given Sweeping New Powers

Adjustable Rate Mortgages are Back

Australia---Carbon Taxing Fruit

July 24, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 24, 2013:
Government's the Tool of Corporate Rule:
"Corporate Power is Evident Worldwide,
Logos are Displayed as Cities Divide
Space for Ads, Generally in Lights,
So Many Competing, Squabbles, Fights,
They Corner Markets, Monopolization,
Grab Public Utilities for Privatization,
Demand Globalization, Push Free Trade,
Accessing Labour where Little is Paid,
For Them Governments are Just Tools
To Legislate Friendly Laws and Rules
And Send Out Armies to Secure Resources,
Saving Years of Negotiations, Discourses"
© Alan Watt July 24, 2013

Global Governance by International Corporations - RIIA/CFR - Public Dependent on the Media - Art of Conology - Mass Management - Public Follow Celebrities - Tax Money Funding Entertainers to Publicize US Healthcare Law - Public Relations/Propaganda - Rise and Fall of American Empire - U.S. the Global Policeman - Fudged GDP Numbers, "Intangible" Economy - Counter-Insurgency Strategy, Militarization of Police - Foreign Corporations buying up Resources for Export, Canada Shale - NSA Surveillance - Gov. Bureaucracy - Disaster Plan for Magician's Rabbit - Anti-IED Program - Fukushima Plant Leak.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 24, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

White House enlisting entertainers to help implement healthcare law

Rise of the Intangible Economy

War Tactics Used by Police in US City

Petronas in talks to sell stake in Canada shale to Indian Oil: sources

White House Urges Congress to Reject Moves to Curb NSA Surveillance

Disaster Plan for Magician's Rabbit

Hurt Locker: No proof U.S. life-saving anti-IED program ever implemented in Afghanistan

Fukushima Plant Still Leaking into Sea

The Hockey Schtick and Weather

July 23, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 23, 2013:
Linguistic Minimalism: End of the Trail When Words Fail:
"Linguistic Minimalism is Trend of the Day,
Lack of Words Hurts what We Try to Convey,
It's Due to Computers, iPads, Texting, Speed,
Reducing Vocabulary of Words that We Need,
Society's Visual, Prompting Ooooh! Ahhh! Cool,
With Diminished Speech, You Sound Like a Fool,
Or Describing the Visual with Few Words Used,
It Comes Across Broken, Disjointed, Confused,
Idiocracy, the Movie, was Hilariously Absurd,
The Result of Choices in the Spoken Word"
© Alan Watt July 23, 2013

Long-Term Plans for Wars - IBM and Global Grid - Rubber-Stamp Governments - Standardized News - Corporations Staffing Gov. Departments - Media Trivia and Emotive Topics - Salary of Accused Fort Hood Shooter - Politicians' Pensions - Tony Blair - NSA Utah Data Center - Linguistic Minimalism - Creation of Hedonism and Narcissism - Shrinking Attention Span - Homeland Security Official Probed - TSA Pre-Screening Program for Frequent Fliers - School Classes Not in English in US and Britain - CFR/RIIA - Pine Gap Base.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 23, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Outrage Over Accused Fort Hood Shooter's $300K Pay Spurs Legislation

NSA Utah Data Center

Linguistic Minimalism in the Age of iPad

Homeland Security Official Probed

The TSA and "Approved Transparent Citizens"

Arizona Nursing Student Suspended as Bigot for Requesting Class be Using English

US Base Pine Gap Australia

July 22, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 22, 2013:
Handouts from Authority Relayed to Majority:
"There's Less Pertinent News Displayed,
Gradually the Groundwork has Been Laid
To Discourage People from Participation
Or Commenting on New Legislation,
Authoritative Handouts Given to Newsmen,
Post Bill Passing, can't Share Views Then,
The Idea is to Steadily Train Majority
That We're Governed by Deaf Authority,
Weaning Away from Participatory Democracy
Obedience to Experts, and Corporatocracy"
© Alan Watt July 22, 2013

Media Distractions and Self-Censorship - International Agreements with GATT/WTO, Buildup of China, Deindustrialization of the West - The Fall of Detroit, Bankruptcy Filing, Poverty, Casinos - Obamacare and Federal Services Data Hub, Data Stored in One System - Brainwave Scanning and Ownership of Thoughts - Google and Brain Chip - Psychological Evaluation of Children, "Future Extremists" - Netflix and IBM, Data Collection and Personality Profiling - Microelectrode Brain Chip - National Police Road Blitz in UK - Privatization of Portugal - Plunder of Nations - Japan.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 22, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The Fall of Detroit

Requiem for Detroit

Real Big-Brother Data Intrusion

& More on Above

Brain Spray and the Law

Is Google planning a microchip for people's brains? Engineering boss at internet giant says sci-fi-style technology will begin by helping disabled people control wheelchairs

Identified----Children as Future Extremists

Multiple Profiling of NetFlix

IBM high-fives Netflix open-source tools

Brain Chip

Now National Police Road Blitzes

Portugal's forthcoming privatisation plan

Tokyo young women's thighs used as advertising space - video

July 19, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 19, 2013:
Free Trade for Corporations,
Cheap Labour Fills Occupations:

"Top Politicos have Been Well-Paid
To Push the Agenda of Free Trade,
Europe was United by Their Deal,
Now They're Bankrupt, Bankers Steal
Bail-Outs to Salvage Wrecked Nations,
Massive Unemployment in Occupations
Which Blossomed Before Euro Con,
"You'll Be Left Behind if You don't Join",
Now North America-Europe Joined at Hip,
We'll See Employment Take a Dip,
Free Movement of Goods and Labour
Across National Boundaries, Quite the Waiver"
© Alan Watt July 19, 2013

EU "Live Well for Life" Program, Food Tyranny, "Sustainable" Diets - Destruction of Personal Independence - Corporations Training Children to be Future Customers - Boy Scout 'Virus Tracker' Zombie Game, Vaccine Promotion - Executive Order for Mandatory HIV Testing - AIDS Drugs and Big Pharma Profits - Health Care Fraud, Overbilling - Corruption throughout Society - Samantha Power Vows to Get Israel Seat on UN Security Council - Autopsy of Tsarnaev Associate - UK Blood Supplier Sold to US Private Equity Firm - World Free Trade System - Canada-EU Trade Negotiations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 19, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The EU and Food Tyranny

Training to be Zombies

Obama's Executive HIV Initiative ---Billions in Profits Heading to Global Financiers

Rockefeller Family Tries to Keep A Vast Fortune From Dissipating

Son Reports Dad's Company for Health Care Fraud

Samantha Power Vows to Get Israel Seat on UN Security Council

FBI withholds autopsy of Tsarnaev associate 'shot in head' during questioning

UK Blood Supplier Sold to US Private Equity Firm

Canada-EU trade deal may come in 2014, but will be worth the wait, says envoy

July 18, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 18, 2013:
End of the Nation by Privatization:
"We Live Through Chaos, Trivia and Lies
As Civil Society is Being Privatized,
Politicos Regard Us as Cerebrally Deficient,
Repeating Lies of it Being More Efficient,
Costs Soar Immediately After Deal is Struck,
Gas, Water, Electric Costs Run Amok,
At This Rate No-One Should Be Surprised
When Federal Governments are Privatized,
I can See it Now, Ads Sensational,
Brought to You by Gov. International"
© Alan Watt July 18, 2013

Government Outsourcing Contracts to Private Corporations - G4S - Tracking by License Plate Scanners - Takedown of Countries - Population Reduction - SV40, Cancer Viruses in Polio Shots - Privatization of National Health Service - GlaxoSmithKline Bribing Travel Agents in China - Degraded Society, Greed is Good - Carbon Taxes and Derivatives Trading - New Welfare Plan for UK - Child Abuse in Wales Care Homes - Child Trafficking in U.S. - Detroit Bankruptcy - Non-Profits Retaining Sandy Relief Money - Chemicalized Beer.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 18, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

The Great Outsourcing Racket

ACLU warns of mass tracking through license plate scanners

CDC Took 50yrs. to Admit that Cancer Viruses Were in Polio Shots

& More on Above

NSA Email and Phone Tracking Systems

& More on Above

Privatizing the NHS

G4S and Serco Face Fraud Inquiry

House of Lords Clears Same-Gender Marriage

GlaxoSmithKline Bribing Travel Agents in China

Australia's Carbon Derivatives Time Bomb

Next-generation cash machines set to replace bank cards with facial recognition

New Welfare Plan for UK

Teen Mum Benefits UK

The Truth Behind Cover-Ups of Abuse at North Wales Care Homes

Man who 'purchased' a young boy in a foreign country and let other men abuse him for pornographic films is jailed for 40 years

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy

Charitable Institutions Still Retaining Money Meant for Storm Sandy Victims

Ingredients in Commercial Beer

July 17, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 17, 2013:
Reuters Routes and News Anchor Shouts:
"News Techniques Escape Detection,
Part of a System to Manage Perception,
No Law that States News Must Be True,
All News Corporations are Owned by a Few,
Reuters the Biggest, News is Routed,
Picked Up by Others Who have It Touted,
That's Why Every Channel Gives the Same
News for Public, Playing the Game,
The Style and Content Shapes Opinions
For Naive, Unsuspecting Minions"
© Alan Watt July 17, 2013

UK Internet Providers Pretend to Block Porn - Perception Management - Separation of Generations - Hungry Canadian Aboriginal People Used in Nutrition Experiments - HPV Vaccine Exposed - Institutionalized Corruption - Tracking and Routine Prediction - Bank Bail-in Plans - Study on GMOs, Bt Toxin and Leukemia - Resource Wars, China and Japan Dispute over Islands - Unemployment in Britain - Digital Dementia - Wealth Destruction - Taxpayer-Funded Grants to Green Groups.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 17, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Internet Giants Collude with British Government to Pretend Porn is Being Blocked

Hungry Canadian Aboriginal People Used in Nutrition Experiments

HPV Vaccine Exposed

Corruption is Institutional

Tracking Software---PreCrime

How Not to Defend Atheism

Australian Banks "Welcome" Bail-in Plan

Britain's War Industry Rolls On

Another Study on GMO links to Causing Type of Leukemia

Japan's prime minister renews claim on disputed islands also claimed by China

China to send in surveyors to disputed Senkaku islands

Exclusive: China in $5 billion drive to develop disputed East China Sea gas

Back to the nineties: Number out of work for more than a year hits highest level since 1996

Digital Dementia

Massive Poverty Coming

The Green Lobbyists and Higher Taxes

July 16, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 16, 2013:
"Democracy's" the Tool Of Corporate Rule:
"Corporate Tyranny, the Meme of the Age,
Warned of by Many a Weary Sage,
Too-Big-to-Fail Banks and Corporations
Create Havoc as They Plunder Nations,
Their Proxy Governments Bail Them Out,
While Their Newspapers Yell and Shout
"Bail Them or There'll Be a Depression",
Panicked Public Never Learn the Lesson,
Nor Given Choices, They can Never Relax
As Bail-Outs Require Upping the Tax,
Reality of Democratic Living
Is Elite Keep Taking and You Keep Giving"
© Alan Watt July 16, 2013

Everyone under Observation - Spying Run Amok - International Intelligence Sharing - Psychotronic Weaponry, Use on Iraqi Troops - Voice-to-Skull Technology - Low-Frequency and Microwave Frequencies - Control of Populations - Phone Line Tapping - NSA Backdoors in Cellphone Software - Effects of Cutbacks on NHS - New Zealand Pre-Positioning for Bank "Bail-Ins" - Non-Democratic EU - United Nations - Culture Industry Works to "Redefine" Europe - Larry Silverstein and World Trade Center - Merger of Communism and Capitalism - Tax-Funded Grants to Corporations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 16, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Spying Run Amok

Psychotronic Weaponry

Russia Eyes Development of Futuristic Weaponry

& More on Above

The NSA Should Give All "Smart" Phones Out Free Since They Put NSA Backdoors in Them

The Cause and Effect Farce of the NHS

New Zealand Pre-Positioning for Bank "Bail-Ins"

Culture Industry Works to "Redefine" Europe

Owner of World Trade Center is trying to sue airlines for BILLIONS for 9/11 attacks... even though he was already paid $5billion in insurance

Tax-Funded Corporate Research Grants, Europe

July 15, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 15, 2013:
Corporate Monopoly Associations Dictate to the Nations:
"You'll Pay for What You Really Need
In the Monopoly Age of Corporate Greed,
Old Values and Morals have Been Replaced,
Conscience, Good Business Practice Defaced,
Moral Relativity Teaches no Good or Bad,
Yet "Greed is Good" College-Taught, How Sad,
Winners and Losers is All that Matters
In Business School Where it's the Chatter,
Maximize Profit by All Tricky Means,
Marketers can Sell Junk with Clever Schemes,
Dominate All Essentials if You Please,
And Squeeze the Masses Down to Their Knees"
© Alan Watt July 15, 2013

Drug Companies Overcharging NHS with "Legal Loophole" - Stage-Managed Politics - Australia, Carbon Tax - EU Superstate - New Feudal System - "Unsustainable" Food Consumption and Diets - Eradication of Cultures - Corridors of Powder---Cocaine and Politicos - Ad for Vermont "Family Week" - Britain's Power Madness, Wind Turbines and Diesel Generators - Prince Charles Need Not Pay Tax - Globalism - Smart Meters - Agenda 21 and Implementation in Local Councils - Maurice Strong - International Revolutionaries.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 15, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

NHS hit for millions by overcharging 'scam'

Prince Harry and the Massacre of Goat Herders

Australia---A Carbon Tax is Still a Carbon Tax by Any Other Name

The EU and Food Tyranny

Corridors of Powder---Cocaine and Politicos

State of Vermont and Ski Vermont co-sponsor nation's largest LGBT family festival

Dirty Secrets behind Britain's Power Madness

Prince Charles Need Not Pay Tax

Chicken from Thailand Flown to Scotland for School Meals

ComEd, GE sign $200 million smart meter deal

France's smart meter rollout gets go ahead

July 12, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 12, 2013:
The Brain Game Causes Brain Drain:
"Manipulation is the Name of the Game,
Standardized News, Each Source the Same,
Recipients Worry What will Come Today,
Wars, Bank Plunders, Regardless We Pay,
While Life at Home is Hit with Inflation,
More Folks Homeless, with No Occupation,
Working Cultures Broken by Direct Attack,
Dysfunction is Evident, No Going Back,
Those at the Bottom Cringe and Cower,
Terrified of Decrees from Ivory Tower"
© Alan Watt July 12, 2013

Victims Turn to the Abuser for Help - Perpetual War - Indoctrination - Money System - The Proles Don't Count - Mass Manipulation and Marketing to Age Groups - Domesticated Public - Giving Up Freedom for Security - The Herd Instinct - Crowd Mentality - Scripted Talk Shows - Unelected United Nations (Private Corporation) - Illusion of Democracy - Legality of Voting, Giving Consent - Simplistic Propaganda - Egypt - Sham of Cold War - Technotronic Weaponry - Use of HAARP Frequencies - Brain-Computer Interfacing - Early US History - Ruling Corporations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 12, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

July 11, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 11, 2013:
Re-Creating You, the More You View:
"Opinions, Behaviour Changes are Easy to See
By Simply Watching Those Who Watch TV,
Step-by-Step, We've Been Guided for Years,
Validating Many a Prophet's Fears,
Because, with Fiction, the Firewall's Down,
Even a Movie or Drama About a Clown
Can Sneak Sadomasochism, Clown's a Killer,
Crisis Embeds Message, Watching a Thriller,
Identifying with Characters the More You View,
Then the Lead Changes Gender Halfway Through,
Hooked by the Plot, You Watch to the End,
Altering Viewpoints, Going 'round the Bend"
© Alan Watt July 11, 2013

Royal Institute of International Affairs/Council on Foreign Relations - Agenda for Global Governance - Creation of "Charitable" Foundations - Bill Gates and Common Core School Curriculum - Tavistock Institute and Predictive Programming - Identification with Characters in Movies - Normalization through Fiction - "Hit and Miss" series - U.K. Government Gender Recognition Panel - Tsarnaev Court Trial - Global Spying Network - War in Syria - Funding of Syrian Rebels - US State Department - Hillary Clinton, Paid Speeches - Gardasil Vaccine.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 11, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Parents Against Common Core

Gates Foundation and Influence in US Schooling

Normalization Through Fiction

U.K. Government Gender Recognition Panel

First appearance since arrest for attack suspect whose brother died in shoot-out---Tsarnaev

New Zealand Domestic Spying Bill

Syrian Army Seizes Chemical Stockpile from Insurgents

Congress Rejects Obama and McCain's Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels

Secret Branch of US Justice Department Backed Trayvon Martin Rallies

Aronoff: State Department's Credibility Remains in Tatters

Suspicious Law Firm Break In

Aurelia Fedenisn: Is the State Department Above the Law

The case of Aurelia Fedenisn

Climbing The Money Hill with Hillary

Dr. Harper on Anti-HPV-induced Cancer Vaccine

July 10, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 10, 2013:
Now Apparent You're Transparent,
Scientific Devotion Causing Privacy Commotion,
Wi-Vi Sees Through Walls, Body in Motion:

"Your and Their WiFi Now Spying on You,
At Home Laughing, Crying or in the Loo,
Training, like Winston in Neutral Expression,
Self-Policing, On Guard, Learning the Lesson
That Privacy is Now Labelled Anti-Social,
The Big Society Forces Involvement at Local
To Celebrate All the UN's Special Days,
Better Turn Up to Celebrate Earth Day or Gays
And Useful Minorities on a Roll,
Used to Fulfil the World Masters' Goal,
Destroying All That Was for What Will Be,
Perfectly Obedient, Programmed Society"
© Alan Watt July 10, 2013

Conflicting Reports in Media - Quebec Locomotive Disaster - Age of Corporate Rule, Governance - Canada Day bomb plot said to have elements of entrapment - Personality Profiles - The Disappearing Male - Use of Wi-Fi Technology to See Through Walls, Track Movement - Behaviour Modification with Cameras - Self-Policing - Adverse Reactions from Flu Vaccine - Natural Seed Banks for Elite - GM Food Agenda - Lower Yields with GM Crops - Global Socialism, Agenda 21, Corporate Funding - IBM - NGO Armies - Psychopaths in Positions of Power - Freemasonry.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Driver of Locomotive Disaster to Carry the Can

& More on Above

Canada Day bomb plot said to have elements of entrapment
John Stewart Nuttall, Amanda Korody charged with making explosive device

The Disappearing Male

Wi-fi Looks Through Walls

More Wi-fi Tracking

Family Sues After Dangerous Flu Vaccine Causes Child to Become Severely Brain Damaged

Update on Elite's Seed bank to conserve world's threatened food crops

A look inside China's largest seedbank

Kerala mulling depositing medicinal herbs in Korean 'seed vault'

Poison on the Platter--GM Crops in India

1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India

Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest

GMO--A Failing Technology

Canada--Former Deputy Minister of Education Charged with Child Exploitation

The System's Uniforms---Academic Gowns to Masonic Wear

July 9, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 9, 2013:
Democracy, The Peoples' Dichotomy,
Forced to Work for and Consume from Monopoly:

"Corporate Rule Governs Us Today,
Everything Privatized, We Pay and Pay,
Most are Unaware Who Controls the Feed
And All Essentials which Humans Need,
Those Corporations Most Certainly Do,
Control of Slaves Split Among a Few,
Long Ago Money-Men Devised a Strategy,
Con of People Rule, Averting a Tragedy,
Government Modified to Meet Corps. Needs,
Disguising Agendas as Amiable Deeds
To Help the People, Each Rubber Stamp
Turns World into Choice-less Labour Camp"
© Alan Watt July 9, 2013

Aerial Spraying to Disperse Clouds or Cause Rain - Use of HAARP Arrays - Flash Flooding in Toronto - Weather Warfare - NYSE Euronext to take over scandal-hit Libor - No Deterrent to "Victimless" Crimes - Profitable War Industry - Corporations Run the World - Agenda 21, Elimination of Private Property - Home Sales and Real Estate Agents - Home Energy Cost Listings - Slavery and Taxation of Labour - Quebec Train Derailment and Fire - Privatization of Railroads - Corrupt Society - Gates Foundation and Influence in US Schooling - Radicalization Movements.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 9, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

New Normal of Geoengineering---Flooding in Toronto

New York Stock Exchange sold to derivatives company in $8bn takeover
Sale of nearly 200-year-old institution to Intercontinental Exchange comes amid historic shift to electronic trading

NYSE Euronext to take over scandal-hit Libor

Home Energy Costs to be Included in House Sales Advertising

Canada ---Railroad Fire Update

Gates Foundation and Influence in US Schooling

Gates and His Polio Program Left Trail of Paralysis

Video: "Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!"

July 8, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 8, 2013:
Owl Sees in Darkness, Twit-Twoo,
Sounding Name of Who's Really You:

"Life is a Story of Tales from the Crypt,
Age, Memory Prove You're Living a Script,
The Totality of You is Designed by Others,
Original Thinking, Awareness it Smothers,
Giving New Cultural Normals, Erasing Past,
Ensuring Smouldering Truth cannot Last,
Industry Creates Clothes for Rebelling,
Until Armies of Sameness cause Dispelling
Of You the Individual, What Now to Do?
You've been Used and Stuck with Tattoo"
© Alan Watt July 8, 2013

The Accidental View of History - Foundations and NGOs Planning the Future - Amalgamation of Countries into Blocs - Free Trade Agreements, Join or Be "Left Behind" - Supranational Groups - G-20 Rubber-Stamped the Scheme for Bank Bail-ins in 2010 - Confiscation of Depositors' Savings - Private Central Banking System - Scientific Indoctrination from Birth - Centralization of Power - EU, New Soviet Empire - Former Soviet Union and Privatization - Privatized Railways - Holding Companies - Gov. Monitoring All Communications - US Universal Healthcare System - Elimination of Import Duties and Protectionism - Exportation of Food.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

G-20 Rubber-Stamped the Scheme for Bank Bail-ins in 2010

& PDF on Above

Canada Plans Cyprus-Style "Bail-in" Using Bank Depositors' Money

EU arrest warrant needs urgent reform

Massive explosions strike Quebec town after derailment

& More on Above

Holding company for Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway

Rail World Inc. management - company specializes in privatization and restructuring
Edward A. Burkhardt, President and Chief Executive Officer

Investor - Henry Posner III

Guatemala rail privatization under Posner III

Holding company definition

Ireland--Google and Apple Off the Hook Regarding Tax Question

Obamacare and Employer Mandate

"Canada is engaged in 14 separate sets of free-trade talks involving dozens of countries, as well as an ambitious international services agreement with a select group of 22 World Trade Organization members."

July 3, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 3, 2013:
The Composite Man:
"Manipulating Public, the Game Goes On,
Pretty Perfected, Techniques so Strong
That Few Victims Awake, Try to Break Free,
Slaves can Be Comfortable in Reality TV,
Avoiding Unpleasantness, Seeking Pleasure,
In Low-Paying Jobs, Escaping in Leisure,
Downloaded by Fiction Embedded, Intense,
Behaviour Modification, Scope is Immense,
Promoting Music, Dress, Updated Opinions
For Those Who Mimic, The Trendy Minions,
Serving the Masters, Ignorant of a Plan,
Slavery is Freedom to the Composite Man"
© Alan Watt July 3, 2013

Aerial Spraying, Weather Control - Geo-Engineering Schemes - Elimination of Private Property - Cloud Whitening - HAARP Technology, Creation of High-Density Plasma Clouds - "Noctilucent" Clouds - Woodpecker Effect on Shortwave - Arthur C. Clarke - Public Manipulated by Media - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Geopolitical Strategy - NSA and Mass Surveillance State - Egocentric and Hedonistic Public - Fascism - UN Conference on Sustainable Development - End Run around US Constitution - Agents of Change - Free Trade Deals - War on Terror - Entrapment, Sting Operations.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Predictive Programming---Incredible technology: How to Engineer the Climate

What Is Geo-Engineering And How Could It Affect The Future Of Our Planet?

HAARP and Plasma Clouds---US Navy

Old Warnings of the Coming Surveillance Society

Video: "Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!"

Obama care Delayed by a Year

UN attempted end run around US Constitution

& More on Above

EU-Gulf free trade deal edges closer

RCMP thwarts alleged plot to bomb B.C. Legislature on Canada Day

& More on Above

July 2, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 2, 2013:
Expertly Trained into Ignorance and Shame,
Whatever's Detrimental, You're to Blame:

"Battalions of Experts Pose as Saviours,
Manipulating Public's Adaptive Behaviours,
Strange how Economists are Near-Sighted,
Blind to Banksters as Finances Blighted,
Or Political Gangs Sworn To and For,
Forcing "Democracy" by Slaughter and War,
The Longer You Live, You Must Wonder
Why Keep Voting for Masters of Plunder?
Eventually You'll Wisen that the Meek
Are Slaves to a Rich and Powerful Clique
Who Implement Dominion through the Ages,
Advancing Agenda in Fifty-Year Stages,
We're Now in Their "Century of Change",
Trained to Passivity while They Rearrange
The Peoples and Planet to Suit Their Need,
Survival of Fittest by Deception and Greed"
© Alan Watt July 2, 2013

Study and Control of Societies - Cultural Revolutions - Useful Idiots - NSA Spying and Backdoors into Software - Humanity Knocked off its Pedestal - Use of Language to Con People - Selection of Students - Serfdom/Slavery - Purpose of Education System - Dependence on "Experts" - US General Cartwright Indicted for Espionage - Toxic Bisphenols, Xenoestrogens and Effects - GM Food - Bernays, Consumerism and Front Offices - Compromised Immune Systems - HIV Vaccine Infects Volunteers - Smart Grid - Edward Snowden and Bruce Fein - Simplistic Propaganda - Dropping Life Expectancy - Banks Rigged Derivatives Market - EU Farm Subsidies.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 2, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

NSA Collected email Records in Bulk for More than Two Years

NSA and Backdoors

Beyond Snowden---General Cartwright Indicted for Espionage

Corporations Replace BPA with Other Dangerous Bisphenols

HIV Trial Vaccine Infects 172

& More on Above

Powers Behind Snowden

Where are the Missing 90-yr.-Olds?

Banks rigged €10 trillion derivatives market, Brussels says

EU Farm Subsidies

July 1, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 1, 2013:
Those with Technique Prey on the Meek:
"News is Repetitive, Predictive, Boring,
Gov. Spying on Everyone Sets Us Snoring,
It's Really Saying "You're All Defeated",
Repetition is to Ensure it's Completed,
Because No Stop to Intrusion's Ever Done,
Subliminal Message is "See, We've Won",
Even Slaves Gone By Wearing Shackles
Managed on Occasion to Raise Hackles,
Knowing Freedom and Those Who Enslave,
The Inbred Wealthy, Each One a Knave,
But with P.R. Today Knaves can Poke
Fun at Opposition with a Smiley Joke,
You'd Think Vultures were Almost Human,
Fat from Human Lives They're Consumin' "
© Alan Watt July 1, 2013

Spying on the Public - Intelligence Agencies and Front Companies, Facebook - NSA Spying on EU - Inside Information for Investors - Russia and FEMA Working Together - Aerial Spraying, New Normal - Pupils Speaking English as a Second Language - Rigged Derivatives Market - Human Head Transplantation - Grant-Funded Research Scientists - IMF and Climate Change Jobs - Balkanization of Syria and Iran - GM Food Expansion - Slavery - Alexander Hamilton - Business is War - Advanced Sciences and Medical Treatment.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 1, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

Topics of show covered in following links:

Anti-Virus Software Shows Facebook Stole Android User's Phone Numbers without Consent

& More on Above

NSA Spying on EU

& More on Above

Russia and FEMA Working Together

More pupils speaking English as a second language

EU Banks Block Competition

Scientist says: 'I can now transplant full human head' (Two Heads are Better than One)

1940 Soviet Propaganda Film: Dog Heads Experiments in the Revival of Organisms

Short: A Living Decapitated Dog

Monkey Head Transplant 425

Man who 'purchased' a young boy in a foreign country and let other men abuse him for pornographic films is jailed for 40 years

IMF: 'Climate change will create jobs' (For Gov. Agencies)

Military Escalation. Qatar "Friends of Syria" Conference Opens "New Stage" in Syrian War

Genetic Food Monopolist Colonialists

Multiple Gov. Agencies Track your Credit Card Transactions

Same Old Stuff---Banks Sell Your Data

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