October 14, 2007


(Originally Aired Live on

"We The People Radio Network" - Oct. 14, 2007)





George:  Welcome to "The World Review Commentary." This is your host, George Butler. Today we have Alan Watt. He's a fine guest. He's an author, thinker, philosopher, songwriter, and performer. Welcome to our program Alan Watt. 


Alan:  It's a pleasure to be on.


George:  I could have read your whole thing but – I mean you've got what? Tell our listening audience, I've quizzed you on this before. How did you awaken – at what age did you start awakening to the truth and your journey towards truth seeking?


Alan:  I really started very young when I was really toddling around, before I went to school even, just by going through various people’s homes and listening to the conversations and mainly their arguments between the adults. It was always over money and the basic things like rent and food and so on, and this was in Britain that had ruled a good part of the world and that's what made me wonder, how come, if that was the case, that only a couple of hundred families in London owned everything and the rest of the people did not. They had nothing really in those days. It showed me that there was some kind of rigged system on the go back then and so I got into the old, old history books, the ones that hadn't been tampered with so much written before the 1900’s.


George:  You're saying that before 1900 the year the books were more authentic and they're more authoritarian, truthful. Is that your view?


Alan:  Yes, because you understand that most folk prior to that era had been pretty well illiterate and so the literate class could publish many books for themselves, and since they were the ones who already owned the structure of Britain and its empire, then they were more candid about what they were doing. It wasn't until about after the 1900’s, especially after World War I that they really started to alter history with each republication. They began to abridge books and literally, like George Orwell said, a lot of history went down the “memory hole” and simply disappeared from the regular books.


George:  I was looking into Pearson, which is a British company, the other day and they say in Wikipedia, I'm just going by Wikipedia – actually I think I looked it up on some database and they were saying that they were the largest educational publishers in the world. Does that sound right?


Alan:  It's very probable.


George:  Prentice-Hall I think is one of their main publishing houses.


Alan:  That's right and what we find today in Europe especially in Britain and in the Americas and Canada you have the same, it's not even a handful of main publishing houses that give you all of your educational books because they want to standardize education worldwide. Therefore, it must all contain the same information or disinformation because it's all done for a social agenda, not to educate you really, and so you have standardization of the educational system worldwide under the International Education Association.


George:  Do you think some of this of course is intentional and then some of it evolved over centuries or millenniums and they are actually refining this system of hidden rule and control? Do you think it sort of evolved and then some of it is really intentional too?


Alan:  Some of it may have evolved. However, there's no doubt most of it is intentional. When you go in again into the history books and you realize just how long big meetings, world meetings in a sense have been held comprising of the wealthy families and their control over their countries. Mainly these families even in Europe are all related to each other, regardless of the countries they live in. They cornered every market including the educational market because they plan the society they want. They plan the next 100 years, 200 years. You don't keep power by leaving it to chance. You keep power by planning the future and altering the structure of society to make sure that you're always in charge of it.


George:  There was one time that I looked at the Prussian education system and there was one time after being defeated by Napoleon where they said we've got to educate a soldier citizen. Is that sort of like what you're saying, they actually created these solider citizens to protect the wealth?


Alan:  There's no doubt about it. Prussia was a big player because Prussia and what became parts of Germany were really into the soldier idea, the soldier aristocrat and so on, and that's where they had the duels. Everybody who was anybody in Prussia amongst the elite had to have at least one saber cut on their face because they were always in these saber fights and duels. That's where the whole militaristic idea which led to World War I and eventually to World War II came from was Prussia. You'll find all the royal houses of Europe who are related together really trace their roots back to Prussia. You have the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha group in London. They now call themselves Windsor. They changed the name in World War I because they had German names and it wasn't very good to motivate the public to fight Germany when your kings and queens had German names.


George:  That Saxe-Coburg relates back to the Guelph, House of Guelph and [Vuelph]. Is that accurate?


Alan:  It's actually Guelph. It's an old word for wolf.


George:  Oh really?


Alan:  That's where it comes from and also where your name golf comes from, because all the High Masons play on the golf course. That's where their deals are done. The Guelph families – you'll find if you go into the history of the Americas, the U.S. and Canada, you'll find different place names called Guelph, Mansfield, [Grovenor] and so on. That was because the British Crown gave these families charters to own huge chunks of the Americas and they still do.


George:  Could you describe the system overall as a money mind sorcery? It's like they're practicing sorcery on most of the population, the masses?


Alan:  There is no doubt about it. Sorcery, really magic, is a way to fool people by illusion.


George:  So they're casting these spells through institutions of higher learning? They're using those too, are they not?


Alan:  Absolutely. We think of education as being a way to give us skills to survive and compete; and that's part of this whole system of theirs is competition. We all compete. We're taught to from the beginnings of school, but education to them at the top is a way to give a more obedient or create a more obedient society. If you go into the old speeches of Daniel Webster, he gives tremendous speeches about the U.S. and he states that quite openly that the educational system that they have set up in the U.S. is to create a more obedient compliant society.


George:  Mark Twain had some very cutting things to say about education too and he said it in his own way. I mean he was so down to earth and common sensical. You know what I mean? I forget one of the sayings. I'll put it up later, but he said something about the barrel of strawberries: at the top it's okay, but at the bottom it's rotten.


Alan:  That's right and he also talked about the myths of America. The myth being that if you just work hard you get to the top. Then he goes into the little dialogue about picking up the pins at the bank and eventually the bank manager giving this little boy a job because he's so hardworking. Then the big boy marries the bank manager’s daughter; and then he goes into the real one, the real society where the little boy picks up the pins. The bank manager grabs him and then kicks him out with no reward at all. That's the reality opposed to the myth.


George:  I always say a bank robber robs with a gun and these money people with a pen.


Alan:  Absolutely. 


George:  And you know what? I used to think the bank robber was a criminal and thief. Now I think he's a folk hero. I’m saying that tongue-in-cheek of course. I don't believe in robbing banks, but they're robbing each other sometimes.


Alan:  Once in a while they're allowed a little bit of competition, as long as it's done with their own rules, but these characters literally – I know people in Merrill Lynch investment company and they told me how it works, how the Tokyo Bank is so many hours behind the New York Bank and all the rest of it and how they can tap in. There’s hackers all the time, inside trading, and they make millions overnight by transferring money, maybe two or three times, shifting it two or three times to different banks depending on the interest rate while they give the common investor a few percent back on their investments.


George:  You know one thing that I see between you and some of the great philosophers of the world and thinkers is that you know about money and you know about the occult. They leave that out. You take someone like Dalai Lama or something. They're all spiritual and they're just pushing some kind of spiritual idea or worldview, but they leave out this money angle and the occult; and I don't think you can leave those out.


Alan:  No. I watched the Dalai Lama on a little documentary with one of his “lesser employees,” you might say, and I watched him touch his forehead to the top of this lesser’s head in these old occultic rituals that they do. All the tops of the religions are part of the control; they control vast amounts of people. Those at the top are always brought into the real world, the world that runs the system here.


George:  Would you say that there's a network then of people that really are clued in?


Alan:  Absolutely. There's no doubt about it.


George:  When you're describing your own world view or the essence of what is real with true reality, then you're describing a network of people that have mastered or are masters of control and manipulation and mind wash and mind control, right?


Alan:  Absolutely.


George:  And they use what, all the ‘isms’ in the world to do it?


Alan:  They use all the ‘ologies’ and ‘isms’ and they use all the sciences they can get a hold of, and that's one of the biggest pushes of course and that came from Frankford School and so on, the educational system of today. I think Gatto has a fantastic book out on the hidden or the secret forms of education for the Americas, but it was for the whole world in fact and it all came out from Germany in the 1800’s, again with the Prussian guys on top who designed it. They wanted a compliant society, societies that would be the mass-man; they'd act as a mass-unit rather than individuals. They said in their own writings they'd have to destroy individuality and the rights of the individual for a compliant society, a well behaved ordered society.


George:  You seem to dwell a lot on individualism because that's really the way that you nurtured your own view. Would that be correct?


Alan:  There's no doubt. The whole thing about school is conformity. From the day you go into it, it's conformity. It's all moving at the same time in gymnastics, doing the same thing, clapping your hands even when you're five at the same time. Repeat after me. It's all mass training and again that came from the old Frankfort School and the missionaries like John Dewey and all the others who were sent out to bring this into effect. They said that individuality must be destroyed. It was the only enemy they had towards this mass control which they were looking forward to.


George:  What you're saying maybe is that individuals could come to the conclusion that you have come to about the way it really works, so they don’t want individuals, right?


Alan:  They don't and they also knew that for every step of the agenda, which they had figured out a long time ago, there would be repercussions and eventually grassroots organizations would set themselves up, so they thought they could train the leaders for the events and they would start up the grassroots movements, their own opposition, and lead them round in circles. That's what we have today.


George:  You have a dialectic sort of maze of conflicts of different groups fighting one another, is that right?


Alan:  That's right. To get something happening on a large scale in society, you've got to create a ripple that effects the masses; and they know within the masses there will be someone who will set up an opposition to it. If you set up your own opposition who says all the right things, eventually you come to a compromise between the two conflicting sides. The compromise is actually what you were after in the first place, because a compromise means that someone lost somewhere along the line.


George:  In other words, someone's giving up both sides or giving up their real principles.


Alan:  That's right.


George:  Or their very heartfelt views, whatever they might be, whether they're well intentioned or not.


Alan:  That's right. You cannot compromise away freedom. You can't do it. There's no such thing as compromising freedom.


George:  You either have freedom or prison, right?


Alan:  That's right. Absolutely.


George:  Imprisonment, enslavement, I guess it can be said a lot of ways then. What you’re saying is that these ideas form a prison, a matrix – getting back to your site, tell us about your site, cuttingthroughthematrix.


Alan:  Yes. I've put out talks that I've done over the years going into the histories of the various groups and foundations that help fund all of this. They can download from that site cuttingthroughthematrix hundreds of talks that help to fill in a lot of blanks that you don't get normally in school or in the media for sure.  I try and tie it together and show you how all of these groups are interconnected towards a common goal and the goal is not pretty. It's pretty nasty and I know most folk can't really look at it too long because the bad news tends to overwhelm you. However, I always say that to get to heaven you've got to go through hell first, and that's what we have to do.


George:  There's an awakening process here that we have to begin awakening up to real true reality, what is. And that's hard to do.


Alan:  It's very difficult when you realize we have been going under, like Aldous Huxley said, a scientific indoctrination since we were born. We don't realize that. Prior to television and definitely radio it was much harder to brainwash vast amounts of people in the same formula by the same technique to bring them all to the same conclusions so that they would be of one mind-set. However, with the advent of radio then television, you'll find that Huxley and Bertrand Russell and many of the big players that were involved in the foundations, the think tanks, especially the ones in psychiatry. Psychiatry is a big player in this. They brought them all in and the marketing companies that knew how to make or motivate people to buy were all brought together to condition vast amounts of the public.


George:  Alan, we're going to have to take a break right now but we'll be back in about three minutes. Could we get into some of that psychiatry? There's a Frenchman Louvier, can you talk a little bit about him a little bit too?  We'll be back in about three minutes. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. Let me say something, a quote from our guest this morning, his name is Alan Watt and listen to what he says. This is a quote out of one of his publications.


             "In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway."


This was written in 2007 by Alan Watt. Welcome back to our program, Alan.


Alan:  It's a pleasure to be on.


George:  Those are fine words. The technology angle here, like Kurt Lewin, did he introduce some of the early technology through Tavistock? There was this Frenchman that you speak about at times also.


Alan:  There were many of them actually, and the big one that we know of. The idea was to – they knew and had meetings about this. They knew that religion was a big obstacle to bringing a scientifically controlled society and so they brought out Freud that was the big one that they really pushed after Darwin. Darwin was also part of this in fact in his day.


George:  Social Darwinism, something like that?


Alan:  Yes. Darwinism was to help to obliterate religion and replace it with a new theory – which is just a theory, although it is taught as fact – and that was evolution; and if everything evolved then there's no God, we're on our own, therefore those with the brains and the education should lead the world. That was the whole idea of it, but it was also to bring in an old idea and that was eugenics: the better different types of species, subspecies and so on, and the useless eaters at the bottom, heavily written about at the time of Darwin. Karl Marx wanted to dedicate his fourth or fifth publication of the Communist Manifesto to Darwin, and Darwin was advised not to simply because he had to keep his distance at his stage and where he was based from the Communist party. They're all in bed together and of course the Darwin family already was practicing eugenics because they only married for a few generations into the Wedgwood family. Every wife was a Wedgwood.


They were already practicing eugenics. They believed that through scientific breeding they could create a super-race. This is where the whole idea of Superman came from and the Germans took this up in World War II. The Soviets also tried to practice it on a different scale. They called it the Soviet Man they would create and it's still ongoing today we find through the writings of Aldous Huxley. Aldous Huxley's grandfather remember was the best friend of Darwin and so you always find the same relationships and the same families doing the same part of their agenda, specialized agenda, intergenerationally.  Huxley wanted a Brave New World type system where they would breed different types of humans, specially made humans for the particular purpose and that's where we're all going today. It's been on the go non-stop from the beginning of the 1900’s. We find that the greatest mathematician whoever existed, Rutherford in Britain. He was the guy who did all the measurements for the pyramids and so on, hired by The Royal Institute, the Royal Society. He worked in his own memoirs about the 1920’s. He worked on genetics long before we were told they'd actually discovered the gene. In his own book the man writes he was employed to work on genes. Why would you hire a man who's a mathematician to work on genes if you couldn't actually see them?


George:  My gosh. This trans-humanism, is that a good term for our listeners to go in and look up?


Alan:  Yes, that's the idea, step by step.  I used to wonder how could they bring us into a Brave New World where you have a different categories of humans from the elite all the way down, purpose-made humans, I realized we're actually well on our way. First they introduced the computer, which they didn't have to give the public, remember they already had it for the military-industrial complex. They were the ones who ran internet sites amongst military organizations. They even had one set up with the Soviet Union so that they made sure there was no mistakes, because they are all working apparently against each other, but at the top they're working with each other.


George:  They want to coordinate their efforts in other words. That's where the network comes in.


Alan:  We find the people who worked at MI6 like Peter Wright clued into this, that it wasn't just the Soviets with their KGB and Britain with its MI6. There was also a party above them that made sure there were no mistakes. They were all working together.


George:  There's this thing called the semantic web. Are you familiar with that? It's a new level of the web I believe, as I understand it. I have a very limited knowledge of this, where it's more database and databases interacting through a lot of different new languages with the user online.


Alan:  I know about that but what's even more important is this virtual world. This “virtual,” I always laugh at the word virtue.


George:  What does that mean? Tell us about that.


Alan:  It's a play on the old Masonic virtue. They always go into the virtues. Before you're a Mason you have no virtue. Once you become one you have virtue. You have virtual, not quite reality but almost reality, a different kind of reality.


George:  Almost?


Alan:  We saw this with the '70’s and '80’s. They showed you these big helmets on children as they were in their own little world playing a virtual game and they put some machines, some of these virtual reality games into I think it was Water World in Canada where they have the fish and so on, the big oceanic fish, and they put a few into Disneyland. What they found was when you go into this virtual world, even for 10 minutes, you can walk up walls, walk across ceilings and do all amazing kinds of things, but they found when you came off the machine and jumped into your car and drove away, almost everyone was driving into someone else. Your brain had adapted so quickly to this.


George:  Is this entrainment? Is that a technique what they call entrainment?


Alan:  It's part of entrainment. There's no doubt about it. Your brain will adapt so quickly to things which you could not possibly do in reality and it cannot switch back immediately either. You have to relearn how to walk on the ground and drive a car.


George:  Or drive a car right?


Alan:  Your spatial ability has to come back to you.


George:  God that's insightful.


Alan:  Now the military-industrial complex (and I've it up on my site) in cahoots with governments are actually doing this. They're collecting all the data from all internet users, coupling it with census data and making a virtual you. One of you somewhere is in a computer system and they've created a virtual world where they have your personality type; your likes, your dislikes; what you do with yourself; your purchases, that kind of thing. They've got a substitute you already inside a computer somewhere.


George:  You know recently they've come out with this scanner program that this American came up with on Wikipedia. Several years ago I experienced that first hand but I didn't know what was going on. I was looking at a page and then I went to something else, and then three or four minutes later I came back and refreshed that page and went back to the page and something was missing. A piece of the page that I looked at three or four minutes earlier was missing off the page. So this is a continuous contrived editing process to continue the rule, the input. 


Alan:  There's no doubt about it and with the new marketing techniques and the new way that they're leading us all into, they expect people to sit in their homes one day – and not to far away actually. They could do it now and you will appear to be in an office with other real people, but it's all the virtual people in this cyberspace. When you couple that with the Matrix movie, that's exactly what they're creating.


George:  Yes. The red pill, the blue pill. You know I experienced some of this one time was that a friend of mine – I was putting together a production this summer, a musical I'd written and I was talking to this girl and she said I have this pet. I said what kind of pet do you have? She said let me show you. She went to the web and showed me the pet that was in her virtual pet shop. I don't have any virtual pets. Okay, we'll be right back. Thank you, sir. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. This is your host George Butler. This morning I have with me as my guest Alan Watt and I'm honored to have him appear on this program. Alan, welcome back to our program.


Alan:  It's a pleasure.


George:  We were talking about a virtual reality. All these kids are into virtual gaming and stuff and that's just going too far. What do you think?


Alan:  The point of it all is to bring us step by step into literally a matrix type world – a world where you will be a battery, an energy source, and you'll be used by those at the top. It also blurs, in fact it totally confuses what is reality; what is normal; what is abnormal. Today in this system they try to tell us there's nothing abnormal, if you noticed. There's no good, bad or evil. There's only the end result, so any emotional tag that you put to it is a human judgment. Therefore they've successfully pretty well eliminated right and wrong, good and evil. Once they have done that, they can then bring forward the next step and that is literally the purpose-made human. ID also means Ideal Design. That's another little side meaning of ID for your ID card. They want to create ideally designed humans and this was written about in Huxley's "Brave New World". He was put out there on the one hand to give us predictive programming. When you follow stories, especially fiction that have thrills in them and they're fascinating and lots of science fiction in it, you don't realize you're being programmed towards something which will eventually happen in your lifetime. You accept it far more readily when you're familiar with the idea, especially when it's being presented through a fictional work. That's called predictive programming, all the way from Tavistock and that was the job of Huxley. We can go as far back as Plato who was a member of the old Greek aristocracy who wrote the book "The Republic," and the republic was to be a utopia for this Guardian class where all the common people beneath them were purpose-made and bred for their particular job.


George:  You can tell the people in the network because they're Neo-Platonists. Is that why they subscribe to that? I guess they do.


Alan:  Absolutely. Neoplatonism came out really in Alexandria in about the second century AD and they had schools in Alexandria where they coupled the old mystery religions of Egypt and tacked it on to the talks that Plato gave, and that's called Neoplatonism. You'll find every big player who has ever existed, the Huxley's, the H.G. Wells, again another propagandist for them, they always refer back to Plato and "The Republic" where he goal of the Guardian class, the ones who had special selection, would be fulfilled and they said if they could breed people like animals. If you want a tall strong apple picker you simply breed him with a tall strong female and keep interbreeding their offspring until you get what you want. They equated the people to cattle and domestic animals and that actually has been tried down through many centuries in different countries. We found that with the Zulus. Chaka the Zulu was approached by British – he called them “agents” or merchants, it doesn't matter, they were both one and the same at one time – and he eventually formed a tribe by slaughtering all the shorter people and only keeping those over 6 foot alive and they interbred them until they had the giant ones we call the Zulu today. Eugenics has been practiced widely in the past. The elite have always practiced it. Priesthoods used to go through genealogies. It's very important to them for certain traits, certain qualities and what we find is that today we have an elite running the world. The elite families of the world are basically psychopaths in nature. They don't have that normal human attachment to other humans.


George:  Is that a genetic thing or is it learned also? Is it learned behavior and genetics or both?


Alan:  It's both. You see the psychopaths when they exist and they run the system, this system is meant for the psychopath, it's only the psychopath who can get to the very top of any system here. They do it through cunning and manipulation and the will to destroy anyone who's in their way. They have no conscience.


George:  This money operation acts as a great dynamic of a border field to create this synergistic system of hidden rule. Would that be a fair statement?


Alan:  There's no doubt. This is the psychopath’s system. This is not an actual system we live in and from the earliest days to the present, since money was created we've been run by psychopaths because they gravitate towards power. The psychopath has an exaggerated craving for power. Total control – he's a control freak (or she, it doesn't matter) and they've been specially bred down through the ages, these wealthy successful families who generally got their money through plunder. When you go even into the Yale Society, Elihu Yale who set up Yale before the Revolutionary War said that regardless of what happens in the future, all the leaders of this country will come from here and therefore they will continue our agenda.


George:  It's seems like they have seized upon this monopoly of money creation and that's a really main controlling mechanism. Would that be right?


Alan:  We forget there are many ways that humankind could have come to this point, but we've been directed along one system since 800 BC. – actually before that. In 800 BC they coined money for the first time. Before they weighed it, but money and lending money and interest and all this kind of stuff is very, very old and as far as money goes back, in any form, you'll find the psychopaths have ruled it. They are the natural con men. A psychopath has certain gifts as well. They don't have to be tremendously clever, educational wise. However, they are naturally street wise. They see the con immediately and they're able to exploit it.


George:  These psychopaths and these individuals, the megalomaniacal whatever, these are terms to describe. Is it the abstractions they're able to seize upon that are wrong headed and actually wrong that they support what's wrong in them? Would that be one way to say it?


Alan:  Yes. This is the thing you see. The ordinary person when you study the psychopath, what they used to say about the psychopath – the psychopath damages those around them, but not themselves because they don't worry about anything. They don't have the conscience of a normal person, so the fallout generally is taken out by families around them or people around them.


George:  So they can practice this physical dominance and ruthlessness without any conscience?


Alan:  Without any conscience and they form – you see a psychopath is able to recognize other psychopaths intuitively, and long ago they formed clubs and associations and they view themselves as being the natural successors to the world because they are the most successful financially. They are willing to be vicious when required; they have wars or start wars to get agendas through and slaughter millions of people. That's why they push the Darwinist theory. They see themselves as the most highly evolved species on the planet as being predators and they're very proud of that. Darwin himself and also General Albert Pike said "we have no shame in saying that we follow nature and nature’s laws," and by that they meant to equate them to animals and the higher predators, then they are the natural successors. They are the highest predators on the planet.


George:  This is reiterated by Darwinism or whatever.


Alan:  Absolutely.


George:  I've got you. Then man is the animal, right?


Alan:  Therefore you have lessers and the higher animal, and the lessers are all the people who follow. They are the alpha ones who lead, so they're very proud of that and they really do push the whole evolutionary theory because it substantiates their stance on why they are where they are.


George:  You know this kingship with the divine right. How would you describe their – how do they come about their rights that they are the really intelligent people that can guide the world to this new whatever, madness? Is that sort of the illusion or the delusion?


Alan:  That's exactly it.


George:  They think of themselves as gods? Is that sort of another one?


Alan:  Yes. Divine right meant that. You see they have their own occult and when you understand the occult you understand their little religion there. The way that all religions were set up, you had a hierarchy in heaven and therefore you have the hierarchy on earth, like a mirror reflection. You had the king at the top, the advisers and the lords and the cousins, all the way down to the local laird, then you hade the peasantry, and so it was modeled on this idea of a heaven above and the reflection below. The divine right of kings, people used to come up to kings like King James and if you touched their clothing, they were taught you could actually be healed, so they were like walking gods. They really believed that.


George:  This just continued that ego state, that supercharged ego, that megalomaniacal thing, the glorified self. I think Karen [Hornblau] used to describe it that way.  They think of themselves as glorified gods.


Alan:  Blue bloods.


George:  Blue bloods. We're better than the little masses. The masses are a bunch of dummies out there. We’re going to manipulate them and use them, right? We'll be back in about three minutes. Thank you Alan. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. I'm your host George Butler. Welcome back to our program Alan Watt.


Alan:  It's a pleasure to be here.


George:  Do we exist in a field? Could you look at this from a field theory? Is that sort of the way you look at it at times?


Alan:  I know it's been pushed, this unified field theory idea.


George:  What about that?


Alan:  We're all interdependent and so on, but I don't really believe that at all. That's the big key of it. You'll find the UN and everyone else is pushing interdependence. It's a mandate in fact to do with globalism and it's not true, we exist with each other on certain rules, regulations and terms and you either exist as a mass group with all the same opinions, the mass-man, or you exist as individuals with their own rights and freedoms, ideas and opinions and you accept and tolerate that in others. It's one or the other. If the individual loses, the game is over. The mass-man will simply go in to the next step, which is the purpose-made man. He'll accept that quite readily. It's only the individual that ever changes the world.


George:  So we get back to individualism again versus this collective. Are the real movers and shakers creating a collectivist fascist world government?


Alan:  It's actually here. Most people don't have opinions of their own. The greatest tool that Huxley said was television in "Brave New World Revisited." He said through television they could propagate so much disinformation and information and bring everyone to the same conclusions and opinions, a standardized human being; and that's what you find in society. Whenever you go out you hear – and this was also reiterated by Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Between Two Ages".  He said "shortly the public will be unable to form an opinion by themselves. They'll allow the media to do it all for them, to do their reasoning for them."  That's happened with that's happened with most people. He also said the only conversations you will hear shortly are reiterations of the previous night's news, and that's what you hear when you go out. Everyone's talking about what they heard last night on the news.


George:  Information, IN-FORMING?


Alan:  Informing, yes.


George:  And they form you into this parrot?


Alan:  That's all people really are. They are parrots. Even with debates on politics or whatever, they always have one or two experts – again, a world run by experts.


George:  Oh I love those experts, don't you?


Alan:  They come on after a politician speaks and both will interpret it in a completely opposing way.


George:  So they'll spin it like they want, right?


Alan:  Joe Average you see, they know that Joe Average will pick one or the other and that will become his opinion. It's only opinions.


George:  That's the dialectic. You know what I found very common out there is if you quiz most of these college students or graduates or something and you ask them the question: is truth relative? They'll say, yes, truth is relative. Almost inevitably you'll get that answer just like a parrot response.


Alan:  Again, that was promoted through schools from the beginning with them, moral relativism. If you go into the Kabbalah, it's very important to understand the Kabbalah because you'll find that the top Hollywood producers and so on, all the Hollywood crowd, they're into Kabbalah. They even send their children to Kabbalistic schools and I think Madonna even sends her child there. In the Kabbalah they don't believe there's right or wrong, or good or evil. They're told to equate it like a line going from left to right and it just depends on how your human view looks at past events, even if it's mass slaughters or wars, and look at the outcome. Was it good for a certain few of society or at least for some of society or not?  Good and bad are irrelevant to them and the same with good and evil.  I did hear an interview with some of the top horror and sci-fi writers and they were all asked the same question: Do you believe that there’s such a thing is good or evil? and they all gave their standard, classic Kabbalistic response. "There's no such thing. There's only the human view on past events."


George:  So it's a subjectivist view they've been nurturing and pushing, no objectivism. They don't want a real objective view, do they?


Alan:  Not at all, once again, objectivism comes from individual responses and individual thought.


George:  Now the interesting thing you've said in the past was where you have to experience it directly. The more directly you experience reality, the more truer opinion you're able to form into. To form – is that something that's a valid statement?


Alan:  Absolutely. When you stand outside or walk amongst them, almost like an alien observing society, it really smacks you in the face how conditioned it is. It's all conditioned responses. You walk into a store. You have, "have a nice day. Did we find all we wanted, sir" and all these classic conditioned Pavlovian responses that trigger you to then respond to them and say, yes, of course; and that's what you're doing. You're being trained through other people who themselves are conditioned to give them also a Pavlovian response.


George:  I'm okay. You're okay. Everything's okay. Nothing matters. There's no good or evil and just do your own thing, right?


Alan:  That's right. If you go to the store (and I do this), and they'll say, "how are we today, sir?" They're all told to say this and it's automatic like "have a nice day."


George:  Have a nice day sir.


Alan:  And I'll say do you really want to know? I say do you really want to know, or I'll say it's been hell.


George:  How about have a lousy day sir?


Alan:  Yes and you'll snap them out of their conditioning for a few minutes.


George:  Well you could put that on them and they’ll say what. What did you say?


Alan:  That's it.


George:  You shock them into reality.


Alan:  Shock them back into it, yes.


George:  But jokingly, right?


Alan:  Yes and it does work. It does work, they’ll look up and they’ll smile.


George:  They’ll say what is that, because they've never heard that. They're conditioned to that normal typical response.


Alan:  That's right. Everything is Pavlovian training, from when you go into your car and that little buzzer sounds for your seatbelt, you're being trained by a sound to respond in a certain conditioned response.


George:  Then the insurance company is going to minimize their payouts, right?


Alan:  That's right.


George:  So it's money operations we get – the temple bankers, right?


Alan:  The temple bankers, the trapezi as they used to call them in Greece.


George:  They were priests too, so they practiced mind wash on the public with religions and money dominance on the farmers.


Alan:  Yes they did and that was studied that thousands of years ago when priests used to bring in the seed. Everyone had to give seed to the temples and eventually the priests caught on to the fact they could ask for X amount back plus surplus, that was interest


George:  So the percentage over and above what they had borrowed from the temple was considered to be the interest?


Alan:  That's right, regardless of the growing season, good year, bad year, whatever.


George:  Interest to me is a fictional idea that was created to dominant the space-time continuum. That's what I see.


Alan:  Yes. Interest is the whole thing. It truly is.


George:  It's an invention.


Alan:  So is money. You see money itself was an invention and this is the old allegory to do with Eden. If Eden was perfection and you leave Eden, there's only one road out of it where now you have to survive in a wild world, which isn't too hospitable at times and you're on the road to science, where man through his own will will conquer and subjugate and overcome, but it's a road of science. This particular road has one ending and that is the elimination of conscious thought for the majority of the public because those at the top must have it that way.


George:   So is that the new religion then?


Alan:  It is, yes.


George:  But it sounds so good and so logical. Is that the way they're presenting it at times?


Alan:  Absolutely. Guys like Arthur Koestler who worked for MI6, put a lot of science fiction novels out there again and also many non-fiction works and worked for the United Nations too. He wrote a book called "The Ghost in the Machine," which is your mind, by the way, your individual personal mind. That's what "The Ghost in the Machine" is. He said we must eliminate that by any means possible, the individual part that makes you you, in order to gain world peace.


George:  Is this a madness that's being promulgated, nurtured, projected and created through institutions at times on to the population?


Alan:  There's no doubt, it's from the top.


George:  It's an insane dynamic and thought and process and it seems like to me the way to describe it would be that way.


Alan:  It's diabolically insane because it's incredibly cunning. They do have the data of observations of populations, behaviorism that they've collected over a vast amount of time and they know they can pull this off. They can train the public like a huge herd towards this final giving up of your individuality.  If they give you enough stress, enough worries, enough hype, a faster pace of life and offer this as an escape, maybe even temporarily, that's how they'll first push it. Better than the movies, better than tranquilizers and most folk will go for it you see.


George:  Like breeders of hate. They breed hate and they don't want any forgiveness in there at all, do they?


Alan:  No.


George:  So we've got the forces of forgiveness against battling the forces of non-forgiveness and the non-forgiveness is of the world.


Alan:  You are dealing with strange powers here. There's no doubt about it. We're dealing with people who project wars in the future and plan them 100 years ahead sometimes and train troops to go into covert wars like the School of the Americas. They slaughter millions of people.


George:  Yes. The re-instituted that and changed the name. I can't even tell you the name of the School of the Americas anymore, but it's still there.


Alan:  It's still in Fort Benning.


George:  Yes, at Fort Benning, Georgia, but it's got a name that eludes me right now, but it's still there, they kicked them out of Panama way back. That's why they went in there and took out Terios it looks like. That's what John Perkins says in his "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man." We had him last week and he testified that Terios was taken out because he went against the School of the Americas.


Alan:  They wanted the U.S. to stop interfering in Latin America.


George:  We're going to be right back and take a real short break. It's just a minute break at the top of the hour and then we'll be right back and continue this conversation. Thank you Alan. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. Welcome back to our program, Alan Watt.


Alan:  Happy to be here.


George:  That little introduction stuff was a song that I wrote. It's a march called the Red, White and Blue March and I wrote that for a musical that we did last summer. Do you find it frustrating at times in people accepting what you're saying? Is there like a resistance in there in a lot of people because they've been so programmed and conditioned and educated into what's wrong?


Alan:  Yes. There's no doubt about it. We're living in a short era here. A short era where they've given one generation abundance of credit cards and so on and cheap produce you can buy from China, so their lives seem to be fairly good at the moment but it's only artificial. It's only a short time as all of this steamrolls ahead to get to a particular end.  In "Brave New World" for instance you find these new types of humans all specially bred through test tubes and gene interfacing and so on. You find that they are quite happy with their lives with their popping pills to feel this emotion or that emotion, whatever emotion and electric stimuli. It's almost there today with a lot of people who are out there in an egosyntonic world and that's what they pushed. People like Huxley and others said we shall push egosyntonic behavior. Tell people to dwell on the happy things and to never look at the bad things. It's also being pushed through the New Age phenomena which they created. Don't look at the negative. Look at the positive; and if you don't look at the train coming up behind you then it's going to hit you. It's perfect. They've literally put millions of people out of the game here of retaliation or at least even noticing what's happening because they're taught not to look at the negative. I don't want to hear that. That's bad news. Don't tell me; and so egosyntonic behavior has been promoted through the behavioral psychologists at the top and every government hires thousands of these people in the behavioral sciences and they use them and their formats and in the educational system to create this particular society which has its defense mechanisms all switched off.


George:  So when a man graduates from a higher school of education and it’s the designation of having been conditioned to fit in, to obey, to be enslaved. Would that be fair?


Alan:  Absolutely. Right down to what you wear, the suit and the tie, the mandatory uniform of Masonry. The tie of course is your tow rope of Masonry. I don't think people realize that, that's why it's the only authorized uniform to wear into court or anywhere else and no one asks why. So from the way you dress, the way you behave and what you'll actually accept and tolerate in your work and the things that you're told to do perhaps is all compliance for the job. Back in the '70’s they began to promote big time the corporate man, the company man. You're part of a team, team player. All this kind of stuff and that was to expand through corporations into a society of team players where we're all interdependent.


George:  But they have to obey their supervisor or the head man?


Alan:  Yes.


George:  Absolutely or they're out. So you're either with me or against me. Sounds like something similar here, doesn't it?


Alan:  It is the same. It's all interconnected because it was through the foundations that said that they would fund all the governmental organizations and promote a new system. That's the Soviet system. The Soviet had non-governmental organizations. The only difference being that the Soviet politburo decided who would be at the top of the NGO. In America and the West, the NGOs are funded by the big foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation.  Professor Carroll Quigley said the new feudal system we shall bring in worldwide that shall rule the world will be a feudal system where the new overlords are the CEOs of the international corporations.


George:  These NGOs don't have any elected – they're not elected officials. We have no control over them and they just are being used to bring about what the real manipulators want. Alvin Toffler in his books, in one of his earlier books, was pushing these NGOs real big time.


Alan:  He was and Toffler – see all these science fiction writers belong to a society. It's called The Futurist Society.


George:  Yes, the Futurists.


Alan:  They go there. They're invited there, certain ones of them. They're told what they really have in sciences and what they'll bring out the next 20, 30 years and then they tell them to write stories around it to familiarize the public with the idea, because once you're familiarized through fiction and it comes along in your lifetime, you never question the rights or wrongs of it. You think it's a natural evolution. It's to familiarize you with the idea.  Toffler of course was one of these guys and he also wrote a book called "The Third Wave," which was the combination, the coming together of Sovietism and capitalism – communism and capitalism, the two sides of the same coin, the dialectic to produce the third way, which was a fascist elite at the top that would run everything that would interbreed, being superior and all that kind of stuff. You'd have the masses down below run by a communistic type style bureaucracy. Every congressman was given a copy of that book by Newt Gingrich on the steps of the [congress].


George:  You know who's associated with Alvin Toffler is Newt Gingrich.  He's a mentor. In fact, Newt Gingrich talks about Alvin Toffler as being a mentor of his.


Alan:  He does and Gingrich also is the man who starts off. He gives the opening speeches every other year at Loyola University where they have the World Science meeting to do with genetic engineering to create a Brave New World society.


George:  So if we're in the mood for some real liberal from the left they hustle us with that view. If we're in the mood for some right, extreme right view, then they give us that. They just dish out what we're hungry for or what we think we need, right?


Alan:  That's right and we are being guided by the left and the right. I mean what bunch of politicians do you want in, this bunch of multimillionaires on the left or the bunch of multimillionaires on the right who are all interbred? We don't have any such thing as democracy. We have a corporate fascist system running this world and it's interfaced with the old families of Europe and London.


George:  You know that point that you make was very interesting. I stumbled on to something very similar if not something pretty close to that. Years ago at the University of Texas here and it was in a book but it was published by a university publishing house, but it sort of occurred to me that those are ways – if somebody comes up with a real insightful view like that view right there and publishes it, they want to publish it through a university because it limits the distribution.


Alan:  It does.


George:  They don't want it to go commercial; otherwise it might sell millions, right?


Alan:  Yes. That's a fact. However, there is a grapevine network and I've noticed this with some of these classic books that the public never hear of, that there's a grapevine network that goes round all of the elite families and they get their copies.


George:  They want those books so they can see how to defeat those insights?


Alan:  Yes and I spent years collecting books when people would die and they'd have auction sales and so on. I'd watch the papers for certain people who were well connected and it’s just staggering the actual books that were published for the insiders.


George:  I see. It seems like it's a process of awakening and coming out of that delusional state.


Alan:  Yes. We’re conditioned.


George:  That conditioned state, that programmed or however you want to describe it. It can be described in other ways, right?


Alan:  Many ways but ultimately--


George:  It's the same thing.


Alan:  Yes. We are all full of conditioned responses and conditioned views and our opinions are downloaded into us by experts.


George:  Notions and views and little opinions that we think are original but they're not.


Alan:  They're not at all. One of the worst things that I fear about all of it is that while we're in this incredible indoctrinational system, we don't realize that what was started by Britain for centuries, that was the war to dominate the world through the creation of a global empire based on free trade, started in the 1500’s and taken over by the U.S. in the early 1900’s. You have the Anglo-American Establishment – I don't think people realize that it's almost completed its goal and whereas Britain use to go into countries and stimulate wars between tribes and different factions and then come in and subjugate them and unify them under the guise of peace. The U.S. is doing exactly the same. The U.S. really for the last 100 years has been involved in open and covert wars continuously all over the world.


George:  It looks like with all this going on, it looks like there is a virtual reality and they've created it.


Alan:  The average person back home is given trivia on the news and what superstar is having an affair with whatever superstar. Meanwhile, they have Special Forces and there have been for 50 years since Truman signed that doctrine into perpetual war from 1950, when they realized the economy would fail back to 1920, '30’s level unless they had a war economy on the go. That's when they started the School of the Americas and everything else sprung up to have these covert ongoing wars and they'd have a huge war economy back home. During the Cold War it was the best thing that ever happened because the U.S. financed missiles into Europe, mainly to Germany and so on. Almost every second and third town in the U.S. had some input of factories dealing with the war economy; and viola, as soon as the Cold War is over, suddenly it's the Middle East. It's a continuation of a war economy.


George:  This war on terrorism presents itself as an amazingly efficient way to organize and control and dominate people?


Alan:  Absolutely. Terror has been used for thousands of years. The ancient Caesars and emperors of Rome commonly would have select bands of then the Praetorian Guard and they'd take sections of them and have them set fire, torch the government buildings and wealthy men's buildings in Rome, blame it on terrorists from outside.


George:  False flag operations.


Alan:  Yes, insurgents. Then they would set the troops on the whole population.


George:  The Constitution says that we've got to beware and resist and fight those domestic and foreign enemies.


Alan:  Exactly. It’s the same old thing.


George:  So I guess those domestic enemies are worse than the foreign ones.


Alan:  Yes. The problem is – and this is the clever part of this, again, diabolical as it is – that the average person doesn't realize that when they talk about terrorism, the concept and definition is constantly expanding, until you will be given an annual perhaps a monthly psychological evaluation maybe within the next 10 years to see if you have any unknown to yourself terrorist tendencies. That's where it's all going for the controlled society. This war on terror is really a war on the entire planet, the average citizen on the planet. It's a war to take away all their rights, all their freedoms and to constantly monitor every single thing they do, because the psychopaths at the top will have no peace until they can completely predict every individual on the planet and what their movements will be, what their thoughts will be; and that's what totalitarianism is all about.


George:  My gosh; and then they can truly be the great gods of the universe or whatever?


Alan:  Yes and it's interesting the ancient Egyptian because if you look at some of polemics written for the pharaohs by the priests, they were almost like hymns and the pharaoh would say, “I who own everything that flies in the sky. I own the stars that move at night. I own everything that walks, crawls, or burrows into the earth and swims in the sea. I own it all,” and that's exactly what they're bringing it all back to.


George:  And that money, being capitalized and compounded over 2,000 years or more, is fueling this dominance of buying up everything.


Alan:  You cannot beat it. See the system is a psychopathic system and the culture they've given us to adopt came from them, so it's psychopathic in culture as well, where we lose our human values as we interact with each other in order for personal gain or the fear of being poor even or sick or lonely and not being able to afford medical health. All of those things are played upon in this system and it makes us in this psychopathic system inhumane towards each other.


George:  I see. So fear is a great dynamic and used to control and manipulate and force people in a way to conform, to drink at the troth, to eat at the troth of insanity.


Alan:  Absolutely. We truly do become inhumane and I see it more in the cities because a city is an artificial – again this old allegory of Nimrod, the big city builder who contained people within walls. That's what a city is in the old days and they can't feed themselves, so their structure is unnatural. It's an artificial system and once you have people cooped up in an artificial system you've got to have a medium of exchange because they can't grow vegetables and have animals and so on. They bring everything from outside, so their structure is called the beehive. That's what Plato called them and he said we can manipulate and alter the culture so quickly constantly in the beehive and we shall win by the creation of the beehive.


George:  Is that why on many of the inauguration robes there's bees on those robes?


Alan:  Yes, absolutely.


George:  Is that symbolic of that idea and dominance, the beehive to dominate?


Alan:  It is. In fact Napoleon when he went with an expedition into Egypt, he went into one of the tombs and he found a cloak there or at least a whole bunch of these bees and they had them sewn on to a special cloak and he made the beehive his flag, his symbol. Cleopatra had it too of course. The beehive was one of Cleopatra's symbols as well.


George:  They put their symbols out there. You just have to wake up and start looking at this and questioning what is that really about.


Alan:  Yes and they go by ‘ants.’ Even in the language. They created the English language to contain all the codings in them and you'll always find certain words end with ‘ant’ and the ant is a wingless bee. In a sense it's more superior because the bee does all the work and when the bees leave and take off in a swarm, the ants move in and they clean everything up. They clean out all the honey. They use different terms throughout the language and they all know what it means at the top. They all laugh about it.


George:  My gosh. So are we the profane? I mean not me and you, but is the average person the profane that don't know anything?


Alan:  That's right. Going back to the bees and the ants, see the ants and the bees are the only species really outside of man that will attack and kill each other, not for food either.


George:  I see. They'll just do it on their own?


Alan:  Yes. They have armies of ants.


George:  For the love of the killing. I see. We're going to be right back Alan. Thank you very much. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. Welcome back to our program Alan Watt.


Alan:  Glad to be here.


George:  Is what you're describing a virtual reality that they've created and are calling it reality?


Alan:  It is. There hasn't been a society that's been so conditioned carefully, again scientifically and kept in the dark through a controlled media into an ulterior alternate reality, as we have had the most. Everyone pretty well in the Western Hemisphere gets the same news at the same time every day and by the same groups of people. There's only about three big wire services that give them their news and they all parrot them. We can't check if it's real, true or whatever until years have passed and we generally find that what they're telling us is lies and we are kept under a pack of lies. I have to say that. There's no doubt about it.


George:  I was tracking down a publication the other day. I can't remember it right off hand but it led me back to a major media company that's privately owned that's connected to The Club of Rome.


Alan:  There are many of them.


George:  So you know what I mean? When I see these publications that look funny and they're pushing all this slave thinking, right? Well it gets back to The Club of Rome.


Alan:  The Club of Rome is one of the premiere think tanks – now their job is to come up with ideas that will control people in the future. They come up with ideas and then give it to the lesser think tanks to work out all the details and how to promote and market the ideas through education, through propaganda to the public. In the book written by the two founders of The Club of Rome, it's called "The First Global Revolution". They said in that book we sat around a table wondering how we could unite the people together in the world against a common enemy, because the only time they can motivate us in a big way as the mass-man is during war. We all come together and we do out bit type of thing and we do it with less et cetera. They said that in a global society there will be a lack of enemies, so we've got to create an enemy; and they thought, can we use space aliens? Could we give 40 years of brainwashing and make them believe we're being attacked by aliens? They actually have tried that idea to an extent. They tested that out back in the '50’s or '60’s, the '40’s even in a big experiment with “War of the Worlds.”


George: Yes, War of the Worlds, that shook up everybody.


Alan: Yes and that was funded. It came out later it was funded that whole experiment by the U.S. government. It was the psychological warfare department in conjunction with the psychological department of Princeton University and they came up and found out the way to put it across to the public so they wouldn't be sure if it was just a program or reality.  Many people died trying to get away from cities and panics during that broadcast, so they've used this on a big scale but they're using it on a much bigger scale today because most people don't have a reality. They have conditioned responses and they parrot their downloading to other people. They have no original thoughts of their own and because you have hundreds – I think there's 19-odd thousand radio stations in the U.S., they think they're freer because they have more stations. It doesn't occur to them they are all telling you the same lies because they all get their news from three sources.


George:  My gosh. The publication that comes to my mind was "The Leaning Towers" I think and it was a book done, I think it won the Pulitzer Prize this year in 2007. When I looked up the publisher it lead me back to a German based publishing company that's privately owned and the head of that is the honorary member of The Club of Rome.


Alan:  It's not surprising at all because back in the '50’s in fact they copied the Soviet style. The Soviets had a Department of Culture and then Britain brought in a Department of Culture and every European countries all did and the U.S. did as well. The U.S. and the British – the departments within MI6 and the CIA got together and the CIA decided they'd fund most of it. They set up a department in London, a main street, and all the most famous authors, poets, writers, even magazine writers that we’ve heard of over the last 50 years belonged to that particular group. They said that we shall give the public their thoughts, their ideas through fiction and non-fictional works and through music, art and entertainment, and they ran the whole industry and they still do.


George:  Boy that's interesting. There's a guy here that publishes a newspaper. I won't even say who they are. Occasionally he'll launch an attack on someone or criticism of someone and one time he did this and he was using dialogue out of a movie to do it. Is that a reach?


Alan:  No.


George:  Is this what they think about?


Alan:  Anyone outside the U.S. hears that all the time. We hear little phrases by presidents and so on that's obviously written by Hollywood scriptwriters and it's geared specifically for the American psyche. It wouldn't work anywhere else.


George:  But these are people that are trying to come up with arguments to overcome or criticize someone – a very good person. In fact in this case the person they're criticizing is a fine person, but this person is using the dialogue out of some crazy movie to try to decimate him, to discredit him.


Alan:  That's exactly what Lenin said. Lenin himself had been schooled in the dialectics and he wrote that we shall win this war over the minds of the public by the use of slogans, repetition of slogans. He also meant through the entertainment industry which the Soviet Union had a big one for the Soviets. You simply repeat those phrases through movies and so on. Have them come in to civilian life and the public are being conditioned like Pavlov's dogs. They cannot think for themselves. They go through what they call repertoires in behaviorism in psychology. They go through a repertoire and all you drag up are the slogans that have been indoctrinated to you.


George:  What comes to my mind just a few seconds ago is what we're saying is not comfortable for people to listen to, is it?


Alan:  No it's not.


George:  They don't like it when they first hear it, do they?


Alan:  They don't, especially when you can catch someone using them the conditioning and you point it out to them and it unsettles them and you become the enemy because they've been comfortable in that little zone thinking these were their own ideas.


George:  They could even use a free speech comeback against you couldn't they?


Alan:  Yes they will, but generally they'll use another slogan.


George:  It's sort of like free speech. Yeah, you're right about that. They're full of slogans because that's what's been poured into them, so they'll just come back with a slogan. This ridicule, tell me how that works in your mind? The people that I'm talking about come back with ridicules sometimes but no facts.


Alan:  That was the beauty of slogans. What they do is you attach a negative idea to a word or a term or a phrase and that's meant to silence the person who's talking when it's used against them, so you have Natzi – and as soon as you say Natzi in connection with someone who is asking, for their rights perhaps.


George:  That's a Nazi statement or a Nazi or some attack, it's almost personal, an ad hominem attack.


Alan:  It's meant to silence you and before that, it was communist. They used in the U.S. too. Oh, you're a communist. All you were doing was asking for more pay, so you're suddenly a communist or you're anti-Semitic. That was the one brought up by the Scottish Rite of Freemasons. They said they would push anti-Semitism and smear everybody with that if they asked pertinent questions. 


George:  Yes. We had a program last night, me and Charlotte Littlefield, about the USS Liberty, and so I mean that's the dynamic right there that they used to deny the truth.


Alan:  It's been used with so many.


George:  What's so tragic about this is the good people of Israel are being used and the good people of America and Canada are being used too by these people. We're all being hustled. It's a hustle isn't it?


Alan:  It's a hustle. It's the con game. Again, I used to be fascinated by certain movies Hollywood put out, like "The Sting" is a good movie.


George:  Yes, I saw that.


Alan:  It shows you the con and each time you think you're getting to the end of the con, the scheme, you find there's another con within the con and another one. It shows you the psychopathic’s nature, they have an ability to con and con and even put games within the con itself.


George:  In other words, a con within a con and this virtual reality is a con within a con, isn't it?


Alan:  It is.


George:  We'll be right back, Alan. Thank you. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. I'm your host George Butler. Welcome back, Alan Watt.


Alan:  It's a pleasure to be here.


George:  Would you like to take some calls now?


Alan:  Sure.


George:  Our call in number is 888-202-1984. Our lines are open now. That's 888-202-1984. This thing about a con within a con, I used to jump from one box or one ‘ism’ into another one, from one con to another, and I finally begin to see I've got to stand out and look at all those boxes that I was trapped by and see the whole overall scheme of things. So they'll run a con at you and then they'll run something within that. It just gets to more virtual reality within virtual realities.


Alan:  What they do in a con, you allow the victim to use their own logic, their own rationale to come to what they think is their own conclusion as they try to work through a problem; so you put something out there, then you watch them say “is this wallet mine or not mine or whatever or did someone take it” and then the con man will gradually steer you. You think you're steering yourself but you're being steered towards what you think is a logical conclusion, but you end up in another con; and that's how politics works as well. We don't vote people in. We vote the last bunch out because they’re so corrupt.


George:  I see. This thing about using your own imagination, this is indoctrination used by cults, is it not?


Alan:  Yes. Cults are very important. The methodology of cults is incredibly important because the CIA were running cults like the Jonestown experiment and so on back in the '60’s and '70’s.


George:  Yes I know that.


Alan:  Reagan of course allowed Jones and some of his group into psychiatric hospitals to test their methods on people and then they used it on the actual groups themselves, the cult members. Now if you stress a society enough and give them less and less sleep for instance and give them more stress at work, stressful economy, inflation and all the rest of it, you're implementing the same techniques that cults use. You're uncertain and the more uncertain you become the more fearful you become and the less sleep that you have because you're always anxious. You feel tired, then you become susceptible to suggestion and you look towards the cult leader who will either be the top man in the treasury or the president, the big brother that comes out with the comforting words and directs you. You're much more amenable to being guided. These are all techniques that are being used now on the large societies.


George:  It looks like all of these organized groups are occultic.


Alan:  They are.


George:  In characteristic.


Alan:  There's no difference between them, same with political parties, or left or right, it doesn't matter. The control freaks, the same personality types are in charge of them all so it wouldn't really matter if you move totalitarian bunch out and let the next totalitarian bunch in. Their whole idea is based on control over masses of people. They do not see individuals at the top at all.


George:  Is one way to start coming out of the delusion or this enslavement system to being able to try to observe your own thoughts and how those are enslaving you? Would that be a good technique?


Alan: Yes you must. In fact you reevaluate everything right down to what is important to you as a person. How are you with your interpersonal relationships and then you will also go through the whole process of what is right and wrong in a society, because there really are rights or wrongs. There are basic laws that cannot be broken, basic laws.


George:  What about this “know thyself”? That seems to be a little rhetoric all the time they're pushing out, but they're using it on such a shallow basis like humanistic psychology or something like self-realization actualization; but it's not really authentic or good, is it?


Alan:  It's not. What they mean when they bring them into groups or cults or all the New Age (which they run completely, by the way), what they're teaching them is to come to a state of being and then the experts within the group will then reinterpret what you're feeling and they will tell you. Whereas “know thyself” is really a method where you, only you, could come to your own opinions and decisions on yourself.


George:  I see. So that's all subjectivism and then they're going to control the outside inputs to push in one way or the other, one direction or the other.


Alan:  Absolutely.


George:  And the big media conglomerations consolidation, it’s only getting worse.


Alan:  It is. I personally don't believe there are any independent big corporations at the top whether it's oil, gas or media.


George:  They've got Davos every year, the meeting in Davos. They've got the Bilderberg group. They've got Trilateral, CFR and all those. Those are acting as a means to dominate, all those groups.


Alan:  That's right. The Club of Rome in that same book, "The First Global Revolution," those leaders after going through the UFO thing and what they could make the public believe, which is pretty well anything, they said that they decided that they would create global warming, the idea of global warming, and blame man himself so man would be the enemy of the planet. That was written in the 1970’s.


George:  So they're attacking man himself?


Alan:  Yes. We are the enemy.


George:  We are the enemy so we must be controlled and all of our action must be predictable?


Alan:  That's right.


George:  Because we are actually the enemy of the world or whatever.


Alan:  We are the enemy of nature, mother earth and all the rest of it and all natural resources. It's our fault and it's all our fault as consumers that this has become this way.


George:  H.G. Wells set out a paper called "The Open Conspiracy". Were they not telling us decades ago what they were going to do?


Alan:  Absolutely.  H.G. Wells was picked at the precursor of The Futurist Society. It was run by Aldous Huxley's grandfather, Professor Thomas Huxley in London and he was picked and trained with a lot of other writers who became very famous.


George:  Okay. We've got a caller from Utah. Let me bring him on in. Collin from Utah, what is your question for Alan Watt?


Collin:  I'm calling from the Beehive State. Yes, Utah is known as the Beehive State and if you drive along the highway you will see the beehive signs on the roads. What I was wondering is I'm not a Mormon myself but what is your take on Mormonism?


Alan:  Mormonism – back in the 1700’s and 1800’s especially in Europe the Masonic institutions which were really at the top all guided by the Royal families going right back to London. They're at the top – the Duke of Kent traditionally is the head of the lodge in London for all masonry and they give out charters for every other group. They wanted to set-up experimental groups of people who would inbreed, by the way, and be fairly docile and good producers. Out of that came very many groups, Mennonites, Amish and so on, but also they tried the same thing in the states and they called it Mormon and wrote up a fake history to do with Moroni; and the first letters of moron gives you your clue. It was to be a very well behaved society and we know that Joseph Smith and the other members were all masons. Once you become a member of the Electi in Mormonism, the males only get to a certain degree then they're initiated into the exact same degrees as all freemasonry.


Collin:  I gather that there was some dissent between the freemasons and Joseph Smith.


Alan:  Not really, no. He may have opened his mouth – it's often best too to get rid of the person who founds the institution in case he gets to big for his breeches. You simply eliminate them after they've been used. That's what George Orwell wrote into "1984" when he gave all the laws to do with how you're sworn into this terrorist society, that you yourself might be eliminated and you accept that.


George:  Collin, thank you for your question and call us back again sometime. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. We've got another caller on the line. Richard from Texas, what is your question for Alan Watt?


Richard:  Hi. You know I understand and appreciate a lot of what you guys are discussing this morning.  I recently watched the film "Zeichgeist" and the first part of that film goes through the various Jesus type characters throughout history, starting with the sun god Horus and that kind of thing and all having so many things in common, virgin birth and all the rest of it.  I just would appreciate your comment. I know that the bible has bee manipulated in a terrible fashion and is to be taken with a large grain of salt, but there's a purity in the Jesus figure that I love and just any comment you have about that I'd love to hear. Thanks.


George:  Okay. Thank you, Richard.


Alan:  The Jesus idea again is ancient for sure. There's no doubt they tacked all the old mystery back on to it. They did with the virgin birth, the four main apostles, the north, south, east and west, and the twelve for the zodiac.


George:  Okay we're going to come back. We’ve got to take a break, Alan and Richard, but thank you for your question. We appreciate it. Welcome back to World Review Commentary. Our phones are open right now for questions for Alan Watt. The number is 888-202-1984. Let me give that to you again, that call in number toll free, it's 888-202-1984. Welcome back, Alan Watt.


Alan:  Yes it's a pleasure.


George:  You know I like the way you answer these questions, you know why? Because you're not insulting to people. There's no need to, is there?


Alan:  No. It's like the religious one. There's no doubt that within all religions in fact I find that the basic rules for simply society getting along without killing each other are always embedded and that's what people naturally gravitate towards. That's why they like their religions. The problem is the religions have always been used for controlling vast groups of people, which is the intent of the elite; get vast groups of people, give them their leaders and you can control them and so it's a double whammy. We know what's right and wrong an innately within ourselves. I don't care what the psychologists says. Within ourselves we know what's right and wrong. We do.


George:  So you subscribe to a very simple set of morals and beliefs that you believe, innately you know what's right and wrong?


Alan:  We do. Everyone does. Everyone. It doesn't matter if they deny it.


George:  So what they're trying to do is trying to dogmatize that or indoctrinate us or through doctrines and dogmas right?


Alan:  Absolutely.


George:  They're trying to build a synthetic system of man constructs right?


Alan:  Yes. It's a system where if 10 million people get slaughtered in a war but we all benefit at the end, then the war was worth it, even if we started it, it's moral relativism again. That's how they view outcomes, not with what's right or wrong.


George:  That's what we have in our schools, social and moral relativism, truth is relative and your own truth is okay, it's right. So go for it and just believe it. It's just crazy. I guess we can say insane. I guess crazy is another term, right?


Alan:  We've got to remember to that psychiatry through Freud, that's why they put Freud out there after Darwin, was to build on this evolutionary theory.  Freud came along after Nietzsche that God was dead, meaning that you'd behave differently as a society and individually if there was no god than the way you'd behave if you thought there was a god. Psychiatry was put out there to fill the gap and again teach this moral relativism where there is no real right or wrong, there’s only how you feel at the end of it, as long as you feel fine everything is okay.


George:  Yes, that's a good insight. I approached these college kids and I just have so much feelings for them and their lost views you know? They are so well educated but they have no wisdom.


Alan:  No wisdom at all.


George:  And they're young and I was there to a one time. You started that at an earlier age coming out of that delusion into truth seeking, but I mean it took me years to come out myself see.


Alan:  Yes and there's a mind field out there of disinformation.


George:  Yes, MIND. Mind-field, right?  Those minds are like mine fields. They'll blow up on you. They'll strike back and they come out and they get very vicious and very mean spirited at times.


Alan:  Yes and they can keep you running in circles for years.


George:  I describe what I call the man problem, in being the problem where men have a greater capability to create and conjure up an event and so they're out there inventing the more of a virtual abstract reasons to support what's wrong in them and that's why they're supercharged ego maniacs, right?


Alan:  Yes they are. In fact, that's the definition of a psychopath. They are pure ego. They have no guilt and they will defend their ego at any cost.


George:  You know one good example of that is that men now that are getting caught in thefts and scandals, they'll stand up and declare their innocence before everyone in front of a microphone.


Alan:  They'll even rationalize why they did it.


George:  For some crazy reason.


Alan:  And expect you to accept it.


George:  Then you've got these people coming out of the universities where truth is relative; they'll say maybe he had reason to do that. I mean it's crazy. It's building on each other.


Alan:  Yes, I know and yet those same people are so easily convinced that one dictator in the world in history was the worst one of all and they cannot see the same thing happening right now.


George:  Yes. A friend of mine used to say that the more you support the monster the worse the monster gets.


Alan:  Yes there's not doubt. It's inflates it.


George:  And so these cults of personalities, these great leaders are being supported and I think that's true in a bad marriage where a man is very abusive to his wife, where she'll support and keep going along with him thinking that she can make him into a better person and he gets worse.


Alan:  He gets worse.


George:  He'll be more abusive, more physically abusive at times or verbally or whatever, and then a woman finally gets enough of it and has to leave. What they're doing out here today is they're building on this idea of ego.


Alan:  See the whole thing in psychiatry and psychiatry you’ve got to understand is tied completely with the system. Psychiatry was built to replace the old priesthoods and become the new psychological experts and psychiatrists.


George:  But it looks so clinically right, doesn't it?


Alan:  You can back up anything with bogus science. It's just like theory or theology.


George:  If you're using these books after 1900 there's no telling what's in them, right?


Alan:  Anything goes.


George:  You could put anything in a book, but like I found that – this occurred to me one time walking through the stacks here at the University of Texas, the Perry Castaneda Library which is a wonderful library. What occurred to me one time was I was walking through these stacks and most of the books out here just reiterate the same old same old.


Alan:  Same old repetition, repetition.


George:  But new knowledge or original stuff like you’re bringing out is lacking in most of these.


Alan:  It's lacking. Again, in psychiatry the whole idea is that you're supposed to be happy all the time. That's the new theory and they said they'd push egosyntonic behavior, so you're supposed to be happy all the time, which is not a natural human state.


George:  You were an early escapee from that, weren't you?


Alan:  I was but I was careful too.


George:  Were you like an escapee non-con?


Alan:  That was me.


George:  Would that describe you? Hey, tell me something about your music before we end the program. What kind of music have you written and performed and things like that? Tell me about that.


Alan:  I've done all kinds. I've written songs and also have gone into the studios and laid down the tracks often for groups.


George:  So you've been a studio musician also?


Alan:  Yes.


George:  That takes some skill doing that.


Alan:  I performed with groups live across Europe and other countries and also I've done concert classical guitar as well on stage.


George:  Next time we bring you back and I certainly want you to return for another interview in the future whenever it's convenient, could you do some of the music either recorded or live on the air for us?


Alan:  Maybe I could.


George:  I would love to hear some of your music and maybe send me an email about some, point me to some of your music. I would love to hear some of that because you're such an original human being. But you know what? People they view you as – they have these defense mechanisms, right, like 9/11? These things just come up automatically because they're conditioning.


Alan:  I know.


George:  So it's hard sometimes for people. It's like I used to listen to a guy years ago and I thought he was crazy and full of hate. Then one day I said oh my gosh, he's preaching forgiveness.  I woke up one day, but I kept listening to him because I knew somewhere deep in his heart was truth, you know?


Alan:  Yes I know.


George:  And that's where you've got a good heart, Alan, and you're really a positive force in this world and that's what is so great about your work.


Alan:  We have to push on now because it's probably the most critical period that been for a couple of hundred years.


George:  So right now, set out some of the most dangerous things that are happening. We've got a couple of minutes here, two or three minutes. Set out some of the most dangerous things that are happening right now.


Alan:  It's things we take for granted, again because we think it evolved and that is the internet was given to us for a brief period to get us all used to it, addicted to it. We think we can't do without it, then it's coupled with a cell phone technology and internet. The next step is the brain chip. They've discussed this at the Loyola University meetings, the World Science meetings. Also the whole idea with this war on terror, which constantly expands to include every single individual on the planet because everyone is a potential terrorist. It's to get us all into this straightjacket where we've allowed ourselves to be remolded and completely conditioned from cradle to grave. We can't allow this to happen. We can't allow our rights to be taken away because you'll never get them back.


George:  So it's transmogrification of great change is underway and this war on terrorism and this 9/11 stuff is leading people into greater fascist world state.


Alan:  A totalitarian Huxley state, that's the outcome after 100 years war; a brand new human being, purpose-designed; no more individual thought. You'll be unable to think as an individual and when that happens they've conquered the world.


George:  Is the build down of population in the plans of this group, these people?


Alan:  Yes and that's part of The Club of Rome when they decided eventually they said when we chose that man would be the problem.


George:  Sustainable--


Alan:  Development. It's all to get total control until we give up all rights as individuals, individual sentient beings.


George:  I got you. Well we've got a minute here on the way out, but I thank you so very much Alan Watt for your comments and your ideas and your insights.


Alan:  We have to use every opportunity and try to reach the people because this is a time that we all must decide and participate in, or it's over for us all.


George:  You know what I noticed about our conversation? It's so easy and it goes back and forth so easy.


Alan:  Yes it does.


George:  It's like sitting in the living room and describing the world, in a different way I hope than nobody else describes it as.


Alan:  It's not a matter of dictating to the people. It's a matter of communicating as friends.


George:  Yes and I certainly value you as a friend, Alan Watt, and I want you back as soon as you can.


Alan:  It's been a pleasure.


George:  Thank you very much and we'll see you again. See you on the radio, okay?


Alan:  Okay. You take care.


George:  Thank you, sir. Bye bye.



(Transcribed by Linda)