May 31, 2010 (#588)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 31, 2010:

The Mind Masters:
Think You're Different -- You're All Canned Peas,
Processed, Modified, Your Masters to Please:

"We're Under the Microscope, Behaviourists' Dream,
Who Pass On to World Managers the Info they Glean,
They've Endless Data of Personal Information,
Supplied Daily By You and Conversation,
E-mails, Facebook, Text, You're an Emitter,
A Gulliver Yahoo, the Twit in Twitter,
The Designer Society, Hedonistic, Narcissistic,
Mark IV in the Beehive,  Movied-Out, Sadistic,
Everything Replaceable, Items, Systems, Lovers,
Neutral on Slaughter if it's Rained on 'Others',
Unable to Wade through a 'System Textbook',
'Impact of Science on Society', 'The Scientific Outlook',
The Me Generation, Blind to All that's Been Done,
Perfectly Conditioned, Avoiding Pain, Having Fun,
Oblivious of Control, or Global Mandate Directive,
Non-Bonding Individually, Perfect for the 'Collective' "
© Alan Watt May 31, 2010


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 31, 2010 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on May 31, 2010.  Newcomers as always I suggest you look into web site.  Bookmark all the other sites for future use in case the .com goes down which it sometimes does.  Sometimes the other ones go down and vice versa.  You can always get the latest shows if you have these sites bookmarked.  [Official sites listed above.]  While you are at it you can also get downloads for print up of a lot of the talks I’ve given over the years from ALL the sites, in English, but if you want them in other languages go into; that’s the European site and it’s listed on the front page of the .com site.  You can get a choice of different languages for print up of the talks as well.  They all carry the audios.  While you are there, look into the books I have for sale. They are different.  They teach you how, through by reading them in fact, to use parts of your brain that have been dormant for a long time because you are conditioned to think in a linear fashion and you are so easily managed by mass media, marketers and those that govern you, most of whom you don’t elect by the way; they are way above that level.  I teach you the little con tricks that they pull on you to stop your mind from working and you’ll see them as you read through the books.  I teach you to see things from different angles and perspectives as you are reading and that’s how you are supposed to read.  You are supposed to look at things from ALL different angles, even if you get enthralled in that which you are reading.  That’s a trick too.  They enthrall us by the way they use the language - it’s psycho-linguistics and neuro-linguists – and you are guaranteed to come to the conclusions they want you to have and even experience emotions that you are supposed to have, even novels and things like that.  These are all sciences and the last person who is supposed to know that it is working on them are the ones who it does work on and that’s YOU.  We are so easily managed by behaviorists and psychologists at a very high level.  Stacks of material are out there from universities on this kind of stuff which folk aren’t too interested in, except those who manage you. 


Buy the books I have, the CDs and DVDs; some of the CDs have 50 shows on them.  Who knows, they might just pull the sites just like that; it’s happened before and everything is gone.  That’s how it works in the real world and you’ll never get recompensed from those who guide them.  There is always some unfortunate accident that they have when they are maintaining the sites and stuff like that is what you get.  Knowledge, once it’s gone down the memory hole, is generally never retrieved especially if they don’t want it retrieved.  To order the books and so on, you can use [ordering and donation options listed above].  Postal money orders are good from the United States to Canada.  It’s the only country left outside of Canada where you can still use an international postal money order.  They stopped it for the rest of the world, but Canada and the United States are really all one now.  We have the same call sign for your long distance dialing, for the United States and Canada.  Some people just send cash and so far they still exchange this at banks, again for a small fee but it’s still smaller than wiring it.  For those who get the disks burned and passed to them, you can get in touch with me at [address above]. 


I try to teach you - and it’s very important that you go through these books - a technique of non-linear thinking.  You’ll see simple cons that have been in front of you all the time and which you’ve never seen before.  It gets your mind working for the first time.  A lot of work went into dumbing us all down and making us think in a linear fashion… predictable.  I'll be back with more after this break.


This is Alan Watt and we're Cutting Through The Matrix.  You know, we’ve been living in a form of socialism for our whole lives actually and your parents were as well.  Anybody really born after World War II and even during World War II and leading up to it was really in a socialist type system. 


Socialism, just like communism, means many different things to the different strata of society.  For those at the top there is a completely different understanding and connotation than those at the bottom.  It’s important that the people at the bottom think they are going to get a lot of stuff for nothing and it’s going to be a sort of utopia for them where they are going to be taken care of like perpetual children.  All the accidents of life will be looked after for you and cleaned up and they will put you to bed and tuck you in with cotton wool… That’s basically socialism at the bottom level.  It preys on your fears, fears of everything, we’ll help you out should this happen and so on and so on.  Those at the top of course are given the REAL, the REAL info, inside stuff as to what it’s about.  It’s about controlling all of society. Those who set up the system didn’t want just National Socialism; that was a good start to things.  What they wanted is INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM. 


Bertrand Russell and others talked about this.  He said, on a national basis, it would break down so it would have to go international.  Well, even when he was saying that he knew it was already going international because he liaised with different departments within the United Nations and that’s what it was set up to do.  It was all to be run and financed and owned really, by the big banking families that formed the Royal Institute of International Affairs/Council on Foreign Relations, the Milner Group and so on.  Within these groups, like the Milner Group and the Royal Institute of International Affairs/Council on Foreign Relations, there is an OUTER PARTY and an INNER PARTY as well.  They do have meetings together sometimes but they also have their inner one, for those at the top, the big high members, guys like Maurice Strong and all the relatives because they are often related to each other like Bob Rae.  Bob Rae, his Godfather was Maurice Strong. 


Bob Rae was given the Premiership of Ontario, the governor of Ontario you might say.  That is all that Canada is, it’s states, they call them Provinces and they call the governors Premiers.  These characters get placed all throughout societal positions.  They lead all the different sides of the parties because people really want to believe in parties.  It gives them an understanding that there is a choice in life, but really there isn’t.  That’s why the same United Nations treaty type agenda, binding signatories, and binding treaties goes ahead non-stop.  And they never stop and tear up anything and say, well that didn’t work, we’ll try something else.  No, they continue with the same inner, more binding and more binding, with the same treaties for INTERDEPENDENCE. 


Remember, socialism came out of a massive, massive movement with Marx, well funded by the same internationalist and bankers.  The society that they envisaged would be one where the governments themselves would collect the debts off the public.  It’s better than hiring your own guys to door-to-door.  They become hated; that’s what happened in the past.  The collectors who worked for the bankers were hated by the people.  They owned all the properties and the rental accommodations throughout Britain, Germany and different countries so they became hated.  It was far easier to get the GOVERNMENTS to collect the money for debts, by the governments BORROWING in the first place, and then mandating income taxes and different means of recouping the debts.  It’s more efficient for the boys at the top.  Bankers love socialism.  They love it.  They are all behind it. 


That’s why you will find that every socialist type movement - whether it’s to do with earth worship or earth care, sustainability, the greening movement - you’ll see at the top of them all the big CEOs of the big international corporations are on board with it.  They know what they are really going to get out of it.  The public think the guys at the top are all going to get screwed, but it’s the opposite.  Everything is doublethink in reality, and doublespeak. 


Part of it too, in socialism, is to scientifically design a society where you have strata of important people, value to society, value to your community, lesser people, lesser types, right down to the bottom.  A long time ago they talked about the UNFIT.  The unfit was a big part of it and you’ll find on the documentary that is out there - hopefully still up there somewhere – The Soviet Story.  You’ll hear some of the founders of the Fabian Society - that is a branch, a big branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs - George Bernard Shaw, he’s talking about, when they are in power, he says, you will have to come to us and validate why we should allow you to live.  So you have to validate it by proving how valuable TO THEIR SYSTEM you would be.  That IS socialism… long before Adolf Hitler came along.  Adolf just copied all this stuff and agreed with it and actually put it into practice in a faster and more efficient way.  In fact, he even got the idea from George Bernard Shaw.  You see an old clip in The Soviet Story and you’ll hear George Bernard Shaw saying – it’s a very old news clip.  He actually says at one point – I think it’s on that one; I know it’s a continuation of that speech anyway; I’ve seen it.  He said that, if the scientists could just get together and find a painless euthanasia to put them out of their miseryyou know, all the useless eaters.  He said, …a kind of gas or something, that would be very beneficial to the world society. 


We find today, when you are given these services, and Lenin talked about it.  He said, services will increase in the Western world, socialist causes, etc, but their job is to become AUTHORITIES over the people.  That’s what you have now.  You have police AUTHORITIES.  They used to be police SERVICES because YOU hired and fired them.  We don’t have that anymore; they are just there.  They don’t see themselves as serving YOU at all, especially for the last 25-30 years. They’ve been taught to be more brutal and act like the characters in the movies that they are constantly churning out wearing black and combat boots and carrying big guns and yelling at folk and stuff like that. 


Socialism is not what people think, at the bottom.  At the bottom, they always want things… Help is here, help, help, help.  I can remember the slight debate - there was no real debate at all actually - to do with should the Canadian government support child care for women and supply it.  It was kind of phased in very, very quickly all over the place because they wanted the women out to work so that the children themselves would get the scientific indoctrination through Kindergarten, as Lord Bertrand Russell promoted, to get the minds young.  Get the women out there, that doubles the tax base, which was very successful too.  All these services become authorities and a few years later when some of these authorities went on strike, for Kindergarten and day care and child care, the women were protesting the government with placards to tell them to look after their children for them.  I said, whoa, it succeeded very well.  Guys are out of the picture really.  They are just - as they say themselves in all the women’s magazines - they are just sperm donors and the government is now big daddy.  The women are being taught to like it.  There are children getting brought up today in dysfunctional families - well, whatever kind of family, Mark 1, 2, 3 or 4 family - and the children are getting brought up and they are calling their social workers and advisors by their first names. They call them up for everything and chat to them.  That’s their real extended family; scientists are their extended family.  That’s the norm in Britain and other countries, a lot of other countries too. 


Another part too, as they said, in giving you health services they become authorities, so we see nothing but mandating inoculations on behalf of big pharma.  You’ve got to tie that in with Bertrand Russell and the first CEO of UNESCO who was Julian Huxley who talked about the need to use pharma, pharmacology and inoculations to dumb down the people to manage them better.  I can read that once and verify it and then look at what I see happening with autism and all the rest of it and the lackluster eyes in a lot of youngsters and I say, IT’S HAPPENED.  The empirical proof is out there, if you look at other studies done over the last 30-50 years.  You know, they do ongoing studies in psychology, the same studies, to make sure that the agenda is working – and I’ll talk about some of that later on too. 


In the US they have been taught that Canada’s health care system is wonderful.  I read an article earlier this year where Canada spent about $48 million a year to propagandize and through advertising how wonderful its health care system is, to the Canadians.  They have been cutting back and cutting back and cutting back for years and years and years, just as they did in Britain.  They had a good working system in Britain initially and then they went in and cut it back and cut it back.  I’ve gone through all the scams they have done throughout Britain as they are told to cut back and STILL PERFORM. So what they do is get priorities, so you can go for a vasectomy very quickly, you can get your tubes tied very quickly, you can get abortions very quickly, but real operations for necessary functions are actually delayed or postponed all together.  A lot of dirty tricks have happened to put people off from getting them.  The hospitals even send out questionnaires to see when you are going on holiday, then they send your time to come in when they know you are on holiday. Then you are put back on the bottom of the list and you’ll wait another few years. 


This is the sort of system that George Bernard Shaw was talking about, your value TO society.  They are bringing it in the States and they will bring it in very swiftly.  It’s been happening for a few years actually, quietly and covertly.  Most folk don’t know unless you are in touch with a lot of people in the medical industry in the US.  You find they’ve been setting it all up before Obama even came in.  Here is an article…


Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

Thursday, May 27, 2010 / By Matt Cover, Staff Writer  /


( - Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on Wednesday that Dr. Donald Berwick, (Alan:  That’s a place name; you’ve got to be suspicious of folk with place names.) an advocate of health-care rationing nominated by President Barack Obama to run Medicare and Medicaid, is “absolutely the right leader at this time” to run the government’s largest health-care entitlement programs.  (A:  I’ll say that again for the hard of thinking…) …an advocate of health-care rationing (A:  Health care RATIONING is what this new system is all about!  nominated by President Barack Obama to run Medicare and Medicaid, is “absolutely the right leader at this time” to run the government’s largest health-care entitlement programs.  (A:  Welcome to EUGENICS folks and SOCIALISM… all rolled into one.  I'll be back with more after this break.)


This is Alan Watt and we're Cutting Through The Matrix, just talking about the wonderful world of socialized medicine and the eugenics plan of course.  It all ties together because there is just TOO MUCH MATERIAL OUT THERE put out by the big boys themselves.  I mentioned in 2001, we are going to see rationing in all kinds of areas come in.  That night in fact that the towers went down I said, you are going to see a war scenario, a martial law type of system with rationing of food and different things. Of course, here we go.  It’s rationing of everything.  That’s what it’s all about.  IMPORTANT people are supposed to live and the useless eaters really should just die off.  Of course they won’t tell you, you are going to die off, just make sure you eat the lowest type of food possible that’s available from the crummy supermarkets that’s all GMO, including the meat itself too, full of chemicals.  You’ll just die off with cancers and stuff.  They will maybe give you a few pain pills at the end and that will be your treatment.  That’s actually happening in Canada.  They are dishing out more pain medications to people than anything to treat their illnesses with.  But it’s cheaper that way.  Apart from that, when you are kind of high on painkillers you see, you don’t think too much about complaining, in fact you can’t think too clearly about maybe they can treat this instead of just doping me, you see.  That’s actually policy.  It says here…


Dr. Donald Berwick, an advocate of health-care rationing (A:  RATIONING folks.) nominated by President Barack Obama to run Medicare and Medicaid, is “absolutely the right leader at this time” (A:  That’s one of their little inside things, you know, the RIGHT time.  Often they will say it’s an idea whose time has come and stuff like that.  The right leader at the right time, so this guy is going to make BIG changes.) to run the government’s largest health-care entitlement programs. 


Under the health-care reform law signed by President Obama in March, hundreds of billions of dollars will be cut from the Medicare program over the next decade. (A:  Now, those hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars are already closing hospitals down across the United States, who TREATED the people who have no insurance at all.  They gave them stuff you’d never see in Britain or Canada… without policies; it was all charged to the state.  That’s all going to get cut out, you see.  So hundreds of billions of dollars will be cut from the Medicare program over the next decade.)  Berwick is nominated to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees Medicare.  (A:  That’s just your socialist/eugenics program going a step further to catch up with the rest of the world.)


There is an interesting article here about empathy.  Empathy, I talked about psychology and I’ve read from Bertrand Russell’s studies on the air.   He worked with all these big boys. He also worked with the Macy Group.  He worked with the Frankfurt Group that gave you your culture along with Bernays and so on.  They all knew each other and worked with each other and talked about the right society that they would bring in, this scientifically created society.  Russell said, through the creation of ego centrism and narcissism - if they can get the people to be NARCISSISTIC, break the bonds that make them a people and a REAL community where they help each other and care for each other; because they want the services to come in and take over as authorities, you see - but also to break the bond between male and female and make them very hedonistic – these are his words – hedonistic and narcissistic, then the state can go full steam ahead.  When everyone is being narcissistic, running and spinning in their own little world, they tend to all go along with the flow without questioning where they are all going.  It’s been very successful. 


This came out of an annual meeting of psychologists, behaviorists.  They do all these studies, ONGOING, the same studies, to see HOW it’s working.  They give the same questionnaires out to students and test the students to see if it’s really working the way they want.  And they’ve got exactly what they want.  This is from  I’ve also looked into the site itself from the meeting they had in Boston.  It says here…


Today's College Students Lack Empathy

Jeanna Bryner - LiveScience Managing Editor / - / Fri May 28


College students today are less likely to "get" the emotions of others (A:  To UNDERSTAND, that’s what they mean by ‘get’ – even with the minimalistic speech – to GET the emotions of others…) than their counterparts 20 and 30 years ago, a new review study suggests.  (A:  That’s how they phrase it, SUGGEST.)


Specifically, today's students scored 40 percent lower on a measure of empathy than their elders did.  (A:  See, they use the same testing to see if their agenda is working.)


The findings are based on a review of 72 studies of 14,000 American college students overall conducted between 1979 and 2009.


"We found the biggest drop in empathy after the year 2000," said Sara Konrath, a researcher at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.  (A:  Very important place the Michigan University; the Pentagon runs it.)


The study was presented this week at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science in Boston.


Is "generation me" all about me?


Compared with college students of the late 1970s, current students are less likely to agree with statements such as "I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective," and "I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me."


"Many people see the current group of college students - sometimes called 'Generation Me' - as one of the most self-centered, (A:  Now remember what Bertrand Russell said and Julian Huxley for UNESCO, they are creating the common culture for students across the world.  Remember?)  narcissistic, (A:  Right on, that’s what they said they’d bring in.) competitive, confident and individualistic in recent history," said Konrath, who is also affiliated with the University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry.


Konrath's colleague graduate student Edward O'Brien added, "It's not surprising that this growing emphasis on the self is accompanied by a corresponding (A:  Very important part of this… as they get more narcissistic and egocentric is accompanies by a corresponding…) devaluation of others." (A: a DEVALUATION of others, folks.  Anything can be done now to society… and they don’t care.  I'll be back with more after this break.)


This is Alan Watt and we're Cutting Through The Matrix, reading an article about the lack of empathy that’s showing with narcissistic tendencies in today’s society.  The same tests they’ve been doing for 30 years to let them know at the top that it’s working.  This is all done for very high studies that go way beyond the guys who take part in it and the psychologists who monitor it.  It goes up to Pentagon levels and global governance levels and so on, which tells them they are right on path with it.  It says…


"Compared to 30 years ago, the average American now is exposed to three times as much nonwork-related information," Konrath said. "In terms of media content, this generation of college students grew up with video games, and a growing body of research, including work done by my colleagues at Michigan, is establishing that exposure to violent media numbs people to the pain of others.(A:  Well, of course it does. They’ve known that for a long time.  They use these games for the military for THAT purpose.  That’s why they invented them, so you kill without thinking or feeling.)


The rise in social media could also play a role.


"The ease of having 'friends' online might make people more likely to just tune out when they don't feel like responding to others' problems, a behavior that could carry over offline," O'Brien said.  (A:  Actually what it also does too, is make them very sarcastic and almost disgusted at other people’s problems. That’s how they are amongst themselves… Oh, get off it, whatever, blah, blah.  They really attack them.  They hate weakness, you see.  All their heroes are big strong people who slaughter folk in movies.)


In fact, past research has suggested college students are addicted to social media.  (A:  And of course they are.  They were meant to be.  It was designed for that.)


Other possible causes include a society today that's hypercompetitive and focused on success, as well as the fast-paced nature of today, in which people are less likely than in time periods past to slow down to really listen to others, O'Brien added.  (A:  That’s true; it’s all data, data, isn’t it?  They are flooding them with data, excess data; it doesn’t really matter what it contains.  Then you tie it in with this other article here…)


Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Nonverbal Cues

(A:  Very interesting; again, this is psychology.)

An emphasis on social networking puts younger people at a face-to-face



In September 2008, when Nielsen Mobile announced that teenagers with cellphones each sent and received, on average, 1,742 text messages a month, the number sounded high, but just a few months later Nielsen raised the tally to 2,272. A year earlier, the National School Boards Association estimated that middle- and high-school students devoted an average of nine hours to social networking each week. Add email, blogging, IM, tweets and other digital customs and you realize what kind of hurried, 24/7 communications system young people experience today.


Unfortunately, nearly all of their communication tools involve the exchange of written words alone. At least phones, cellular and otherwise, allow the transmission of tone of voice, pauses and the like. (A:  There is a lot to language.  I’ve mentioned this before and I went over this article before too.)  But even these clues are absent in the text-dependent world. Users insert smiley-faces into emails, but they don't see each others' actual faces. They read comments on Facebook, but they don't "read" each others' posture, hand gestures, eye movements, shifts in personal space and other nonverbal—and expressive—behaviors.


Back in 1959, anthropologist Edward T. Hall (A:  Very important these anthropologists working with the psychologists, folks.) labeled these expressive human attributes "the Silent Language." Hall passed away last month in Santa Fe at age 95, but his writings on nonverbal communication deserve continued attention. He argued that body language, facial expressions and stock mannerisms function "in juxtaposition to words," imparting feelings, attitudes, reactions and judgments in a different register.


This is why, Hall explained, U.S. diplomats could enter a foreign country fully competent in the native language and yet still flounder from one miscommunication to another, having failed to decode the manners, gestures and subtle protocols that go along with words. And how could they, for the "silent language" is acquired through acculturation, not schooling. (A: Social interaction in other words.)  Not only is it unspoken; it is largely unconscious. The meanings that pass through it remain implicit, more felt than understood.


They are, however, operative. Much of our social and workplace lives runs on them. For Hall, breakdowns in nonverbal communication took place most damagingly in cross-cultural circumstances—for instance, federal workers dealing with Navajo Indians and misconstruing their basic conceptions of time. Within cultures, Hall assumed, people more or less "spoke" the same silent language.


They may no longer, thanks to the avalanche of all-verbal communication. In Silicon Valley itself, as the Los Angeles Times reported last year, some companies have installed the "topless" meeting—in which not only laptops but iPhones and other tools are bannedto combat a new problem: "continuous partial attention." With a device close by, attendees at workplace meetings simply cannot keep their focus on the speaker. It's too easy to check email, stock quotes and Facebook. While a quick log-on may seem, to the user, a harmless break, others in the room receive it as a silent dismissal. It announces: "I'm not interested." So the tools must now remain at the door.


Older employees might well accept such a ban, but younger ones might not understand it. Reading a text message in the middle of a conversation isn't a lapse to them—it's what you do. It has, they assume, no nonverbal meaning to anyone else.


It does, of course, but how would they know it? We live in a culture where young people—outfitted with iPhone and laptop and devoting hours every evening from age 10 onward to messaging of one kind and another—are ever less likely to develop the "silent fluency" that comes from face-to-face interaction. It is a skill that we all must learn, in actual social settings, from people (often older) who are adept in the idiom. As text-centered messaging increases, such occasions diminish. The digital natives improve their adroitness at the keyboard, but when it comes to their capacity to "read" the behavior of others, they are all thumbs.


Nobody knows the extent of the problem. It is too early to assess the effect of digital habits, (A:  Well, they do know in higher studies of course, like they do at the higher MIT and so on.) and the tools change so quickly that research can't keep up with them.


However, it goes on to say how youngsters react in company now.  Because they AVOID LOOKING AT EACH OTHER, they avoid looking at even their peer group.  They are losing the ability to have direct contact.  You would actually think they suffered from autism to watch some of them.  They turn aside and the body language there is saying, I’m tuning out here.  To others who see that happening, it’s unacceptable, it’s kind of rude.  They don’t know how to interact with real people.  That’s the way it’s supposed to be.  It was designed this way… designed this way.


Socialism, again, is all about control remember.  Control.  There is a very good article about control through socialism. 


The Lima Declaration - Foundation Of Globalisation

(A:  It wasn’t the foundation but it was certainly a further integration of their mandate.)

Mike Robinson / / March 29, 2010


On the 22nd of February, the Register, a UK technology website, published an article entitled "The Myth Of Britain's Manufacturing Decline." (A:  I talked before about living through this massive deindustrialization that really hit from about 1969 right through for a long period.  That’s all you heard on the news was closure, factories closing, but they weren’t telling the public why.)  What, I wondered, could a publication that focusses on IT and finds "amusing" positions to place Playmobil plastic characters know about British Manufacturing? As I read the article, I realised the answer is, nothing. 


The author makes one fundamental mistake. It’s not his fault - it’s the same mistake just about every modern economic commentator makes when discussing economy - to assume that economic value and monetary value are the same thing.


The author of The Register article wrote:


That's from something called the Index of Production and it's a chart of the value of manufacturing output in the UK since just after WWII. It's an index and 100 is defined as the level of output in 2005. As you can see we produce some two and a half times what we did in the 40s, when absolutely everyone, to hear the stories told, was gainfully employed making whippet flanges. So at first glance it would seem to be untrue that we actually produce less than we used to ... (A:  So that’s the kind of mistake the economists go off into.)


The first and most obvious thing is to point out that the Index isn't measuring how much we make: it's measuring the value of what we make ...


This is, of course, the only thing we should be interested in: increasing the value of what is produced means that there's more value to be shared among all of us doing the producing.


Well, no, actually. What it means is that there's more cash to go into the pockets of shareholders and board members(A:  Then he goes on to show you how this fallacy of the index and how they work it has nothing to do with the jobs in production.)


He goes on:


Alongside this, it is also gobsmackingly obvious that fewer people are employed in manufacturing than in the past. But we've got rising production and fewer workers: this is what is known technically in economic circles as a 'good thing'.


Again, no, it isn't. First of all, how many fewer people are employed today than in the past? What skills have we lost as a result of that reduction in the productive workforce? The author doesn't discuss these questions.


The sad truth is that British manufacturing has been decimated, particularly in the last 30 years or so. (A:  Now, they agreed to do this, by the way, at the end of World War II under the Lend Lease program and Churchill and his boys.  That was part of the deal. They’d gradually bring this is and it would whip up in the ‘70s until it was gone, abroad.)  Britain used to have a steel industry. We used to produce our own energy. We used to use these capabilities to produce ships, cars, military hardware, aircraft, bridges and a host of other products we could be proud of. It’s all gone, and for someone to throw up a graph and an article to suggest that it’s all ok because our collapsed manufacturing industry is actually resulting on more £££ is disingenuous at best.


You may be asking why this has happened? The normal answer is, globalisation. But globalisation is not an accident. One of its cornerstones is the Lima Declaration.


The Lima Declaration (A:  You can look that up too.)

The full title of this treaty is "Lima Declaration And Plan Of Action On Industrial Development And Co-Operation. The treaty was signed in 1975 at a convention of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, in Lima, Peru. The treaty is an international agreement to wind down national manufacturing in developed nations, and transfer that manufacturing capability to developing nations.  (A:  Ever heard of GATT folks, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs?  That’s how they rammed it through later on and finished the job.)


This treaty sets the policy which has, over 30 years, encouraged corporations to build themselves into globalist multinationals. It only benefits these corporations and their international bankers.


A key clause states ...


recognising the urgent need to bring about the establishment of a new international economic order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence and co-operation, as has been expressed in the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, in order to transform the present structure of economic relations.  (A:  That’s why you were de-industrialized.)


Interdependence is the end of Independence  (A:  I’ve said that all along; I’m glad that folk are using it.)


The term interdependence is newspeak coined by the Club Of Rome. According to The Club of Rome, we face a set of interlocking global problems, such as over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation, etc. With the use of absurd, exponentially based computer models, the complete unravelling of society and perhaps the biosphere was predicted. (A:  They said they’d use that as an excuse to bring it all through. Read their book from the Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution.)  The only solution capable of adverting global catastrophe, according to the Club of Rome, is the development of an organic society.  (A:  Very interesting term, you see, because you have to go and see who first used that.)


Although it is frequently denied, it should be obvious that the idea of interdependence and independence are mutually exclusive. Any nation that has to rely on another for something it needs, must, at least, acknowledge limits to its own independence.


Interdependence is Totalitarian

One of my favourite people of the 20th Century is Bertrand Russell. (A:  I’m glad other folk are reading him now.)  Those who know me will recognise just how much sarcasm is dripping from that sentence.


My favourite Russell book is his 1952 "The Impact Of Science On Society." This book should be required reading for anyone wishing to understand the agenda we are all witnessing today.


Russell had quite a lot to say about the organic society in that book:


The most obvious and inescapable effect of scientific technique is that it makes society more organic, in the sense of increasing the interdependence of its various parts ...


Totalitarianism has a theory as well as a practice. As a practice, it means that a certain group, having by one means or another seized the apparatus of power, especially armaments and police, proceed to exploit their advantageous position to the utmost, by regulating everything in the way that gives them the maximum of control over others. But as a theory it is something different: it is the doctrine that the State, or the nation, or the community is capable of a good different from that of individual and not consisting of anything that individuals think or feel. This doctrine was especially advocated by Hegel, who glorified the State, and thought that a community should be as organic as possible. In an organic community, he thought, excellence would reside in the whole. An individual is an organism, and we do not think that his separate parts have separate goods: if he has a pain in his great toe it is he that suffers, not specially the great toe. So, in an organic society, good and evil will belong to the whole rather than the parts. This is the theoretical form of totalitarianism ...


In concrete fact, when it is pretended that the State has a good different from that of the citizens, what is really meant is that the good of the government or of the ruling class is more important than that of other people. Such a view can have no basis except in arbitrary power ...


More important than these metaphysical speculations is the question whether a scientific dictatorship, (A:  This is Russell…) such as we have been considering, can be stable, or is more likely to be stable than a democracy ...


(A:  This is what Russell said…) I do not believe that dictatorship is a lasting form of scientific society - unless (but this proviso is important) it can become world-wide


(A:  GLOBAL folks.  So, dictatorship can last in a global society…  Remember, jump to Aldous Huxley what he said; he said the same thing… internationalism and an international dictatorship under a SCIENTIFIC dictatorship, there was no reason why it couldn’t last forever.  See, if you have no competition, if you can’t point over there and say, gee, look at how they live, we don’t want that here, you have nothing to compare yourselves to.  But when every country is under the same totalitarian, exactly the same, regime, then you think it must be normal.  You have nothing to COMPARE anything to.)


Its interesting to observe the pleasant sounding words used to sell totalitarianism to us - (A:  Remember, psycho-linguistics…) “organic”, “holistic”, “differentiated”, “harmonious”, “interdependent”, “balanced” and “sustainable”.


What about manufacturing?

So if the Lima Declaration is about the establishment of global totalitarianism, what does it say about manufacturing?


Resolution 27 - developed countries such as the UK should expand imports from developing countries.


Resolution 28 - Requires that developing countries increase their Industrial growth by more than the 8% recommended in earlier United Nations meetings and increase their exports by 350% by year 2000.


Resolution 35 - developed countries such as the UK should transfer technical, financial, and capital goods to developing countries to accomplish resolution 28 above.  (A:  This was an international agreement.   EVERY Prime Minister and President across the planet signed it.  And you WONDER what happened, as you floated through life?  I'll be back with more after this break.)


This is Alan Watt and we're Cutting Through The Matrix and reading an article about the Lima Declaration, one of MANY treaties, ongoing of course, always signing deeper and deeper into interdependence and the transfer of all technology and industry abroad. 


It started off in a big way in about 1970 and really sped up since then. Those living through those times know the chaos across the European countries, because they all signed on to it by the way, and all you had every night on the news was factory this closing down, factory that.  They didn’t tell you they were moving them all over to China and elsewhere.  They were training the engineers for China to operate these factories in places like Canada, thousands of them year after year after year, training them before they even had the factories to work in.  Then your leaders, again, signed the GATT Treaty, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, which cemented it and made the taxpayer FUND the transfer of your own corporations and factories abroad, wholesale, up and over and rebuilt over there.  The taxpayers in the Western countries paid for all of it including any loses they claimed to incur for the first 10 YEARS and that could be extended for another 10 years.  And you think you have governments.  Well, if you have governments they certainly are not serving YOU are they?


To cap off tonight too, I’ll just mention something about Google.  All you people out there that just grab a hold of stuff and run with it…  I told you.  I like the guy from Facebook.  He told you the truth.  He told you what he thought of you.  You seldom get that from these psychopaths.  He TOLD you what he thought of you… IDIOTS.  Just jump in, it’s free…  Here is…


Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details...

and will use the data to target ads at mobile phones

By Jason Lewis, Mail on Sunday Security Editor / / 29th May 2010


I’ll put that link up there.  Then you go into…


Microsoft's Orwellian tracking system goes public / By Lawrence Latif / Fri May 28 2010


DEVELOPER OF CUTE SOFTWARE Microsoft has publically released a tagging system that will allow users to leave a breadcrumb trail for the firm, its advertisers and just about anyone else to follow(A:  Basically, those that will pay for it.  Beautiful isn’t it?)


Then again you’ve got…


Microsoft Hohm (A:  I like the names, Hohm, they like guys don’t they.)

Lets Users Compare Energy Use with Neighbors

By GreenerBuildings Staff / / 2010-05-27


(A:  What do you say, you train them with social approval and disapproval…  The UN said that, didn’t they?  That’s how they used it in China, where the neighbors turn on someone who is pregnant with a second child, drag her off for the abortion.  SOCIAL DISAPPROVAL.  Microsoft lets users compare energy use with their neighbors… it says here…)


REDMOND, WA — The Hohm website, Microsoft's home energy management application, now provides users with energy efficiency scores for their properties that can be compared with scores for neighbors and households elsewhere in the country(A:  Oh, you’ll see them all competing to be good greenies and you’ll hear the tisk, tisk of the ones who don’t quite measure up, you know.  Then it will also be a snob thing too where certain folk can afford to burn the lights and have parties, like Al Gore, you know, for his second house that he has there.  It burns more than a whole bunch of apartment buildings and that’s for the occasional guest.)


Microsoft announced the new function of its free program this week and said it can provide scores for 60 million homes in the U.S. Working with real estate data, the tool operates using advanced analytics licensed from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (A:  The Military-Industrial Complex…) and statistical data from the Department of Energy.


Hohm, launched last June, is Microsoft's bid to join the array of offerings that enable home owners to gauge their energy use with the help of dashboards and other tools -- and ultimately reduce consumption.  (A:  Social approval and social disapproval, behaviorism, psychology, folks, you are ALL, all subject to it and you don’t even know it.)


From Hamish and myself from Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you. 



Topics of show covered in following links:


Health Care Rationing for USA

Intergenerational Study finds Present College Students More Narcissistic than those of 30yrs. Ago-Unable to feel Empathy for Others

Generation Y Can't read Non-verbal Cues in Personal Face to Face Communication

Lima Declaration

Google to Sell Data it Collected from Streetview and Wi-Fi Connections

Microsoft's Tracking System Goes Public

Training Public-Compare Your Energy Consumption with Neighbours

Transcribed by Diana


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
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Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
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