June 2, 2019 (#1723)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)


"Toxic Control Ensures Public are Damaged,

 Kept in the Dark and "Expertly" Managed."

© Alan Watt June 2, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 2, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on June 2, 2019.  I hope you're all surviving this wonderful break into summer. Because it's been pouring rain an awful lot up where I am and I'm back to wondering if I should build an ark.  Again, it's reminiscence of previous years, except last year was the normal one which was nice and dry. And there were some apparently man-made fires, forest fires in the area, man caused, but it was a nice summer regardless because it kept the mosquitoes down.  Now they're back to this constant gray sky thing, almost constant because there's the occasional day that it isn't totally dark, but most of them are so far or have been. It's pretty unpleasant.


The amount of rain we're getting too is rather unpleasant. But the mosquitoes love it. You can hear them outside the windows in a chorus just saying they're taking over, you see they're getting very cocky again. And bites galore of course if you dare go outside.  And when you shut the door outside, you close it behind you, there's just the waft of it brings millions in with you. That's the problem. So you've got the pleasure of meeting them one by one for the next few hours, or maybe all night long.  Even in bed you wake up and your neck's all bitten with these mosquitoes. And you hear that thing zzing, that zzing, it just wakes you up. It must be a primordial memory or something, you've got this memory of this zzzzzzzzz, from the cavemen, hey, and it wakes you up immediately. 


I think that's really what encouraged the cavemen to put a door on his cave eventually, that became a house, and of course real estate started to flourish and now we can't afford the houses anymore and we're going back to the caves.  But that's the state of things as we so-call progress along this progressive planned system. What gets me too today is, again, as I say, we've moved another chapter into the progressive system, a planned system where media, going back a few years mind you, took a big dive. It was already a dive anyway, a lot of the media, just with opinions and reporters giving nasty commentaries about different people or whatever it happened to be.


But the thing is, eventually they had the Leveson Inquiry in Britain, and they had the one in Australia and other Commonwealth countries, just in tandem, and they came out with new laws and restrictions on media. So you don't get really much investigation at all into reporting. It's all…  Safe reporting today means simply republishing the handouts that government and top agencies give you. That's what they do and that's how they get their money.  That's authorized stuff, you see. And it's safe. There's nothing in it to cause offense, they think.  Hmph.  But as far as anything with any grit in it at all, it's pretty well taboo. You can still slang politicians because that's what they're there for. Because they're not really making the majors decisions on top. 


But you'll notice we're in a kind of limbo, because since the Levinson Inquiry pretty well all the news you're getting is just straight handouts from government departments. Even through PR companies for governments in fact and different agencies too.  And lots of the health things that they hand out too are simply ads for this and ads for that. And the rest of it is photographs, like the Daily Mail, they've got stacks of photographs to try and trap you and make you go ooo, aaa, ooo, aaa, for hours on end. And that's fair enough if they want to because they have to make their money somehow.  But what happens to the stars, the so-called stars, actors and actresses, etc., or models or whatever it happens to be, that's not news. That really isn't news.


News is supposed to be, to do with things that affect all of us, you see.  That's what it always was before. News at one point, like the fourth estate, was to inform the public, like a medium between government and agencies and authority and the general public. That was supposedly what they gave themselves, the kind of title. But of course, it was a con then too because they all did the right things, and they were all looking for, in Britain especially, they were all looking for their Knighthoods, etc. Which is a big thing today.  There's more folk from the Labour Party seeking knighthoods over the years, according to some articles out there.  It's quite astonishing, really. Or is it really, 'eh?  Is it really? And they grovel as soon as they’ve seen that possibility of a knighthood. 


But that's the system in which we live today, you don't really get... you get declarations from governments. Now, Britain has been awfully good at that, the declarations.  Even during all the real heavy socialist area where it's more obvious, when Harold Wilson was in.  You could tune into BBC radio and listen to the department of so-and-so and the Ministry of Agriculture has declared blah blah blah, and the Ministry of Fisheries has declared blah blah blah. And they can tune into radio Moscow and you get the exact same format, in English, hm, because they had an English version, the exact same. And you swear it was all coming from the same place. Mind you, after the so-called abandonment of the Soviet Union, you find so many of the radio hosts in Russia had been trained and [Alan laughing.] enabled by the BBC.  [Alan laughing.]   That’s good.  Which again, puts up a bit of a farce on a lot of the agenda that we're given.


But today they're back on the same roll again, as the occasional declaration here and there. But you have to really search for it, they're not going to hand it out to you happily. Because they don't want you involved in anything. Remember, a democracy is supposed to be informed consent for the public to accept anything.  It's a nice joke, I know that. But it's, you know, the intentions are there, I suppose, they're nice intentions. It sounds nice. But in reality, they don't want public input when there's some laws coming up or something to be debated in government. Because then you'll get immediately, hopefully, you know, more so in the US of course, citizens organizations immediately wanting some input. And at least some output from what they're up to. That way you could stop, hopefully, or sway something, or alter something that's going to be put upon the people.


But nowadays you only find out about things that have happened, often after the fact. They don't want your input; therefore, they don't tell you.  They've been training the public, I've said this for years, to sit back and allow yourself to be governed by these experts. And the experts are not the politicians.  The civil service bureaucracies are far more important.  They have heads of different departments in civil service, in every country, that have long-term, they have their whole life career there basically. They know what's going on and they know what they're about basically, and how the system works. Whereas with politicians they have what's called musical chairs. If they screw up in one department, getting put as the head of it basically, they move them to another department. Of course, then they ask the top civil servants to issue them with, you know, things to say and read and tell the public. That's how it's done.  So really, the civil service is awfully important. As every government knows.


Today of course they just simply don't want you involved in the knowing, or certainly not the debating of any up-and-coming big agendas. And everything really today is one big global agenda. It really is.  It truly is. It's so comical to read, ha, the guff [Alan chuckles.] they give you for news.  [Alan chuckles.]  And you’re supposed to believe it. It truly is the biggest drama, a very… I guess it's, I don't know if it's a good drama, good soaps or not good soaps, I never watched soaps, I couldn't stand them. But it's halfway okay, you know, for soaps, I suppose. Because that's what you're getting. That's all you're getting.  In Britain they had them on suspenders for, as we say in Britain, you're on suspenders for about two years while they're waiting for this BREXIT thing, and, is May going to pull you out or is she not going to pull you out? Does that clause 50 or whatever, article 50, and keep you in, yada, yada, ya? And they played it out awfully well just dragging it on. Because they kept going with the article, I think it's article 50, then you'll find that Brussels has the right to tell them the terms, you see. Which would not be nice. But if they just toss it out and say we're going this way and that's it, then Brussels has to come to them. And then Britain was...  That's how they play it to the public anyway.


It's so interesting to see that Britain was one of the main countries, it's actually the main country initially to start it off with for a global world system. The government system for the whole planet through the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  They boasted about it, it's in all their books.  They set up the secret organization, well, secretive organization by recruiting people who would become politicians, in all parties, at the heads of them, to help not just in Britain but in all the British Commonwealth countries, to bring this about.  Then again, they turned a lot of it over to the US because Britain was broken after two world wars.  They were intended eventually to bring in a world system because everybody was so sick of war, which made you sick of nations, you see.  They used that as the excuse, if it wasn't for nations, you wouldn't have international war, m-hm, between nation-states as they call it.


So the wars were awfully good, but they didn't get the global system. They did get out of it, though, the secretive arrangement for a United Europe. And out of it too, they had the American Summit group and then the free-trade negotiations and that became the NAFTA, and it's now the new name. But it's the same organization, exactly, nothing's changed for the Americas.  So that was all part of the old old plan before they even had World War I. It's documented.  It's not conspiracy stuff. It's all documented by the organizations themselves in books put out at the top, not just by Carol Quigley but many members belonging to, say, the CFR in the US, for instance. And even for the Fortress American group, they came out in Canada and the States on behalf of the CFR by the head of the CFR at the time, it was Lloyd Axworthy.  He had been deputy prime minister of Canada just before that. They came out as the CFR talking about the need to integrate all of the Americas under one system.


So we continue with it all of course. And now they'll be using climate change, and everything else you can dream up, you know, bogus enemies, etc., to bring it all about. Including the very old agenda going all the way back, probably even before Thomas Malthus to do with population reduction.  As we well know, of course, facts don't matter…  We well know that the more employment people have with a decent wage, etc. and sure enough, just like Charles Galton Darwin said, they can be enticed to have a motorcar, he says, as opposed to having children. So in other words, the materialistic benefits will make them not want to have so many children. And that has been awfully successful as we know, in the West.  Coupled with mass, the mass promiscuity agenda, the more you stay single and have lots of sexual partners then the less likely you are to have a permanent one, nor want children. So that's been awfully successful too.


This is all by design, I hope you understand that. It didn't happen by itself.  Because instinct is very, very strong. You're born with these instincts. And of course, the mating instinct is what preserved humanity. If you don't live in a tribe where the whole tribe looks after the children, then, in the Western countries certainly, it didn't to that extent, even though within tribes they still had families.  Because the whole tribe can't, in a moneyed system you can't afford to take care of the children so it's up to the individuals who have the children to take care of themselves. So that's what the family always was for.  But in the welfare system and in the social system the idea was to wean it off that, they actually said that in all the writings at the top, that if they could just, in psychology that is, if they could just train the public to have sex, and not to have bonding.  The bonding is what, that was their main enemy. So the more sexual partners you have and the more it's promoted in a sexual cultural, meaning entertainment system, then the less chances that you have of permanent bonding.


And even if there's something there to begin with in a couple, if you're watching television you're going to be awfully, awfully unhappy with, it doesn't matter who your partner is after a while. Because it's meant to make you dissatisfied. In fact, everything on television with commercials is meant to make you dissatisfied with everything you personally have. That's the whole point of commercials. So, you get that particular thing that's missing in your life, obviously it's that chewing gum or whatever it is, and your whole life is going to be just hunky-dory. So, you've got to be unsatisfied or dissatisfied with whatever you have at the time.  And that's how simply it is to work. It works awfully well.


So as I say, the targets are obvious. It's been very successful. And then the promotion of single-parent families, and housing too. Tony Blair really revamped all of that because they wanted to encourage women to have just children, if they wanted children, but don't have husbands. There's even articles out now in fact, again, the same articles by experts, an expert here and an expert there, who have always got books out of course, telling you that single women are much happier and live longer than married women. And of course, they don't give you the statistics to show it. But then that's how it's done, isn't it? 


Who needs real true checkable facts when you're promoting an agenda?  Hm? Everything's like that, isn't it?  It's like the spraying the sky, you're not supposed to ever notice it.  They even had all these, whenever you find anything to do with scientific facts, and observational fact, hm, like when in 1998 in Canada when they really, in Ontario at least, they started spraying the skies daily. And it was so obvious. And they were much, much, much lower when they were doing the crisscrossing back then too. It was like walking into a sci-fi movie at the time, that's what it was like!  It truly was. It was perfect, perfect checkerboard pattern but so much lower, wide white trails, because it was low. And you weren't supposed to notice it.


And most folk, it would surprise me, I talked to a few folks that day and pointed it out, and they would say, oh, yeah, yeah, oh.  But they won't take anything that's startling unless, because they really do think as Zbigniew Brzezinski said, that the media and the news is there to do their reasoning for them. And if you are not told to be aware of something, or to be on the alert or lookout for something, then obviously it's not very important.  That's how simple it is to do outrageous things on the public and they're completely oblivious of it. 


They will just… If they would dis... I mean, it should have freaked them all out!  Something in your environment changes instantly like that, you've never seen it before... It wasn't a few trails; it was literally from horizon to horizon...  These big thick...  I mean, when you put your arm up in front of you these trails were so low, they were as thick as your forearm, as your forearm would be from your eyes.  It was freakish, it really was. 


It was the same time too, the same year when they brought in what they called downbursts, this new term downbursts. You might see that downbursts are happening, the sudden blasts coming down from the sky, and even doing straight lines through forests, absolutely straight lines like a highway through forests and things like that. All brand-new phenomena.  And they said that it took the upper part of a building off outside Toronto I think it was, this sudden downburst. But get used to the terms they're giving you.  Then you had noctilucent clouds floating across the sky at night, glowing in red and yellow and all this kind of stuff. And then they, oh yeah, people saw that hundreds of years ago, says old Indian legend.


I mean, they come out with this stuff as they're doing new stuff, obviously, all the time and super heating the atmosphere.  Then you had the HAARP project out and that was the first time they admitted that they had it in Alaska. But now they have them all over the place.  They can even use whole arrays of them, individual arrays, across miles and miles or even across the country, that work in unison occasionally and they can triangulate where they're projecting the power source, they're super heating the atmosphere, and then cause amazing changes in the weather and the atmosphere. Amazing things they can cause, for sure.  And a lot of universities have their mini-HAARPs, all parts of this huge array system that they have.


So, we live in a scientific age of scientific supremacy, they say, whatever you're looking at you have an expert telling you what to do. Like Bertrand Russell said, he says, we'll train them, he says, until women can't or anybody couldn't change a diaper on a child without expert advice and to be shown how to do it. That has come to pass now. We now also have bioethicists, I did a show years ago on that when they first gave it to the public. They launched them on television and across all the newspapers, this so-and-so says, this bioethicist has declared… These people, who are only human beings like you and I, are given special abilities, special insights over what ethics are, as they start creating laws on what's ethical and what's not ethical. To do with us. Including our bodies.  And TO our bodies in fact, you see.  And now of course they're deciding if you should live, die or whatever for your organs in hospitals. And it's going to get a lot worse.


But you don't think for yourself, for goodness’ sake, because you've got bioethicists who've got it all in hand. Thank goodness they're there and we can just sit and play and drool. I guess, well, they're making all the decisions on what to do with our lives. How kindly we accept it all, 'eh?  Because like Russell said it, he said the people won't be able to do anything without the advice of experts. And they've got them all out there. You've been trained with them. These weather stations, you know, these weather programs they have on television, their weather stations for television, 24 hours a day… Horror stories, and they were designed to be horror stories. Until a little bit of drizzle was going to be a mass flood. Before that, of course they started it with the weather people showing you the next day's weather, and they'd come out there dressed in oil skins, it was going to rain! Are we children or something?!???  This is how gradually you're trained into it, you know. That this is how it's done.


They admit now, and books put up by people who were involved in the setting up of the weather channel and different ones, to terrify you, that that was the purpose of them, was to terrify the public. Because you see, you won't go along with, say, the big big global agenda on sustainability unless you go along with this whole hype on whether change, or weather modification as I prefer to call it. Because what’s normal weather today when they are geo-engineering the skies, hm?  Are the effects of what you're seeing the effects of the geo-engineering? Of course they are.  You can't have honest tests, or statistics today when you've got daily geo-engineering going on, and it has been going on for years now. 


And remember, the top report said, as they said, if we ever had to geo engineer, this is years ago, and I keep all this stuff, from their main meetings in the US at the time. They said IF we were to do this, you couldn't just stop it, once we started it. He said, because once we've altered the climate by geo-engineering, if we were to stop doing it you would have incredible catastrophic events happening when you suddenly stop it. Because you see, the whole point is also to alter the jet patterns of the airstreams, the currents, the normal flows, and divert them elsewhere. That way they can divert moisture into one place and not to another, etc. and make it dry in one place, wet in another, and reverse it when they want to. It's literally child's play today by super heating certain parts of the atmosphere.


So it's all happening, and therefore, are we going into the geo-engineering? ...still going into the geo-engineering project? It said it might take 20-30 years to get enough of the particulates to inject into the stratosphere, the particles, it might take 20 to 30 years to get a loading dose up there that would stay there for 100 years. So, are we still going into that phase? which is making the incredible things happen already? Or are we coming out of it? You see, they won't tell you anything. Because it's all secretive. You’re still supposed to think that they're still debating whether to do it or not. Even though they admit they have been doing it other papers at universities.


It's a sad thing in this world where people truly tout what they think is fact, that they're free in a democracy, when you're run in pretty well absolute secrecy. In fact, you're run as children.  Don't frighten the children by telling them unpleasant things of what we're going to do, they might not like it so they might stop us by protesting. So just don't tell them anything. And that's what it is. Meanwhile, you can get the bust dimensions of some movie star every day there, and probably see the bust in fact. But the fact is, this is not news. The real news you're not going to get.  And what you are getting is a kind of a downplayed version of what they’re already doing.  It's sad but true, isn't it?  We know this. We know this.


And then you go into, and how quick people forget things too. You're so overloaded with data and bits and bytes and trivia every day from all sources, and you won't remember much of it at all. That's why they’re overloaded with it, especially the...  99% of it is irrelevant data. It truly is irrelevant. And the stuff that you should remember, or you'd hopefully remember is put across, in all this stuff, a needle in a haystack, so that you pretty well have been legally informed, but you won't remember consciously. Or if you do, you'll say, ohhh yeah, I can vaguely remember. And that's how it's done, so the pretense of democracy can be kept going along.


I'll put up a link from a few years ago actually to do with climate geo-engineering governance, a research project from the UK. 


Climate Geoengineering Governance - geoengineering-governance-research.org


It's from geo-engineering-governance-research.org and you can have a good read it that too. It's got a lot of links. There's even stuff up on YouTube from big world meetings and things like that, if you're interested at all. Most folk aren't interested in these things. Because they’re trained out of really caring. They've been trained to believe that they are being governed well and the special special invisible people above, who are just so incredibly brilliant, you see, are managing you all, and it's your place to be down below and just play and enjoy yourself and watch the movies and stuff like that, you know, party. I mean, that's how you're trained... isn't it?


And they have world agendas to do with well-being. I've mentioned some of them before. Because you see, under austerity programs, and that's what they are, for sustainability. You're being trained, it doesn't matter if you don't have much of what you think you want, if they can reshape what you really should have and make you want that instead, and had be happy with it, then your well-being goes up. And it's going to be all nicey-nicey good then, you see. There, there.  And that's how it's done.  I've read these articles, too, they've had world meetings under the UN and different organizations all working under them. I'll put some these things up perhaps tonight.   Because as I say, you should just be happy, you know. Like that silly silly dumb song, Don't worry, Be happy.  


Huh?  If you can't eat, or you know, people around you, or even yourself, if you're addicted to drugs that are just flooding the countries now, on cue, mind you, and being allowed to, and there's folk dying all over the place, and you can't have a, your brain goes on them right away, you know, you're completely dysfunctional and you to stay that way until maybe you die or get off them, if you can. But if they can just make you be happy, be happy with what you've got...  You might be living on the streets, but hey, what's wrong with living on the streets if you're just happy?  Hm? 


And of course, they even have articles about taking the drugs to make you happy. As long as you're happy that's the final outcome. Don't forget what the whole Freudian thing was about?  Hm?  That being well meant you were in a state of happiness. Which is nonsense! What does it mean by happiness? There's different degrees of contentment, you see, and stability for the day. And in between phases. There's times too you must be a bit depressed because depression can goad you to do something better for yourself perhaps, you see. Or depression might say, you procrastinated on this long enough, do something about it, things like that. So, these are natural things.


But no, they want you to be happy all the time. Just like the ads on TV. You know, the dumb ads that you get all the time. Just smile, grin and be happy, you see. And if you can't have a good smile, and you can't afford a dentist these days because it's so incredibly extortionate, then be happy with the mouthful of broken teeth that you have, you see, just... if you're happy who cares, you see? There you go!  There's your answer. That's the Freudian thing.


The Freudian whole idea was that the system, as they destroyed religion, under science you see, taking over as your new master, then there'd be so much unhappiness and depression. So, psychiatrists would step in and take the place of the priests and therefore all the people who went to priests for advice or help or whatever, or even confession, could then go to the psychiatrists and pay them big money to confess all these things. And then they could put you on pills, right, maybe for life, and make even further profits from that too. Isn't that wonderful.  Chemical happiness, you know. It doesn't last long.


But again, I'm going off the topic here. I wasn’t even going to talk about this tonight. I just wondered about how folk are perceiving this new reality they're in?  If they adapted quickly into it, with the nonsensical, a million photographs per newspaper but no real stories, and definitely not stories that matter. And are they quite, are they adapting to the fact they're being told very little?  At one time people would demand that, at least the politicians would put a show on television and give different statements about different things they were up to.  They don't even bother about that anymore. All you get is the scandals and the PR shots of them, you know, like wrestlers, just badmouthing their opponents. It's all an act of course. Just like the wrestling thing. It's a big act.


But that's what they've given you for reality now, isn't it? Because you see, the agenda is so entrenched that no one can get off of this progressive agenda, that's written in stone, that's not happenstance. None of it is happenstance. It all meshes together towards a particular world society that they're creating, with the vastly reduced population. What we're living through now are really the early stages of it. They still got a lot to do yet.  But they've got all the technologies to make it happen, right down to their advance projections for the military on population decline, that's around 2030, a sudden drop. They don't tell you why it's a sudden drop, but they know exactly when the up-and-coming youngsters will hit a certain age, and for procreation, and there'll be a sudden even further massive decline in fertility. That's part of it, you see. 


Don't forget, even with the basic studies they did on soya with the soya bean and all that, how it was heavily modified and heavily toxic too with particular herbicides that they created at the time, years ago. The studies that came out, the official studies that came out on them when they said that the first, the ones who ate it, the test rats, etc., could develop stomach or colon problems, and decreased fertility. But the offspring would have twice as much increased sterility, and the next generation were almost completely sterile. You see how your genes are altered step-by-step? 


This is a big, big breakthrough for them too because you see, when you go into biowarfare, hhhhh, and you study the terrible things that they were working on during World War II, they look to different programs for extended warfare on different, that might last 20, 30, 40, 50 years, or almost a permanent state of warfare like was envisioned in George Orwell's 1984, you see. Well, how do you, over a long period of time win that war, that protracted war? Well, you make sure that you must get to the young fertile group who, or even babies, because eventually they're going to grow up and produce more children, you see. This is widely discussed in all military colleges. Even today.  It's standard stuff. And some of the conflicts in the Arabian countries, or Arab countries, you see lots of, say, lots of documentation on how to bring them down over long period of time by using different techniques. Of course, they don't tell you all the techniques they're going to use, because they probably will be using them, on us all, actually. 


But it's quite fascinating when you see it all happening, after reading about it from years and years ago.  And it's all happening across the planet but mainly in the West, as we go down with fertility. Whenever you see things like that and you get all the different, it's multi factoral  You've got plastics of course. They made it popular to drink bottled water. Why do you think that was?  Hm?  Until you can hardly see an ad or even things in movies without the main characters drinking from bottled water... with the soft plastic, the worst kind you can get for biphenyls.  Which are awfully good at causing you reduced sperm in the male, for sure, and many other hormonal factors in male and female. Hormone disruptors and mimickers too.


Then you get this one too 'eh...


Sperm counts are on the decline – could plastics be to blame?

theguardian.com / 24 May 2019


A recent study that tested both men and dogs added to concerns (Alan:  I guess that's how we're lumped in now, if you're men you like a dog... where both men and dogs added to concerns…) And it's true enough, 'eh, [Alan chuckles.] we're the most hated species at the moment.)  that chemicals in the environment are damaging the quality and quantity of sperm.


Surprising new research into dog sperm has reproductive biologists concerned about the fate of their own species. (A:  So the dogs are afraid of the fate of their own species, I guess, the way they word it here. Anyway, it says…)  In a March study, scientists at Nottingham University found that two chemicals common in home environments damage the quality of sperm in both men and dogs.


The culprits implicated are diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), used to make new plastics more pliable, and polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (PCB153), found in older plastics and electrical equipment. Companies stopped producing PCBs in the late 1970s due to their health risks – including a possible increased risk of cancer, hormone disruption, liver damage and behavioral or cognitive deficits in children exposed to the chemical in utero (A:  That’s a big one too.) – but the chemical persists in the environment.


(A:  So there's another study out too, this one's from Nottingham, without the sheriff of course.)


The Nottingham study is just one in a mounting pile of research indicating that the quality and quantity of men’s sperm is on the decline. (A:  Well, it's been on the decline since about the 70s, steadily, but this is a further bang again.)  Research suggests that sperm counts have dropped by half in the last 50 years or so and that a higher percentage are poor swimmers (A:  That’s, you know, they’re immotile basically…) – slow, ungainly or beset by genetic flaws.  (A:  ...the ones that persist are flawed now, the sperm)


The exact cause of that decline is not well understood.


(A:  What nonsense!  All these things happened after world meetings. There was a world meeting remember, basically during, at the end of World War II, I think the war was still going on. King George was at the head of it, the titular head of it, at least for the meeting. All the top Royal Society scientists and that, the relevant groupings got together and talked about the coming, there's just, they haven't killed enough people off with this war, you know, especially eligible young men, therefore, they'd have to do something about a future population explosion, etc. etc. So, they came up with the idea, even the psychological stuff too, and repetition, oh my God, the baby boomers, baby boomers, baby boomers, like a curse on the planet, baby boomers. Like they've never had people having babies before, hm?  You see.)


(A:  So they went to work of course, they didn't sit back.  So, after that, not even 20 to 30 years later you've got the sperm count cut in half by... just by accident? I mean, yeah, just happened by itself, I suppose. And folk will accept it as that too. There's always a cause for everything. Always, folks. It doesn't just happen by itself. It doesn't happen by itself. If you get up in the morning and your left leg doesn't want to follow your body, there's a cause for it. If you just accept it as some new normal then... good luck, you know. But it's the same with everything that happens, there's always a cause for it.)


(A:  The problem is today were getting taught just to accept things. Just be happy. Be happy!  You can still have intercourse, maybe, you see, with chemical aids and stuff. But the fact is, you won't produce children. And if you do, there's ways you can get rid of that problem too. Folk just don't get it, 'eh? They really don't get it.  That the big authorities out there that are managing the population count and all the rest of it, don't give a darn about you. They really don't. They've got other agendas to fulfill.  Really.  Anyway, so the sperm count is on the decline. And the exact cause of the decline is not understood, they say.)


The exact cause of that decline is not well understood.  One culprit may be increasingly unhealthy lifestyles. (A:  Oh, sure.  Sure.)  The same factors that affect general health (A:  And they've always got obesity, smoking...)– being overweight or obese, smoking, stress and alcohol or recreational drug use (A:  …blah, blah, blah.)  – also affect the quality of sperm. But many researchers suspect chemical residues in the environment may be partly to blame.


Well, if you look at what's in the stuff that you're eating, pesticides and herbicides and all the other kind of things too, then perhaps they've got something to do with it too, folks, 'eh?  Hm?  What do you think? But anyway, the motility, the ability for your sperm to actually swim is definitely damaged. It's much, much lower. And you can see it all under the microscope. They've got lots of university studies on all of that. So there ya go.


But also I want to go into this. It's to do with the well-being budget, right.  New Zealand's got one too. They've all got them. You see, it just happened. Again, from a central agency for the world system. And the United Nations, I read articles when they first came out with this well-being. Never mind about stopping, you know, eliminating the poverty problem and all that. Just feel well. Feel… Don't increase salaries and wages for living standards.  No, just make you feel well with where you are. You see?  So…


New Zealand's world-first ‘wellbeing’ budget to focus on poverty and mental health

theguardian.com / 14 May 2019


Country claims to be the first to measure success by people’s wellbeing


(A:  There ya are.  Yep.)


Child poverty, domestic violence and mental health will be the priorities in New Zealand’s “wellbeing budget” . . . (A:  So they have well-being budgets now...)


They're destroying all cultures.  They’re destroying traditional systems and families and everything else.  And work, I mean it's all been given basically to Third World countries, all the industry. They employed millions and millions and millions of people across the world, but it's all stuck in the same areas now. And folk are, they seem to have no purpose. Their religions have been stripped off them and getting hammered and chipped away. Which gave them at least something to turn to rather than going to psychiatrists… God help you going to a psychiatrist, hm. Or these agencies that governments are just churning out, the new scientists that are going to be managing your minds for you, just hand it over.  People have nothing to believe in now, you see.


As I say, if you want… How can you go to humanity for help when it's humanity at the top strata of scientific tyranny that's destroying you all? And bureaucracy and politics?  Hm?  You need something beyond that. And actually, whatever man puts out, when he puts himself as God to manage everything, ends in disaster.  You get hell on earth. That's what comes out for the majority of the public, hell on earth. Absolutely. And it's only in the first stage of this.  Wait until it gets really rolling, folks, into real austerity. 


And another one, too, is…


National treasure: How the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework is linking policies to outcomes

civilserviceworld.com / 20 May 2019


Wellbeing should replace growth as 'main aim of UK spending' - theguardian.com / 23 May 2019


Wellbeing should replace growth - Spending review to increase wellbeing -PDF - wellbeingeconomics.co.uk


They tax everything off you, and then they've got the cheek to turn, not give you anything back for it, just come back and say, just be happy with your state of living, hey?  [Alan chuckles.]  Well, they can be happy, these politicians and so on because they're all living off of us. And they live awfully, the servants live way above the masters, don't they, hm?  Topsy-turvy world.  Another article too…


The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

rutherford.org / 23 April 2019


(A:  M-hm.  Because you see, that’s the next hurdle, is what they call intergenerational sexual relations and step-by-step they said they would get to this phase, and here they are now.)


Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.


(A:  Isn’t that just… it’s progressive, ‘eh?)


This is America’s dirty little secret.


Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America, the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.


And I mean, look at the state of society, 'eh? I know people in London who walk around with bulletproof vests on now, it's so dangerous there. And now they're bringing out the special ones to deal with just knives, because there are folk getting stabbed in different places, it's pretty common now.  This is progress, they call it?!?  Really?  Ok.  Excuse me if I don't agree with you.


So, I'll put these links up. And then there's another one.  And here's the answer to the, remember all the grooming of the children and stuff in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, and, you know, that you're not supposed to talk about now? And it's true, isn't it, the governments told the cops to lay off the grooming gangs, etc. in Britain, for years. Thousands of people have been destroyed forever, these children. So, they get the unions to go forward, you know, under supposedly a good cause, you see, without thinking it through, where it's supposed to go.


Decriminalise sex work to protect us from crime, prostitutes say

theguardian.com / 27 Feb 2019


English collective says laws forcing women to work alone expose them to violence.


Well, you know, that's where prostitution always goes. So, English collective of prostitutes. And I already last week put up some stuff from areas in England that were officially the trial areas for legal prostitution. And they're still falling down dead with, you know, syringes stuck in their arms and stuff. And they get diseases. And alcohol.  And they're dying of course.  Then they're fighting each other for their area, you know.  But anyway, this one up here too says, it would be better just to make it all legal. 


Then all those... [Alan laughing.] Really amazing.  You see where it's going to go if they make it legal? The next step is, let's legalize young children, right, from the previous article, let's just legalize that and make children that are precocious, you know, they know what it's all about, and make it legal for them to have sex too. And then they can have government pimps managing them.  You see?   Why not? If your government's already the pimp, or your drug pusher, your government now, then why not? Do you understand where it's all… What's happening here? And this is not happenstance. It's not stupidity either.  This is an agenda. And then they bring in the nurses in Britain, right, Royal College of Nurses, union and all that....


Nurses vote to back decriminalisation of prostitution - theguardian.com / 20 May 2019


So there you go, get them in on the act as well. But they don't think it all the way through, do they? They really don't.  They really, really don't. They don't think where it's all meant to go.


And that's the beauty of collective organizations. Bernays said that, if you want to...  He said to the big marketers, don't go door-to-door trying to get people to back whatever you're selling them, or changes or whatever it happens to be, go to the heads of organizations, including ministers and priests or whatever, and get them on board with you.  And we saw all that happening, it happens all the time.  They're all on board with the green agenda, and the eco this and eco that. And before you know it, they're all pushing for having less children. I mean it's beautiful how it works, isn't it? Bring your flocks to us, you see.


So here's the College of Nurses and they really don't see where it's going to go. It's already hell, but it's going to be a worse hell once you legalize all this stuff. Then you get all the different, the real grooming gangs in action and stuff, and they'll get their licenses to operate them.  There you go. And…


'Prostitution is seen as a leisure activity here': tackling Spain's sex traffickers -  theguardian.com / 11 May 2019


There you go. Big business, etc. In this day and age, are you surprised it's big business?  It's astonishing.


Last week too I mentioned about [Alan chuckles.] things that are happening now with organs, you know, and being an organ donor and how really, it's an amazing business, it's amazing, and how they can con everybody into getting their, you know, organs, the dangers of all this, where it's all meant to go of course.  And, will you even get treated in hospital, are they going to bring you back onto your feet and get you walking, or are you more lucrative to them for your body parts? You'd better start thinking about… Don't think for a second that this won't happen.  I mean, corruption doesn't stop at the street level. It's worse way above that. Look at your governments.  The Baltimore Sun and it says…


Organ donation on the rise as fatal drug overdoses mount

baltimoresun.com / 13 Aug 2016


Overdose deaths, largely from heroin and powerful prescription painkillers such as fentanyl, have reached record highs across the country. Maryland had one of the biggest surges in the country, with 1,259 fatal overdoses last year, twice the number in 2010.


(A:  So, there's progress for you.)


Nationally, organ donations from those who overdosed from injected drugs are the fourth-largest donor group, according to data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, (A:  Organ SHARING… [Alan laughing.]  That's not ghouls, it’s organ sharing.) which coordinates donations. (A:  It's big business, 'eh.)  Drug overdoses eclipsed homicide victims years ago.


Drug overdoses rank behind people who died of natural causes — the largest group of donors — as well as car crash victims and those who committed suicide. Car crash donors have declined as auto safety improved.  (A:  It’s actually getting worse again, auto safety, because they’ve legalized other things, and they’re mind certainly isn’t on the road now.  [Alan chuckles.])


But anyway, you understand, we are the business. I've said it so many times, we are the business. And we’re also the product at the end of it all. We buy it all and then they make money off us once we're about to die. Remember, if they want to keep you alive… it's to take your organs out of you. I hope you understand that.  They don't want death, or organ death. They want to keep you alive and harvest the organs.  The last one out is the heart; they keep it going as they basically cannibalize everything else. 


When the people who go there to receive the organs, the different surgeons are sent in, are flown in by jet, big business, as I say. There's ones that'll take the kidneys, specialists, ones who go after the liver, and heart and lungs and so on.  The person in charge of it is the heart and lung specialist because he will keep that going until all the other ones are taken out, and straight into the freeze, you see, for preservation. Then basically they have the job of real, causing the real death by cutting it off and that's it, and out goes the heart and lungs and that's it. That's how it's done, for those who don't know. It's big, big business.


Then they persuade the public that you, to do it all for nice causes, you see. Do you think that it's all going to nice causes? Do you really think that? I mean, how many folks are getting transplants a day, even in your own country?  Compared to how many folks are being cannibalized in your own country every day.  Anyway…


As death tolls rise, opioid crisis makes more organs available for transplant

theglobeandmail.com / 27 July 2019


(A:  This is where it's going, you see. They give you a story there of her son lay dying and this poor woman and so on, very emotional…)


A nurse who works with people with chronic kidney disease,...


(A:  …blah, blah, blah...)


...knew the impact of such donations well.


So, they give you something that's very heart-wrenching, etc. But of course, the whole thing is, it's good, even though the guy dies his death is not in vain, you see. This is where it's going.


So tragic as I say, but really when you book in, in Ontario, to hospital or your taken to the hospital, you're automatically put down as a donor, unless you opt out. And they don't tell you at the time. That was in the papers, though, a few years ago.  They even have professional persuaders that are jetted across the country to hospitals, just men and women that seem kind of ordinary, men and women who come in, they're awfully nice, and they're trained to reach worried or grieving parents who are in hospital who are in there for someone on artificial life support or whatever it happens to be, to try and convince them to just sign them over for organ parts. 


I mean, do you understand… This isn't more humanity, I think. I see it as, we're just products and we're worth an awful lot. These folks wouldn't be doing it, jetting across for nothing persuading folk.  Remember, they're getting paid awfully well. 


So, hhhh, and of course it also tells me that they must understand what the different antidotes to these different drugs can be, and they must have awfully fast ways, I would think, of determining if there's actual other diseases present. Very quick, like almost instant, to even bother to take organs, etc., hm? If they're taken from, say, car accidents and so on.


Now, DARPA, that's the big testing and research organizations.  The ARPA, when they call it just ARPA, that's the part that gave you the computer they developed during the Cold War, supposedly, to interact with the Soviet system. So, they had their wargames going on through computers back then.  Then they gave us the computer to get us all into it. Because the agenda was to literally alter the world and spy on all of us and manage and control all of us of course. And there's DARPA and it says…


Pentagon eyes expanding DARPA future warfare research office

news.trust.org / 24 May 2019


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense is close to expanding its legendary future warfare and technology agency DARPA by combining it with the Pentagon office in charge of adapting existing weapons to new uses, people familiar with the plans said.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (A:  That’s the full name of it, you see.) would absorb the Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) and centralize more research units under the Pentagon's Chief Technology Officer Michael Griffin.


(A:  Now, in the past they put out wonderful stories, oh, we created a chip that can implant in paraplegics, and they can actually type on a computer which is just with their thoughts. So, you see, you understand that this warfare outfit puts all these wonderful things out to help people. Because you know, the peacekeepers today are warriors, you know, dress like warriors, they've always been, with grenades and weapons and so on, right, but we call them peacekeepers. And DARPA, this wonderful organization, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, that give you all your advanced warfare stuff, is there to help paraplegics and stuff. You see, you've got it all wrong, you just keep thinking bad things. You must be paranoid thinking they're there to actually do warfare kind of stuff on the world, you know. Get with the program here.  So...)


The combination would end an experiment with SCO that began as an attempt to adapt to future threats quickly and with less bureaucracy.


If all of SCO's $1.3 billion 2020 budget request were transferred to DARPA, DARPA would gain control over 37 percent more funding on top of its 2020 funding request of $3.5 billion.


The SCO is charged with developing unexpected and game-changing capabilities to counter emerging threats.


The SCO has looked into projects like swarming small drones and transforming the Raytheon Co-made Standard Missile 6, a defensive weapon, into an offensive weapon.


(A:  Wow!  There ya go.  M-hm.)


You can imagine, 'eh, when you've got all these folk who got the chips, because they want to give you chips for everything, and tell you how they're going to make it so wonderful to have chips in you and that. So eventually you probably won't get medicine and such, you'll get a medical chip, an implant that will fix everything for you, you see.  And you can imagine it, one night you're all lying in bed, just like a horror movie, making a horror movie, you're all lying in bed and then DARPA activates that chip, and then millions of folk from across the country just get up in the middle of the night from a sleep there and walk like zombies, you see, chipped zombies.  And you can do stacks of movies on that because they've done it on everything else, haven't they?


Anyway, I'll put this article up too, and then this one here…


US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind

tomsguide.com / 22 May 2019


DARPA wants to wirelessly connect human brains to machines, allowing soldiers to fully control weapon systems, view things remotely like a Three-Eyed-Raven (A:  ...wow...), or feel stuff remotely.


It's the stuff of science fiction, but scientists have already made some advances in the field. The first human neuroprosthetic devices appeared in the mid-1990s, (A:  That's when they put out the PR stuff on the chips…) allowing patients to crudely control artificial limbs.  But those required surgical interventions. More experiments during early 2010s showed that scientists could reconstruct people's vision into digital video, but that's far from being real-time. Most recently, the scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have figured out how to connect to brains, using machine to transfer information wirelessly. 


(A:  So, two heads are better than one, you see.  There you are, they want to help you, you understand.  So, it gives you the different universities that are in on the programs.  They always use our tax money for everything, don't they?)


This article here is pretty good, it's about…


UN hysteria linking climate change and species extinction mindlessly parroted by media

americanthinker.com / 8 May 2019


(A:  A little history of it, but a lot of it I read years ago on other websites, to do with their predictions, to terrify the public. Including the quotes from the leaders of these different ecological organizations and NGOs, the heads of them, and the United Nations too when they admitted blatantly, we always give them scary scenarios to terrify them, otherwise they won't listen to us, you see. And they're still doing it, of course.)


It is truly sad that U.N. reports on the climate and extinctions are printed throughout the media to push the agenda and scare the public, especially the children, with no questions asked and no attempt to verify the information in the reports.


(A:  So this article here goes into the, ohhh…)


One million of the planet's eight million species are threatened with extinction by humans


(A:  And then…)


…Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), a UN committee, whose report was written by 145 experts (A:  …You see, EXPERTS…!) from 50 countries.


(A:  …talking about tens of thousands are already dead, blah blah blah. They give you the numbers from like decades ago. And none of us should be here by now, because even in the 90s they said we wouldn't hit 2000. Actually, they said we wouldn't hit 1990 initially, we'd all starve to death, you see. And here we all are.  And all the other scary scenarios too...  And they're still at it. And then Prince Charles came out years ago saying, you've got 100 odd days to live if we don't change right now, you see, the way we live. And of course that came and went, and the royalty is still getting married and having children and so on. It says…)


U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

June 29, 1989


A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels (A:  That's why I bought a snorkel, a big, long snorkel just in case, 'eh.) if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.


(A:  Oh...)


Coastal flooding and crop failures (A:  aaaa... aaaa...) would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ (A:  …blah, blah, blah... and that was from...) the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.


(A:  Oh, terrifying scenarios, 'eh.  And then they said...)


There are 3 trillion trees on Earth (A:  Yep...) – but they're disappearing fast


(A:  It's interesting, they're giving you different studies, but obviously they've got people going around counting it all, right?)


A study led by Yale University researchers has found that there are over 3 trillion trees on Earth - but they are disappearing at an alarming rate.


The study found that there are around 3.04 trillion trees on Earth, or around 422 for each person on the planet.


The number is a huge increase on the previous global estimate, which was just over 400 billion trees worldwide. (A:  you see?  And that's… they played that one up before too, oh there's 400 billion trees on the planet, now it's 3 trillion. It's getting more rather than fewer.  So…)


We have been told that humans and CO2 are killing the oceans so now they only estimate that there are 3.5 trillion left. (A:  That’s what they’re saying ‘eh.)  That seems to be an odd definition of dying.


(A:  M-hm.  I’d say so!  There ya are.  And...)


How Many Fish Live in the Ocean?


According to the best estimates of scientists, there are 3,500,000,000,000 (3.5 trillion) fish currently living in the ocean.


(A: I guess they got someone going around counting them.) 


Then there were all those looming disasters projected by scientists on the first Earth Day almost fifty years ago.


(A:  That's what it was created for, Earth Day, right.)


A quick summary: We would all be dead by 1985 to 2000. 


We would be out of food either in the 1970s or 1980s.


During the 1980s, four billion people would die, including 65 million in the U.S.


By 1980, urban dwellers would have to wear gas masks to survive.


Soon, none of our land will be usable because of too much nitrogen.


The rivers will be out of oxygen, and freshwater fish will all be gone.


(A:  Oh my God, the sky is falling, ‘eh?) 


By 1995, 75% to 80% of species will be gone.


(A:  They first put out an ice age, they'd banked on the 'coming Ice Age' to terrify us all to give up all our rights so that the experts could manage us, you see, for depopulation and austerity and all that. But it didn't work out, so they then turned to 'global warming'. Now they just settled on 'climate change', because they're trying to cover all the bases. And it was the worst winter I've seen up here since I've been here, this winter past.  I mean, it lasted this half, over half the year before the snow was gone.)


And ecologist Kenneth Watt said, because we were going into an ice age, that the Earth would be four degrees cooler by 1990 and eleven degrees colder by 2000.  (A:  That was the initial thing, when it was the coming ice age.) 


But this article is just full of all the quotes from all the different associations and organizations, to terrify you. Including of course naturally, Paul Ehrlich, you know, who gave you the Population Bomb. Because that's the real agenda, is to depopulate the planet. How are they going to do it? Well, terrify them.  And you can't have all these children who are just consuming and creating pollution, you see.  There you go.  And it's interesting. I mean, Paul Ehrlich, his wife was on the board, actual board of the Club of Rome, 'eh...  [Alan chuckles.]  that came out with the agenda, terrify the public because it's the only way to do it, give them scary scenarios, etc., and man would be the enemy of the planet and that would fit the bill. Well, that's what they came up with.


They never change. Big agenda. Global agenda. And all the world's leaders are in on it, folks. Yes, they are, the big club is in on it. And you’re just the, you're the cause of it all, all the problems apparently. You see.  And they're not going to change it just for you, little ole you. You might think you're important, but they don't. But it's just astonishing, isn't it, the nonsense we get fed, the nonsense we get fed for a big, big agenda, a big global agenda, hm.  Another one here too, is…


 One million species threatened with extinction because of humans


(A:  Not one million and one.  One million exactly.)


One million of the planet's eight million species (A:  Like, I used to, you come to the States or Canada, you would find towns and you'd always find an even number, everything ended up with 00 or whatever, for population on the signboards going into a place. I says, my God, they must, there's population planned for you. Well, here they are, you see, with one million species, one million exactly threatened with extinction because of humans.  It says here…)  are threatened with extinction by humans…


The global rate of species extinction "is already tens to hundreds of times higher than it has been, on average, over the last 10 million years," (A: This is the oldest count or whatever they had, this guy that counted them all.) according to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), (A:  There's a mouthful for you, 'eh.  You see, that's very important, with the big long one like that. I'm impressed, aren't you?)  a UN committee, whose report was written by 145 experts from 50 countries.  (A:  M-m.  There ya go, species extinction.)


The actual number of species on the endangered list appears to be 3,000, so why are we told that one million are endangered?


(A:  But when you go into it, there's only 3000 it says. And even then, that's iffy.  So...)


Endangered Species: Once They’re Gone, There’s No Bringing Them Back


Currently, more than 3,000 species of animals are considered endangered. In the United States, (A:  Well, what happened to that one million, 'eh? I mean, what?  I mean, what is it here?  Do you see what I'm saying? And in their own policies they tell you one thing, but when you go into it and look, it's only 3000. And even that's iffy. It says…)   the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 to help with conservation efforts, but there are now three times as many endangered species as there were just ten years ago.


If you look up the number of species that have gone extinct since the last (almost) 120 years, it is 477, or around four a year.  I am sure most of those started going extinct long before fossil fuels could have caused the problem.  So four species per year, and the U.N. puts out the prediction of one million, and journalists like puppets just print this.  (A:  …as fact, you see.)


10 Animals that Have Gone Extinct in the Last 100 Years


Nearly 500 species have gone extinct during the last century–and in most cases, we humans are to blame. According to a 2015 study by the National Autonomous University (UNAM), 477 species have disappeared since 1900 due to our degradation and destruction of their natural habitats. The researchers said it was the largest mass extinction of species in history.


In 1989 the UN predicted disaster and we only had ten years left to fix the problem. They were 100% wrong but journalists and other Democrats pushing the agenda (A:  It's also Republicans, they're all on board with it.) to take trillions away from the public don’t care.  (A:  And of course the money goes elsewhere, ‘eh.  And then…)


U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

June 29, 1989


A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.


Coastal flooding and crop failures


 (A:  ...the same stuff that they just keep recycling, you see…)


would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.


(A:  So that's what they hope to do, and actually Rockefeller also had articles out on the eco-refugees could happen. But they change their minds eventually and says, it's better just to have economic refugees as they call it today, 'eh…  just mass migration to where the best, ah, money is basically. [Alan laughing.]   Even if it's, they can't get work there. It says…)


He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.


(A: As they spray the skies and cause global dimming, 'eh, according to all the satellite organizations and NASA, etc., global dimming they say.   M-hm.  Spraying away.  And they talk about greenhouse gas, most of the greenhouse gas they call it, is actually water moisture. And the carbon dioxide is a .00000 something, it's a trace gas. But that doesn't make a… Facts don't matter, 'eh.  Then...)


 In 2015, Yale University estimated that there are three trillion trees on Earth.  (A:  Ah, there ya go.)  Previous estimates were 400 billion.  (A:  So there you go.  And...)


How Many Fish Live in the Ocean?


(A:  I did that one already.  And...)


We would be out of food either in the 1970s or 1980s.


(A:  Ohhh, there ya go.  M-hm.)


18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year


(A:  That's what they do every year. They actually say that, that they get together to give you scary scenarios.  There ya go.)


Facts don't matter, you see. It's only that you believe what they're telling you, to create… You see, you won't budge... One of my talks in the 90s is, I said it's like, we’re like cattle, they talk about we're cattle, you see, to them, and if we're content in the field with grass, we graze. We like to graze.  And why not, you know?  There's your pals roundabout you all grazing at the same time and you're quite content. But you see, to get change going, to get change going, or even to get you to move to another field, they've got a stir you up to get you moving. And it's not quite easy. So, they got to scare you.


It's easy to scare you.  You see the cowboy in Westerns, and they start shooting the guns in the air and hollering and so on and trying to stampede them to get them moving.  And they say in all the courses on human behavior, if you can get them terrified and hysterical, you get them moving. And fear. And not to let them stop and relax.  If they stop and relax and start chewing the cut again, like the cattle, then you've got a do it all over again. But once you've got them moving don't give them a break, just keep them moving, keep them moving, keep them moving, keep them terrified. 


This is the agenda towards planned change. Step by step by step by step, over so many years.  And it's all still happening yet. It's worked awfully well. I mean, repetition, repetition, it's astonishing how it really all works, isn't it? Repetition, and the folk just go on and on and on with it, from one thousand sources, until they start spouting it themselves automatically. It's all understood in psychology of course. But that's the world in which you live, 'eh.


And all the stuff I mentioned tonight was nowhere about where I was going to talk about at all. But it just came out that way. Because I realized the stuff I was going to talk about would probably take me a couple of hours anyway, as I was prattling on there about the scary scenarios.


But that's how we're managed, folks. And most folk haven't got a clue because, do you realize the basket cases we would be if you were trained at an early age into reality? That the people above you are not there to help you at all? It's like a horror movie when you… Committee after committee, like a whole pyramid of committees above you and organizations, managing your brain, and managing what they want you to believe, in all, thousands of topics, and programming you to make sure that you go along with it all.


So in other words, these people are not superior to you. They're not benefactors. They are a scientific tyranny, exactly as Lord Bertrand Russell said they would bring in. And he wrote that in his own book in the 1940s I believe. He said that there will always be a tyranny.  He says, we can bring in a tyranny, and at that time he was talking about you had the Nazis of Germany World War II, that affected naturally everybody.  And before that, and during the World War II and afterwards, it never stopped, was communism, the Soviet communism of course and the Soviet bloc countries that came out of it. And then the Cold War of course that came out afterwards too. But they saw these mass movements. And they were really encouraged of how the Soviets, for instance, could manage many countries within the Soviet bloc and make them obedient.  Mind you, they use terror techniques and everything else too to create a new type of humanity... an obedient society...  with as less kickback as possible.  It was all big experiments you see. And then they blended the two together.  And everything was learned doing the Soviet technique, techniques used today.


They blended the two systems together, and that was what the Reece Commission came out with back in the 1950s in the United States by Norman Dodd.  The Reece Commission came out with all of that.  They said that they’d blend, eventually, seamlessly, the Soviet system with the Western system, blend the two together and that would be the new system.  Well, that’s where we are, folks, if you haven’t figured it out.  That’s what happened. 


That’s of course what the foundations, that were owned by the big big, well even the, I mean for instance, the Rockefellers, remember too, and the clique they belong to, own the banks which are the US Treasury, the actual banks themselves that backs America.  They own the top industries too.  It was to grab all the top industries that folk would need to live, which they did, and then create the big foundations that manage all the NGOs.  And education, you’ve got to get a unified universal education, or indoctrination you should really call it, for obedient global citizen.  And that’s what you’ve got, you’ve got that too.  It doesn’t mean that it’s factual, what they teach you to believe is fact.  It’s only important that you believe it’s a fact when you’re brainwashed with it.  Because they’re looking at you to see if it’s worked on you or not.  And if it’s not worked on you they’re going to pull you in and, you know, tweak a few screws in your brain there to make sure it works properly.  And properly to them means your indoctrination is moving and running you. 


They always talked about reeducation camps in Soviet or communist countries.  They still have them in communist countries.  And they are very very real.  To bring you in to make sure that you will say the things that you are supposed to say, you will NOT say the things that you’re NOT supposed to say.  We have it here now and you’re being trained and trained and trained on the use of vocabulary and certain words which are going to be taboo.  And then the words which are taboo then lead to topics that are taboo.  Until they gradually thin out all the things that are maybe obvious to you, as they introduce new things, that are going to upset you, and then that will be taboo as well.    That’s how it’s managed.  That’s real neuroscience and psychology and behaviorism in action.  You’re a specimen of it today, folks. 


So for those who don’t get freaked out with scary scenarios, and who understand it all, and who have kept their brains above water, with a big snorkel poles in case it gets flooding…


I’m Alan Watt from Ontario, Canada and it’s goodnight and may your God or your Gods go with you.


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Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"