May 5th, 2008
Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show

(3 Hours)
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Alex Jones: It is Monday, May 5th, 2008.  I’m Alex Jones, your host.  For the next two hours we’ve got Alan Watt, researcher, author, musician.  We’re honored to have him on with us today.  I had a lot of news items I want to bring up to him.  But before we do that, let’s just ask him in this short segment what he’d like to talk about in the next two hours with us today.  Alan Watt, thanks for coming on. 


Alan Watt: Yeah, it’s a pleasure to be here.


Alex: What is most on your mind today?  What do you want to break down for my audience, today?  I mean, I want to get into the behavioral psychologists, the false paradigm, the reality we’re in, and how to break out of that.  Solutions for people to deprogram themselves, where you see things going in the next step in their phase.  Those are some of the issues I want to raise, but what do you think is most important to talk about today, Alan Watt?


Alan: I think it’s the even bigger picture, because while all of this is going on, all of this is really happening, and society is being altered drastically, quickly in so many areas, all of its facets, in fact, that make up culture, even global society.  You’re finding they’re rushing ahead with the genetic research, which is all to do with the old, old plan of perfecting society the way they want it perfected, meaning to bring in a good class of servant slaves. 


Alex: Playing god.  So, they’re already talking about designer babies.  They’re already looking at the genetics and having social workers putting two year olds for at least three years in England and Canada on databases.  Crime because of your genetics.  Made-up quackery as they play god. 


Alan: Yes, and even Bush and the rest of them, they’ve signed bills for all newborn babies to have their DNA collected at birth.  And this has nothing to do with the health of those children, as the parents see it.  It’s to see if you carry what they call recessive genes, genes which are throwbacks to previous racial mixtures and so on. 


Alex: And of course, you weren’t listening earlier, were you?


Alan: No.


Alex: I didn’t think you were.  We’re always on the same page it seems.  I was covering how Bush signed a bill to take all newborns’ DNA.  Now they admit, this program has really been going on for thirty-five years.  They’re just now having to do this, because it got exposed and they were being sued.  So he’s retroactively trying to give them liability protection.  But they admit, and I’ve spent days reading.  University of Texas runs it in the US.  They have universities globally doing it in each country.  And they admit in there that it’s used for Homeland Security in criminal database, it’s used for genetic engineering and it’s given to the insurance companies, your complete map, and they admitted that they are looking for certain key racial traits, just like the human genome project is run by the eugenicists for making race-specific bio-weapons to kill some of us, but also to use traits for the elite in their life extension.


Alan: Oh, there’s no doubt about this.  This goes all the way back to the 1800s, when they set up the first census collection databases with the Carnegie Institute and the backing of Congress.  And Charles Davenport was behind that in 1890, and they wanted from then on everyone to have an 11-digit number, so that they could track you down through your family history, follow your offspring, and collect the medical data.  That was the most important stuff they wanted, all medical data to do with what problems you carried in your genes.  And this is still going on today.  This is an old, old plan, run by the same big foundations in cahoots with the global elitists. 


Alex: But now it’s 2008 and we’re going to get to see it come to fruition. 


Alan: There’s no doubt.  There’s no doubt at all.  They’re also talking now about creating the new chimeras.  Even the Catholic Church has got into it on behalf of the scientists, strangely enough, if you look at it from a different perspective, and they say that anyone with a part human gene in them, any creature at all, is therefore human in all full respects.  That’s exactly what the scientists want.


Alex: Stay there, Alan Watt.  For listeners that are listening on the streams, we’re going to continue the discussion.  For everybody else, we’ll be back in three minutes.


Alright, Alan. Go ahead and take me over to Alan Watt, please.  Alan, during some of these breaks we’re going to have other discussions.  That way we can come back and do the main topic we were on and then switch back into subtopics during the break, so we don’t waste any time here.  So we’ll go back into the genetic engineering here, in about two minutes.  Overall what do you think about staged terror?  Reading the tea leaves, looking at what they’re doing, do you think they’re going to like go ahead and hand the baton to somebody else in a new administration, or do you think they’re going to go ahead and stage something before the election?


Alan: I think they’ll stage mini events before the main election, and it really won’t matter who gets in.  We know that.  We know they’re all vetted at the top, regardless of the party, and that’s what Quigley said, we always own the leaders of both sides.  And that’s all they have to do.  The agenda has never faltered, regardless of what party is put in power for the last hundred years.  It’s the same all over Europe in fact, the exact same agenda. 


Alex: Why are they coming out so publicly now, and just admitting that they’re setting up a world government?  I mean, they’ve always admitted it in some texts, but now the head of the Kissinger group has come out with a book.  You may have seen it.  You know, just saying, we’re going to take your rights, take the internet, you’re our slaves.  I mean, it’s a very arrogant declaration.  Is that a psychological tactic to make us feel like they’re invincible?


Alan: It is.  It’s inevitability factor.  You think it’s inevitable.  Most people collapse psychologically and take that for granted.  They don’t think beyond that statement and it becomes a fact for them.  So they don’t react or protest it.  Now the majority of the public do react that way to all the big declarations that are made.


Alex: Absolutely.  We’re about to come back on the main program, and we’ll get right back into the genetic engineering.  I’m glad you’re bringing up this topic, because as you said, this is what they’re completely obsessed with.  And then later, if you want, do you have any comments on the Debra Jean Palfrey murder of the DC madame?


Alan: I’m not surprised.  That’s the main one.  It’s no surprise at all. 


Alex: Yeah, stay there.  We’ll be right back.


We’re back live, ladies and gentlemen.  Alan Watt is our guest for the next hour and fifty minutes.  We’re very honored to have him.  We’ll give out his website and other contact points throughout the hours.  Alan, I want to get into the whole genetic engineering angle and how they’re playing god, but first, I want to make the statement that driving to work, you look at the people, acting more sheepish, acting more and more stupid, looking more and more dull.  Don’t even talk to their neighbors, don’t talk to each other, they don’t really interact.  They simply as spectators watch television.  The language being reduced.  Everyone being dumbed down.  The test scores dropping and dropping by design in their own declassified documents.  And so the elite say, see, they’re all a bunch of dumb animals, they deserve to die.  They say it’s prima facie evidence that the population deserves to be reduced and exterminated and culled, because if they were the fittest they would be fighting back, or at least joining the elite.  But when you really study the global elite, they actually say they want to catch people at birth and use genetic screening to target what they call kind of rogue elites.  So this really, it’s evil enough to say they want to dumb everybody down and enslave them and kill them, because that’s what they’re doing for the species.  But it’s even worse when you really find out they’re trying to mutate humanity, dumb humanity down, and that they have accentuated and created a feedback loop to really turn the public into these self-propelled stomachs that literally can hardly think or talk.  So, it’s so diabolical.  And I want the public to know, from all the gages I have, we’re just five, ten years off, maybe even closer at current growth, of them releasing the mass bio-plagues.  They’ve just got to have a few more staged events to fully get us locked down.  And then they can really start the job of culling 85-90% of us, depending on which globalist document you see.  And they’ve done everything else they said they would do.  That’s the thing.  We’re not saying this for effect here.  They really are going to do this.  And they really are going to carry this out.  They really are going to kill most of you listening right now.  They’re saying it.  They’re not joking.  They have to be taken serious.  Alan Watt, your comments on that subject, and then back into their main push, genetic engineering. 


Alan: There’s no doubt about it, even to do with their ideas that they came out with in the 1800s and you had Galton in England and you had Davenport in the US, backed by the Carnegie Institute and the Congress at the time.  They set up this whole eugenics experiment at Cold Springs Harbor.  And they called it the Station for Experimental Evolution.  It’s a major tenet of their belief system, is evolution.  And they had already come to believe at the top that some big leap forward had occurred in the past, and that they, being the elite of the day, were the natural products of that, and everything else beneath them was an inferior type of human.  And they really believe this.


Alex: And now we’ve seen all the headlines.  We’ve seen BBC and Reuters showing the super-human and then the suboid dwarf goblin.  They’re now saying, and the joke is, they’re now saying we’re the suboid dwarf goblin.  And we do kind of look like that and act like that.


Alan: That’s correct.  And they said that, and this is another basic part of their whole philosophy, is that you can’t breed people up from the bottom.  They will bring the top down if you try to mix genes with the so-called better class and the inferior class.  And therefore their whole idea, as far back as the 1800s, was to gradually eliminate the bottom class and then through understanding what became to be known as genetics, they would create a new type of slaves to serve them.  But they also knew, and Lord Bertrand Russell stated this, that they’d have to catch children at school, young men, very early on, who had leadership abilities and intellect, but whom they knew because of their genetic lineages and by studying the parents and grandparents and personality types, they knew they wouldn’t confirm and serve the elite.  They could rebel against them.  And therefore they’d have to pick them out, and if necessary, they’d have to eliminate them.


Alex: And by the way that is in hundreds of government PhD documents and let me give sources now.  Dr. Dennis Cuddy of course worked at the Department of Education, highest levels.  He’s written several books on the subject.  The number two at the Department of Education in the ’80s, Charlotte Iserbyt, whose dad was Skull and Bones, and Bohemian Grove, East Coast Elite.  They brought her in, and she’d been in the foreign service, and they put her in charge, and said, okay, and she has a phone-book sized book, where they said, they are meant to dumb everybody down further, but also single out the leadership males, put them on drugs to brain damage them, but then take some select ones and make sure they’re recruited into elite circles.  So, that’s official US government policy.  That’s why your boys are targeted.  Go ahead.


Alan: Bertrand Russell stated that in the ’50s and ’60s.  He said that the ones that they couldn’t sway over, who’d accept the scholarships and serve them, would have to be literally eliminated, destroyed, but also the alternative was to, as you say, get them on drugs which would alter their brain patterns.  And we know that Ritalin and all the rest of it shrinks the brain, gives them tremendous problems.  And it’s primarily young men, young males who are picked out for this.


Alex: Yeah, little do they know that their DNA has already been tested by the government decades ago.  They’re already in a file.  Everything they’re doing is being tracked.  And then they make sure they destroy you.  And that’s all official.  That’s your loving government helping you. You know, running checkpoints to keep you safe from Al Qaeda.  Let’s get into the genetic engineering because this is important.  For those that don’t know, a decade ago, the major scientific papers reported and I remember them, that they had human bovine, human cow, cross species creatures, but they would kill them in the embryonic phase.  They had humanzees, and then Washington Post five years ago reported that Latin American countries do have laboratories with humanzees, part human, part chimpanzee, and then now they admit that human genes are put in the food we eat, insect genes.  Part spider, part goat, that’s been around for twenty years, remote control cockroaches, robo-rat, that’s what they’ve told us about and now, they’re just now introducing it to the public, which means we’re even more advanced, so, Alan Watt, break down what we know they’ve got, then what your sources have told you they really do have, and then why they’re hoarding this for themselves.


Alan: They do have a breed, basically, they can bring on at any time they want.  A new breed of servant class.  And I often wonder if they’ve not already introduced them to some higher levels of bureaucracies to be honest with you.  Perfect servants who will not question whatever they’re told to do.  They have no human qualms about things, but they still have built-in fail-safes to serve their masters.  It’s almost like breeding psychopaths with fail-safes in them to serve the master.  That’s the only difference between them really, and their creators you might say, the elite who already do exist.  These psychopaths can cooperate at the top, because they’re all in the same group, working to the same goal.


Alex: Well, they don’t even need to produce those, although we know there’s been programs to produce the super soldier.  They just put 100% of the troops in, and they know about 30% are going to come back with psychopathic breaks, who already had sociopathic, sadistic tendencies, who have now been perfected into a psychopath, or they can find the one psychopath out of a hundred that already exists, but they already have ways to produce them, and then they put them into law enforcement. 


Alan: Well, they’ve already started up a school, I think it’s in Delaware, that just got the go-ahead to go ahead for the first time under Homeland Security, and it’s going to be school-to-work, the only difference being, they’re going to train children from school to go into SWAT teams, some to go into the military, some for Special Forces.


Alex: Oh, yeah.  All over the country they already have that.  They call it law enforcement, 6th, 7th grade they write tattletale reports on their parents.  I have video of it in my films.  Road to Tyranny, that’s almost 7 years old and yeah, right here in Austin.  But, go ahead.


Alan: They’re rushing ahead with this to create a new society, while the adults play themselves and entertain themselves, and are distracted by trivia.  And these characters, remember, work intergenerationally.  We are short-term thinkers and planners.  We think in one lifespan only, and we don’t realize that these characters will go through three generations, four or more, however long it takes to achieve their objectives, and they have big foundations which outlive all of them.  And they can keep going intergenerationally and complete their part in an agenda.  It’s that simple.  They’ve been doing this for centuries.


Alex: Well, if you look at who is in the 3000 CFR that really runs this country, they’re all grandsons or great grandsons under, you know, the other family name of the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Astors.  Take Tucker Carlson.  Take Anderson Cooper, he’s an Astor, the heir to the billions.  I mean, if you look at who runs the UT, CIA recruiting, you know, who openly writes articles in the paper saying get rid of all freedom in America, Mr. Bobbitt is the nephew of LBJ.  I mean, literally, it is just a few families. 


Alan: It’s family dynasties, and it’s been that way for a long, long time.  And it’s the same in every other country in Europe too, by the way.  You’ll find they’re all inter-related.  These characters have been selecting their mates for centuries, or having it done for them, and they’re mated up purely for their offspring and for their background heritage. 


Alex: But really, it’s giving them health problems and not even advanced intelligence, a lot of the time.  What it’s actually making them do is as we saw with the pharaohs and the Caesars, is that they’re psychopaths.  Interbreeding causes all sorts of mental illness. 


Alan: Yeah, and the psychopathy is an interesting topic, because it isn’t a normal mental illness as such.  It’s like Plato said thousands of years ago, speaking on behalf of the psychopaths of that day.  He said that he, being a member of the aristocracy, had been specially bred, as all aristocracy was specially bred.  And he said, just like animals, domesticated animals, you can breed quality in or out.  And for those who rule over the lesser people, you don’t want to breed in someone with emotional tendencies.  So you breed out the emotional tendencies, and you end up with these very cold and calculating and cunning people, but they have no human empathy for others around them.  That’s been done.


Alex: But I also notice the type that they’re very cold-blooded, they’re very neurotic, they’re very obsessive compulsive.  You know, reading about David Rockefeller, Prince Philip, all of them, even being around really wealthy, and I mean really wealthy people is that the yard’s got to be cut right, every light bulb has got to be in, the bank account has got to be perfect, and it is that attention to detail and complex things that allows them to maintain control, but they also enjoy the cold crushing of beauty.  They are very envious of beautiful young people.  They are very jealous of happy, independent people.  They have a real pleasure in murdering masses of people.  It’s a power trip 


Alan: It’s a power thing, and that control, even that obsessional control you mentioned, and compulsive behavior is part of control.  Anything at all, even something in a house that’s out of place, or a picture that’s kind of squint on the wall, will distract them, and they have to have it rectified, because everything must be correct, as they’ll say.  What they really mean is everything must be in order. 


Alex: And they’re also breeding that neuroses into their minions, the police and bureaucrats, where oh, we, you know, you’re at the baseball game, you ordered lemonade for your son, we brought you a hard lemonade, but it looks like a lemonade bottle, he takes a drink, we instantly take your kid, your life is over, and we say, we know you did it on accident.  The order must be followed.  And so it’s just like, you didn’t instantly comply with me, I’m going to put you in a coma now.  I’m going to beat your head in. 


Alan: It really is getting to that stage, where you’re stopped for just about anything.  I was stopped in town a few weeks ago, I was tailed through town actually, and then stopped eventually on a pretext, of course, that I’d flicked a cigarette butt out the window.  And I happened to smoke, and I said, is it this one here, I had a cigarette in my hand, and I said, well, it couldn’t have been that, it must have been the ash.  He said, oh, you can get a hundred dollar fine for that, he said.  And then of course he proceeded to go through all the papers and all the rest of it.  But I get tailed around.  I’m sure you do too.


Alex: Don’t these guys know that this isn’t freedom?  I mean, don’t they understand that this is bad? 


Alan: Well, when you have people who have been transitioned from peacekeeping and into law enforcement, and they’ve been brought up with twenty, twenty-five years of cop shows and TV dramas, and SWAT teams and so on, and video games which were meant for the military, you have a militarized mentality amongst young people, who would never get a job anywhere else, especially the intellect they’re hiring.


Alex: No, they can’t.  All they’ve done is, exactly, and they think it’s manly to just crack heads and beat people up.  And they’ve simulated murder millions of times on the video games, and now they’re going to do it for real.  Did you hear about Taser International?  They went into a county where three people died after being tazered, and they’re suing the doctors and coroners saying you’re not allowed now, and the judge is telling them, you’re not allowed to ever say tazers could hurt someone.  They’re telling doctors, now, what their medical rulings can be.  I mean, look at the control of that.


Alan: Yes.  But we are in this kind of totalitarian system right now.  This happened in Nazi Germany, when the order went out for racial hygiene.  And they went around the hospitals and there’s lots of documentaries that you can still pull out, where they taught it in school, and tried to convince the children in the ’30s, the ones who were growing up and who would be the guards, etc.  They were showing these videos on mental deficiency.  And they reworded it and retitled it and so on, so that it wasn’t really a human being anymore.  So through the change of words and law, you couldn’t say murder was murder.  You couldn’t say genocide was genocide.  It was ruled illegal to do so.  So it’s the same thing that’s happening now.  They’re telling the doctors, put down anything on that certificate, cardiac arrest, whatever, but the final...


Alex: Exactly, they’re the doctor, it’s their profession.  They are supposed to make the ruling.  And then they say, oh, they didn’t die because you tazered them.  I’m the judge, and now Taser says they’re going to sue any doctor or any medical examiner that says cause of death was tazer, pre-emptively threatening them.  And to their credit, the different associations are freaking out, saying you know, you can’t do that.  I mean, here it is, right here.  Judge rules for tazer in case of death decisions, Arizona Republic.  Chief medical examiner, Lisa Kohler said the examiners rightly concluded tazering contributed to the deaths, and said county lawyers will appeal the judge’s ruling.  And it goes on to say, it is dangerous, dangerously close to intimidation says Jeff Jetson, president of the National Association of medical examiners.  At this point, we adamantly reject the fact that people can be sued for medical opinions that they make.  I mean, this is pure intimidation.  I mean everybody knows the tazers are killing everybody, but they say, no, we’ll sue you if you say that, because they admit that they’re training cops to shoot us with real guns.  This is about torture.  Go ahead. 


Alan: Well, that’s true.  It is torture.  And I think there’s probably another reason for it too, that they’re even pushing out the stories, and allowing us to hear them, because they’re going to bring in even more futuristic weapons which can do the same kind of damage, even worse damage, without the use of wires and without being within a certain range, either.  The technotronic weaponry.


Alex: Well, you’re in Canada, where they admittedly, it came out in the news that if you don’t have your ticket on you, they tazer you for punishment, and the papers said that, and people didn’t believe it.  And then the police chief came out and said, yes, it’s your punishment.  I mean, now, judge, jury, you’re going to be tortured with something that has a good chance of killing you.  I mean that is just off the chart.  And they’re being told keep doing it. 


Alan: They’re making a major shift between using techniques of restraint, etc, into techniques of coercion.  They’re using it as a tool to make someone comply, a compliance tool, rather than something that’s only to be used in an emergency.  So they’re gradually changing the meaning of words, as I say, into law, to allow themselves to use this kind of weaponry. 


Alex: Alan Watt, stay there.  We’ll be right back after this quick break. 


(Commercial Break)


Alex: Alan Watt, I want to get your take on this.  They’ve got thousands of laboratories with gene guns firing genetics into a different species.  It’s admittedly already given rise to super viruses, super bacteria, they’ve got giant superconducting, supercolliders, cyclotrons, hundreds of top physicists in quantum mechanics, experts, engineers, they’re saying it could blow the planet up, create a strange, I mean this is the same equations that you know created A bombs and Hydrogen bombs, sixty years before they had them.  Fifty years before they had them, we know that people like H.G. Wells were writing about it.  So the elite also are very reckless.  I mean, they’re not gods.  They’re not invincible.  And I really think that they’re out of control.  I mean, they’ve got control of us, but I think they’re getting very nihilistic, very psychopathic, and a lot of their own writings admit that they’re getting very, very decadent and very, very evil, and you know the new thrill to them is playing with things that could destroy themselves.  Can you comment on that?


Alan: They go through cycles of this down through history.  You’ll find this happening every fifty years or so.  They’ve got to have some big blood-letting almost.  They rise to an incredible degree of even more wealth, more power, and then they become rather careless in the way they handle themselves, and what they say to the public.  It’s only after wars they retreat and are careful in what they say.  They play politics then.  But when they really believe they’re on the verge of conquering something with a new era, they come out into the open and start to boast.  That’s also a trait of the psychopath, because they have tremendous egos.  They cannot keep their mouths shut.


Alex: Psychopaths, I mean, just run of the mill, kidnapping people and killing them, at first they’ll kill one person a year, and then one person every six months and then one person a month, and then one person every day, and by the end of it, they’re drunk driving with two dead bodies in the car looking for trouble.  And notice, it’s always a local police commissioner or a, I mean, it’s just craziness. 


Alan: Yes.  And also, psychopaths, once they’re caught, regardless if they’re mass murderers or serial killers.  They’ll then love to tell the world how they did it, because they truly believe they’re so clever, and they think they’ll impress the world by revealing how clever they’ve been with their techniques.


Alex: Well, here’s another example, since you raised that.  Super-class.  The global power elite and the world they are making, David Rothkopf.  And he just says here in the book that they’re going to take the internet away.  How they’re going to enslave us.  How they’re increasing the police.  How they’re going to take our freedoms.  How we’re going to have a world government, whether we like it or not.  I mean, and he’s the head of Kissinger and Associates.


Alan: That’s right.  Yeah, they’re becoming very open now.  They truly believe that they’ve almost, in fact, some of them do believe that they’ve taken over the world already.  It’s a matter of just getting the few remaining public who can still think to accept it.  And that’s the only problem that they have.  They do studies all the time on the general population.  They keep the pulse of the population all the time, and they know how Joe Average is going to accept whatever.  And it’s true what Aristotle said, that revolutions never happen from the base people at the bottom.  They need leadership that comes from a middle class.  And they’re so confident that they’ve wiped out pretty well most of the major middle class.  The rest, they do keep tabs on their children, as I say, they dumb them down with Ritalin and so on, and they’re pretty sure they can pull all of this off, without any problems from the general public, who will simply go along with anything at all.


Alex: And it’s a cold-blooded way of extincting any resistance in the future, to just completely destroy the middle class, and then dumb down the few that are left, and then go ahead in an orderly fashion and exterminate the majority of us.  And a lot of you yuppies think you’re part of the elite, you’re not.  That’s another mechanism they use.  We’ll be back in one minute with Alan Watt. 


Hour 2


Alex: You know, I am somebody who doesn’t claim to be the nicest person or the best person in the world.  I just have instincts, human instincts, normal instincts.  I like to see people do well.  I feel good for a neighbor when they’ve got a fancy car or a good-looking wife.  I admire beautiful women.  I admire handsome men.  I admire people that have beautiful horses or people who paint beautiful paintings.  And I, growing up, thought that that was normal.  I thought that everybody else was like that.  And so when kids would be mean to me, or people would beat me up when I was a little kid for no reason, or when I found out that the cops dealt the drugs where I grew up, and then would still put kids in jail for using drugs, that their associates sold them, it would really freak me out.  And then I found out there were evil people in the world, but I still thought that everybody else thought like I did.  And now I’ve learned, growing up, that the elite have given us their view.  It’s totally envy driven.  It’s totally about cutting everybody else down. It’s totally about being hypercompetitive.  But we all fight with each other while the elite basically rule over us.  Now, I’ve gone from the extreme of not wanting to compete with people and always turning the other cheek, until now I realize so much of the public’s scum, to protect myself I have to once somebody makes a move on me, I’ve got to go ahead and beat them and dominate them and try to knock them out if they keep going after me, just to protect myself.  But that’s done out of defence.  And so, I can see the psychology of the elite.  They say, look, we have to go ahead and dumb everybody down.  They’re a bunch of scum, back-stabbing rabble, but it’s more than that.  They actually accentuate all of that, and use our weaknesses to bring down society so they can manage us and control us and then finally get rid of us.  Alan Watt, your comments on that statement.


Alan: What you find, and there’s been studies done on this, very good studies, even amongst the old Communist bloc.  They found their leaders had much the same traits as the leaders of the West, being psychopaths in other words.  That’s the conclusions they came to.  They also went through history and found out that psychopaths always tend to get to the top in a monetary system, based on commerce, because you can get cartels together.  You can monopolize whole areas of commerce.  And once you do that, you can hold, or even create a society that’s now held at ransom, because you dominate the essentials for what they need.  That’s what’s happened today.  They went after all the resources of the world.  They’ve gone after the food.  You have five agribusinesses taking over for the food, and now they’re after the water supply to get the whole world at their mercy.  However, psychopaths also give you a culture, which we will adopt and it’s based on competition, at the bottom, until we compete and compete with each other, like some ancient games that they held in Greece.  And of course, those who get up there, showing psychopathic qualities and basically eliminating all competition on their way up, regardless of how they did it, they are accepted into the higher circles.  They’ve proven their worth, as they say.  And so, we are trying to emulate the psychopath and be successful.


Alex: Well, let me stop you and just say that I’ve been around a lot of elitists and I would imagine you may have, Alan.  And they actually openly say, we respect you that fight us.  We respect, but listen, one day you’re going to want to join us, because the scum is so dumb out there, they don’t even want your help.  I mean, I’ve had the elite, time and time again, openly say that to me. 


Alan: Yes.  And I’ve had the offers too, to join some of the associations, even with the United Nations and other big organizations and I’ve turned them down.  But that’s exactly what they say.  They say, you don’t fit in there.  You don’t belong with those people.  Those people will tear you to shreds, because they don’t want to hear the bad news.  And unfortunately, to an extent, they are right.  However.


Alex: Yeah, but they, I mean, listen.  They’re running child-kidnapping rings, as you know.  You know, the point is, they’ve got all their arguments, but when it gets to the final equation, if we just say, go ahead, be evil, where does it end?  Well, it doesn’t end.


Alan: It doesn’t, no.


Alex: I mean it’s an acquiescence.  Stay there, Alan, I want to talk to you during the break, for people listening to the streams, you can go over there.  We’re going to have a little behind the scenes discussion and for viewers.  We’re live on the cams right now with Alan Watt.  In three minutes we’ll be back for everybody else.  We appreciate everybody.  Stay with us.  I’m Alex Jones.  We’re talking to Alan Watt.  We’ll also give you his website on the other side of this break.


Alan, shifting gears back to the whole police state.  I mean, we know they brainwash the cops.  They train them to abuse us.  And then, when they abuse us, we hate them.  They’re telling the cops, hey the public hates you.  Then, when their actions make us hate them, they say, see, we’re the only ones that take care of you, the only ones who care about you.  Have you found any way to break through that, and actually reach out to the police, or is it all just going to hell in a handbasket? 


Alan: It is going to hell.  The conditioning in the police now is scientifically induced.  And major players have been at this for a long time to find a way to indoctrinate police from the beginning, as cadets, right through their whole existence into the force, to make them bind stronger.  It’s the same techniques they’ve been using in the military to create a new fraternity bonding.  And they will eventually see themselves as a separate category in society in fact.  Even Plato said that.  They’d create this special military towards the end with male and female in it.


Alex: Well, Third World countries and dictatorships always have special cadres, sub cities where there is good food, good clothes, and again, it isn’t that dictatorships can’t produce milk and honey for the population.  They want them in tiny, controlled, you know, slums as a mode of keeping them down, while their little spoiled Praetorian are in their lap in little sub warrens.


Alan: Yes, and you found too, even Stalin said this same thing, and Lenin before him, you must make sure that those who indoctrinate the children are paid well, meaning the teachers, and from the teachers, then he said you must make sure your police and military are paid well.  He wasn’t talking just about monetary compensation.  He meant through other social rewards as well.


Alex: I do though see a lot of police actually waking up, but the problem is that those are generally non-military.  They take troops who have been through trauma-based mind control of three, four, five tours in Iraq, which no mind could survive, even in WWII it was one tour, or Vietnam, one tour, Korea one tour, or one year, or about eleven and a half months.  They know they’re completely wrecked when they come back, and are addicted to the adrenaline.  They fall apart if they don’t stay in dangerous situations.  Now they’re going to keep "fighting an enemy" and that’s us.  I see them, Alan, trying to push us into a confrontation by showing all the abuses of their Praetorian. 


Alan: They will at the right time.  I have no doubt on that, and they’re also using a lot of medications and drugs on the troops abroad, too.  Now, Jane’s magazine wrote a lot about this in the past, how they’d create the new super-soldier, and they’d also use medications to do it.  And I’ve talked to some of these troops that have come back.


Alex: Yeah, yeah.  Wired magazine, about how give them amnesiacs after they’ve done all this stuff. 


Alan: We’ve had cases even in Canada where they admitted they were hallucinating on their whole tour, and pulling out their pistols and putting it to the heads of young children.


Alex: Stay there.  Let’s talk about that after we get more into genetics and mind control.  Here we go, back to the main transmission.


We’re going to be opening the phones up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231. We’re on the studio line here in Austin, Texas at 512-646-5400.  If you have unlimited long distance, 512-646-5400.  Questions for Alan Watt.  He’ll be with us graciously 20 minutes into the next hour.  Alan, before we go any further, give out your website.  The great audio, books, the videos, the work you’ve done.  I was asked on national British radio a few months ago who I thought one of the best leading minds in this fight was, who doesn’t put out bull, but actually covers, you know, what he can prove, and I plugged Alan Watt, and I mean that.  You’re a real treasure.  You know, in full wide-spectrum analysis of enemy operations, tell us about some of the things, some of the books and videos you have.  Most of it’s for free, but people should also buy some of the things you’ve produced, because you deserve support.


Alan: Thanks.  Yeah, is the website and you can see as well, for transcripts.  I do have some books to sell that I’ve written and CDs as well, going through the histories, even to ancient times on these particular elitist families, and how they created religions to control, how they used those religions, always towards the same agenda.  They knew where they were going a long time ago.  And I put it together for them as best I can through talks, and there’s also dvds they can buy, where I give special talks on the so-called occultic side, or hidden side of this as well, to do with the belief themselves that the elite hold.  And they do have their own little belief structure there, their own inner religion.  There’s no doubt about that.


Alex: When we go into overdrive in the next hour, let’s spend some time on that after calls.  Right now, I want to get more into the genetic engineering, not just what they’re doing, no doubt all the cures going back over thirty years that they have for every type of cancer that you can imagine, while at the same time implanting us with the cancers.  I mean, it’s admitted.  I had guests on last week about it.  Hundreds of different cancer viruses. One in thirty-three having cancer fifty years ago, now one in three.  I mean, it’s like getting a cold now.  As this gets more and more horrific, I see it as a real chink in their armor.  If you can explain to the cops, and have them go see the documents that their mother, or their son, or their daughter, or they are going to die, or have already died from what their masters gave them, maybe that will have them, maybe that will make them wake up. 


Alan: Yes, it’s true, the younger you are, the more difficult it is to believe you’ll ever die.  That’s part of the problem. The ones you have to target are the ones who are married, that are a bit older.  They’ve thought about life and death itself, including their own one day, and that’s when you start to think and realize that you are more than just a human being.  I think every human being is to an extent sacred.  And they start to think about the first and last causes of life.  But the very young, of course, that’s why they recruit the young for the military, no young person would go into the military thinking that he or she was going to be killed.  They would never believe it.  They would stop right there.


Alex: In fact, these big tough guys, when their arms and legs are blown off, you know, they cry for mommy, and they cry and can’t believe they’re dying.  They’re so afraid. 


Alan: Yeah, it’s an impossibility and that’s why they’ve always used young children.  They tried this out in World War I, when they were trying to really reduce the population, and bring in the League of Nations as a world government.  That was the purpose of World War I, well written about by those behind the scenes, after the war.  And they were putting in men in their forties eventually.  They were running out of young people, after sending wave after wave into machine gun fire.  The average regiment would last fifteen minutes in the field.


Alex: And it turned out they knew that areas weren’t even being defended, or areas didn’t even need to be taken.  The French and Germans would just send wave after wave after wave, and they found that a thirty, forty year old.  It wasn’t that they were cowards, they would at least try to avoid the machine gun fire, whereas the twelve-year-old child wouldn’t. 


Alan: Yes.  And they also came to an understanding on both sides of the trenches, because even the Germans were putting older guys in too, and they were too mature.  They realized it was all a farce to begin with.  They’d fire a few shots over the lines over the heads of the enemy every day just to keep their officers happy and it was a stalemate.


Alex: And then you had psychological tests that came out and then publicly, they started having the paper targets in the ’30s and ’40s pop up to habitualize you to shoot the image of a person.  Then they pioneered the video games, and they’ve gone from 90% not killing somebody up close to now 95% will kill somebody up close.  And now they’re your cops, and now they’ll kill you.  Go ahead.


Alan: And they’ve had twenty years of playing on video games where the only object is to kill as many of the enemy as possible and get to your destination.


Alex: Murder simulators.  Murder simulators.


Alan: Yeah, absolutely.  This was all planned this way.  All planned this way.


Alex: They admit it’s all planned that way.  I mean, that’s the thing.  This is so diabolical.


Alan: They needed a generation that would do this.  A generation from the ’60s, say, would not do it.  So they created a generation who would do it.  They purpose-made, they designed a generation to do exactly this today.


Alex: Getting into genetic engineering.  What’s your info on why they’re so madly doing pure research that’s so dangerous, and why they’re putting GMO food on all the store shelves that they know is killing people in mass, killing all of the lab animals that are fed it?  I mean, is that just part of the population control?  I mean is that part of the power trip, because we know that all the elitists are obsessed, own their farms, filter their water.  I mean, I guess that’s just another little friendly thing they do. 


Alan: It’s definitely to do with making us sicker to die earlier and to die faster.  The death rate now, as you say, is skyrocketing, with all these illnesses and diseases.  It wasn’t enough to have all the viruses in the various vaccines we were given, so they’re simply speeding up the process.  And they’re teaching, it’s what interesting, they’re teaching doctors who are just coming out of medical school that one in two dying of cancer is now normal.  They’re not given any history, even forty years ago, of particular cancers, and how rare most of these cancers were.  So they’ve trained them too to think it’s all natural.  And that’s the beauty of intakes in university.  You can train every generation a completely different bunch of theories, and fake history if you want, and they won’t question it.  They think it’s all true.  They have no reason to question it, really.  And so they accept it as well.  It’s just like natural. 


Alex: And they love the cancer.  They love their government.  No, the government couldn’t be giving me cancer.  I’m a member of the government.  I’m an officer.  They love me.  Oh, I’m a good doctor.  I help people.  I follow the AMA guidelines.  And of course, the doctor is not involved in that.  They don’t know the Rockefellers in the ’20s spent hundreds of millions of dollars studying where cancer came from.  I mean, I remember getting on the air twelve years ago and saying, most cancer is viral, and having top scientists on, and people wouldn’t believe me.  Now they’re teaching you, most cancer is viral, but we have vaccines that will protect you, and then you find out that actually the cancer vaccine massively increases getting cancer.  It says on the insert, but they’ll never read that.


Alan: Yes.  And also, if you go into CBC, that’s the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation archives, that’s .org, .ca, look at the special report that was done on Dr. Salk.  It’s old footage they showed on television a few years ago, and in the footage, Dr. Salk says, oh yeah, we knew that the Simian 40 virus and many other cancer-causing viruses were in each shot of polio, but we outweighed the risks and went ahead anyway.  He said it was worth it.  And they talked to his other technicians, who also knew that they were basically condemning a whole generation to rapidly growing cancers.


Alex: And by the way, he’s the inventor of the Polio vaccine, which we know was a government bio-weapon itself.  That’s now been admitted. 


Alan: And he was also the top eugenicist for this, the whole American and British Association.  He was the man who writing books before the polio vaccine on the necessity to bring down the population by any means possible.  And he comes out as the savior?


Alex: Well, that’s what I was going to say is, it’s funny you mention that.  We actually played that clip from the CBC last week on the show.  And he’s laughing.  He’s going, hundreds of viruses, and he goes, you know what we did?  We took the monkeys from the bio-weapons labs and then we grew the vaccine from them.  And he starts laughing, and the people with him go, ha, ha, ha, ha, and they all start laughing.  Oh, it’s so, because, hey, having a big house isn’t power, having a fancy car isn’t power, killing all those people, ooh, ooh.  You know, I’ll never forget, a PBS documentary, probably, it would be fourteen years ago.  I wasn’t even on air yet.  And I’m visiting over at my parents’ house, I guess it’s longer than that, because I was in college.  That had to be fifteen years ago.  And I’m over at their house.  PBS is on, and it’s a show about Jack Kevorkian before he went to jail.  And it was him in New York at an art showing.  And I wish somebody would find this tape.  And it said Tom Cruise was there, and it showed all these supermodels, and these beautiful women were walking up going, oh, my, giggling and rubbing on his jacket.  And he was like a rock star.  And they were looking at his paintings, and he was saying, I painted this in my own blood.  This is oil, this is blood.  And it was demons eating babies as they came out of women’s wombs.  And it was shocking art.  It made me step back.  It was very powerful art.  And they were all going, ooh, ooh, ooh, jumping, because it’s so much, oh, ooh, ooh, I mean it’s just fun.  It’s fun that they did this to my grandmother who’s on crutches at eighty-four years old, that it ate most of her nerves and that she almost died and was in there with an iron lung.  It’s fun isn’t it?  Isn’t it fun, Alan?


Alan: It’s just amazing.  It’s amazing, and also it’s a resurgence of the art that was shown in the 1930s.  It was called the New Man, and all the western countries including Germany were part of that, and they had, they were pushing what they called the New Man at that time.  The Man to come, the Super-Man.  And it didn’t start in Germany.  It started actually in England, and in the United States.  And there’s an art exhibition coming up in Ottawa in June to show you all of this art, and that’s exactly what it looks like.  You have these characters, they’re like big gladiators with demons hanging on to them, and so on, and even giving birth from their own wombs, because the New Man, by the way, the kind that they’re going to bring in in the future, is going to be self-replicating, a form of hermaphrodite.  And oddly enough, I was reading in the paper, just today, that some scientists have just done that very thing.  They’ve actually created a hermaphroditic embryo, and they’ve been told to destroy it.


Alex: Yeah, stay there, stay there, stay there, Alan Watt.  We’re going to do a segment during the break, right now.  If you’re listening on the streams, all of our affiliates and everybody else, we’ll be right back.  Appreciate everybody.  And your phone calls are coming up as well, at 512-646-5400.  512-646-5400.  We’ll be right back.


Okay, Alan, let’s continue.  I mean, I’m not kidding.  People can’t believe this unless they saw it.  It was literal demons eating babies.  It was Triple X, and he was a good oil painter.  It was very disturbing.  And he was like a movie star.  They really are a death cult.  And I don’t think the general public can understand this or know that this is going on, Alan.


Alan: They can’t.  It’s too far from them.  However, in some sense, they can, because they’ve been brought up to worship the stars, as we know.  That’s all we hear amongst all the news now, is the scattering of what’s happening to stars, their little sordid affairs and all the rest of it.  So anything to do with sex and crime and so on, and stars, will attract them.  You have this odd image, as you say, this star image, created out of these monsters.  And they do have a death cult.


Alex: Exactly, but expanding on that.  Have you ever seen Schwarzenegger’s favorite art?  I was doing a deep search for images of him, because he was in a lot of gay porn, for about four or five days, back in 2005, for martial law, and I came upon all these photos of him with his favorite art, and flying to Germany just to see this one artist.  I should have done a show on it, we didn’t put it in the film.  But it’s images of dead babies and car wrecks and dead babies in the morgue.  Real photos.  And little girls in S.S. Uniforms.  But it’s not pornographic, but like spreading their legs, you know, in weird positions.  And I remember finding that.  And it was Arnold, it said, you know, it was photos of him.  Just, oh, he went all the way to Germany just to meet his favorite artist, and it was dead babies.  And I could barely look at these images of dead babies.  They love it.  They love images of dead Iraqi children and stuff.  It’s like beautiful.


Alan: You’re right.  There’s no doubt about it.  You’re dealing here with what used to be termed demonic.  We have nothing else except that term to use, because it’s so anti-human in every respect, and everything that we think of as being a normal functioning human being, they are the complete opposite.  They are obsessed with this.


Alex: Well, my instinct as a tribal male is to feel very angry and aggressive towards this.  I mean these are people just in a predatory orgy, are they not?


Alan: They are predators.  There’s no doubt about it.  Their whole life is predatory.  And even amongst themselves, they play a lot of games with each other for dominance, but you’re quite right.  They’re sadomasochists to an extent, and that’s part of the psychopathic personality.  The sadomasochist will worship the officer above him.  And I mean worship.  And he’ll definitely worship the leader, the one with more power.


Alex: Well, have you seen all these videos where Bill Clinton in public will kneel and bow to George Bush Sr?  And now they all bow to each other in the hierarchies.  They’ll just suddenly on C-SPAN turn and kneel, like it’s the Emperor. 


Alan: Exactly.  And we know, watching the Nuremberg trials, that the officers that were brought up on charges there, stood up for Adolf Hitler, their hero to the very end. They worshiped the man.  They literally worshiped him because he had more power than they had, while they despised the men beneath them.  Each psychopath is like that.  They hate the weak beneath them, but they admire those with more power above them.  That’s standard. 


Alex: God help us.  You know, the Nazi model, the eugenics, all of it, there really is a thread of that, but they’re only, you know, when we say it’s Nazi, they really got it from England and the United States.  The black uniforms, Homeland Security, all these terms.  That’s why it doesn’t matter what racial group it is, they all like it.


Alan: Yes.  There’s no doubt about it.  In fact, the Fabian society that was set up by the funding of the Astor family that came over to England.  And you had writers, Bernard Shaw.  And Shaw himself was a eugenicist.  He believed in the eradication of the lessers.  He wrote the book called Man and Super-Man.


Alex: I tell you what, we’re going live right now.  Here we go. 


Your phone calls coming up at 512-646-5400 and 1-800-259-9231.  Alan brought up how they’re brainwashing the young, how they’re training them for law enforcement in school.  It starts with betraying your parents.  I have it on video.  What’s in mommy and daddy’s cabinet, medicine cabinet?  What do the guns look like?  I mean you parents send your children to a predatory demon government.  And the cops think it’s normal now to do that, but the Soviets were bad twenty years ago because they did, right?  Chartered school will focus on Homeland Security.  The first high school dedicated to preparing students for the front lines, the front lines.  And the nation’s Homeland Security has gone from theory to planning, in Wilmington.  The project manager for the Delaware Academy of public safety and security, Newcastle, Anthony Thomas Little signed a contract with Innovative Schools, a professional firm, which will coordinate the mechanisms preparing the school for its eventual opening.  Now, before 9/11, they already had Secure Corp, division of Ameri-Corp, training the kids with M16s, weapons, everything in public schools in Philadelphia to do "warrant service, round-ups."  That was in the news.  So, they always tell the town, you’re the first to do this.  But there’s also that feeling of elitism.  I would go to town after town that had Delta Force there bribing them and getting them ready for martial law, and I’d go in to the SWAT team commander and say, let me guess, they gave you your card and said you were the first, right?  Well here’s a video of them ten years ago.  And that would really freak them out that I knew everything they told them, because they talk to you like little children.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Oh, they do, they do talk to us like children.  They’re given lectures on what to say to the public.  Every division of every governmental department today has a PR team.  And their job is to soften everything in a childlike fashion, and decide how much you will be told and what you will not be told.  And that goes even for your local police.  Everyone goes through PR spokesmen today that are basically lawyers.


Alex: Well, here’s an example.  I went down to the SWAT teams office, because I’d already been at the county commissioner’s and they had one of their guys come in and threaten me, so I, instead of cowering, I went right to the commander and said don’t do that.  I’m allowed to come in here and speak.  I’m not intimidated.  And he said, oh, look, we’re all good guys, I’m a Vietnam vet, and he had the Oklahoma City Bombing video on the shelf behind him.  And I said, Delta Force will be here soon for a martial law takeover drill.  They want to co-opt you and give you money.  And he said, no they’re not.  That’s illegal, and laughed at me.  Two years later he calls me in his office and says, here’s their card, everything you said is true.  Guess what, they had him bugged or something.  He was fired two weeks later.


Alan: And this is standard too, you see, you’ll find that the Club of Rome, one of the big think tanks that makes up policy for the future, they’re the guys who dreamed up the global warming scam and admitted it in their own book, The First Global Revolution


Alex: Oh yeah, they just republished that though, two months ago, where Haass says, it’s all fake, but we use it to "make humans the enemy."


Alan: Yes.  That’s correct.  And so mankind is the enemy to the environment.  And they said during warfare people do what they’re told, so they’re more cohesive, and we can get our agenda through then.  We work together in a wartime situation.  So they had to get a global type war going.  So they use these techniques for sure.  And it never really fails the way it’s put over.  They use Madison Avenue, they use the big marketing companies to market ideas via the news, via news clips and so on.  They even pay newspapers to write pro-active as they call them talks or pieces on globalization.


Alex: Oh, yeah, they take our money, they take hundreds of billions a year and put it into fake news. 


Alan: Oh, yes.  They soften everything and they must sell it to the public.  They’ve just been told in fact, from Bush, to start writing positive success stories on NAFTA and integration of the Americas, so find the good few stories and push them.


Alex: There is a problem though.  And that’s that the public isn’t as sophisticated and doesn’t know how they’re being lied to, but they all know the government is criminal.  They all know it’s dangerous.  Everybody has this feeling of danger.  The psychological warfare experts know that we have a sixth sense, and so, an instinctive survival mechanism.  Everybody knows we’re in danger.  So they try to put in front of that and say, you feel upset because of Al Qaeda, and people feel the fear, and they go, yeah, there’s something real, but what they don’t understand is their fear is of the globalists.  Do you understand what I’m saying, Alan?


Alan: Yeah, it’s called transference.  They do transference.


Alex: Stay there.  I want to know about transference during the break and then I promise, your phone calls, Will, David, and many others on the other side of this quick break.  1-800-259-9231, 512-646-5400, is the website.  Stay with us. 


John, I haven’t gotten calls from you.  I’ve got my board of calls.  Give me just two of the first calls and I want to, then we will go ahead and take some of those calls right now.


John: I’ve got AJ in Arizona, and then we’ve got Mark in Missouri. 


Alex: That’s enough for now.  Let’s go to AJ in Arizona.  AJ in Arizona, you’re on the air. 


AJ: Okay, great to talk to you, Alex.  I’m prior service Special Forces, and I just want to weigh in on the mid-1990s, and how their NLP program failed, United States Army, and also failed the New World Order. 


Alex: Well, I tell you what, stay there.  This is an important call.  And I think during the break we’re having a problem, because this is, I’m archiving all this live on the web, so your call will have a big life on the internet with the video and the audio streams, but then I’ve never tried to take a call on the network end during breaks, so I’m going to put you on hold, AJ in Arizona, and come back to you.  Okay?


AJ: No problem.


Alex: Alright.  Let’s try to take one on our end.  Let’s talk to Will in Austin.  You’re on the air, go ahead sir.


Will: Hello, Alex.


Alex: Yes, sir.


Will: Y’all were talking about cancer viruses.  And back in ’61, maybe, there was a Dr Mary Sherman involved in a laboratory in New Orleans I believe, connected with Dr. Oxner down there, and they were doing a, there was a book out called Dr Mary’s Monkeys about cancer viruses getting into the vaccines of the time.  Do you hear me?


Alex: Yes, sir.  I do.  


Will: Okay.  In fact, David Ferry, you know, that we’ve heard about through the assassination of Kennedy, was one of the people involved in that, as well as Lee Harvey Oswald and his mistress. 


Alex: Let me get a comment on this from Alan Watt.  Alan?


Alan: Well, I do know that as far back as World War II, and this has been put out in books in Canada from declassified documentation from the government, they already had cancer viruses.  They knew they caused cancer and they were wondering on ways to use them against the enemy.


Alex: Oh yeah, they had those in the ’20s and ’30s, major university studies.  I’ve seen them.  And then, by the ’70s it was declassified that since the ’50s they had weaponized cancer that would kill you in a few weeks.


Alan: This is old stuff.  Old stuff.  And they had perfected it.  They could actually decide what kind of cancer you’d have, what age it would kick in.


Alex: I want everybody to understand.  Most people who die of cancer, okay, you were killed by the globalists.  You need to understand that.  That’s why this is serious business.  These are eugenicists.  They’re killing you.  I don’t want to die from it.  I want to have them arrested, bring all the documents out and get the cures they’ve got.  Anything else, sir?  Well, I tell you what, stay there.  We’re going to come back live, and we’ll bring you up.


There might still be time, folks, to turn this around.  I’m begging you.  Wake up.  For those of us that aren’t psychopaths, very painful to watch them tear children out of people’s arms.  It’s very painful to know they’ve given each and every one of us the DNA implantations that will give us cancer.  It’s very painful to know that they’ve robbed me of my innocence, and I’m here to rob you of yours, because if you continue to be in denial, they’re going to be able to have their way with you.  So, I’m sorry that childhood is now ending.  But I need you to consciously break your conditioning now.  I need you to consciously realize that very serious people have you in their cross-hairs.  I’m tired of all the autistic children having their lives ruined.  I’m tired of watching the globalists have their way with us.  I want to change it.  That’s why I’m risking my life.  This isn’t about having my name being known.  It’s not about being a big shot.  It’s not about being a film-maker.  It’s about survival.  It’s about me being a natural human being that resists tyranny in an attack on my species and an attack to alter my species and to experiment on my species by a malfunctioning sub-group, who are like a cancer.  They are a cancer.  They think they’re dominant, they’re controlling, because they’re willing to take over, dominate societies, feed on societies.  They think it’s their right to rule us.  They think they’re the elite because they can race through the body politic.  No.  It’s because they’re malfunctioning.  It’s because they are psychopathic that they’re able to do this, because the rest of us have default switches against doing what they do, because we’re part of the species, not this aberrant malfunction.  Alan Watt, then I’m going to go back to Will and others.


Alan: Well, it’s true.  There’s no doubt about it.  This is one of the things that Davenport put in charge of this particular Cold Spring Harbor investigation said.  He said, until we deal with the eradication of the inferior types, he said, unless we do this, he says, they will eventually take over, and they will take control of the world, and we shall lose control.  That’s what he said in his own writings.


Alex: And Dr. Watson, the head of the Human Genome just had to leave for making similar comments. 


Alan: There’s no doubt.  They’re all part.  They’ve never changed.  Never, ever changed any of their thinking on this whole agenda, and the reasons why they think they must do it.  There’s not one part of it where they’ve softened at all.


Alex: I want to go back to the calls.  Will, you had another comment.  Go ahead, and then we’re going to go to AJ.  Go ahead.


Will: Yes, in the recent book that’s been published called Dr. Mary’s Monkeys, Dr. Mary Sherman was the cancer research scientist in the ’60s, that was working on, apparently working on a, they were using a particle accelerator somewhere in New Orleans to make this fast-acting monkey virus cancer formula, a cocktail, that they wanted to supposedly use on Castro at that time.  And she was mysteriously murdered and found in her apartment, with her arm burnt off.  And well, anyway the book is very interesting.  It gives a lot of theory and a lot of information.  They talked about the monkey viruses that were used in the Salk and the Sabin vaccine.  The author makes it sound like, you know, by accident, because it’s sloppy research.


Alex: Yeah.  Hundreds of millions of Americans accidentally got SV-40.  But when you listen to Salk and read the research, and I see the studies, like all the time you’ll hear, oh, a vaccine was contaminated, and that’s because it, you know, it accidentally would go ahead and just kill you, or make you have a convulsion.  Ooh, it’s too obvious, they recall it, then you can read the rundown on what the regulators said was in there, and it will be, you know, just in one vaccine, 27 different cancer viruses.  Then it will say.  I mean, there are cancers now that are like purple yogurt that spill out of your nose.  There are cancers that you know, eat your liver.  There are cancers that, I mean, it’s thousands of new ones.  Cancers that didn’t exist are now spreading everywhere.  I mean, Alan Watt, do you want to comment on this?


Alan: There’s no doubt at all about this.  As I say, during World War II, they had so many of these particular viruses perfected.  They could grow them in an hour from scratch and introduce them in various means.  And they also could target when in your age group that would eventually come out and manifest in you, depending on your hormonal level, etc.  So, if they want you to die at 40, as soon as your hormones start to decline, this would kick in and take over.  So they actually had them time released to an extent, according to your physiology. 


Alex: Yeah, by the way, I’ve played clips of Dr. Salk, and all of this, and people want "evidence", just google it.  Start searching it.  But I remember reading, six, seven years ago, when I really researched this, I’d always heard it and seen pieces, where the Rockefeller foundation in the ’20s and ’30s cornered cancer treatment, and then literally isolated it was viruses, and then had them spread.  Had them put in the vaccines.  Had them put in water supplies.  I mean, these are bastards, folks.


Alan: It’s even worse than that, because I was going through the history of the Rothschild family and the two children at the beginning, the turn of 1900, both had written small booklets on the ways to spread contagious diseases amongst the poor.  They were fascinated by disease transmitted by parasites and so on, like lice and all that.  And here’s two children, twelve years old and ten years old, writing books on this, and they just happened to be Rothschilds.  Now, what was the fascination?  Until you go into understanding, these are the economists of the world.  They’re not just bankers.  They project the future, many generations into the future. 


Alex: They’re the great architects.  They are the architects.  They design the whole hell world we live in.


Alan: They look upon the whole human herd, and that’s what they call it, the human herd, as a farmer looks upon his cattle or his sheep.


Alex: That’s why I want the police to know, you are the biggest joke to them.  They hate you.  They don’t care about you.  The military.  Let’s go to AJ in Arizona.  Thanks for holding, AJ, go ahead.


AJ: Hey, thanks Alex.  It’s great.  It’s great to speak to you and Alan, both.  But I just wanted to weigh in on the mind control.  In the early 90s, 1993, I was part of the army’s test program for NLP.  And the problem with that program was it backfired on them.  And it was all pivotal around the Pillar 3 of NLP.  Anybody who studies and understands NLP knows there’s 4 Pillars.  And what they didn’t count on was that we would all, at that time we were all classified as Eagles.  In other words, we took our oath to the Constitution, and thus, we believed, we honestly believed that we were protecting, you know the Constitution.  And what NLP enabled us to do was actually create a crossover matching group, and in November of 1994.


Alex: Explain to listeners what that term means.


AJ: Well, the crossover matching was basically, we became a mastermind of truth.  So, what they didn’t implement in it was all the Black-Ops, and any of the....


Alex: Go back to the other term you were using.


AJ: Which one, Alex?


Alex: The NLP.


AJ: Neuro-Linguistic Programming.


Alex: Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  Yeah.


AJ: Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  It’s a manner of organizing your thoughts and being in control of your own mind.  If you will, Alex, it’s the basic form of true freedom.


Alex: No, I understand what it is, but for the listeners out there, they teach them this in advanced Olympic-level sports.  It’s like preparing your mind, you know, setting different perimeters, trying to focus and control and literally give your brain orders so that you can then carry out the task.  And, but really, that’s the first step into mind control.  For those that don’t know, we’ve had General Stubblebine on who ran this, one of the projects, where they tried to kill goats with their minds at Fort Bragg, and mind control.  And he thought it was for good.  But Stubblebine I think was there a little bit before you were there in 1993.  Is that the program you’re talking about?


AJ: Yes.  And it all came to a head, and this is key, is in November of 1994, when our operational detachment was sent to Kuwait to bolster Saddam’s southern movement.  President Clinton came to give a speech, and they actually grounded all American forces and troops.  And I believe it was because there was a potential mutiny at the time, and he was actually booed off stage.  And I think that once the generals realized that, in the Fall of 1994, and actually in the Spring of 1995, they began a genocide of Eagles in the Spec Ops, and that’s why you see all....


Alex: Well, we know they killed the top admiral in his office, shot him in his chest, and they killed a bunch of other officers.  I know there was a rebellion in ’94, ’95, ’96, they killed a bunch of people.  But also, now that’s why they hire the former Latin American death squads.  That’s why they hire aggravated felons, I’m sure you know about that now, how they’re just bringing in the foreigners, not as foreign divisions of troops, but integrating them into the force. 


AJ: That’s true.  But what they failed to realize is that all those Eagles just became emboldened.  I mean, when you talk about a mindset, look at Luke at We Are Change.  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and we are here.  And what I’m trying to tell you, Alex, is that people can empower themselves with NLP, and if they would just take a look at those four pillars, once you make it to pillar four, nothing, nobody can stop you.  If you don’t understand NLP when you’re watching CNN and all the news programs, if you don’t actually plug your ears, you’re actually being code-ected.  Whenever they repeat their question three times to a public official, and he repeats the question, three back, three times, that third time, if you don’t plug your ears, you’re code-ecting it into your brain.


Alex: Let me explain this to people out there that don’t know.  At the University of Texas, down the street, what I was allowed to see by a friend of mine that’s very high level there, I’ll just say that.  He wouldn’t let me into the monkey control rooms, or other things, where it was hooked into cameras across town, and out in Bass Drop, down at the monkey farm, but entire, an entire floor was just how to flicker TV sets for primates, and it was DARPA documents.  He showed it to me.  He said, I’m allowed to show you this, Alex.  And the program was publicly how to flicker the TV to control our mind, put you in a mesmerized state, then repeat the questions.  Alan Watt, comment on this.


Alan: This was known when they first gave television to the people.  And that’s why it was given that particular sequence of flicker rate.  And they found initially, the people who were potential epileptics, and perhaps had never had a seizure before, would have seizures when it started to do that roll-over that the screen used to do.


Alex: Remember Pokemon, Pokemon in the mid-1990s causing hundreds of thousands to have convulsions globally?


Alan: Yes.  And then it was admitted too, that the men who designed that particular game worked for the military-industrial complex.  So, it was a test on the minds of young children.  Everything that we are given electronically, really today has an ulterior purpose.


AJ: That’s crossover matching, Alex.  That is the implementation of crossover matching.  Just like when you’ve got a police officer that approaches you on a stop.  If he’s calm, cool, and collected, what he’s trying to do is you know that he has evil intent.  But if you’ve got a cop that comes running up on you, and he is ostentatious and he definitely has a confrontation set in mind, the best thing that you can do is actually just stay calm, cool and collected, and you can crossover match and actually control his mind.  I know plenty of cops myself, Alex, and let me tell you, I’m waking them up.  Not by one or two or three, I’m talking hundreds right now.  So, I just wanted to call and let you guys know, kudos, keep moving, and definitely, we have Eagles everywhere, everywhere, Alex.


Alex: Oh, I know that, but the globalists understand that.  That’s why there’s no telling what they’re going to do. 


AJ: You’re going to see a major changeover in a lot of the security companies, as well.  And you’re going to see a lot of foreigners come in.  I think you’re picking up on that, but you know, we all want it to happen overnight.  This country wasn’t built overnight, and it’s going to take, we’re not going to take it back overnight, so. 


Alex: Well, I know a lot of the people in the military, I mean, 76% or 77%, I forget, of the donations to Republican candidates went to Ron Paul.  I mean, we know, the police say, 98% in polls are pro-2nd Amendment.  But they’ll still take somebody to jail, because the vender gave the guy, you know liquor lemonade for his kid on accident.  I mean, the cops say they know, but they still follow orders.


AJ: So true.  And they should have also arrested that vendor that distributed alcohol to a minor as well.


Alex: My point is, is that there’s no, they’ve somehow conditioned government people to like switch off their own thinking process. 


AJ: Right.  And exactly.  In the early ’90s, they just made us too smart, and so, I think they realized that, but there were thousands of troops too late at that point, and so I think that’s why the Clinton administration failed.


Alex: Well, I mean, for those that don’t know, I mean this is mainstream news, for people listening that don’t believe this went on, it’s a huge program, and I know it was cut back in the mid ’90s.  I mean, what were they doing, like hooking you up to computer screens, virtual reality, different programs?  Were they using drugs in the program you were in?


AJ: There was no drugs.  It was actually all mind control, and we talk about crossover matching.  That’s where you actually monitor the heart rate, and you monitor body movements, and you go through repetitive motion.  If, for lack of better words, it’s like synchronized dancing, only it’s synchronized fighting and killing at that point.  So, once you implement a person committing a crime, or committing a death at that point, which is a huge threshold.  Probably the biggest indoctrination at that time in that program was the ability to actually kill somebody.  People don’t realize psychologically and morally and soul damaging is that threshold.


Alex: Yeah, most people have a built-in, even like large elephants fighting, bull males, it’s in all mammals, they hold back a little because it would be bad for the species to be always killing each other.  And then with predator species, especially with your own species, even sharks tend to have a disconnect with attacking each other.  To go over that point and kill your own, it’s not that you’re a wimp, your brain has a governor, and the natural born killers don’t have that governor.  I’m not even saying they’re a psychopath, but people who get in a fight who immediately, like anybody, even a scrawny guy walking down the street, if they totally unleashed on you, would kill you pretty quick, whereas most people hold back.  Is that what you’re saying?


AJ: That’s true.  And once you harness the mind, it’s the most powerful weapon in the universe.  And I know that you drive this home everyday is that there’s definitely a war going on every day for everyone’s minds.  And once you can actually implement true freedom, which is control over your mind to make decisions and process information, then you’re just a slave.  You’re just a slave to the system.  You might as well just wear earplugs everywhere you go and blinders, because you will be controlled.


Alex: That’s it.  I appreciate your call.  I always say folks, don’t let your children watch TV.  You better indoctrinate them or the government will.  And people say, well, I’m not going to indoctrinate my children.  Well, if you don’t, somebody else is.  If you don’t program that brain like you’re supposed to, somebody else, and you’ve got to program it to recognize programming.  And yeah, that’s why I don’t watch TV, because it’s so upsetting, the programming is so angering, it has the opposite effect with me.  Alan, can you watch television?  Does it make you get upset?


Alan: Oh, I can’t watch it.  I can’t watch it.  It’s so obvious to me what they’re doing.  It doesn’t matter what you turn on.  It’s very obvious, immediately what they’re doing, yeah.


Alex: But I mean, does it agitate you like it does me?


Alan: It does. Especially when you haven’t watched it for years, and you realize that they’re actually gearing this towards what now are an adult audience, and yet, I would have to say, I’d be a child if I accepted what they were telling me in that fashion.  They’re talking down to the public now, as though they’re children, but most of the public don’t know.  They watch television every day, and haven’t noticed the changes. 


Alex: They’ve been habitualized.  Alright.  We’ve got another 30 minutes or so with Alan Watt.  Give out his website on the other side.  Stay with us, we’re going to continue our discussions during this break, right now.  If you’re listening on the streams, you’ll need to listen there, during the overdrive, to hear the show.  We’ll be right back, with Alan Watt.

Alan, boy, that guy was a great caller, wasn’t he.


Alan: I understand that science, and I know the history of it too, that most of the public don’t know, because most of the data was collected on groups that they tested all of this out on, and counter groups and rolfing and all the different names they gave the same kind of thing.  That’s when they were collecting all the data that they could eventually use on the public.


Alex: People don’t realize, when they do thousands of different separate research projects, just to find out basic simple things, the project itself looks basic, but then with that they have a certainty like mathematical data in ranges of mammalian, homo sapien sapien behavior.  Then they take all those pieces and integrate them into programs, where they can control us like a car. 


Alan: Yeah.  The CIA literally were sponsoring all these great movements of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, and up to the present time, with primal screams and all this kind of stuff, and they get the public, the participants to do the oddest things, be part of the team, fall back, be caught, you wouldn’t hit the floor, and then they’d have them do more drastic things, swimming about on dry land as though they were fish, etc, using visualization, and all that data was being fed back to basically the CIA and the Pentagon for warfare purposes.


Alex: Exactly.  They had the Stanford thing where, what was it, 90-plus percent of people would follow orders to the point of murdering other students, as long as an authority figure told them to do it, and they thought it was real.


Alan: Yes, that’s right.  So it’s ongoing all the time.  Much of it happens in the public realm.  We think it’s private institutions that do it.  Now, a lot of this stuff is also used on bureaucracies.  They’re sent off for these types of encounter groups and upgrading groups and so on, and management, and they take this back into government.


Alex: Oh yeah, I told the story the last time you were on, and my dad, you know, is a pretty high level executive, just in healthcare, and they send him to big meetings now where they just openly admit all of this.


Alan: Yes.  That’s correct.  And these bureaucrats come back, they get placed back into government, and they’re far more, they go along with anything without question, after that.  So their minds have been affected. 


Alex: Well, not my dad’s.  He just said it was amazing.  But he said one of the big ones he went to in Austin, with one of the top guys in the country, the guy said that the elite had done too good a job brain damaging and dumbing everybody down, and so now they were in a crisis because they couldn’t find enough people to functionally carry out their operations.


Alan: Yes, I could believe that.  I could really believe that.


Alex: Well, my dad called me on the cell phone, freaking out from the Four Seasons.  He said, son, this guy is in here saying everything that you say, but he says that’s why they had to go get all the home schoolers.  And then this bubble went off above my head, about how, I mean, they recruited my home schooling cousins and everything else into IBM, everywhere else, I mean, they really want them.


Alan: That’s true.  And now they’re going after them in big communities, and just taking their children off them, at once.


Alex: Here we go my friend.  Oh, listen, I was rude to ask, you can stay 30 minutes or so next hour, right?


Alan: Sure, yeah.


Alex: Okay.  We need to call you back in three minutes, so make sure we have that number.  John, IM that to the guy down here please, okay?


John: Okay.


Alex: Here we go.


Stand tall. If you think I’ll sit around.  Ladies and gentlemen, you only live one life.  If you’re not in control of your mind, they are in control of your mind.  Period.  Alright, we’re going to end the main transmission in about four minutes, and I apologize to other Genesis callers.  If they call in right now on 512-646-5400, I will make sure they get in, in line, because they called in first.  512-646-5400, call in on that right now and we’ll get to you there.  We’re going to do thirty minutes, forty minutes, maybe an hour in overdrive, as long as Alan Watt can give us.  The only place to listen though, and Alan, go ahead and take about a three-minute break.  We’re going to call you right back now.  I want to thank you.  We’re going to take a break and come back and start an overdrive that’s just on the internet at  Before I end this global transmission on the main network, I want to thank the sponsors, affiliates, everybody.  I want to thank John Harmon, doing a great job on the main Genesis show, that now comes to a conclusion.  Back tomorrow live, 11am to 3pm.  We go into overdrive with Alan Watt, who’s been kind enough to stay with us.  He’s going to get into the occult beliefs of the elite on the other side, riveting info, got to go to to listen or to watch, right now.  Transmission continues at, that’s the coordinates.  We’ll see you there in one minute.  Stay with me.


Hour 3


Here comes Alan Watt to the rescue.  Really appreciate him agreeing to stay with us into this hour.  Very honored to have him.  I want to continue to go with your calls, David, Joe, George, everybody else is patiently holding and we’re going to take your calls in rapid succession.  Alan brings up so many points.  I want to back up everything he’s saying.  I try to not interrupt, he’s just such a great guy.  He’ll give you his websites, books and videos before he leaves us, and it’s up to Alan, if he can go 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, whatever he’d like, we’ll just play it by ear.  Alan Watt, getting into their actual beliefs, what they really believe, not all the layers of bull, or things they use to balkanize us, what do the globalists, the global controllers, what would you call them, what do they really believe?  What makes them tick?  You’ve got the floor.


Alan: Well, they truly believe their ancestry, which is different only in the fact that they’ve had their partners chosen for them down through history, so money and power has always married money and power at the top.  Love, in fact, between man and wife doesn’t enter into their philosophy at all.  And it’s simply for the offspring.  And they claim they go back for thousands of years, when some great leap forward occurred, some great evolutionary process occurred, and they are the highest or most evolved species on the planet.  And they do look upon those beneath them as literally a separate species.  Again, in the writings of Sir Charles Galton, that really took up the champion, the glove for Darwin, and Darwin himself being a champion of this old elite crew, who was also interbred for five or six generations with one other family, they all said the same thing, that they’d have to eventually either eradicate the lesser species, because, if they were allowed to breed up, they would overthrow those who brought order to the world.  And they didn’t believe that you could improve those at the bottom by breeding them up with better stock.  They believed that, by judging from animals for instance, they used animals, in fact, even Charles Davenport with the Carnegie Institute in 1904, when they opened up Cold Spring Harbor for this project, they brought in the American Breeders Association, and they took all the data from breeding cattle and livestock to see if it could be applied to humans.


Alex: Well, that’s why, that’s why Hitler actually made the head of the S.S. Heinrich Himmler, because he was also a cousin of the king, but more importantly, he was a chicken geneticist who was into breeding chickens.  And they cited, oh, he breeds chickens, he’s good. 


Alan: Yes, but they found they couldn’t, in the children for instance of even those who are bred up, would still contain what they called recessive genes, and they’d have throwbacks that would be problems down through the ages, so the only way they could imagine doing this was to create a new type of servant class, while they were eradicating the old.  And that is why, since the beginning of the 1900s to the present they’ve put so much of our tax money into doing genetic research, to create a new type of perfected slave that will give them no trouble, while they kill off the remaining types of the old stock.  So, this is a religion with them.  It’s a firm belief with them.  Read the books, as I say, any listener out there, read the books put out, and the letters of Charles Davenport, who was head of the Carnegie Institute.  This is the same Institution by the way at Cold Springs Harbor, that were funded partly by Congress as well as the Carnegie, and then Rockefeller took it over, Rockefeller foundation, and right up into the 1970s they were doing mandatory sterilization on what they deemed the unfit, throughout the Americas, throughout the USA.  And this was where it didn’t matter so much just about IQ level.  They looked upon poverty itself as a hereditary disease.  And not the conditions you’re brought up in, but an actual genetic problem.  And they believed that you were born with a poverty gene, and that all those types.


Alex: And they teach this in all the major colleges, an example in Endgame is the head of the state board of psychiatry, before the state legislature, and they say, why are 67% of the children on psychotropic drugs.  And he said, well, they come from bad gene pools, that’s why they’re poor, because, so there’s no even genetic testing, as if Ritalin and Prozac is for bad genes, when those are toxic poisons that further brain damage them.  It’s just we don’t do any testing, they’re poor, so that’s the proof.  And now, I put this in Endgame, I know you’re aware of it.  I’ve heard you talk about it on your own radio show, Alan, you have all the news articles out of England, where for several years, if your parents ever committed a crime, or you’re poor, at 2, you are put on probation and have monthly visits with your government agent and the schools openly say it’s our job now to run the family.  Go ahead.


Alan: That’s correct.  And it goes further back than that.  Along with this great surge forward in the supposed poverty gene theory that they came up with in the 1800s and built it into the first census taking in the Western hemisphere, including the US, they were taking your medical data and any criminal data as well, and then they follow you down through history to see how many criminals come out of that particular family, or how much money it costs the government if you’re poor and you need medical treatment, what was the problem in medicine, is it hereditary too?  And so, it’s basically farming.  It’s basically farming.  And the head of the American Breeders Association was Willard Hayes, that was his name.  He was part of this Cold Springs Harbor Institution on genetic research.  He said that.  He said all livestock breeders know how to solve this problem.  It’s a matter of convincing the public to allow us to go ahead and do it.  Well, guess what, they’re actually doing it all.  They’re killing off the old stock while they genetically modify a new type to come in and replace them.


Alex: Yeah, let’s be clear.  Whenever you talk to an intellectual, liberal, conservative, most educated people don’t know why they have the view, but they say, yeah, there’s too many people, we need to kill them.  And I go, well, are you going to die?  And they go, no.  Well, are you going to go kill these African kids?  No.  Then you point out that population is actually going down in the West, that it’s the West that’s dying.  Then you show them the numbers that within 20 years, the Third World is going to start dropping.  That’s on every graph.  Then you point out, hey, the elite actually see you as bad stock, and want you gone.  See, they see themselves as elites.  They don’t understand they’re already under eugenics attack, that it’s already happening to them.  So, that’s another thing the elitists use, is they have subclasses that think they’re members of the elite.  That seems to be a key control mechanism. 


Alan: It is.  In fact, in their own writings, they talk about needing seven special generations, seven generations to create the perfect hybrid.  So if you don’t have selective breeding for seven generations, even though you think you’re earning a lot of money and you’re serving them well, you’re not in their class at all.  And that’s the key to that.  That’s the key to the whole thing.  So all of these people who have picked their own wives, or their fathers did and so on, are called commoners.  They married out of the common stock.  They weren’t particularly nobly selected.  And therefore, you’re not even in the running.  You’re not even in the running.  They still claim by their own philosophy that you will have throwbacks in your children that cannot be predictable. 


Alex: Now, notice though, that they already had their view of royal bloodlines, royal breeding, that they were the best, and so these scientists come along, who were married into the gentry, and married into the elite, the Galtons, all of them, the Darwins.  They were already intermarrying together, and you know, half their kids or more were dying at birth.  Ooh, the super-humans of it.  And the mental illness and the insanity and the schizophrenic paranoia, mixed in with psychopathic genetics, and so really, they have made a different race of super-demons, who are stumbling around with all these, you know, genetic disorders.  In reality, real genetics shows hybrid vigor, and that mixing actually does create more intelligence.  And do you want to comment on that?  So, they tailored their science from an idea, and then they build everything around, keeping that false idea around.  Go ahead.


Alan: Well, they hope themselves to be able to perfect themselves as well, all the defects that have shown up through, and it’s true, if you have, I mean, mongrelized dogs are the sturdiest hardiest dogs out there.  They’re less prone to neurosis of any kind, and they’re far healthier physically.  They don’t have allergies and so on.  And it’s the same with humans. 


Alex: They’re also finding they’re the best guard dogs, they’re the best search and rescue dogs.  They are vastly more intelligent than say a heavily bred dog. 


Alan: Absolutely.  So, all the problems that’s come down with Galtons or the Darwins, say for instance, I mean, Charles Darwin himself was married, he was about the fifth generation who had all married into one other family and that was the Wedgwood family of Britain, the big pottery family.  And so his wife died, after having ten children, two of whom survived in mental hospitals.  The rest of them all died.  And he married his mother’s sister, who was also a Wedgwood.  So all of them had married into one particular family.  And why they did that, not into special other select families, but only into one other family, they thought that for instance that if the male was a good scientist, and so was his father, then if they married a female with similar abilities or a good mathematician, then that should technically show up in the offspring.  They were already breeding themselves.


Alex: But now we know from the genetic engineering with the plants that it’s random expression, and that’s why they can change one gene and get the one characteristic, but then it randomly changes thousands of other things, each replication.  It’s random.


Alan: It’s random.  And they got all this theory too from Mendel who was a monk who first came up with the hybrid peas, that’s where they grabbed on this whole thing to do with seven pairs of peas and this fact that this monk could predict by certain mixes exactly how tall it would be, its structure and so on, and its yield.  They tried to apply that to humans and it didn’t work the same.


Alex: But a hundred and fifty years ago, when all this got codified, as you said, 2400 years ago with Plato, it’s all the same thing.  But all the major robber barons, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Bronfmans, all the money believes this.  They’re told it will give them better health.  They finance it.  Bill and Melinda Gates give 80-plus Billion with Warren Buffet.  It’s all they do.  David Rockefeller is 90-something years old.  I mean, he grew up in this.  People think this is some old thing.  No, no, this is just now coming to fruition.  Their old stuff didn’t work, so now they say, it’s the Trans-Humanist, Post-Humanist, we’re going to merge with machines, that will give us our advanced Valhalla, which no doubt it’s going to give us the horrors and the centralization and control over individuals, and then you watch the top scientists, Warwick and others, they say, yeah, we’re going to kill everybody.  Notice that Trans-Humanism came out of Huxley’s brother, the head eugenicist.  He then coins it in the ’50s, because he was the head eugenicist.  It had a bad name, Trans-Humanist, and again, the robot cyborgs, we have to kill you all first.  You see, it’s always, it’s always that psychopathic impulse that they then dress up in science.  Comments.


Alan: Yeah, exactly.  Aldous Huxley spoke on both sides of the fence, because he was in at the big meetings.  He worked for the Tavistock Institute.  He himself was from a long line of aristocracy.  In fact his grandfather was Sir Thomas Huxley, who was the best friend of Charles Darwin, and he really championed Darwinism after that.  So they all believed firmly, every single generation believed firmly in the same belief system, or religion, and it is a religion amongst them.  And Huxley himself, interestingly enough in one of his interviews, that’s available on the web, he said, it’s not impossible with the tremendous money that these magnates have acquired over the centuries.  It’s not impossible for a small group of men to scientifically take over the entire planet and everything in it.  Now, he was talking not from his imagination or speculation, but because he was in on many of these discussions to do, that came from the big meetings themselves.  He was part of it.  And sure enough, his brother, Julian Huxley became the head, he was appointed the first CEO of UNESCO, where they were going to create a world society by universal training of children from the United Nations.  That’s its function in fact, to train them in a specific way so they would accept these changes as they saw them occurring down through their life.  They were already planned to happen, now you to train a generation to grow up and indoctrinate them early, so they don’t freak out when they see these changes actually occurring in their lifetime. 


Alex: They’re in control.  They’re turning the world into their own private nightmare laboratory.  Having their way with us in every way.  And the good news is though, humanity is waking up and I hope we wake up before the brink.  Do you see any reform coming out of the elite, or I mean, is it all just their own personal power trip?  They’ve got to always press on the nerve of power, Alan.


Alan: They can’t help themselves, unfortunately.  As I say, they’re sadomasochistic.  Even in their personal lives and in their interaction with each other.  They play games all the time for one-upmanship.  That type of thing.  They can’t help themselves.  They cannot reform themselves.  A psychopath has no ability to stop their own ego.  Their ego is everything to them.  They will take the world down rather than admit they were wrong.  And Hitler said that too.  In the bunker he said, if Germany cannot take over the world, they do not deserve to exist as a people and therefore they should all die.


Alex: Well, that’s when he flooded his own people in the tunnels.


Alan: Yes.  And we had the same thing with Prime Minister Begin who was diagnosed psychopathic in Israel, when he had the Samson complex back in the ’70s, and he said that if Israel goes down, we’ll unleash all the nuclear weaponry and take the world with us.  That was also a psychopathic trait he was showing right there. 


Alex: Well, I hope the elites know that it’s their own trait that’s going to destroy us if they don’t get control of themselves. 


Alan: That’s what frightens some of them actually.  Some of them understand that and they’re wary of each other towards the top of the pyramid structure.  And I do believe they will start fighting each other, when they see their end in sight, and that’s maybe one of the best advantages we have, because they will start to fight for power.


Alex: Well, they’re so nihilistic that every time a King Rothschild dies, you see a bunch of the kids die as they’re killing each other.  And they do the same thing in the British Royalty.  I mean, it’s the same pathology.  Look at how royals going back to Egypt and the British are always killing their children, killing their parents.  I mean, normal people don’t do that.


Alan: No, they’re famous, famous for patricide and so on.  Alexander the Great was the same.  All down through history it’s the same characters, you know, trained by the same high philosophers that really were just the high priests of their religion.


Alex: And aren’t they, the high philosophers, the real power behind the throne?


Alan: They are. They’re also the ones who select the mates.  They keep the genealogies for these people.  Aristotle, for instance, he taught Alexander the Great, and Alexander came out believing that he could become a god on Earth.  And that hasn’t changed.  We find that not Prince Philip, who’s bad enough, but Prince Charles....


Alex: Prince Charles has these things of him erected as an angel and then he’s worshiped.


Alan: Yes, and he says, I am an Olympian.


Alex: When really, he’s a doddering scumbag, but he has a bristling armored, almost A.I. fortress.  It’s these institutions that serve them that go on.  And it’s a cancer. 


Alan: Yes, it is.  And they’ve given us their culture.  We think it’s our culture.  They’ve actually given us their culture.  And we have to stop fighting each other and see who the enemy is.


Alex: I was in London at a decent hotel.  It wasn’t even that fancy, but it was down by Windsor Palace.  And I was with the Watson brothers, right during the 7/7 bombings.  They were covering all of that.  And this woman and this man kept looking at us with hatred and then laughing at us, and then she even said, oh, Alex Jones, ha, ha, ha.  And I said, who are you.  And she was like, oh, I’m the such and such of Marlboro and this is the such and such.  And I said, oh, what do you do?  And they laughed at me, and they said, we have a life of leisure and research, and they laughed at me.  And I got home and googled them, and sure enough it was them.  But I saw in their eyes, they were jealous, they were hateful.  I was real.  I had a real life.  I was standing up against the corruption, and they were so unhappy.  They hated the Watson brothers, because they were young and good looking.  They hated me, because I wasn’t scared of them.  And they had to sit there and shoot their mouths off and tell me that they were better than me.  I mean, that is so pathetic.  They are so disgusting.  And it turned out that it really was who they said it was.  I mean, that’s when you’re pathetic.  When they identify one of their enemies in a restaurant, you know, two tables over, and then they get your attention to get you to talk to them, just so they can then turn their backs on us and act elitist, like that would hurt me, like I’m at an ego level.  I mean, they’re very childlike, Alan.


Alan: Oh, they are childlike, very, very childlike, the women especially.  But the women as I say are mainly used as breeders.


Alex: Yeah, it was the woman.  The male was horrified that she was talking to me.


Alan: The women are like that.  They’re very childish.  They’re kept in a life of leisure.  They’re perpetual children, in fact.  One of them I talked to, said to me, she says, I was brought up with my own personal butler, and stuff like that.  She said, I used to wonder how the cups would get brought through that door to the kitchen, and how they’d always come back clean. She’d never been in a kitchen in her life, even her own one.  They have no idea of reality.


Alex: But they have the best think tanks in the world organizing the system to keep them in control. 


Alan: Yes.  But the females absolutely, generally they tend to be terribly immature.  Now, I’ve met some of the other ones that work for the system.  Some of the other ones have gone into the system.  They work for the United Nations.  They work in high levels of governments in Europe.  And I used to talk to some of them in the ’70s and ’80s, and they’d bring me back home in fact if I’d been on stage in some places.  And I was still putting everything together at that time, but when I look back at the questions they’d ask, and some of the comments they made, one of them in Norway, who became a top person at the United Nations, she said to me, she said, you realize that Europe is over, it’s being integrated and by the end of the millennium it will be one government.  And she says, then the push is on, to establish the global government.  And I realized this woman did come from a long lineage of these particular families, so they do use the brighter ones, but most of them, I must admit, don’t have too much smarts. 


Alex: Well, I don’t understand why I see elitist writings and I’ve interviewed them, and I’ve talked to them, and they go well, soon there will be no more war, and peace, and whatever we do to get that is okay.  And I’m like, look at you.  You’re a bunch of psychos that like to hurt people.  I mean, really they claim that it’s an end justifies the means, but really it’s the end justifying the means.  They just like stomping around, playing god. 


Alan: They’d have to kill each other at the end, if they had no more beasts to torment, they would have to turn on each other.  It’s a trait that they have.  They’ve never ever figured out that.  Actually, one person did.  They’ve had meetings about this, how they control each other.  And Arthur C Clarke, who was a big writer on their behalf for predictive programming, with his 2001 and 20102001, remember was written in the ’60s.  In its allegorical form, it meant the creation of a new system on Earth beginning in 2001 to be completed by 2010.  He wrote another book called 3001.  And in this particular book, the elite themselves, the survivors of all this catastrophe that happens on Earth, are monitored by computers to ensure none of them get the urge to be number one tyrant and take over, over the rest of them.  So they’ve already asked these questions.  They know their own problems down through history.


Alex: Yeah, that’s right.  They’ve all got brain chips that monitor them.


Alan: Yes.  Same thing too with Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, he’ll tell everyone at every meeting in every interview he has, you must know your history.  He also means the elite themselves must know their own history, because down through the ages they’ve battled each other, they’ve taken countries to war against each other, not because of the people or the flag, but because they want personal aggrandizement.  They want to be at the top, the pinnacle of the planet.  They have this incredible lust for power.  And they do every fifty years or so, have a lust for blood.  It’s almost like a bloodletting that they have to go through to satiate themselves.  So there’s something more than just basic psychopathy here.  And it’s best to leave that to the religionists because it’s into a different realm altogether.


Alex: Well, it’s so sad that all of this is happening, and that they rationalize their psychopathic behavior.  And humanity can do so much, go so far, if we had an elite that truly tried to empower, truly tried to awaken, truly tried to have true debates.  I mean, it wouldn’t be a perfect world but it would be a thousand times more regenerative, explosive, dynamic, and we would already be across the stars.  There is no doubt to me that these people are holding us back.


Alan: They are holding us back and that’s part of the reason they’ve always done so.  As I say, they believe that if they give power to the masses, and let the masses start running their life for themselves, then it will go either two ways.  They’ll either fizzle out because they won’t compete enough, they believe.  Or else they’ll compete so well, or actually cooperate so well amongst themselves, they won’t need the elite anymore. 


Alex: And when you look at that, they talk about a neo-feudal state, where they will be in centralized spires of advanced technology, walled off under national security, and then a new reality, an advanced reality, and it already has begun since 1947 with the National Security Act, and before then, they are kind of like the gods in their inner city command centers, and then we are, those of us that are left, almost like museum pieces that they just play with. 


Alan: That’s correct.  They’ve discussed all of these possible scenarios, and used big money and lots of time to do so too.  They leave nothing to chance.  Again, it’s part of their nature to want to control, so they want to know all the different possibilities, and they have teams, and countless think tanks working on every facet, because they are control freaks.  They must have data in order to control.


Alex: Did you ever see Zardoz with Sean Connery?


Alan: Yes.  Excellent movie.


Alex: Yeah, where they’ve depopulated the earth down to almost nothing, but there’s a few lone bands of humans.  So they’ve got this big hovercraft that flies around like in idol, disgorging shotguns and shotgun shells to this clan of killers, and they tell them, go out and kill, kill, kill.  And it’s population control.


Alan: It’s population control and in that movie too, you have the descendants of the elite who have given themselves physical immortality, but they couldn’t breed with each other.  They’d lost the urge to breed, but they live forever and live within their own little protected enclave in the mountains, while all the commoners, or the descendants of the commoners, as you say, were breeding outside and being killed by the destructive specially purpose-made group.  And even the whole reality that was given to the killers was a fake one.  The cops and the military should listen to this, because the whole philosophy came from The Wizard of Oz, the book. 


Alex: Well, that’s it.  They’ve got to save the earth and the god gives them the guns to make them the dominant group, but they must go around killing.  And they just run around killing everybody.  And I forget, I haven’t seen that Zardoz in years.  How does he wake up?  Doesn’t he climb up in it or something?


Alan: He climbs up in it.  He manages to get to the headquarters where the elite, the immortal elite live, and the immortal elite are all connected by crystals in their brain, by the way, that’s an old movie, and a computer is partly running the show, and he eventually gets into where the computer is and basically destroys it and tries to start the old system over again, working over again, because the immortal elite had become so decadent, that there was no progress, no change at all in anything.  Nothing was changing whatsoever.


Alex: Stagnancy.  By the way, I saw a new movie a couple of years ago called Aeon Flux, same story.


Alan: Same story, over and over and over again.  They keep giving us the same kind of scenario with the masses being impoverished, war-torn countries with elite bands, well paid bands of military enforcers, of course working on behalf of the elite.


Alex: And now they’re telling us, we’ve got to take the water.  Got to take the food.  We’ve got to take the oil.  All admittedly artificial.  They even admit that but you’ve got to be intellectual enough to go read their own articles where they admit it, and they’re bragging that you’re now going to learn how to be a slave.  You’re going to now going to learn how to die.  Now, one in two is going to have cancer.  Now you’ve got to die.  This is normal.


Alan: That’s correct.  And as I say, they’re now teaching, they’re actually teaching medical doctors that one in two is normal.  Now, years ago at medical school, you were taught all the different kinds of cancers, you were given the countries it was more predominant in, how rare certain ones were and so on.  You’re taught none of that now.  They’re taught that all cancer is just quite natural, and that people will just die off of cancer.  And so, that’s how easy it is to train each generation.  You simply eliminate the past, the past data, so they won’t ask questions and say why.


Alex: And by the way, or they’re so drunk and on Prozac watching TV, they don’t care.  I hope you’re listening to me, and I hope you’re watching out there viewers.  I wish they weren’t putting cancer viruses in the air and in your water and in your vaccines.  I wish, believe me, I wish every day this wasn’t true.  You’re being told the truth.  Now you have a responsibility.  But you know, they even tell us too, they even tell us, oh, ten years using a cell phone, you will get a big fat brain tumor.  Oh, the incubators are frying the babies’ hearts, but we’re going to keep doing it.  I mean they just admit everything now.


Alan: They admit too, even the laptop computer, it’s called a lap top, because young children put it on their laps.


Alex: Sterilize.


Alan: It sterilizes the males, yeah. 


Alex: And it’s not just the "heat", it’s the radiation.


Alan: They now have built in, they built in the infrared cards, microwave cards are in it, yeah.  You see, nothing happens by chance in this system.  Believe you me, nothing is put on the shelves, where they don’t know what the effects are going to be.  They know; this is old stuff, old understanding and technology, old science.  So they understand exactly what it’s going to do to the population. 


Alex: Well, cell phones, it’s burning the cells out.  Well, folks, you can get to where you don’t use your cell phone, except in emergencies or to get phone numbers off, and still you shouldn’t.  I mean, I see children all over the streets, you know, five years old, six years old with cell phones.  And I even try to rudely now get in people’s business and I don’t call CPS on them, because CPS would probably give them a cell phone, but I mean, I say, listen, you might look at literature.  That’s really bad.  Here’s an example.  I went ahead and had my child, my third child, at a government facility.  We’re about to take calls and let Alan go, but you know, there can be complications.  I know the doctor.  I know the hospital.  I know it’s a facility, but statistically I know they’re hunting down the midwives.  It’s very hard to get them.  My wife wanted to have the third child at a hospital, we did it.  And I walk in, and the lady says, oh, will you go tell the desk downstairs, just give them this piece of paper.  And I looked at her and smiled and walked out, and the lady walked back out when I came back up, and I said, did she ask if I beat you?  Yeah, he asked.  I mean she asked.  Let me tell the story.  I’m trying to hurry here and then I babble.  I go to the hospital.  My wife’s having to have a cesarean section, because she’s already had one.  I go in and I go upstairs, and she’s there having my wife answer like a hundred questions, entering it into the health department computer.  It all goes right to the federal government, right to the local government.  It’s the eugenics local bureau, that’s what founded the health departments, ladies and gentlemen, the health hygiene departments. The nurse doesn’t even know that.  She just knows that well, she is getting this for the police.  And then, like they did the times before, she says, oh, will you carry this, you know, like I’m one of the animals that doesn’t understand this, but she’s one of them too.  She’s just habitualized to it.  But she gets to be a little higher level, and manipulate me the lower level cow, the lower level goat, the lower level domesticated animal.  She says, will you bring this file downstairs for me please, down to these folks.  And I said sure.  I come back.  She goes out of the room for a minute, and I go, did she ask the question about whether I beat you?  Yeah, she asked if you abuse me.  She asked if our home was good.  How our money is.  Of course, they didn’t tell my wife.  She already knew.  But other women are just trusting.  This is your doctor.  This is your nurse.  You’re about to have a baby.  Oh, it’s so nice.  And see, it’s all just standardized that, hey, there’s no due process.  That this is law enforcement.  That this is going into a government database.  That we’re going to take your baby’s blood, and put it in a DNA database.  And then they go in and they want to give the baby Hep shots.  And I said, no, you know that brain damages them.  And it’s only for sexually transmitted diseases and isn’t good.  And both nurses, later when they were giving the baby a bath, said, yeah, we don’t give our kids it either.  We know it’s bad, but we’re just supposed to ask you.  And then another dad is in there ten minutes later, and the nurses are trying to push him to take it.  And I just couldn’t help it, I just said, you know something, sir, not only is that shot not good, and these nurses don’t give it to their children, but they’re going to put your child in a DNA database now.  And you know, the nurses all kind of were red-faced, but halfway mad, halfway agreeing.  All in this culture of fear, all carrying out black-ops against each other.  Alan, comments on that, and we’re going to take calls.


Alan: It’s so sad.  So true.  You’re right on with that because the nursing staff know that.  And it’s the same all through the society.  Those who are paid the wage, the paycheck there are terrified to inform the public of the reality of what’s going on.  They tend to go along with it.  And that’s how the whole system works.  It’s the same in the school system.  I’ve talked to lots of teachers, I’m sure you have too, who know exactly what they’re doing.  It’s really social indoctrination for specific purposes.  And it’s social engineering.  And yet, they’ll tell you, I cannot leave.  I need this job.  Where else will I get this kind of paycheck, which is very true, for teachers.  So, the whole structure of society depends on this darn paycheck, unfortunately.  And people are terrified of losing that job and telling the truth.  It’s like blackmail. 


Alex: Well, you’re absolutely right.  And if you look at what they’ve put doctors through, the eighteen-hour days, the brainwashing.  You know, once they even have their degree they have to do a year or two of residency.  They’re bossed around by the nurses, everybody.  And it’s all about, in the power position, just like the Nazis, once they get in that power position, they’re controlling over those above them, I mean below them, and then minions to those above them, and it’s this whole hierarchical system of control, because they’ve paid their dues.  They’ve worked hard to get this position.  They’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars in college bills.  They’ve got to buy into the system.  Can you talk about that?


Alan: I’ve got one right now I know, who’s a top specialist surgeon, who was approached recently by the United Nations to set up, once they take over the complete Middle East, they want him to go over and set up the beginning of a Western structure of medicine.  And no doubt, implement the whole scheme of inoculations and so on.  And he phoned me, just at the weekend, to tell me he can’t, he’s scared to talk to me anymore, in case they find out.  He actually told me this.  He’s now terrified, after he was approached that he’ll lose this position, and he works in a big....


Alex: Oh, yeah.  I talk to mid-level technocrats all the time, and they’re like, listen, they’ll hear.  I can’t be talking to you.  Do you know what they’re going to do to you?  I mean, exactly.  The whole intelligentsia is like now figuring it out, and like oh, my gosh.  We’re, I better go along with this. 


Alan: Yes.  When people actually tell you, that have been talking to you for a couple of years, that they can’t talk to you anymore, or they’re afraid to, because of who you are or what you’re doing, and because of the lucrative positions they’ve just been offered, then what can you say?  In a sense, they’re letting themselves down.  They’re letting the populations down.  Even their own children they’re letting down.


Alex: Well, the globalists, again, control the entire financial, psychological, physical paradigm.  They’re just issuing the money out of nothing.  We’ll sell our souls for this made-up commodity, which is a fiat currency in credit. 


Alan: Yes.  And it is true that, you know, there’s going to be no lack of food to go round.  There’s going to be a lack of the money to buy it.  The same as the last depression.  They did the same in Ireland.  They called it the great potato famine.  It wasn’t a potato famine.  Ireland was exporting more grain and other kinds of foods, and beef and cattle and so on, than you’d ever believe to the top corporations in England at the time.  And Ireland at the same time as they were loading the stuff on the ships, they were starving to death.  And the British troops were stopping the public, the peasantry from getting their own food.  They were exporting it all abroad.


Alex: Well, take New Orleans.  I’ve talked to people on air who were there.  I’ve had family that was there.  For five days they held the food, within yards of the people at the Super Dome.  It was all a test.  And so they could also then show that and say, oh, look, we don’t have enough money and power and funding, we need even more power now, because we "screwed up."


Alan: That is correct.  That is absolutely correct.  Money is an idea.  That’s all it is, it’s an idea.  A price on something is someone’s idea.  And yet we’ve been trained to believe that nothing works without money.  Well, hey, you can still grow food without money.  You can still trade and barter it without money.  There’s no reason for anyone to starve.


Alex: Which is why they’re going after the family farms all over the Western World.  And the main reason the food prices are up is because the dollar has been devalued by 60-plus percent and now there are trillions of dollars globally, and so these companies and speculators are buying it all up, so America can’t have its own food.  It’s being shipped to other nations. 


Alan: That’s correct.  And also, the Council on Foreign Relations that drafted up the integration for the Americas, and they admitted that on television in Canada, on national television.  They’re now beating the drums to say that we’ll have to amalgamate because of terrorism, because the dollar is falling and we’re so integrated and dependent on the dollar.  And they’ll bring out the new currency.  Now, they did this in Europe with the euro, and you better believe that when they bring out the new Amero, it will be worth half, purchasing power wise, of the dollar.  We’re all going to see incredible price increases.


Alex: And that goes after people that have been putting their money in their mattress.


Alan: Yes.  And yet, some man at the top, this great person that walks out from the Federal Reserve as though he is the king of the world, and declares what the dollar is worth, and everyone goes into action as soon as he utters it.  We’ve seen this down through the centuries.  Lord Rothschild does the same with the gold standard everyday.  He sticks his finger out the window and tells you what gold is worth.  I mean these characters have run the world for thousands of years, and they’ve got us convinced that we cannot survive without their system.  And yet, we have no say on purchasing power and what money is even worth.  Something is drastically wrong here.


Alex: Well, it is, Alan.  I’m going to take, do you have time to take five calls with us?


Alan: Sure, yeah.


Alex: And then we’ll let you go.  We appreciate all your time.  Let’s talk to George in India.  George, you’re on the air.


George: Alright, Alex, I’ve never disagreed with you, but there’s something that happened in my town that I want to know.  You say that they won’t come out for a mugging.  Our cops come out for everything.  I manage a seven-room apartment building, and one lady has called them seventeen times in one week.  Can you tell me why that might be happening?


Alex: Well, that’s wonderful.  I’m telling you that what I have dealt with is my car being stolen, house being broken into, the coffee shop got broken into, and the police never came.  But they will give you a ticket now for five miles over the speed limit, where they didn’t used to do that in the past.  And so, it sounds like they’re doing a good job in your town. 


George: Well, they’ll come for aliens.  I mean, these people, they must be paid for every time they make a stop. 


Alex: Well, that does jack up their number.  I mean, I know here in Austin, Texas, that it’s hard to get a cop.  And they have massively increased the amount.  But I’m telling you.  You go five miles over the speed limit anywhere, they’re going to catch you.  I mean, they’re on every road, twenty-four hours a day, and now they just randomly pull you over and want to search your vehicle. 


George: Yep.  I’ve got something else to talk to you about, but I’ll do it another time.  Nice show, guys.


Alex: Hey, I really appreciate you calling.  I appreciate you holding.  Let’s go to Joe in New York.  Joe, go ahead.


Joe.  Yeah.  I first started coming into informing myself, actually because of Ron Paul.  I really supported a lot of his views and started to inform myself and get a lot of information out.  Now, I’m starting to look at the other presidential candidates and see if there’s anything that....


Alex: Totally staged.  All three, well go ahead and make your point, and then I want to get Alan Watt’s take on our election.


Joe: Sure.  Well, the only thing that I looked at, is there any possibility for reform in what people want in a monetary policy in this country, would a candidate like Obama maybe take an issue like that up, or is it just so behind the scenes that nothing like that would even be able to get?


Alex: Let me just explain something here.  We get 60% turnout for presidential elections.  They give it endless coverage, and then they’re total puppets run by the interests that put them into power, and the minute they don’t follow orders they’re Kennedyed or Lincolned.  Now, instead, we get about 8% on average in the US, I don’t know what it is in Canada, turnout for local elections, where you can actually have an effect, where you can sabotage peacefully what the globalists are doing.  And so we need to get people to focus on local elections, instead of, look, the mainstream media says focus on national.  Why do we focus on national?  Where you can have an effect is locally, but the window is closing with the fraudulent machines.  Alan Watt?


Alan: Yeah, it’s true, but even with your local too, I keep telling people, you better investigate anyone who wants power over you, power to make laws over you or your children, even the ones who get into the school board or your local town council, because you should demand to have their life open, as an open book, to the public if they want the power to make laws that affect you.


Alex: Yeah, here’s an example.  I don’t want power.  I don’t want to be in government.  I want to have enough power to protect myself and be left alone.  I mean, here’s an example, and I use this a lot.  And I like going to events, and we’re going to have some Alamo Drafthouse showings later this month to show my film, the new film I’ve made.  It’s one of the best I’ve ever made folks.  It’s totally different from any other film that I’ve made, but I need to talk about that.  I’ve been so busy making it I haven’t even talked about it yet.  But I like watching you enjoy the film or laugh, or see your response.  And I like seeing you.  But I don’t like being told how great I am, and having person after person fawn after me.  It actually is upsetting to me, because I kind of don’t have a low view of myself, but I’m much more interested in you than I am in myself.  And I’m not saying I’m some great person.  I mean, I remember ten, twelve years ago, when I first got involved it was fun for people to like me, fun to go out and do events, but I always wondered how politicians and people can run around to thousands of meetings and love shaking hands, they are getting off on it.  So you’ve got to wonder about somebody who wants power. Alan, go ahead.


Alan: Well, that’s exactly true.  Again, the psychopathic types gravitate towards powerful positions.  And they are the ones who go into these particular jobs.  Look how Hitler ran across the whole of Germany in an aircraft, he hated flying too, and attended two, three, four speeches in different parts of Germany per day.  These characters are tireless when it comes to grabbing that seat of power, way beyond the normal person’s capacity, but they crave it, and they’ll do anything to get it.  That’s true. 


Alex: Anything else, Joe? 


Joe: So you really don’t think that there could be any kind of, is there any way we could form a movement to change monetary policy, to change this idea that we should be blindly following the Fed?  I mean, I think that goes to the root of all evil, and nobody even talks about it.


Alex: Well, sir, we talk about the Federal Reserve every day here.


Joe: Well, I know you do, but mainstream media doesn’t.


Alex: But we have to make our own media, you see.  And I appreciate your call.  You’re going at it, trying to seize their territory.  Instead of, Alan and I are saying, they are not the entire paradigm.  We can make our own paradigm.  We can create things outside of their system.  I mean, let me tell you where things start, it’s with you getting a hand-cranked printing press and making one-page handbills, you know, and handing them out to your neighbors.  It’s in you picking a few issues locally, that you rally people to defeat, even if it’s in your neighborhood, then you show you can get things done.  People then learn who you are.  Then you can do more as an active saboteur in their system.  But if we imagine some huge national movement, and some stroke, you know, Hollywood shows us this Herculean image of one strong man that saves us, of one guy, who, like Schwarzenegger, takes out all the bad guys.  It is a process of waking others up, of not supporting the mainline system, of supporting alternative media, of spreading the word.  Alan, you want to give people suggestions for solutions? 


Alan: Yeah, they have to, see again, that’s exactly right.  One person concentrating on just one aspect of it, like the money, is going to be lost there.  Even that’s overwhelming in itself.  You’ve got to start being individually involved, as an individual.  Stop looking just for groups all the time, and start printing up information yourself and passing it around.  I don’t care if you get laughed at.  If you get one person out of a hundred that listens and they spread that on too, that’s how the whole process works in history.  It takes time.  We’re looking for a quick fix in the day when we take an aspirin for a headache, and it doesn’t work that way in societal changes.  It’s intergenerational.  These guys work through generations.  But we want an immediate righting of a system.


Alex: Exactly.  The huge awakening that we’re seeing now, is nothing compared to one in a decade.  The guys that came thirty, forty, fifty, a hundred years ago, exposing this controlling oligarchy, this scientific dictatorship, their work was tiny, very small.  They might write a book and two thousand people read it.  And then that creates a ripple.  And then bigger ripples and then bigger.  Now, we’ve got millions listening every day.  We’ve got people awakening all over, but they’re still looking for a pyramidal, top down solution.  And you’re absolutely right, Alan.  I mean, I’ve been doing this almost thirteen years, and I’ve been doing it, seven days a week, and I’m like a farmer.  I see it as a process.  I’ve got to plow the field, plant the seeds, I’ve got to bring it in, I’ve got to then do a bigger field the next year.  I’ve got to teach others how to plant fields.  And I always work hard and don’t expect big results, so I’ve gotten exponential results.  Now, it is getting to chain reaction level, just in my area, because I have listeners that understand that and are active.  And so again, stop looking for the big fix.  Realize, every mind, every person we unlock, that’s the process at the cellular level that’s going to change the body politic.  Alan.


Alan: There’s no doubt about it.  As many fingers pointing to the same target at once is what scares those at the top.  They’re not afraid of one lone guy pointing a finger and accusing them of something, but when thousands or millions understand something and are all looking at them, these characters want to cower into the shadows very quickly, believe you me.


Alex: And exactly, that sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s not.  You’re talking about billions of people, millions of people, individually pointing from different angles, different places, and it’s the act of pointing.  A lot of people around you, they’re scared to speak up.  They’re scared to step out.  As more people go public on 9/11, more people go public on global warming, and the solutions to it being a fraud and Trans-humanist excuse to be anti-human, again, more and more their confidence is shaken.  I mean, I know so many Patriots that have come and gone.  So many Patriots that are Freedom Lovers, Truthers, who come and go.  They work for a year or two years.  They don’t become big shots overnight.  They drop off.  They throw a fit.  Or they come into it, the elite sees all of us as people who are want-to-be aristocrats. They think I’m fighting them because I want to unseat them and get power.  And it’s true, a lot of people like me are doing it for their own personal power.  I’m doing it organically, instinctively to survive, and to defend humanity at a species level.  I’m doing that organically.  But it is true that a lot of people in our movement aren’t successful because they’re just, they’re just prototypes or failed bad sons of kind of the same mindset of the elite.  And then, they always appear and say, everyone under me, everyone do what I’m saying.  I have an organization.  Under me.  And then that’s why they fail, but they always self-destruct, because they’re in it for the wrong reason.  Go ahead. 


Alan: There’s no doubt on that at all.  You’re right.  They do.  Again, psychopaths will always sniff the wind to see where popular opinion is going and they’ll try and jump on the bandwagon and get to the top any way they can.  We’ve found again, this happens down through history, and you’ll find it too, with conquerors, after they take over a country, those they were fighting against at the top immediately join with them.  We found that with the Communist system as well.  The countries that were conquered, their members at the top would immediately become communists and be part of the politburo.  So, they’ll use popular movements to get in, but they don’t last long, these people.  It is true, they don’t last long.  They tend to argue, fall out with everyone around them, and people just fall away from them.  This is a collective process here, because, you see we’re fighting not for personal power, we’re fighting for everything that’s been.  For all the hardship that created us, and brought us to where we are today, all those that went before, all those who were used and abused down through centuries, that’s what we’re fighting for.


Alex: That’s right.  We’re fighting for humanity that has succeeded, despite the elite.


Alan: Yes.


Alex: And I think the elite overall are failing though, Alan.  I don’t think they have full control.  I think they’re mad.  I know they’re mad at how, I know their New World Order is behind.  I know they’re very upset right now. 


Alan: Whatever they do, and this is the key to everything, whatever they do to the public, and that goes for the schooling system, the police system, everything, they need our acquiescence.  They need us to cooperate and silently agree with them.  They need our cooperation for everything they want to do, even inoculating your children, bowing down to them, allowing them to control all your food.  They need our acquiescence.  And we have more power than you can believe if we’d just understand that.  We have the power to say No.


Alex: I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you what defeats them.  Everybody, even if you’re a busy executive, you’ve got to start a garden, even if it’s a separate piece of property, and then just start giving the food away.  Start having neighborhood cooking classes on how to cook the food you made.  People have to, we’ve been domesticated.  But not even domesticated.  We’ve been brought to the level of like Chinese princesses, where they would tell them, oh, you bound your feet, you bind your fingers, you have long nails, you’re so beautiful, we have to take care of you.  That’s how the support guilds would become the true power in so many imperiums.  We even see that with the elites, where we become these kept creatures.  They’ve done what they did to Chinese Royalty, they’ve done to us.


Alan: In one generation, in just one generation, they have systematically destroyed the small farmer and almost eradicated the complete knowledge of being self-sufficient, and that’s their goal.


Alex: Yeah, horticulture, all of it.  Let’s take some calls, quickly.  Alan Watt’s got to go.  We really appreciate him.  David in Texas, you’re on the air.


David: How are you all doing?  Great show as usual.  I want to briefly say a couple of things.  First of all, I want to thank Alan Watt for all the research and all the broadcast work that he’s doing in his various endeavors.  And I also want to thank you too, Alex, for all that you have done in the Patriot Movement, for all these years.  Your contributions have been very invaluable, and I’m very appreciative of that.  I want to make a quick point about some, when you started off on the police system that we used to have, and then I have a question for Mr. Watt, where he thinks all this is going.  I’ve kind of come up with a personal observation that I think I may be onto something here.  A lot of these elites believe in this supposed deity from Babylon, called Moloch, and I think it also, the ancient pharaohs, people in Egypt have their God Horus, which was a falcon-headed god, and supposedly Moloch was an owl-headed god.  I kind of think they may be two different variations of the same god, that both are worshiping.  And I also think that, my belief system is it’s Satan, it’s Satan worship.  And these people are very evil, and they’re very misguided.  They think they’re elite, and better than everyone else, but they’re not. 


Alex: Well, let me just stop you.  I get attacked for saying Moloch is an owl.  At the Bohemian Grove they call it Moloch and they call it an owl.  Everybody knows that Moloch was a bull-headed god.  Whatever it is, it’s a big statue with some horns.  And, but the occult is always changing names and changing things.  The point is, it is a Canaanite/Babylonian, but they did it all over.  Greece did it too.  Burning children in a fiery altar before a horned god that symbolizes the male side.  And then you have the goddess worship on the other side.  And so these occultists send me emails and get real mad, going Moloch’s a bull.  You won’t correct it.  I’m going off what the Bohemians say it is in Northern California.  You know, the Indians have 10,000 gods in India.  I’m not getting into all that, okay.  I’m saying what they believe, what this current cult is doing.  Comments on that, Alan Watt.


Alan: Yeah, it’s true.  They have many names for the same thing.  And even in ancient times they did too.  And even Isis was the goddess with a thousand names and faces.  So, but really, the owl is really those who can see in the dark, meaning the darkness by the way is the common people in society.


Alex: Yeah, we’re in the dark, they’re a big predator that hunts us in the dark.  It has light.  It’s illuminated in the dark.


Alan: And Horus, of course, Horus the hawk is the one who can fly high as the sun and look into the light of the sun, meaning themselves, the elite.  They can go both ways.  They can see in the world of darkness, where the profane live, as they call it, and they can also rise as high as the sun.  That’s what they mean by that.


David: I have a quick question.  Where do you think all this is going?  Do you get the feeling that they may be about to try to pull something or a major catastrophic event, possibly on a global scale, that might be contrived, and they’ll try to seize power on a global scale in the not distant future?


Alex: There’s no doubt of that.  I appreciate your call.  Alan.


Alan: Yeah, there’s no doubt.  They’ve said themselves.  Brzezinski said it in his own book.  So did the Club of Rome in their books, that they most create a global threat, and they’re using the environment as one of them.  Terrorism is another.  Now terrorism is a technique of warfare, not a war itself.  So they’re using a technique and trying to convince us that terrorism is everywhere, it could be you, it could be your neighbor, it could be you tomorrow.


Alex: And we’re going to have millions of trained children, and everyone spying on neighbors to fight terror, terror, terror. 


Alan: And therefore the only way to save the world, will be to put the world into the hands of experts and have everyone monitored from cradle to grave on a daily basis.  And that’s going to be given to the public.


Alex: Meanwhile, the police chief says, we wear black uniforms to terrorize you.  We know who the real terrorists are.  Let’s go ahead.  Are you scared of the cops or Al Qaeda, folks?  Kelly in Iowa, you’re on the air.


Kelly: Hi, how’s it going?


Alex: Good. 


Kelly: Well, I caught your show at the very end.  But I was listening to Alan, and it sparked me, I remember it was either H.G. Wells or George Orwell, known as Eric Blair, he said, the New World Order would be like a boot stomp to the face of humanity, forever and ever. 


Alex: Yeah, always pressing on the nerve of power, tearing each other apart, tearing down the language, tearing down the species, until all it is is men in black uniforms torturing everyone and being tortured themselves, being ripped in pieces, pressing on the nerve of power for power’s sake.  And that is, do you want to comment on that, Alan Watt?


Alan: That’s what it is.  They’re using terror openly now to terrify the public into compliance.  Or the threat of power.  The first part of law as Washington said is coercion.  You coerce or threaten the public.  The second part is you actually use force on the public.  So we’re seeing bits of both.


Alex: Well, now, I mean, for any reason they tazer you.  Oh, you didn’t pay, tazer.  On the bus, oh, hey, take a Breathalyzer, no.  Get out of the car, I’m tazering you.  There’s no law you have to take a Breathalyzer.  But still, they say, well, our officer, we’re going to do it now.


Alan: We are the new Pavlov’s dogs, simple, very simple.


Alex: Well, hey, I just want to tell the guys enforcing this, you’re not getting away with anything.  Your bosses are hurting you a lot worse than you’re hurting us. 


Kelly: I do have one more question.


Alex: Yeah, go ahead, Kelly.


Kelly: Okay, I’m a fourth degree Dan in Ninjitsu, so I’m pretty much trained in back-pedaling, and one thing I would like to ask you guys, is, as far as geo-strategy, what’s going on over in the Middle East, one thing I’ve noticed is that where they demonize Iran, if you ever had to pull back or back-pedal, Iran would be the perfect place, but yet, they demonize Iran, and say how great everything is going in Iraq, which we know is not true.  So, if you had to back-pedal, and you actually had to beat feet, you would pretty much high-tail it to Iran, because they’ve got air bases, they have everything that you need.  And as far as geo-strategy wise, SunTzu’s Art of War, 3rd Chapter, Know Thy Enemy, they ignore that.  They have ignored everything that has to do with military strategy that we’ve learned in the last, oh, what thousand years. 


Alex: Well, they think they’re going to get the US into a fight, that then people will refuse to pull out of, and they think that if they can escalate it into a big enough conflagration, that, Alan, do you want to comment on that. 


Alan: Well, they’d always planned, H.G. Wells wrote the Shape of Things to Come, and he said that the New World Airforce would be based in Basra, which is in Iraq, and he wrote that a long time ago.  These guys don’t like to change their plans.


Alex: Yeah, that’s in Things to Come, they made into a movie.  That was made in the 30s, and they fly around in what looks like B2 Bombers, landing, and they’ll tell leaders, you will submit to the world government. 


Alan: They don’t like to change their plans. 


Kelly: Yeah, I’ve noticed that.  They don’t, they’re like living 50 years ago, I mean, they don’t, they don’t want to give quarter, but they don’t want to take quarter either. 


Alan: They try and mush a square peg into a round hole if need be. 


Alex: Well, it is stick-to-it-ness.  They don’t give up.  And they’ll slightly change course, but it’s all going in the same direction.  I appreciate your call.  We’re about to end this show.  John, in Pennsylvania, last caller.  You’re on the air with Alan Watt.


John: Hi, how you doing.


Alex: Good.


John: I have one question.  I noticed earlier you had said that, you know the way that the media portrays some standing, shining hero, that delivers everyone from evil and all that, how they like to put that image out there, well, what would you say the possibility of the elite throwing, sacrificing one of their own, or maybe getting somebody from the Patriot movement indoctrinated with elitist values and then tricking everyone, making everyone think that he’s some great Patriot, and he’s going to save the country, but then just delivers everyone into the same New World Order, like master plan.


Alex: Are you trying to say Ron Paul is like that or something?


John: What’s that?


Alex: I mean, who would that be?  Are you saying hypothetically, or are you implying like Ron Paul or somebody is bad?


John: Well, just the possibility that they would sacrifice somebody of their own to deliver everyone but yet lead them into the same New World Order, but yet make everyone think that this guy is against the New World Order.


Alex: I don’t understand the sacrifice part.


John: I’m sorry, we’re breaking up, we’ll have to let you go.


Alex: No, no.  Don’t go.  I don’t understand your question.  You said, why would they sacrifice their person?  Well, I’m not saying that person is a government disinfo agent, because the general public has just been inculcated on how to not think, and how to not get along, and how to always just interject some excuse to not move forward and wake up.  He said, sacrifice one of their people to be a Patriot and then bring the people in against the New World Order to only then do something to that person.  Maybe, Alan, you’re smarter than me.  Did you understand a logic in what he was saying?


Alan: I wasn’t sure if he meant that someone would actually believe that what the elite were suggesting was the right thing to do.  It’s hard to tell, the way he phrased it. 


Alex: Well, just taking the second half of it, kind of like from one statement he made, like there’s going to be leaders in our movement that are bad. 


Alan: Well, maybe he meant that eventually someone will be sent out to lead a rebellion or something, or a counter against the system.  Maybe that’s what he was on about. 


Alex: Well, I mean they did that with the Bolsheviks but they were funded out of New York and London, and they went in, but it was so obvious, and they were calling for collectivism, and control.  They are not going to do that.  Here’s the deal.  Take the no-planers and the people that say particle beams did it.  They are not schizophrenics.  I mean they make videos where they’re acting crazy and saying stupid things and cussing and yelling and running around saying that they carried out bombings, and you know, wearing mustaches and things, saying they’re Hitler.  That is all done so that then the TV news, which they’ve done, and the anti-9/11 Truth group blogs can then say, here’s 9/11 Truth. 


Alan: It’s called Counter-Intelligence.  What you take is the actual fact, you add some fiction to it, and then the fiction ridicules the Truth. 


Alex: Exactly, but I think they’ve acted so stupid, that it’s really woken up a lot of people. 


Alan: Yeah, turned back on them.


Alex: But what I’ve really seen is, listen.  You’re not going to have operatives that go ten, twelve, fifteen, you know thirty years.  You’re not going to have people that say you have power individually.  Take action, get involved.  Wake other people up.  What you’ll get is a group that arrives suddenly and says, we’ve got lots of funding, join us.  Do what we say.  We have a battle plan.  Come under us.  And then they’ll badmouth every other group.  And we’ve seen that, time and time again, and then they’ll say everybody else is an agent. 


Alan: And they’ll be well funded, too.


Alex: Yeah.  There aren’t many of those, because they come up like a sore thumb, then they disappear, because it’s so obvious.  The elite have their big guys put their ideas out, then it’s regurgitated.  Their control is mainly that society is sick, back-stabbing, twisted, that groups all balkanize into hundreds of sub-sects that all fight with each other, not because they’re agents, but because they’re egomaniacs, or they hate anyone who’s been successful in waking others up, because if they’re successful, they must be an agent.  I mean, they teach us how to not work together.  They teach us how to just basically flounder around.  I mean, do you see what I’m saying, Alan?


Alan: They also are very apt to send in agents.  The Communists, there’s a good book put out that said, You Can Always Trust the Communists.  And the technique was there of how they sent in infiltrators who worked tirelessly.  They’d do all the hard work, they’d lick the stamps, they’d do the envelopes, and eventually went it came round to voting in a President or something, they would get voted in and then they’d rule over and change direction.  So, you also have the other factor, as I say, you get psychopaths even at the bottom, who will smell the wind, and see where they can pick a winner.  And they will either take a group over or start up their own.  There’s a lot of egos involved at the head of a lot of these groups.  And I’ve heard some of them slang each other publicly.


Alex: Well, no, that’s the point I was going to make, is that I’m trying to save people.  I mean, I say, warn people about the vaccines.  Warn them about the water.  Get self-sufficient.  Operatives don’t do that.  And then, I can, but most of these people that attack me aren’t even operatives.  I mean on the blogs and on the websites.  When national news is attacking me, that is an operation.  It really is just economic.  They are so mad that I have the most listeners that I’ve had these people call me up and go, you know, you’re too big.  You’ve got too big an ego.  And I’m like, what do you mean?  I’m doing this to try to warn people.  I have a passion for the truth.  And it literally is financial.  What these idiots don’t understand is, I am waking up with my great listeners, so many people, that the movement, rising tide raises all ships, but they don’t care.  It’s the egomania of they want to be top dog, and my success takes a lot of shots at me.  But whereas I realize my success just makes me the first ship going into an enemy harbor being fired on.  I’m the front of the line, the tip of the spear, going over the barbed wire, and I’m doing it for all the right reasons.  I know I’m for real. 


Alan: And what we know too, is you see, if we lose, everyone loses.  We’re not going to benefit personally, in the future, in a society that’s already laid out the game plan here.  None of us are going to benefit, so there’s no personal aggrandizement here, where we’re going to go on with our own posterity.  If the elite win, there will be no more posterity, the children.


Alex: But that’s exactly what I’m saying, Alan.  You’re so good at boiling it down, is that this is life and death.


Alan: It is.


Alex: I go to bed, sad every night, I mean, I know it’s real, I know they’re already imploding the economy.  I know they’re doing all this, and I just want to stop it.  And then these egomaniacs always make it about, you know, how I’m bad or you’re bad, or somebody else is bad.  I always notice they attack who’s really pure of heart.  But then it scares me, because I don’t think they’re even operatives.  I think they’re just a manifestation of a sick society. 


Alan: I’ve had some of the top authors mail me five letters in a day sometimes, the most amazing hate you’d ever imagine, simply because I’ve been mentioned more than they have.  And telling mainstream media and main state radios I’ve been on, different stations to get me off.  They’ve been trying to get me off the stations.  And one of them, in one country, they were successful in doing it.


Alex: Is this somebody in our movement?


Alan: No, this came from across the pond. 


Alex: But I mean, I mean, in the freedom movement? 


Alan: Yeah, supposedly.


Alex: Well, that’s the thing is, Alan, I have you on and a few others who have talk shows and do other things, but more and more rare, because I used to, I would have hosts on and try to build them up and even promote them, and then, as soon as they got a chance, they would attack me.  Or I’d have them fill in on my show, and then they’d do it.  And it really freaked me out, because I was trying to build up other people, and then they were like, no, that’s not what this is about.  This is about you going away, and me being you.  And I’m like, no, for my own safety I have to stay visible, but I don’t even enjoy this. 


Alan: I don’t think they realize, either, again, the lesser psychopathic type, don’t realize that every time you come into the house, you don’t know if you’re going to get blown up.  You don’t know if you’re going to be killed going outside the house.  You don’t have a minute’s peace.  You’re always aware that your life can end at any time.  And it’s no fun.  It’s no fun being out in front at all.  No fun at all. 


Alex: Well, Alan.  You’re doing a fabulous job, and we just really appreciate you.  Give the listeners your website and some of the books and videos you’ve got.


Alan: Thanks, Alex.  And thanks for having me on.  Yeah, look into and and see what I have for sale there, it keeps me going.  It’s all I ask, and that’s all we can ask at the moment is more time to expose more of this and to go on as long as we possibly can. 


Alex: Well, Alan.  I appreciate you.  And I want to have you come on the show, more and more, and I appreciate you putting up with all my rant and raves, and I think we have good discussions back and forth with the callers.  And take care.  Thanks for two-plus hours today.


Alan: And you take care as well. 


Alex: Take care.  Alan Watt on with us, for what, two hours and forty minutes.  I’m out of time.  I’ll be back live tomorrow.  These non-stop shows where I don’t even take a break, it’s exhausting, but I enjoy it.


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"