Oct. 21, 2009 (#434)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 21, 2009:

Breaking Through -- A Clue -- Elite's Plan for You:

"The Best-Laid Plans of Men are Laid
To Prevent the Masses Making the Grade,
Bottom Reality, Never Seeing the Light,
Amongst Themselves They Swear and Fight,
Oblivious to Forces Directing Their Actions,
Supplied with Leaders to Guide Their Factions,
Bombarded with Trivia, Never Knowing
Of the Powers Directing Where They're Going,
Few Leave Their Group, Afraid to Try it,
Uncharted Course, Leaving Group to Riot,
Upon Chaos the Rulers are Hell-bent
On Crushing the Masses Whose Use is Spent"
© Alan Watt Oct. 21, 2009


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 21, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on October 21st 2009.  Newcomers come in all the time to the show so they should look into cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  On that site they can choose from the hundreds of talks I’ve given in the past, for audio download.  You can also bookmark the other sites I have up there because once in a while the big ones are pulled or they get stuck when then don’t increase the disk space, although they are supposed to do it automatically.  But for some reason with me, they have a problem that’s got Yahoo baffled apparently.  So I get set back for weeks sometimes trying to reload and upload all the stuff I missed on the sites.  Anyway, bookmark these other sites and you can always get me somewhere out there.  The official sites are:  [listed above.]  I always say at the start of the show – which I’m sure everybody by now skips over – that it’s up to you to keep me going by purchasing the few things, the very few things that I have for sale - I don’t have time to put out more stuff - or you can donate to me.  How you do it is on the web sites.  [Ordering and donations options listed above.]  You can send cash.  A lot of people just send cash; they get fed up with the incredible charges that the big guys with the triple chins charge these days.  It’s up to yourselves how you do it.  If you email me, you can always do it through Paypal instead.


For those who get the disks burned and passed to them and lots of people get disks burned and passed to them at meetings, they don’t use computers; they’re wise, they know it’s a passing fad really in a sense.  It’s all becoming policed so quickly now, as it was intended to do.  They play these disks, these talks, on their CD players at home, so you can get in touch with me at [address above].  And that’s that out of the way.  I don’t plug myself; there’s no point in tooting your own horn.  I’m not after a career.  I’m not after getting rich either.  Remember, the advertisers that you hear on the show are paid straight by the companies to RBN to pay for this air time and their staff and their bills.  I’ve got nothing to do with that.  So it’s up to you to keep me going.  There is no foundation, NGO, or whatever that backs me up.  I don’t promote different products either.  That gives me a freer hand. 


It’s amazing in this life we think there are no consequences to things.  We were taught to believe that, more so than ever in fact right through the 20th century to the present time.  There are no consequences for anything we do in life and THAT is the road to slavery.  That’s what the new world order is all about.  It’s taking away your responsibility for yourself, no matter WHAT you do, or what condition you end up in.  They’ll say, we’ll take care of it for you but here’s the price… and government agencies will rule your life.  That’s what the whole new world order has used for over 100 years to the present time.  Reality and perception, we’ll go into some of this when I come back from this break.


Hi folks.  This is Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  The matrix is the big system in the world, the reality that was presented to you at birth and reinforced by scientific indoctrination from then on.  It starts with your parents because they didn’t know any better either.  It works perfectly on every generation.  They think everything is normal because it’s that way, this is what is, this is it.  This is what is, therefore it’s normal.  It has to be normal because it exists, you see. 


That’s what Lenin talked about.  That there are hundreds of ways that society could go.  You can create hundreds of different styles of society, but the trick is to make the people that you rule over think that this is the ONLY one that could have possibly evolved.  Why?  Because it’s here and it’s natural.  THAT’S the simple trick to it.  And yet, nothing in it, NOTHING IN IT is by happenstance.  It didn’t just evolve by any stretch of the imagination.  In fact, if you go down through history…  You’ve got to study history to see how governance, as they call it today, worked and to realize that an incredible intellect of the masses, as it’s now called; ruling over the masses and knowledge of HOW to rule over the masses has always been understood… long before Bernays came up with the idea.  He was the nephew of Freud and created the consumer society.  He also helped to create wars and things too which he was very proud of doing, by the use of very good propaganda, by understanding how WE react to things as individuals, part of the mass.  We always like to be the same as everyone else.  That’s what fashion depends upon, everybody being the same as everybody else.  And it’s true, true enough.  People who are not dressed the same way, especially at school, are going to get picked on if they are not up with the latest trend.  Can’t afford it, eh?  parents can’t afford it eh? and then it starts from there. 


That’s the nature of humanity when they are not individualistic.  The problem down through the centuries is that it’s been a struggle for INDIVIDUALS to come out of the mass.  What’s amazing is when they do, they often become leaders and they change society.  That was understood in ancient times as well.  That’s where religious leaders came from as well.  Whatever road they present to you becomes the normal eventually, until anyone outside THAT new normal, for the masses, they get stoned to death.  All the advertisers and those who deal with the mind of society, they don’t bother about individualism at all, they just take us all as one big herd because the people MOVE without realizing what’s directing them and these big boys know it. 


It isn’t until you study the histories of even Britain.  It’s fantastic to see how kings dealt with little uprisings or even requests from peasants - with a possibility of a future uprising if the king didn’t consider something - and how they dealt with them.  How the king would deal with them is fascinating.  It was always utterly ruthless at the end.  Slaughter and terrorize the public.  Terror works well.  That’s why when they change the systems in revolutions, like the Soviet or the Bolshevik Revolution, they used a reign of terror.  They got that from the French because it was the same societies down through the last few centuries that were running the same show.  You have to terrorize the public.  Lenin actually has it in his writings if you read through them, there’s stacks of stuff there.  He said that he sent out men to all the different villages and peasant villages and say just grab bunches of the peasants and hang them, leave them up hanging on trees and posts until they rot and the terror will strike at the hearts of the people and they will simply obey the authority.  That’s what they did. 


Where did he get that from?  Well, Henry the 8th did the same thing at one point.  The people petitioned to keep their religion when he was changing it to suit himself; he did the exact same thing.  After he placated the people and says okay, I’ll consider it and most of the armies went home that he might have had to fight.  He sent his army after the remainder, slaughtered them and then sent out people across every village and hamlet and told them to do the same thing:  hang them, draw them and quarter them, cut them up, hang them on posts, put the heads on posts, arms, legs, the whole bit, everywhere… to terrorize the public.  Ancient techniques. 


Today it’s more subtle of course.  The just tell you, they show you big, incredibly well done TV things with planes hitting buildings and that’s all it takes.  They don’t need to send the guys around to cut a few of you up and hang you on posts.  Suddenly, the media goes into operation and says, are you willing to give up your freedoms for your rights?  Across the Western world, that happened at the same time.  Every media was asking the same question… and you all think that’s just coincidence.  Everything to most people is coincidence.  In fact, they are bombarded with so much information and trivia every day, they can’t think where it comes from, why it’s out there NOW and why so many stories could tie together, are blitzed out at the same time.  I’ll give you a little example before I continue. 


In the last week I’ve been getting a lot of links sent to me with the crime in Britain.  One is a horrible one of a bunch of women almost killing a guy; a gang of females trying to kill a guy.  He wasn’t fighting back.  Once he was down, they were putting the heel in his face and the whole thing and booting him. 


Shocking CCTV images of girl gang kicking a male victim in drunken attack which left him with footprint on his face

By Chris Brooke   /  20th October 2009


Then another one to do with a racial attack at a gang in a school in Britain but it’s an Asian gang on a white guy, which is generally never reported.  So they’re doing it now to get the EMOTIONS going.  This young guy ended up with a hammer, a claw hammer, in his brain.  HIGHLY EMOTIVE topics. 


Parents seek £1m for hammer attack on white son at 'race bullies' school

By Daniel Bates  /  21st October 2009


It coincides with the launching of a nationwide British police web site to show you the crime in your area.  That’s why it’s in the paper.  That’s why these other stories are in the paper but most people don’t relate it to this.  It gives you an intensified fear of going out the door.   That’s what it does until you are totally dependent upon your police and giving you daily information on these web sites on your particular area; what’s happening, what to beware of, and all the rest of it.  The police are also, apart from the crimes that they usually list, they’ve also gone into the field of really, inappropriate behavior, things like that.  Now, what’s appropriate behavior? 


They are talking about political correctness.  This is big brother; big, big brother.  There is nothing that happens in the media and presented to you without a purpose.  Never forget that.  NEVER FORGET IT, even when they give you a bit of truth, that’s them throwing out a bit of bait to you.  The media has always been in the business of controlling your minds.  It again, reinforces its reality that you’ve already been conditioned to have.  If you are born in a town or a village or a city, you will identify with what you think is that city as PART of you only because the growing up phase takes part within those confines.  So it’s a tribal thing.  We are understood MINUTELY by those who rule us.  Completely.  We’ve been managed for centuries.  Centuries and centuries and more so with the advent of radio and television; it was much, much easier. 


The BBC came out in fact, as a PROPAGANDA ARM OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, unabashedly.  That was its job from the beginning.  It’s OWNED by the government.  It’s an arm.  Everybody I think up until the present time who works there, at least it was up until the 80s HAD to come from Eton.  They didn’t employ ANYBODY outside that club.  Obviously big money and power was behind information TO give you your realities.  We even become proud of the areas we grow up in.  We become proud, whether it’s working class or an elite crowd or middle class, we become proud; we feel we belong.  But that’s nothing.  I don’t even care what level you are at; that’s not the guys who rule.  You are not part of them. 


The people who rule us are so far out of anybody we’ll meet or even hear of in the media.  They have a different, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT reality than we could even dream of… even in science fiction.   But we are all taught to emulate.  These big guys are put out there because we’re a herd; we’re a herd.  We follow leaders, it doesn’t matter what group you’ve identified with whether it’s Christian or atheist or communist or whatever it happens to be, you are being used.  You’re being used by people above all the people you’ll meet or read of, who really control the function of you.  You will never know what their long-term goal is.  In fact the communist party said that it wasn’t for the workers beneath, including the middle management, to know the real agenda.  That’s the same for all of society.  We are managed. 


I’ve gone through reports before where the US government put out its reports from the think tanks on its projection for the next 50-odd years.  It coincides exactly with the one put out by the think tank for Britain, the British Military Ministry of Defence and NATO, all NATO countries.  The same report of what’s to happen in the next 50 years.  Now they don’t put out these reports as a guess, a guessing framework.  They put it out as fact.  They KNOW where, they’ve been TOLD where they’re going.  They even had this before the last managed, on queue crash came that cash would get tight and there could be bank failures and all that.  That’s all included before it all happened.  The guys in those think tanks belong to the agencies that help to inform government about potential crisis, survival of the ship of state, both at home and abroad, because foreign interests are vital to the survival of a power elite within every country.  We’ll go into some of this when I come back from this break.


Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix, talking about reality again.  Reality and what is reality…  It’s a fascinating subject really because you can go on forever going through the different layers of it and levels of it and all the rest of it. 


I started off the show by saying that technically we are responsible individually for the directions we take.  However, we are born into systems and different classes and all the rest of it, where you are limited and given a set amount of degrees from left to right you can go into in employment and all the rest of it, where you try and find your niche and again, identify with your group that you choose.  It’s all group things.  It’s all to do with groups.  I never join groups.  I can’t stand groups because once you’re in to something, someone else is in charge of a direction that you will never, ever know about and that’s the top guy.  I don’t even believe, to be honest with you, that the ones who are PICKED to be front men even know the whole story.  They are told all they need to know.  The politicians, the Presidents, Prime Ministers, they’re just good little psychopaths who play their role.  They’ve done all the PC things necessary to get to that level.  They’ve been pre-selected and washed off and approved… and that’s who we’re presented with.  But they don’t know; they’re not the ones who manage the big, big picture. 


There are people in this world who are so incredibly powerful and rich they can sink a country over night and crash the entire economy, who boast about it and who do it… and who get write-ups in the newspaper of how clever they were and how they did it.  There’s no law in the world to put them in prison for it, by the way.  Because why?  It’s their system.  They’re going to make it so that no one will ever… the law system belongs to them.  But our own individual choice is to go along with the herd and suffer as we do, because it’s not meant at this particular time - it hasn’t been since about the 50s onwards - it’s not meant that we have sort of healthy lifestyles.  If you have any urge – a need or urge that you are born with and you will go through quite a few of them as you grow up – they play on that.  Whether it’s eating, sex or anything else, you can become addicted to any one of them.  When the advertisers in the system, the culture around you goes into overdrive… look how many fast food ads are on TV, always have been.  Then they turn around and point at the victims and say look at this, obesity is just getting out of sight.  So the victim once again takes the blame.  Even though all of this stuff, this advertising is promoted from the top down.  Nothing is from the grass roots up; it’s all from the top down as Plato said.  Otherwise, something true coming out at the bottom, if you don’t crush it and eliminate them all together - which is generally what they do with vicious force - then it might upset the whole structure of the elite’s control; it can’t have ripple effects going through. 


Therefore, when these big think tanks come out with their projections for the future, it’s not because some guy is sitting there looking at a crystal ball or daydreaming about what he knows.  It’s because it’s a CONTINUATION of the information passed down from think tanks to think tanks down through the generations.  They understand where they’re going.  The future has already been spelled out, where they will break the world down, even into sort of City-States you might say.  That came out from the United Nations YEARS ago.  They said they were going to create greater City-States.  So they had a Greater Toronto suddenly, everyone had been amalgamated into a Greater Toronto.  It happened all across North America at the same time.  The few places where they gave the votes to the public, it just went over their heads anyway.  That happened in Toronto by the way.  70-odd percent didn’t want to amalgamate all their little townships into the Greater Toronto and then the politicians said, we didn’t need to give you that vote in the first place, so we’re going to overrule it and go ahead regardless.  That’s democracy.  See, there is no such thing as democracy; it’s a farce.  There are only agendas. 


There is only ONE agenda.  Eventually, if you go through these military think tank previews of the future, and I have the links on my site in the archives section, you can look them up for yourselves… 90 pages from the British one and a whole bunch from the US one.  Canada has just come out with its, a similar one.  They’re projecting more future wars and less stationed at home.  By the way, they’re not just having a war over there against… the rubbish they’ve told you about.  They planned these wars way back.  In fact you can find the agenda written down in the 1970s in The Project for a New American Century, as it later became known.  It wasn’t started off by the so-called Republicans.  It was started off by a Democrat; not that it means anything because they just change sides all the time.  They had listed the countries they’d have to go into and take over, in the 70s.  So they needed everything to happen on 2001, you know, the Century of Change, and that was the kickoff year for the Century of Change; not 2000 but 2001 according to all the other specialists up there, you know, the time lords.  That’s what they said; it’s 2001 and bingo, they had their big, big gift given to them supposedly. 


It had the effect it was supposed to have.  Everybody sat back in shock and awe and all the planned changes were just rammed right through.  Omnibus bills, one after the other, that every country had sitting waiting to go into action to CHANGE society, as we go through these massive changes that are scheduled including, eventually, the set up of the world government, the open pronouncement of it.  That won’t last forever either, maybe 100 years and then it will break down and they won’t need that anymore.  A small population living in high-tech City-States with very small populations; only one or two in the United States apparently.  That’s what these permanent bases overseas are all about.  Obama is just scheduling another 4 or 5 overseas.  These are PERMANENT, for the next 100-150 year bases, folks, City-States.  Back with more after this break.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix, just saying that life isn’t what is seems to be AT ALL.  Everything is projected to us.  Everything is on queue at the right time.  We don’t even realize that much of the stuff that’s thrown out there by the media connects together for another purpose that you are completely unaware of. 


That’s the kind of stuff that Bernays goes through.  It’s very seldom that you get one of their own coming out and boasting about some of their techniques.  Not all of them mind you, but some of their techniques and how they control whole populations and motivate their unconscious desires, as they say, without them even knowing that it’s happening.  They think every choice is their own.  But the time for the consumer society is over.  This was scheduled this way before they gave us the consumer society.  The world was the goal and they needed strong countries that paid lots of taxes with people who were willing to go off and fight for a system they believed in, make them believe in the system.  They’ll never know you are going to pull the plug 100 years down the road… once they’ve done their job.  Right now we are to go through the transition phase as they bring down society now that they’ve GOT their global structure. They’re finishing off the last few countries to standardize them into the one system.  Then they’ll give you the king of the world, who no doubt will be another front man. 


In the meantime we have to go through the period of chaos and learn austerity, meaning POVERTY, and cut back on things and you get punished by the authorities if you don’t cut back.  They do have smart meters now; they can read the appliances that you’re using in your house.  THAT eventually will mean you’ll get fines if you go over certain limits on your kilowatts, percentage hours per week or month or however they do it.  That’s already being used under the guise of teaching us.  See, we are trained like animals.  They TEACH us not to waste electricity; that’s the excuse they’re giving us as they install them.  They’ve been doing it through Ontario for the last few years in fact and other places throughout Canada and elsewhere in Britain.  The reality is to eventually PUNISH you.  They’ll even have little things up on your local net.  Local nets are very important; they’re taking over from newspapers.  If your name pops up on it, you’ll be so embarrassed and ashamed because everybody in your little area will know it was YOU that went over the kilowatt-hour and you got punished for it.  So shame… all these techniques are used to control the public as they bring us down. 


Our lives are short.  These guys plan in centuries.  OUR lives are short and we’ll go through them and we’ll die off, most folk are sterile now anyway.  The ones that get born, the ones who should be born generally don’t get born these days, and that’s the new normal. Everything becomes normal if it’s taught the right way to the general public, especially when you say you have no personal responsibility in it; don’t worry, the State will take care of anything that happens.  It happens… like you have no choice in the matter; it just happens, these things happen.  The more we become like children and say, that’s true, nothing is my fault, the more the State will take over and deal with the fallout FOR YOU… but at a hell of a price.  It means OBEDIENCE in every aspect of your life.


As we go down, eventually the population will be VASTLY reduced because they plan, they plan, and they can and they will reduce the water supplies to all the major cities because only a handful, maybe even 2, really as one company, will run the water supply.  All these other ones are fronts just like the agri business.  It’s really one company.  The agri business owns all the food supply.  We’ve been told that we’re all going to be vegetarians.  That’s been in so many different… Newt Gingrich handed out the book, The Third Wave, to every Congressman.  It said in the book there that the society they are bringing in WILL BE VEGETARIAN and IT MUST BE SO and it didn’t say why.  It’s interesting to see how many vegetarians that are in this particular society that are chosen to spearhead this new world order and how far back it goes too, starting with Benjamin Franklin who was the first one to publicly admit it.  A religion is used as the battering ram, the spearhead that drives us into the next part of the system.  A religion… and people are completely unaware of it.  They plan the future.  So we’ve all to die off gradually and be sterile and so on.  We’ll go through this period of upheaval, chaos and society becoming very aggressive.  That will happen; it’s already happening.  They can make is so very quickly too if they want us to do so… by reducing the food, by creating more unemployment. 


Meanwhile, they’re still using the bulk of the populations of the West to finance what they call the equality of the third world, which is nonsense because it never gets to where it’s supposed to go in the first place, never has, but the truth doesn’t matter in propaganda.  The real reasons are never given to the public.  So the taxpayers that are left, who could never pay us out of the hole that we’re in, could never even if we had 100 generations to go yet, we could never pay it off, never, ever… which is understood at the top.  Money is a TOOL to those at the top.  It’s only important those at the bottom believe in it and use it.  That’s it.  As they die off and pay for all these wars to come, into the year 2030-2050, the elite are already, by the way, moving into their Super Cities, where they’re building these permanent bases and cities across the waters in the Middle East.  They already have the cities planned for Iran and different places and permanent bases that are there. Permanent means 100 years, 150 years.  They will be super-rich City-States across the world.  No countries as such, that’s the plan.  That’s the plan.  That’s in all the reports and all their projections for the future. 


Everything that happens in the meantime that the media hits you with is just managing you along a certain path.  Never with the true information or what’s behind it; they get you to go along with the next phase and the next phase and the next phase.  We live in hope.  We live in hope; that’s why we keep hoping for something better to happen and it never does.  It never does.  It’s not planned to happen but they will give you hope, always give you hope.  Otherwise they’d have riots and chaos.  That’s why they’ve been getting ready for the chaos and riots for the last 20-odd years.  Using the war on drugs to start off SWAT teams initially and then get every cop into SWAT teams until you’ve got armies of SWAT teams that can work together.  Then you have intergovernmental agencies all working in SWAT teams, even going over with the military to practice kicking down doors and dragging people out their homes.  That’s the normal now.  They knew long ago where they were going to take us today.  As I say, if you go into the Project for a New American Century, follow its history.  See if you can find out who came up with the idea.  When they talked about future wars and where they would be, back in the 70s.  They’re right on queue with everything. 


Here’s from an article I’ve read before.  You’ve got to read this again and again and again.  The problem today is we pick up the trivia, because every day we get bucket loads of trivia thrown at us and you’ve got to concentrate on what’s important.  Never lose sight of what’s important.  It’s about this.  It’s about information and how they are managed, everyone is managed and what the future is going to be.  It’s from a report.  It’s about the third time I’ve read parts of it.  Constant Conflict by Ralph Peters from Parameters Magazine, summer 1997, pages 4-14.  This is a military magazine, written by obviously an intelligence officer that’s been GIVEN education in these techniques by predecessors.  He doesn’t know it all but he certainly puts out some of the stuff that he does know… to show he’s a good boy and he’s a good parrot. 


Constant Conflict

RALPH PETERS  /  From Parameters, Summer 1997, pp. 4-14.


We have entered an age of constant conflict. (Alan:  Constant Conflict… that’s what we’ve been going through since the start of Gulf War I.)  Information is at once our core commodity and the most destabilizing factor of our time. (A:  Core commodity, that’s at the heart of it all, information.  AND the most destabilizing factor or our time…)  Until now, history has been a quest to acquire information; today, the challenge lies in managing information. Those of us who can sort, digest, synthesize, and apply relevant knowledge soar--professionally, financially, politically, militarily, and socially. We, the winners, are a minority.


For the world masses, (A:  Now this is an American military guy talking and he’s including everybody I’m talking to in it.  We are just the masses.) devastated by information they cannot manage or effectively interpret, life is "nasty, brutish . . . and short-circuited." The general pace of change is overwhelming, (A:  That’s intentional; that’s why they’re speeding it up right now.) and information is both the motor and signifier of change. (A:  It’s the MOTOR of change… information.)  Those humans, in every country and region, who cannot understand the new world, or who cannot profit from its uncertainties, or who cannot reconcile themselves to its dynamics, will become the violent enemies of their inadequate governments, of their more fortunate neighbors, and ultimately of the United States. (A:  Now, he’s talking about an elite of the United States, not everybody.  You are still part of the masses.)  We are entering a new American century, in which we will become still wealthier, (A:  They’re talking about the ones who already own it all.) culturally more lethal, and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without precedent.  (A:  What was it that Bush used and his scriptwriters gave him to speak and repeat?  They hate us.  Oh, they hate us.  Everybody was stumped, why?  They hate us.  See, they are all geared in a different reality at the top then we are.)


We live in an age of multiple truths. (A:  We are at the bottom level here, with the guys that read regular media; we are at the bottom level.)  He who warns of the "clash of civilizations" is incontestably right; simultaneously, we shall see higher levels of constructive trafficking between civilizations than ever before. The future is bright--and it is also very dark. More men and women will enjoy health and prosperity than ever before,  (A:  That’s the ones that make it before the crash.) yet more will live in poverty or tumult, if only because of the ferocity of demographics. There will be more democracy (A:  And here is how they define it.)--that deft liberal form of imperialism--(A:  They’re not schmucks at the top.) and greater popular refusal of democracy. One of the defining bifurcations of the future will be the conflict between information masters and information victims.  (A:  This is from the military.  This is what they really get taught at the top.  These are not the guys who go off and fight by the way.  They are too valuable to send them off to fight.)


In the past, information empowerment was largely a matter of insider and outsider, as elementary as the division of society into the literate and illiterate. While superior information--often embodied in military technology--killed throughout history, its effects tended to be politically decisive but not personally intrusive (once the raping and pillaging were done). Technology was more apt to batter down the city gates than to change the nature of the city.  (A:  Remember what Bernays said?  You’ve got to change the behavior of society and prepare them for the products you are going to offer them.  You change THEM first.  Here he’s saying the same thing.)  The rise of the modern West broke the pattern. (A:  To change the people.)  Whether speaking of the dispossessions and dislocations caused in Europe through the introduction of machine-driven production or elsewhere by the great age of European imperialism, an explosion of disorienting information intruded ever further into Braudel's "structures of everyday life." Historically, ignorance was bliss. Today, ignorance is no longer possible, only error.


The contemporary expansion of available information is immeasurable, uncontainable, and destructive to individuals and entire cultures unable to master it. The radical fundamentalists--the bomber in Jerusalem or Oklahoma City, the moral terrorist on the right or the dictatorial multiculturalist on the left--are all brothers and sisters, all threatened by change, terrified of the future, and alienated by information they cannot reconcile with their lives or ambitions. (A:  Boy, they’ve got it down pat.  They know the society that’s been brought in because they created it.)  They ache to return to a golden age that never existed, or to create a paradise of their own restrictive design. (A:  That’s true isn’t it?  People always look back on the past and we can get America back and all this kind of stuff and John Boy, ‘good night, John Boy’…)  They no longer understand the world, and their fear is volatile.


Information destroys traditional jobs and traditional cultures; it seduces, betrays, yet remains invulnerable. How can you counterattack the information others have turned upon you? There is no effective option other than competitive performance. For those individuals and cultures that cannot join or compete with our information empire, there is only inevitable failure (of note, the internet is to the techno-capable disaffected what the United Nations is to marginal states: it offers the illusion of empowerment and community). (A:  Who gave you the internet?  It kept people from rebelling a lot more. They used to be on the streets and marching at one time.  Not now, they all sit there and type and pass stuff around.)  The attempt of the Iranian mullahs to secede from modernity has failed, although a turbaned corpse still stumbles about the neighborhood. Information, from the internet to rock videos, will not be contained, and fundamentalism cannot control its children. Our victims volunteer. (A:  Yeah, they do.  They’re looking for answers and the meaning of life and these guys supply it to you.  ‘Yo.’)


(A:  They’re further talking about here the Darwinist concept which the elite have always believed in long before Darwin.  Darwin just put it out there to get rid of religion which was an awful obstacle to them.  Survival of the fittest… the most aggressive, the most cunning and the most ruthless is what it’s all about.  That’s what the new world order is about.  Believe you me, you can do what you think are all of the right things, but you can’t get in to their ranks.  It won’t happen.  It will not happen.  If we scroll down on this article, they’re talking about American culture and how it’s promoted.  Now, American culture is not American culture.  America has been turned 180° since about 1950 onwards, actually before that but really on a roll by the guys who master and create and direct culture.  He says…)


It is fashionable among world intellectual elites to decry "American culture," with our domestic critics among the loudest in complaint. But traditional intellectual elites are of shrinking relevance, replaced by cognitive-practical elites (A:  Understand what that is, cognitive-practical elites?  They give you packaged images.)--figures such as Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Madonna, or our most successful politicians--human beings who can recognize or create popular appetites, recreating themselves as necessary. Contemporary American culture is the most powerful in history, and the most destructive of competitor cultures. (A:  So the whole thing about the system, remember it all must be one, is one culture.  The reason it’s destructive is because as it destroys that at home to bring in the new, it must destroy all that abroad as well… to bring in the king of the world.  Back with more after this break.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix, reading from Parameters Magazine from years ago, from the military, by a psy-ops agent obviously.  Typical of those who get in on the lowest level of the next reality and become egotistical and rather disdaining of the people beneath them.  That comes out even in his writings and yet he’s really on the bottom of the totem pole, just a step above the ordinary people.  But this is natural with society too.  He goes on to say here that….


American culture is the most powerful in history, and the most destructive of competitor cultures. (A:  Remember, if you followed Marxist theory and all the rest of it, about revolution and changing the world, this is all part of this.  It’s the SAME movement by the way.  Even when you think you are in a commercialized society, it’s the same movement.  It depends where you are being TAKEN and who’s taking the power from you.  You generate power through taxes and work and labor and what they’re using it for.   Right now the whole of the US, and it has been for years, is to standardize the world and not for themselves because they plan to take them DOWN.  They’re already doing that, pulling the rug from under the citizenry of the US as they finish off the game.  I’ve said that for years.) While some other cultures, such as those of East Asia, appear strong enough to survive the onslaught by adaptive behaviors, (A:  Darwin again, adaptive or die…) most are not. The genius, the secret weapon, of American culture is the essence that the elites despise: ours is the first genuine people's culture. (A:  That’s his spin; that’s what he’s been told.  No it’s not; everything in it was given to the people.)  It stresses comfort and convenience--ease--and it generates pleasure for the masses. (A:  That’s true here.  This part is true.  The masses will hang on to the familiar and their boozing at the weekends and partying, or whatever little pleasure they’re into, to the bitter end, hoping it will never stop.)  We are Karl Marx's dream, and his nightmare.  (A:  They probably don’t even know it.)


Secular and religious revolutionaries in our century have made the identical mistake, imagining that the workers of the world or the faithful just can't wait to go home at night to study Marx or the Koran. Well, Joe Sixpack, Ivan Tipichni, and Ali Quat would rather "Baywatch." America has figured it out, and we are brilliant at operationalizing our knowledge, and our cultural power will hinder even those cultures we do not undermine(A:  See, the whole point is to undermine them.)  There is no "peer competitor" in the cultural (or military) department. Our cultural empire has the addicted--men and women everywhere--clamoring for more. And they pay for the privilege of their disillusionment.  (A:  See, they can’t help but MOCK the people as they think they’re in on the know, these guys, and they’re at the bottom level.)


American culture is criticized for its impermanence, its "disposable" products. But therein lies its strength. All previous cultures sought ideal achievement which, once reached, might endure in static perfection. American culture is not about the end, but the means, the dynamic process that creates, destroys, and creates anew. (A:  That’s their standard, occultic description.)  If our works are transient, then so are life's greatest gifts--passion, beauty, the quality of light on a winter afternoon, even life itself. American culture is alive.


(A:  They go on to say how basically they will bring down all the cultures by films, movies and music.)  The films most despised by the intellectual elite--those that feature extreme violence and to-the-victors-the-spoils sex--are our most popular cultural weapon(A:  And America thinks it’s still a nation where its culture developed by itself.  Thanks, Bernays et al – and all those that worked long before Bernays to do it, of the same club.)


From a very pouring rain, HAARPed, heavily sprayed sky in Ontario, Canada, from Hamish and myself it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you.



Topics of show covered in following links:


"Constant Conflict" by Ralph Peters, 'Parameters' Summer 1997, pp. 4-14 (carlisle.army.mil).

"Parents seek £1m for hammer attack on white son at 'race bullies' school" by Daniel Bates (dailymail.co.uk) - Oct. 21, 2009.

"Shocking CCTV images of girl gang kicking a male victim in drunken attack which left him with footprint on his face" by Chris Brooke (dailymail.co.uk) - Oct. 20, 2009.



Transcribed by Diana



Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Shows per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"