Sept. 21, 2009 (#412)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 21, 2009:

Euthanasia, No Tears, We Want Volunteers:

"News from Above, it's Something They Said,
I'm Getting the Feeling They Want Us All Dead,
The Quickest Way to Reduce CO2,
Is to Eliminate the Chance of Producing More You,
With Statistics and Graphs, This Bunch of Comics (O.P.T.)
Has Teamed with the London School of Economics,
The Elite are Saying in Their Own Polite Way,
Our Use is Now Over, We've Outlived Our Stay,
Given CO2 Fairy Tales with Future of Gloom,
Unless We Bite the Cyanide, Go to Our Doom,
All in Good Cause so Those 'Better' People
Will have a Bright Future Without 'Lesser' Sheeple"
© Alan Watt Sept. 21, 2009


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 21, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on September 21st 2009.  For the newcomers I always suggest you look in to web site.  Scroll down and you’ll see all the other sites I have up there and bookmark them for future use in case some of the main servers go down.  You’ll see a whole bunch to choose from [listed above]. is the European site which has the same audios for free download but it also has a lot of transcripts of these audios for print up and they’re written in the various languages of Europe.  For those who want to try their hand at translating around the world, give it a go.  You can get in touch with me via email [listed above] and we’ll set you up with something to try out.  Don’t be afraid either.  It’s more important to get the essence of what’s being translated in to your own language so that your own people can understand what’s being said.  You don’t have to be precise.  It’s very difficult.  You can lose the meanings in translation.  I’d rather you keep the meaning there by doing it any way you can to the best of your ability.  So give it a try if you want to. 


For the audience out there, you bring me to you.  I don’t get backed by anyone.  The ads you hear on the show, the advertisers pay straight to RBN for their time, the bills, staff and so on.  I’ve got nothing to do with that at all.  So it’s up to you the listeners to keep me going.  You can do it by buying the books and disks I have for sale on the web sites [items listed at end of transcript].  Remember, you can pay through [listed above].  Some people just send cash.  That cuts out the middleman with the triple chins and the expensive suit. 


For those who get the disks burned and passed around at different meetings and so on, who don’t have computers, you can get in touch with me at [listed above].  Lots of people don’t have computers.  They’re wiser.  I’m only using it because I have to at this time until I know it’s game over and I’ll just chuck it out the window.  I can do without it.  At the moment, it’s the only essential tool we have.  It’s the fastest tool that we have to communicate.  It will come down to being censored big time over the next 2 or 3 years or maybe even sooner.  They’re already implementing what’s politically correct and what isn’t and they’ll get you through one means or another if they want you off.  It’s very simple. 


This whole system in which we live, I talk about reality.  What is reality?  Reality is simply the system into which you’re born, a system in which your parents accepted without question.  Most parents don’t know any other reality except the one that they’re given through their indoctrination or their education, same thing, and it’s reinforced by the media as they grow up, and entertainment as well.  More messages will change you through entertainment than through nonfiction.  Back with more after this break.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix, talking about reality and how we simply adapt into the system and adopt it, which our parents lived in, because they don’t know to warn you that there’s so many cons in life, big cons from the top.  I think it was Goebbels that said, ‘If you’re going to tell a lie, tell a really big lie’ because people can’t believe that anyone would pull such a big con over a WORLD.  They can understand the small lies to get something you want or get away with something but not the big ones.  Nobody would do that.  That’s exactly why it works so well.  We can’t believe them. 


I talked about Agenda 21 from the United Nations, the Agenda for the 21st Century, which they’re already implementing and they have been for quite a few years.  They’re going to start to demolish a lot of the urban areas which they call ‘sprawl’ because they don’t like so many people living on the outskirts of the cities.  I mentioned that Obama is setting in motion right now a plan to knock down a lot of the old suburbs – suburbia – especially the working class areas now that there’s no more work.  The only problem is now, what do you do with the working class?  That’s the only problem they have.  Of course, they have all that figured out too. 


They do it over a period time.  It’s incremental.  Those who run the world and the economy work far in advance of what you’d think.  Look at any major corporation, international corporations, and they have investment portfolios for 50 years ahead, 80 years ahead and that kind of thing.  That’s exactly how the British Empire was ruled from London in England which really is a corporation if you look at their government.  All governments are.  At least in Britain they admit in their history books now that all the big corporations that flowed out, from London, were part of government.  It’s the same boys that had the shares in it and that sort of thing.  The British East India Company was one of the first major ones to be formed along with the Dutch East India Company.  They were really twins.  You’ll find that they had their own armies. 


We don’t realize that when they said ‘for Britain’ and all of that in the Hollywood movies...  You’d see the pirates attacking the ships, those guys in the uniforms that were getting attacked and fighting back – generally in the modern movies they win – these were actually PRIVATE armies and navies they had, the ones with the uniforms.  They were given the protection of the British government.  We don’t seem to realize much of our history.  We’re going back to the same system right now, the new feudal system that Professor Carroll Quigley talked about. 


Reality… all mammals will teach their young what to be scared of, what they should be weary of.  If the parent mammal doesn’t do it, that animal is prey to things it doesn’t even know are after it.  It’s the same with humans.  The greatest thing with the new world order plan is that you CAN read the books by the big players.  They put a lot of information out from the early 1900s and actually the 1800s onwards - especially since Darwin onwards - about WHERE they wanted to take the world and HOW they’d have to do it over 100 to 150 years or so.  What’s beautiful too is when you know what they’re after, you can always predict what they’re going to do in different areas. 


Since they’re eugenicists at the top and they’ve already planned a beautiful utopia to merge at the end of this century, pretty well, with a vastly reduced population of all the useless eaters, the junk gene types and the kinds who maybe, just maybe will have allergies and asthma to pass on to their children.  These are all the same things that Hitler was after AND the Soviet Union.  That’s where Hitler learned it all from, who to go after.  They both learned it from those in London.  The Eugenics Society was up and running long before they came along in the Soviet Union or in Nazi Germany.  Even the lists of the peoples who’d have to be erased had been drawn up in London. 


When you can tell what they’re after, and they make one move, you know what the next one will always be.  All this carbon nonsense and greenhouse gases nonsense I’ve gone through before.  The whole idea of the global warming scam – which is now climate change because global warming isn’t doing to well – was dreamed up by they Club of Rome, a very elitist, private foundation that spawns – like they all do – their umbrella underneath them; little specialized units underneath them.  The founders of the Club of Rome, they call themselves THE PREMIERE think tank.  Their job is to come out with the big cons for 50 years down the road.  Then they must implement at least the basics of how to implement it and pass it on to other think tanks to work on the problems of implementation, through propaganda, education and those kinds of methods. 


We know they want to vastly reduce the population.  The Club of Rome said it.  There are just too many people and the wrong sort.  If you read between the lines and sometimes right on the lines, they’ll tell you they want to get rid of ‘the wrong sort.’  Charles Galton Darwin also said the same thing in the 1950s.  Being a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project because he loved humanity, he said it quite blatantly.  ‘There’s too many of the lower classes; they’ll outbreed us.’  According to their traditions and their religion, which really is very much like Hinduism, they do believe in survival of the fittest long before Darwin came along to put it into a pseudo-scientific terminology.  They’d always believed this.  They’d used people in wars and now they have a global society coming up, they won’t need all of those people especially when they can have robots and all this kind of stuff to do a lot of the killing, unmanned aircraft and all that kind of stuff. 


They’re always looking towards the future where THEIR utopia for THEIR offspring will come into place.  In the meantime, they must convince everyone on the planet that they are the problem and make you really, really pay for it into utter poverty through carbon taxes and that kind of stuff, but also to reduce the population.  That’s getting drummed into children now in Kindergarten basically, who are growing up in schools learning that THEY are the problem and don’t have children.  Here’s an article just to push it on. 


I’ve said before, most folk – like Jacques Ellul said – do not learn by thinking anything through.  They get bombarded with media in bits and bytes and they learn by osmosis.  It’s almost like it sort of melts through their skull into little pieces and bypasses the conscious reasoning part.  They do not reason through things, therefore it becomes familiar with them over time when they hear it again and they’ve never really started on the problem from the FIRST download they had.  It’s just sitting in there familiarizing you with the idea.  That’s how they come to conclusions.  Then the experts on television debate it for them and leave them with a conclusion.  Worldwide this system is now. 


This article is one of them.  It’s from CNET News, from the London School of Economics.  All these links I put up on my site at the end of the show so you don’t have to rush off and look it up now.


Should contraception qualify for climate funds?

by Candace Lombardi  /  September 17, 2009


Contraception (Alan:  Remember, within contraception they also mean abortion.  They’ve always meant that.  They used abortion in the Soviet Union more so than giving them birth control pills.) would be the cheapest and most effective way to reduce carbon emissions worldwide between 2010 and 2050, according to a study by the London School of Economics.


The report, "Fewer Emitters (A:  Emitters are PEOPLE, folks.), Lower Emissions, Less Cost," (PDF) determined that if contraception was made widely available between 2010 and 2050 to women and men around the world who wished to use it, the reduction in unwanted births could result in saving 34 gigatonnes (one billion tonnes) of carbon emissions. That's roughly 60 years worth of U.K. emissions or 6 years worth of U.S. emissions.  (A:  It’s like balancing prayers isn’t it?  All this stuff is like the ancient times when the high priests would get you up with sins and stuff and they’d put their hands out, very much like Egypt as well.  When you went to die your heart would get weighed.  That’s what it’s like, an imaginary thing where your right hand is weighed down with this bunch of imagination called carbon emissions, the other one is basically your common sense.  Unfortunately propaganda generally wins over common sense.  So the new religion of carbon emissions tends to weigh it down and that’s it.  That’s how simple it works.  So they’re convincing the public that you’re the problem unless people will bring it down… by giving you all these fake statistics of the fake stuff on the scales.)


The cost for supplying, and distributing contraception over those 40 years would cost an estimated $220 billion, or $7 for each tonne of carbon emissions avoided.  (A:  Isn’t that amazing?  Isn’t this amazing rubbish?  They pick these figures out of the air to sound impressive then they draw up these shocking graphs.  They put the graphs up and point to the spikes and stuff and it’s supposed to really impress you.)  It's cheaper than the next most efficient low-carbon technology, wind power, which would cost $24 per tonne or $1 trillion to prevent the same amount (one billion tonnes) of carbon emissions from being produced, according to the report.


In its per-tonne cost analysis, the report also calculated $51 for solar, $57 to $83 for coal plants with carbon capture and storage, (A:  capture and storage!) $92 for plug-in hybrid vehicles, and $131 for electric vehicles.


The contraception as carbon reduction conclusion was based on United Nations statistics  (A:  They’re wonderful at making up BS - Bothersome stuff - BS.)  that 40 percent of worldwide pregnancies are unintentional. If contraception was made available to people who wanted it, those unintentional births could be reduced by as much as 72 percent.   (A:  I tell you, these guys at the London School of Economics must be awfully promiscuous if that’s what they come up with… 72% unwanted.)  Between 2010 and 2050, that would result in curbing the world population growth by half a billion people, according to the UN statistics.  (A:  What IS the UN?  The ONE, you know, in French.  What is it?  It’s an UNelected body that was put into existence by every leader of the world at the end of World War II.  It’s a corporation.  Back with more after this break.)


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix, reading an article for CNET News which is a public relations – meaning propaganda – piece to depopulate the world down to a manageable level by the experts.  So they’ll be left at the end of it and maybe they’ll create new slaves to tie their shoelaces for them and till the soil and all that kind of stuff.  Here they go.  This is from the United Nations of course.  The UN is an umbrella organization.  It was set up to be world government.  Right now, as we live, it’s getting put up to its FULL status military-wise and through its regulatory process.  It has departments IN the United Nations to deal with EVERY department that your national government would have… to do with building, traffic, all that kind of stuff.  They have their parallel one set up.  They’ve always had it there at the United Nations ready to take over.  In fact, most of the laws that are passed in most countries across the world for the last 20-30 years have come directly from the United Nations and signed into law in your country, right down to your building codes.  It goes on to say in this article that they want to bring the population down by 72%. 


That is a conservative estimate, according to the report, since the UN figures are based solely on the lack of contraception access for married couples, and did not include unintended pregnancy statistics for unmarried women.  (A:  Here you go.  You see, they all work together.)


The study was funded by the U.K. environmental group (A:  I’ve mentioned this so many times.) Optimum Population Trust (OPT) (A:  Who describe themselves and I’ve put the links up, as a bunch of very rich, old, white people, meaning the better bred type, the aristocracy.  That’s what they mean by that.  Sir Crispin Tickell, a guy with no sense of humor with a name like that, is in charge of it and he’s the best pal of Prince Charles.  He backs him up.  He’s also got a board or a panel on the British government telling them what to do.  They’re all unelected too.), which has argued that a more responsible attitude toward reproduction could be the answer to many environmental issues such oil, food, and water shortages.  (A:  Do you know it rained all June and July here? …every darn day.  Like last year, same thing again. It’s incredible to hear that… water shortages.)


The group has said that family planning programs in poor countries should qualify for environmental aid (A:  Environmental aid they’re calling it now.), since fewer people result in less energy use and fewer emissions.  (A:  I love their double-speak.  They were going to call abortions and all the rest of it, environmental aid.  Oh, they’re clever, clever with their double-think and their twisted logic.  Unfortunately it works.  Most folk can’t sit and figure things out.)


Someone actually wrote to me and I advised them to read the United Nations Agenda 21 and they did.  He and his wife didn’t see anything wrong with it.  It seemed quite nice.  I’m sure they were very nice people.  Really.  Nice people who probably saw every Disney movie ever made and watched all the politically correct movies on how wonderful everyone is to them and the world is a wonderful place and all that and little animals talk to each other.  I’m sure that’s what gave them that kind of attitude. 


They could not SEE the fact that people are already getting forced off rural areas.  They have since World War II, actually before it.  The whole idea is to bring them into these overcrowded, run-down cities.  By the way, that’s why they haven’t been fixing up these main cities we’ve all to be crowded in to, as you go down like Soylent Green, crammed together as the rubble falls in on you.  That’s why they won’t upkeep them.  They actually said in Toronto, which is a good example for other major cities.  They said it would cost more to fix all the infrastructure in Toronto - with all the pipes underneath the cities and water and sewage and all the rest of it - than it would be to build a new city and they’re not going to build a new city.  So they want to dump us all into these quagmires.  The corridors are all ready.  People don’t realize the UN corridors are already there for the animal and for biospheres and no human shall set foot on them unless they belong to the United Nations or an international corporation that’s given the rights to go in and mine there and that’s what they do.  Everything is a con. 


They hit on this beautiful thing.  Remember, the Club of Rome came up with the idea that ‘man was at war with the planet.’  They needed a war so we’d all go along with it, the rationing and all that kind of stuff, and being monitored.  Like a Soviet system.  In fact, in their book The First Global Revolution, the two founders said that in the 70s they looked at all these possibilities, came up with the idea of global warming and “That would fit the bill.”  They also had said the man was therefore at war with the planet, therefore man was the enemy, and humanity was the enemy.  “That would fit the bill.” 


There out in the open with it really, if people really know what’s going on.  All this stuff about rationing and rationing, a war type scenario, we will all work together thinking, ‘we’re saving the planet, and we’re saving each other aren’t we?’  NO.  They’re going to reduce the ability to get stuff.  Remember what Orwell said.  ‘You know you’re under tyranny in a totalitarian system when those who own the means of production also have the right to distribute it to you OR withhold it from you, and whatever you GET to survive and live on will be taken as a privilege.’  THAT’S THE SYSTEM, the very system the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Fabian Society, Council on Foreign Relations, The United Nations and all the other big think tanks that work with them are bringing in to play.  That’s what it’s about. 


It’s done through CONVINCING US first.  We’re the only species on earth that has to be CONVINCED to do ourselves in.  You don’t go out to an ant hill that’s trying to invade your house – the carpenter ants – and have a little tête-à-tête with them and say ‘please ants, if you go on like this you’ll eat through my house.’  You don’t.  You just put the poison down and that’s it.  With humans, it’s much better and it’s a legality too, when you do it yourself.  Back with more after this break.


Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  There are two other articles I’ll just mention before I go to a caller.  One is from Reuters.  I call it Routers because they route the news to all the other newspapers who then parrot them.  This one says…


RPT FEATURE   Greying Britain looks to assisted suicide reform

Mon Sep 21, 2009   /  By Farah Master


(A:  This ties in with the other end.  I always say they start on the unborn and they finish up with the ones that are too old.  The UN has said a good citizen is a good producer-consumer.  If you become a pensioner, you’re now consuming.  They don’t see all that money you put into the pension fund as yours.  The government could use that to bail out bankers and things like that, pay themselves off.  So they want the elderly to feel depressed and get them into a squalor state and they’d be quite happy to probably just throw in the towel.  That’s the idea of it too.  Make it miserable and down they go.  This kind of article, by the way, is like a blitz.  When you see a blitz across newspapers across the world at the same time, it’s organized.  It’s organized to get the idea in our heads, ‘oh, it’s true, you know, who wants to get old and infirm.’  Then you think of ALL elderly people as being infirm and sick and ready to die and of course, that’s not the truth.  Remember too, the same guys who gave us the United Nations, the entertainment industry and all the rest of it, also gave us the YOUTH culture.  You’re supposed to be always eternally young.  If you start graying a bit, people are panicked now and they run off to get their hair implants and face-lifts, men and women, now.  They’re terrified because we’ve lost that intergenerational link.  They’ve destroyed the family unit.  At one time granny and grandpa was often living in the same home, they looked after their grandchildren, taught them the history they should REALLY know to make them streetwise and that’s been destroyed.  Government steps in with its services and the next thing you know, you toss granny and grandpa in a bin somewhere and they’re taken care of for a short time.  The government then seizes their property – that’s what happens in Canada and socialized countries – they take your property in exchange for your CARE.  You don’t live very well so they make a good deal.  For all your property, you only live a few months once you’re in there.  Anyway, that’s another story. So here it is.)


LONDON, Sept 21 (Reuters) - It used to be an issue just for the terminally ill. Now as populations around the world age, governments are increasingly being confronted with the taboo idea of dying as something people can volunteer to do.


"The demand for the option, if not the practice, is growing rapidly," said Dr. Philip Nitschke,  (A:  It’s almost like Nietzsche isn’t it?) 61, founder and director of the pro-euthanasia group Exit International.  (A:  So why are they giving this guy top billing here?)


The Australian doctor -- nicknamed Dr Death for his work on suicide -- is travelling the world to teach people how to end their lives safely with a suicide drug-testing kit.


"Very few will go down this path, but almost every 75-year old I meet now sees merit in having their own bottle of Nembutal in the cupboard as an insurance policy, in case things get bad," Nitschke told Reuters, referring to the barbiturate used as a sedative. 


So that’s from Reuters.  Then you look at this other one here.  It’s in all the papers.  It’s just a coincidence that they’re all on the same stuff on the same month.  I read this last week.  News Week:


The Case for Killing Granny

Rethinking end-of-life care.

By Evan Thomas | NEWSWEEK  /  Published Sep 12, 2009


My mother wanted to die, but the doctors wouldn't let her. At least that's the way it seemed to me as I stood by her bed (A:  It’s written like a soap opera.  I wonder who in Hollywood wrote it for them.)


Again, it’s all to get US used to the idea that this is inevitable.  You will no longer live a certain amount of years and then die in your bed.  You should really be thinking about getting bumped off once you’re retired.  Then you’re saving the world.  By the way, you won’t be using all that carbon or breathing it out either, that CO2 once you’re dead.  See, you’re helping the world by giving your life.  Sacrifice has always been a great part of this high religion, as long as it’s others that get sacrificed.  Quite something. 


I’ll go to a caller now.  There’s Alan in England.  Are you there Alan?


Alan (England):  Hello.  Hi, Alan it’s Alan.  Alan calling from Devon.  How are you doing?


Alan:  Not so bad.


Alan (England):  I haven’t rung in for a while.  If you remember, I’ve called in but not for some time.  Both of us were in the music business.  I did ring in before.  Let me get straight to the point.  On topic, there is this Liverpool NHS [National Health Service] deal going on that the Laurouch people have been reporting widely, Prince Charles backed idea that’s going through the NHS.


Alan:  That’s ‘the pathway,’ they call it. 


Alan (England):  That’s right.  There are some very strange things going on here in, what do you want to call it…  Britain, UK, I don’t know, EU.  Have you heard of a group called Common Purpose?


Alan:  Yes I have.  Common Purpose.  They’re an incredibly well-funded group.  They have infiltrators in the military high positions and the police, which is illegal actually, but they have permission.  They are also run by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and they use their same techniques.


Alan (England):  That’s right.  Have you heard of TPUC.  These are good guys.  The People’s United Congress, the work of John Harris and others.  They’re a new web site, I think.  They’ve only been up and running a couple of years.  What they’re doing most importantly is they are helping people to understand the difference between common law and statutory law which is very important I think.  It goes back to the Article 61, The Magna Carta, 1215 ad.  It’s all to do with lawful rebellion and sovereignty and so forth.  That’s very important information.  Other people like Ian Crane are also doing lectures like this.  So there’s lots of good news going on here.  There’s lots of paradigm shifts going on with people becoming more and more aware, particularly here.  I know you’re in Canada, is that right?


Alan:  Yes.


Alan (England):  There are lots of really good grass roots things going on here.  I think they’re going on in America as well.  So that is the good news.  I wondered if you had heard of Common Purpose because in my area, I know that over 70,000 pounds of tax payer’s money has been used for this very insidious source of training of these elite groups and how to be leaders in the EU state and all the rest of it.


Alan:  What you’ll find is the tie in with the Fabian Society and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  The Fabian Society said they would get to a time when they would take over through infiltration of all organizations AND governmental organizations and civic organizations with a particular group which they said then they would CHOOSE AND TRAIN the FUTURE LEADERS they will present to run not just Britain but the world.  That’s exactly what Common Purpose does.  They bypass all traditional government organizations but they USE governments.  That tells you from the very top they’ve been given permission because they can actually use tax money to get their agenda through.  They’re all for the EU.  They’re all for having the world run by an educated elite.


Alan (England):  Mobilization or what they call… is the same as empire, really.


Alan:  That’s right.


Alan (England):  I just thought your listeners might be interested.  If there’s anyone listening from Europe, check out TPUC in England., they’re doing fantastic work.  It’s to do with common law as opposed to statutory law.  I’m going to get off the phone because I think that you can give us a bit more information about the difference between when you’re… for example, if you’re addressed by a police officer and you’re going in the dark… military sort of maritime law, going into the dark, and that sort of stuff.  I’m sure you know all about it so I just wanted to make that point.  These are very important things that we can turn things around with so we’ve got to think positive and get people educated, which is what you’ve been doing for years.  But if we can do that, then…  There’s already very, very big signs Alan, that that’s changing.  I go into the pubs in England even though they’re empty because of the smoking apartheid law.  Nonetheless, people are really now talking, beginning to wake up to all the scams and the frauds and everything that’s going on, because it’s affecting them in their pockets.


Alan:  It’s going to affect them a lot more when they come through with the next G20 and the complete personal carbon tax, believe you me.


Alan (England):  Well, I know but let’s see what the Chinese do and what they do with the petrodollar and all this.  Let’s see what they do.  Let’s see.  We have to wait and see.  But people need to… the whole idea is to educate people.  The common law thing is a very big thing because I think it applies to all of the, of course it applies to all of the British Empire countries.  Is it 52 countries?  Whatever it is.  If people understand those basic things, they can also understand their basic rights.  Then they can take that to the voting box and make sure that there’s no fraud and take it from there.  You know, from the ground up… as they say.  Okay.  Nice to talk to you.  I hope the wee dog’s fine.


Alan:  He’s doing well.


Alan (England):  Thanks for having me.  Cheers.


Alan:  Bye now. 


It’s important too.  It’s not a matter of losing hope.  It’s a matter of the more you learn the more you can put out there and you can win your argument by giving correct, verifiable information.  That’s the key to everything.  There’s no doubt about it, these insidious groups are well funded, well funded.  Common Purpose literally came out of nowhere and by the time it was discovered, it had infiltrated just about everything, even all the way to Ireland.  It’s pushing for this EU totalitarian state AND saying that they’re training the future leaders that will be presented to the public.  I believe them.  I believe that’s true.  You’ll have completely indoctrinated children who are picked, selected for their ability to be indoctrinated.  True believers, little fascists and we can’t have that.  We can’t have that anywhere in the world.  We can’t have it at all. 


Alan:  There’s Karen from Oregon.  Are you the Karen?


Karen:  Good evening Alan.  It’s always a pleasure to talk to you.  You are such a happy guy and you deliver the good news.  Actually, I really appreciate all the work that you do.  It is difficult, to say the least, to do all the research.  I have a question for you about the flu scam and nongovernmental organizations.  Dr. Rima Laibow and her husband who are very against this flu shot and have web sites and stuff, belong to an NGO.  They’re funded by an NGO.  Do you know anything about that?


Alan:  I don’t to be honest with you.  I do know – I’m not saying they are – but I do know that there IS a lot of controlled and funded opposition to every, EVERY major thing in this world to make sure…  That’s how it works.  The public sit back thinking, they’re doing it all for us, we can sit back and let it roll.  But I can’t say anything about this one because I haven’t looked into it.


Karen:  Is it possible that some NGOs are actually taking the money and working against the new world order?


Alan:  What I’ve noticed before, is most NGOs come out saying all the right things but they end up being affiliated with the United Nations.  That’s your first clue that it’s a setup.  When you become affiliated and accept the United Nations and you agree to sit on their board as an NGO, it also means – and they tell you this – YOU MUST ACCEPT ALL OF THEIR MANDATES as well.  So that means you’re utterly compromised.  You can not be compromised.  So you have to see if they’re actually affiliated with the United Nations or not.


Karen:  On their main page it does say that they are an NGO and that sent up warning signs even though they are very loudly speaking against Codex Alimentarius.  Also Dr. Ian Crane who I think your last caller mentioned as well was against it, has made remarks that seem to question just exactly what side they are on. 


Alan:  It’s very possible.  You’d really have to see who their co-sponsors are.  They generally have it on their sites.  People will say who their cosponsors are, where their funding comes from, who their affiliates are.  But definitely look in to see if they’re recognized by the United Nations. 


Karen:  I will do that.


Alan:  I tell you something people forget.  A while ago a guy came out.  I think it was Dr. Horowitz, his name was.  He churned out one book after another - it was very suspicious I thought - kind of mixed with the New Age and the coming new world order and all that kind of stuff.  He went all over the Patriot Radio and he was a star wherever he went.  Then he got knighted by the Knights of Columbus after that.  Then he belonged to an organization, I think it was him, affiliated with the United Nations to do with the demilitarization of space.  We had the same thing with the guy who first came out with the HAARP, Dr. Nick Begich, and he was pushed by CBC Canada.  That’s the BBC owned by the government.  They launched him.  No one had heard of him before.  He became the instant expert on HAARP technology.  They actually showed you interviews with people who worked at HAARP, the main character, and they showed you the aerial photographs for the first time.  Then he was made into a Patriot star.  The next thing you knew, he belongs to a United Nations organization and he becomes the head of the deweaponization of space, which is like 60 years too late.  So, I’ve watched this for years, the controlled opposition.  I’m always very careful of people who are LAUNCHED as stars. 


Karen:  Actually today, Dr. Horowitz was on Alex Jones and he had a lawsuit connecting the Rockefellers to the flu scam.  I do understand what you mean because on the web site, he does have… he’s got ideas about channeling energy.


Alan:  That’s right.  Healing energies and good vibrations, I call them, like the Beach Boys song.


Karen:  We could all use more of those.  But our essence is energy, so some of that to me makes sense.  I try to be open to different points of view because we definitely aren’t going down the right path now.  I think part of it is because we don’t acknowledge the essence that runs through all of us, our equality.  We’ve been so suppressed for generations due to the lie of inequality because those in power recognize that we would intrinsically, instinctively know that we belong to something greater, that we’re part of something greater.  So if they could label it and give us books and rules and regulations and put us against each other, they could remain in power.


Alan:  I’m very suspicious of people who are basically using Cabalistic methods, mixing with the new age to get people on board and then have odd affiliates behind them.  I’ve watched this for years and years.  I can even remember when Colonel Bo Gritz was put out.  He was on Patriot Radio station for years.  He used to say that he had hip-pocket orders from the Pentagon, which was like him saying that he was still under their orders.  He roped in thousands of patriots’ names and even was telling them where to apply to get a US military weapon because in the militia you’re all entitled to a weapon or rifle or something.  So he had all the names and addresses.  Right after 9/11 happened - it was shown in Canada - he was on television on the steps of the Congress going up there and he said he was going to talk to the Congressmen.  He says, ‘This was probably caused by those crazy right-wing militias who bombed the tower.’  That’s what he said.  ‘Who see black helicopters and stuff like that and listen to shortwave patriot radio.’   I thought, here’s the guy who didn’t tell the audience just now, that he RAN that side for the patriot radio for 4 or 5 years.  You’ve got to be very, very careful, very careful because I’ve watched this for years.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  We’ll try Alex in Toronto.  Are you there Alex?


Alex:  Hi Alan.  I’ve been listening to your program for some time now and you’ve woken me up and I love listening to your program.  Yet, I’ve come to believe as you’ve mentioned in the past that this is not a mass enlightened movement.  That the elites will probably have their way.  All I have to do really is put myself in their shoes and when I do that it’s scary because I become an elite myself.


Alan:  I understand what you mean.  When you understand how THEY view the world, as opposed to how the bottom view it.


Alex:  That’s right.  That really scared me.  I’m really, I become in favor of my own demise because I’m at the bottom myself.  What I want to ask you is that, I have this knowledge.  I’m one of these base people at the bottom.  I want to really know, is there any merit in knowing all this information if – and I really truly believe this – that nothing can be done?  I see myself in their position and then I’m like, there’s no way this war can be won. 


Alan:  You’re correct that these guys are totalitarian.  They’ve always been totalitarian.  They have given us our reality.  They’ve done a damn good job of making sure… We’re now conditioned at this stage we are for the next part of reality which they’re now introducing to us.  They used to say we’re despondent and oh, life’s pretty cheap anyway and so on.  And you’re right except, as I say, the one thing that they need is always THE COOPERATION OF THE PEOPLE.  It doesn’t have to be ALL of the people.  They’d like it to be all of the people but they’re scared of the small minority who can speak logic and facts to the rest and – I’m not joking – it’s just like “The King has no clothes.”  You can snap people out of this spell if you present it in a correct way to them for the first time.  It doesn’t take much.  Most people overdo it.  They overdo it and you lose them.  You just hit them at a few points like a boxer and you walk away and they’re reeling because you’ve broken through for them.  They’ll never see the world again.  It’s a MINORITY that always changes the course of the world.  You can only do it through knowledge and telling people, ‘Do you realize there’s nothing they can do to you without our cooperation?’  There’s nothing at all, without cooperation.  If the public could just understand that, enough of the public understand that, they could NOT go around arresting you ALL.  They can’t do it.  Apart from that, we have no option.  They have declared WAR on us.  This is what all this is about with this carbon stuff and too many people.  They’re telling us that it’s a full-scale war ON the population of the planet.  Not only the population, it’s all you lesser types - that’s how they say it to you - the lesser types who haven’t made it to the top and you’re not in the academic field, the scientific field so you’ll be useful to them, therefore, you’re the junk genes.  They’re telling us in no uncertain terms with all these articles I’m reading here, that’s really what they’re telling us.  But they need our cooperation to go along with it.  Now, it’s true we’ve been running backwards since we were born, through the indoctrination and the follow-up of incredible media campaigns and the entertainment industry to convince us through fiction and mainly nonfictional works, emotive types of responses and conditioning, that we are less then useless.  We’re just another animal.  We’re not really special after all.  Well, if that’s the case, neither are the elite and they have no more right to tell us non-special people how to live.  We have to tell them.  We have to tell them to get off our backs.  That’s what we have to tell them. 


Alex:  Alan, with the knowledge you give me, I see a really challenging future ahead for myself.


Alan:  You’ve got it.


Alex:  You got to speak out and do all those things.  It’s going to be a rough road.


Alan:  It will be rough but you can certainly do it.  You can do it.


Alex:  Thank you Alan.


Alan:  Thanks too.  I’d rather know what’s going on than be ignorant and watch teen idol or something like that. 


Well, from Hamish and myself in Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you.




Topics of show covered in following links:


"Should contraception qualify for climate funds?" by Candace Lombardi ( - Sept. 17, 2009.


"Greying Britain looks to assisted suicide reform" by Farah Master ( - Sept. 21, 2009.

"The Case for Killing Granny - Rethinking end-of-life care" by Evan Thomas ( - Sept. 12, 2009.



Transcribed by Diana


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"