Sep. 30, 2020 (#1796)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster)



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Neil Foster: Welcome to Reality Bytes Radio on 30 September 2020. And how time flies when you're enjoying yourself eh?  I'm delighted to have Alan Watt back on the line again for some of his insights into what's going on. Can you hear me okay Alan?


Alan Watt: Yes.


Neil: Good.  Where do we start? 


Alan: Ha, good question.


Neil: I don't know if you saw it, there was a doctor Yadon, or Yeadon who was a former chief scientific officer of Pfizer for 16 years.  So you have seen it, yeah.  He's going on about the cases and why there's no threat of a second wave and why it's basically all based on bogus data.  And there's bound to be some pushback, even in Australia on Sky News. There was a presenter there spoke to somebody in Sweden talking about this and saying that we should look at Europe and, they keep saying these cases are going up and up and up and up, but the fatalities are just basically flatlined since June and there's nothing actually happening.  It almost reminded me of Michael Mann's hockey stick, you know, all these case numbers going up and up and up and up, and absolutely nothing happening to the temperature.


Alan: Yeah. I mean, the more testing you do with a faulty test anyway, you're guaranteed to put the numbers up. But there's nobody ill with it.  [Chuckles]


Neil: Well this guy is actually saying that, I know we've mentioned before, that it's about 50% at least false positives, this guy is saying that actually all of them could be false positives.


Alan: 90 odd percent, yeah.  M-hm.


Neil: And then a 99.8% survival rate even if you're infected.


Alan: That test remember, Neil, the inventor said it's not to be, it's useless for diagnosis. It's for laboratory purposes only, it's not for diagnosing patients. So even the inventor said this, you know.


Neil: I'm just wondering if some people in the media are starting to realize that this is a lot worse, even for them, than they thought.  They've been spouting the lies for six or seven months and they're starting to see what's happening. Particularly in Australia, as I say, that guy was on Sky News in Australia, one of their news anchors or whatever he is. He must be seeing what's happening in Australia and thinking, eh, do I really want this for my children?  [Chuckles] I mean, you've got to wonder.  But, my niece was in Australia until recently.  Thankfully she got out about three or four weeks ago. She was there for a year.  They've asked her to go back, and I've tried to say to my brother there, no, don't do that, don't do that, don't let her go. But yeah, in Australia, I don't know if you’ve seen this one, it's getting even worse. They're talking about now being able to basically do as they like with you, force you against a wall or down on the ground, and take your clothes off.


Alan: Yeah.  M-hm.


Neil: So in terms of Australia, okay, well, it started off as a penal colony for Western nations if you like. It seems to be going back there. [Chuckles]


Alan: Yeah.  Sure. I mean, it's always had, just below the boil there, you know, in peacetime, that there's a kind of a strange civility, ha, with the police on the people. But it's, you see, they've given the order now for the voice of authority they call it at the United Nations, and some of the top politicians are repeating it, that it's time now just to literally use extreme authority over the public now.  And the police are the first to react and to put it into play, yeah.


Neil: Well I mean Australia always had this reputation of having all these macho men that, you know, you watch Australians real football in the world, wrestling each other, the Australian rugby team was this big tough outfit and all that...


Alan: [Laughing] A guy in Australia sent me some stuff recently.  The city he's in he said that he can see the local keep fit gym, you know, where they do all their, almost their kind of 20 minute workouts kind of stuff, and the guys now are wearing leotards like the girls.  Ha, I think the old Crocodile Dundee is pretty well gone, you know, in Australia.


Neil: I always think about those gymnasiums, they're generally big glass windows and everybody can see in, and as you say, they're sitting there in leotards and things like that.  Just like the people who go out for a cycle these days, men are wearing latex pants and all this kind of stuff. And I just thought, I thought back to my childhood [Chuckles] and you think, we were going out about on these chopper bikes and falling off them and skinning our knees, banging our heads and all sorts of things. These guys nowadays seem to just want to wrap themselves up in cotton wool, and you know, they're so vain.


Alan: It isn't just happened by itself. People don't realize that everything that they, hmph, the system they live in is pretty well manufactured for them. And I mean in minute detail. The whole unisex idea was literally to eliminate to the obvious distinctions between men and women, that was part of it. But it's bigger than that because it's also, and this is stuff that's been mandated by the culture creators for years. There's high level courses on how to do it and implement it in countries and nations.  We know some of the culprits that fund lots of it.  


So yeah, you get this sort of unisex idea where men and women are the same basically.  That's also, sustainability is interwoven with all of it, completely all of it.  Sustainability is a buzzword for depopulation. The same with climate change, you see.  The same with Covid, it's for depopulation purposes, and the World Economic Forum and these sustainability programs, it's all completely interwoven.


But the fashion design is to get people into the look.  The look now is thin-thin-thin, you see, for a postindustrial, post-consumerist type society where goody-goody people are completely vegans eventually. I mean, that's pushed from the very top at the United Nations, veganism. It was pushed years ago when I did the talks on the big five agribusinesses and the chemical industries that they own for the pesticides and herbicides, pushing complete veganism.  Again, you get the overdosing of the kind of xeno- and Phyto- estrogens that affect the men as well.


But the thing is, they're all looking so thin–thin–thin, and this is the good, approved look. You see, it's approved.  If you look at the rioters in the streets, oh sorry, the protesters in the States that just like this cold weather so they burn houses to get heat.  But if you just look at them, they've got, you'd swear they had their pants painted on them, the black pants. Remember years ago, back in the 80s they had the kind of spandex type for the girls?  You could see everything in them. It's very, very similar, you know.


You're watching all this come to the fore now. You're good, you're approved, you're one of the crowd, because you're so thin. And you're probably vegan, or you'll want, at least you'll tell your friends you are.  That's all approved, that's the new approved format for the young.  Anybody who's older with baggy pants, or older, you're bad because you probably eat too much, and you maybe even eat meat. You see, I'm not kidding you, this is, I've seen some of the programs from the very, very top pushing this whole agenda here.  They're copying, they have no idea that what they're copying is all designed for them, their language, the phrases they use, the new buzzwords, neologisms, you know, and the fashions are completely designed for them.


Neil: I remember back when I was at university when I was doing, it was called hotel services management, but it covered hospitality, whatever kind of context, whether it was prisons, cruise ships, or whatever.  But we had to do a standup talk for 15 minutes on nutrition and diet and all this kind of thing. I was working to pay my mortgage at the time so I was doing 60 hours a week working and I was just fitting in University when I could.  All the books in the library were obviously out by the time I got there. So I just grabbed what I could and did this presentation on how people's bodies had changed...


Alan:  Yeah.


Neil: ...the shape of the bodies, what was acceptable, what was seen as attractive, you know, 100 years before or 50 years before.  I went down that road and kind of went through how the diet changed and stuff, and how people were now kind of going back to being fat because of all the processed foods and things like that. This is before I knew anything, so I obviously noticed something enough.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: I showed pictures of naked bodies and that, which freaked out the tutors of the time, although it probably wouldn't now.  No, this skinny look, and I've seen articles all over the place now for veganism. Oh, I had a triple heart bypass until I became vegan and now, I'm okay, kind of thing. Well, she's okay because she had the triple bypass, not because she's a vegan. But it's maybe getting people used to being skinny, so they won't notice when they're starving.


Alan: Well, it's more than just that.  That's a big part of it. It's like everything else, in the present globalist revolution.  This is the elites' revolution, it's not the peoples’ in the street. They're just the useful idiots, you know. The globalists have been after this, they already ruled the old system, they're moving their system into the next part of their system, and this is what the chaos all is. It's to train the rest of us to go along with it. That's why the Covid is being used too, for sustainability, etc. etc.


But the function mainly for the US is almost over. I gave these talks many years ago, that the US was the battering ram that took over from Britain to force a kind of system across the world. All the things you're talking about now, even with your fashion and various other things, agendas, are all pushed through the World Bank based in the US, remember, and the IMF, etc.  They won't give you loans across the world unless you accept all the so-called progressive policies. 


That's why they tie in completely with the Marxist philosophies and the tenants of the manifesto, because the destruction of marriage is at the top. That's what Caroll Quigley talked about, he says, we, WE, meaning the elite group that he belonged to, he said, we are often mistaken for communists, he says, because much of our agenda is in parallel with the same goals.  And he's talking about the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  So it's the same thing. If you destroy marriage, and then you promote all other kinds of sexual activity, in fact, you could actually boost or put the depletion of offspring by pushing, dealing with the problems of hypersexual activity, which is abortion, you see, until it's normal now.  It's just getting rid of a wart they would say to the women to have an abortion. So they've achieved a lot of goals.  Depopulation.  


No bonding because folk don't stay together long enough to bond. That was also part of their manifesto, when you look at it in depth, you know. They've achieved most of the goals.  And yet, people always thought it was just this Marxist/Communist idea. It's much bigger than just Marxism. We're living through a planned society. So, the US was the battering ram from World War I onwards really, since they took over the financial system.  The taxpayers of the US have been funding it ever since, you know.


Neil: It's no coincidence that there's a remake of Brave New World, just came out there a couple months ago. I haven't seen it, but it's a TV series of it. I'm sure it will be full of sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll, and everybody will be happy.  But I was just wondering if some of these Australian cyclists that are going down the road with their spandex on, how the authorities are going to get them off them because they'll need to maybe get a tin opener or something.  [Laughing]


Alan: [Laughing] Well one thing about them, if it comes down to smuggling food eventually, during all the present ongoing curfews, that this winter will come in curfews and so on.  They'll go door-to-door to see if you've been hoarding food by the way, that's also on the emergency plans if you ever looked at them.


Neil: I remember you talking years ago about the smart fridges, and you've got all the barcodes on the tins and stuff, and your smart fringe will be telling the authorities.


Alan: Yeah, and your smart meter too, and so literally, and all the different gadgets in your home interact as well, so they know exactly what you've bought and if you're buying too much, etc. Most of the stuff you buy, even cans have got the little barcodes on it, so they've got all that data. Most folk today anyway use their credit cards.  And they get their point system so that the stores they buy from have got a complete list of everything. That's part of the deal, when you say, oh I'll get a discount because I'm a good consumer at this particular store, they gave me a card. Yeah, but you've also signed a way your right to privacy as to what you've bought, and they can give that to the government and so on, which they do.


Neil: And insurance companies of course, I think I've heard you mention that before, to basically deny you insurance because you eat too many French fries or you eat too much meat, for example. Your health insurance won't...


Alan: With leotards, you see, you won't have any problems in Australia because any little bulge will show.  [Laughing] So they'll know if you went and stashed a Mars bar or something, you know, in the spandex there.


Neil: Is that a Mars bar in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?  [Laughing]


Alan: [Laughing]


Neil: Yeah so, I mean, it's Australia.  I mean, how far do you think, I mean, that they've gone pretty far already. I've seen that already. I know you have trouble seeing videos and things. I don't know if you saw the one of them going through the open-air food markets. There must've been, I don't know, hundreds of these storm trooper police officer types with the shields and the batons in total, whole faces covered, you wouldn't be able to recognize them. You know, you talk about who's beating...


Alan: What you're seeing, and this is the reason for it. You see, nothing in your life happens just by chance when it comes to culture and culture changes, the creation of entertainment. Remember the old Star Wars, and you saw those particular mechanical, all the troops all look the same.  Black or white outfits they had on, like a chessboard idea, here's the good ones, here's the bad ones. But really were all the same, they were kind of faceless creatures. You saw the same thing in, um, what was the one that, um, to do with, that Duval was in, the futuristic one as well where they live underground and work...  THX 1138 is it, THX 1138 the movie, you see it there too.


Neil: Oh...  Hello?  I think we've lost Alan.


Okay, we're back on here. Gremlins kicked in again. I think Alan you were talking about the movie THX 1138 I think it is, with Robert Duval.


Alan: I think it is.


Neil: Yeah, they live underground, and these police officers were, I think they were actually robots, weren't they?


Alan: Yes, they were. And as I say, with the Star Wars you saw those so-called white clad good guys fighting the black clad, they're both the same, they're troops, you know, they're like robots and you weren't sure if they were human or not.  Now you're seeing the same thing with the troops, or policeman with their body armor, they look much the same as the Star Wars idea. You've been trained already that they're otherworldly, you see, they're alien to an extent which makes them more fearsome and terrifies the public. It's intentional. It's designed that way.


Neil: Did you hear what happened in Trafalgar Square at the weekend?


Alan: Not much.


Neil: What had happened was they had the usual crowd there, quite a large number, and peacefully protesting. Getting along fine with the ordinary policeman with the usual peaked helmet on.  Until later when the storm trooper type of riot policeman came down on both sides of them and just charged into the crowd and started beating them. Obviously, an orchestrated thing.  You've got to wonder what ordinary policeman standing around looking at that are thinking.


Alan: Yes.


Neil:  Like, I mean what's going through their minds? Do you think they're just, well that's it, that's nothing to do with us, we've done our part, we've been peaceful and quiet, and we haven't beaten anybody up so we're okay, these guys can deal with that later? But ordinary police officers are obviously in the firing line, and quite literally in places like Portland in America, and other places where they're getting defunded.  I think some of them in New York actually resigned because they were getting defunded.


Alan: A lot of them did. Yeah, a lot of them actually retired, took early retirement.  I mean, why go to work when you get no backup to do your job from the government, local government or federal governments. Why would you go and get murdered?


Neil: Yeah well, they put their lives on the line anyway, a lot of these cases, and they're not going to get backup from anybody, I think. And even if they do get backup, then they're still probably facing some kind of, you know, court prosecution for doing their jobs.  But I was speaking to somebody in the little bar that we go to once or twice a week, and he was talking about this Black Lives Matter and stuff and blah blah blah.  I said to him, I says, if black people think that they're getting some kind of privilege over white people, I says, there's going to be some kind of race war going on and it's not going to end well for them. And he said, no no no, he says, there’s a lot of rednecks down here, they're just hoping that happens because they just want to take them out.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: And that's not a pleasant prospect to...


Alan: Well, this is an old idea, the Communist Party, they tried it in the States before.  Going way back actually when they tried, they trained Garvey as a communist, and he was a black leader.  Eventually he turned on the trainers because he realized that they were using the black folk to try to get revolution started.  He was really screwed by them because they defunded him, they destroyed his income and even his big plans for a shipping company that he was getting involved with at the time.


So but yeah, they were quite open about trying to get a racial war. It was the easiest chink in the armor, looking at America, back in the late 1800s, early 1900s.  They actually talked about it in great detail how they'd start a racial war, how they get anybody who had less than anybody else, and then train them, the leaders, and then agitate and eventually have riots and overthrow. But it failed at the time. 


Neil: It's the whole Black Lives Matter thing where you're watching these people out in the streets, in the early days, trashing all these businesses and burning them down. It reminded me a bit of the Saul Alinsky techniques of...


Alan: It's the same thing. You see that guy Mann, one of the guys that was involved in that, he's up there on I think YouTube giving talks about, interviews on television about how he and his people sympathize, this is the same excuse they used before, sympathize with the black and so they were funding the black for pushing for revolution. So, it's, yeah, it's the same crew actually.


Neil: Yeah, he, in one of his famous experiments, as it were, was to feed a lot of black people beans I think it was and send them into the theater to, ah, let the white folks suffer the consequence of them eating beans.  All it did was reflect even worse on the black people…


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ...and made people think of them exactly as they wanted to think of them.


Alan: If you look at the BLM anyway, I mean, look at the leaders of them. I mean, I'm not talking about the one...


Neil: ...that we can't talk about... [Chuckles]


Alan: Well, the ones that came out as the supposed Marxist leaders, you look at the ones who are doing the riots in the streets, it's not black folk. They're kind of white.  [Chuckles] Some of them are descended from the revolutionaries, the great grandkids of some of them from the 1920s, you know. 


Neil: And they're not poor.


Alan: They are [descendants] actually. I could go on about it a lot more but it's not really that wise these days.  But some of them were talking certain lingoes in the streets and I've got friends who were talking back to them with the same lingos.  It's quite interesting to see what's going on. You're looking at the same old, same old, same old kind of thing getting used for the final revolution.


You've got to remember too, you see, the US literally took over from the old, [chuckles] the old communist revolutionary thing.  So as Russia supposedly went down, and Gorbachev gave his speech that, don't believe that communism is dead, he says, we're now spreading out to the West, a different techniques. It ties in again with Norman Dodd and the Reese Commission that did the investigation into the foundations that were funding revolutionary movements back in the 40s and 50s. The same one, same organizations that are funding them, it came out back then who was behind it, why they were doing it and so on. They said, the Ford Foundation gave a talk, that's on record and you can hear Norman Dodd talking about it and other ones talking about it. They talk to the CEO of the Ford Foundation who said to them, our goal is to seamlessly join America by changing its culture to that of the Soviet system incrementally, until they get eventually joined the two together into new type of system, not quite capitalist, not quite communist. That's the technique.


Neil: I think it was Bezmenov, was it, that came over and said, well, he says we've been very successful.


Alan: Oh yeah.  He actually said something awfully true as well, because he worked in Canada for a little while in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. That's their version in Canada of the BBC.  It's tax funded. The CBC, we call it the Communist Broadcasting Corporation because if you want to get progressive cutting edge, you tune in there and you’ll probably have nightmares. He worked with the CBC, Bezmenov, and he said he met more real communists in the CBC than he met in the Soviet Union.


Neil: You had an article on your website this week from the Daily Mail back in 2018, and I can't bring it up on here because it's actually interfering with the call.  But I was looking at it earlier and it's from, was it the Guardian, the Guardian maybe.  They were saying that the government had banned English schools from teaching anything to do with anticapitalism. And I thought that's a bit strange coming from the Guardian.


Alan: [Laughing]


Neil: And then you read into it, and basically it said, it's just to move towards teaching them anything of history.


Alan: Yes.  Sure. 


Neil: To twist the whole narrative to, well, I guess it's back to year zero, I don't know. Is that where we're going to go? 


Alan: Yes. Absolutely.  That's the whole part of the, you see, you've been living through this revolution your whole life and you didn't know it. Because I says say, it's mainly been cultural changes, that's how you do it, the Gramsci type technique, you know. Gramsci gave the idea about that rather than hit countries head-on, and you'd probably lose if they were bigger and more financially secure, than just get in and start changing their culture, it might take you 100 years. Well, that's the technique that's been used very successfully.


When you look... You see, everybody's been asleep. A 30-years war across the Middle East and Asia, all funded by Britain and the States.  Hmph.  And the people in Britain and the States are generally ignorant of what's been happening. They see these things as kind of remote things that have nothing to do with them, even though they're funding it and they're sending troops to these things, and they never ask why.  Which is really interesting in itself, that the people have been trained never to really go into any depth of to find out the whys of anything, especially wars, like continuous wars, like Gulf War One that literally morphed right into the Bush one, 9/11, straight you know, into Operation Iraqi Freedom, as they put them into the Stone Age.


It was all planned. Including the mass migration out of those nations. The kicker eventually was, the bulwark that held it back, or the mass migration back from hitting Europe, and that was Gadhafi in Libya. That day that they, and this interesting Masonic thing that they gave France the right to drop the first bombs, that's what they said in the papers, they gave them the right to drop the first bombs on Libya. It was so symbolic on a much high level. Gadhafi said it before it all happened, he said, if you take us out here in Libya, you'll get millions of folk every year flooding into Europe and Britain. Well, that was the intention of it.


Neil: You would think that Gadhafi for all his faults, etc. would be the darling of the Guardian because he was Greening the Sahara and showing how you could, ha, make fields out of deserts.


Alan: The Guardian is like the rest of them. I mean, whatever, I said, I gave the talk years ago when I said, whatever you’re into they've got a ready-made either newspaper or system or club for you to join. They're all ready, like ready-made suits, you know. It's just like religions too, they have so many different varieties and shades of religion.  Whatever you think you might want to fancy or shop, for shopping for religion, or shopping for politics, they've got it all ready-made for you.  The Internet is full of that too now. You know, you've got all your stars out there, that come out of nowhere, they’re well-funded by the governments.


Neil: Well, we just had a disgusting example of that in Ireland with these clowns called Jedward, these twins, and achhh.  I mean, talk about nauseating.  Oh, wear your mask, wear your mask, do this, take the vaccine.  You know, just pathetic. Pathetic.  But...  Well, I lost my train of thought then. 


Alan: I'd like to say too, it was Reese.


Neil: The Reese Commission.


Alan: Yeah, that’s so important to go through that. Because here's a man that was sent out by the Congress to investigated all, who literally, even when he gave the interviews years later, he was still in shock to find out that everything he believed in, and you know, the reality, the kind of fake persona of the country, the nation-state, was completely different than how he had been raised, and how his parents probably had believed too. He was still in shock finding out that it was a vastly different system running the show.


Neil: I was going to get back onto the Guardian article. They said that they want to teach anything anti capitalist.   It made me wonder what they were permitted to teach them. Because it doesn't say in there not to teach them the WHO sex education program, grooming them all for pedophilia. It doesn't mention that.  So that's obviously meant...


Alan: Sustainability, you see, as long as they don't bear children, they can do whatever they want. That's the whole idea. It's also amazing when you go into some of the organizations that have been, were at it for years that helped with other organizations networking together, given governmental authority by the way to change the cultures.  The Frankfurt school was one of them.  You'll find that Theo Adorno talked about taking down, destroying the West, right down to the very essence of everything that folk believed in, including he said, right down to necrophilia. He says, we won't even stop there, for changing the culture.  Everything that you thought was nice, good and sacred and decent, had to be utterly, utterly not just destroyed but buried, you know.


Neil: I mean, if you go beyond necrophilia, where does that take you? Who knows?


Alan: Well, you know, that's...  Hhhch, when you see the fare that they've been pushing for entertainment recently, I mean for years now actually, getting worse and worse, the people literally are debauched already. When they see blood in the streets and folk getting tortured and slaughtered in the streets, but tortured before they get killed, they'll already be psychically prepared for it.  Probably even enjoy it some of them.


Neil: Yeah, well, sticking with that, I don't know if you saw the clip of the girl being tasered at the, she was watching a college football match or something.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: With her mother beside her. Somebody's filming it from the stands, again, getting back to these macho men, you know, they're standing there filming this huge guy, this huge, I think he was just a security officer, but he had a Taser, he wasn't a police officer.  Literally wrestling with this young girl.  The mother is standing there allowing it to happen. I thought, why is she, I thought she was maybe not related at the time until I found out later that she was the mother. I thought, why is she letting this guy do this? You know? And then there's people standing around filming it, and all just sitting watching the game as if nothing's going on.  It's beyond belief.


Alan: Here's something that folk should understand. I've said it so many times, that we are the most studied species on the planet. It's not ants or mice or rats in mazes. It's people.  I looked for many, many years at consistent repetitive studies on human behavior. When you see repetitive studies, and you'll see little things coming out every year by different organizations or MIT or somewhere or the American psychological departments, they're all getting funded to put out these studies, constant studies.


I remember maybe 10, 15 years ago noticing the studies about, questionnaires they were putting out, you know, on sex. They had all kinds of questions, and the age groups, from up to, was it about 10 years old to 15, 15 to 25, 25 to 45 and so on. About, do you mind gay sex? You know? And so on, how about gay marriage? Before it was all legalized and so on, I'm talking about the marriage itself. It's quite fascinating to see what the old, and it's not that old, it's about 20 years ago, how many folk literally were against this or against that or whatever. Or they weren't comfortable with it, that's how they'd phrase it, you know.


But every year they put out new studies, or every few years, to see if more folk had gone in. And sure enough, and they actually admitted in the studies it was because of the early education and updating of the same education in the school system that now the youngsters were way ahead of older people.  And older were about 20 years old, right, but way ahead of the folk at 20 for saying that it was quite acceptable. So that everybody has been trained incrementally, into a whole variety of things sexually. Then when you see the fare they've been given from, was it 40 Shades of Gray or whatever, I've never watched these things and I don't have a TV.


Neil: Shady, shady gray.  [Chuckles]


Alan: Shady gray.  Which is S&M I think, isn't it?


Neil: I believe so. 


Alan: S&M for entertainment, yeah.  Then you've got grandmothers and everything watching it and buying the discs, or the series, you know, from the stations.


Neil: S&M, I guess is small minded, I don't know.


Alan: Well yeah, definitely small.  But it's fascinating to see these studies AS they're giving you the new stuff, and then getting your feedback from people who are unwitting fools for filling in all these questionnaires. Because they don't even get it themselves where it's all going to and where it's supposed to go to. So yeah, I mean, you're watching the Adorno idea being fulfilled and folk can't even put it together.  Oh, it's just entertainment. Well, what do you think he was talking about?


Neil: Paula was telling me that generally a month or so before this whole Covid nonsense started there was somebody running for election here who was totally against homeschooling, totally against it, wanted to ban it.  And a couple of months before that she went full-circle, and then here we are, we've got people getting taught at home on the computer, in their bedrooms, privately, where the parent's not allowed to view what they're getting taught. There was a report came out, I think it was actually Florida, I can't remember, but they're getting very concerned that people decided, well, we'll just keep our children at home, thanks very much, and they're pushing now to get them back into schools.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: Is it because, possibly, the parents are actually teaching them real things?


Alan: Well, you probably saw the one with one of the teachers, who is also a social activist, he was the one who got his name in the paper for being concerned at the children, that the parents might snoop on what their children are learning. Because he was all for promoting all the stuff we've just been talking about.  [Chuckles]


Neil: That was in Tennessee I think, and the lady had to sign a waiver to say she wouldn't be in the room.


Alan: Yeah.  Some of the leaders of the avant-garde of the, you can call it what you want, the Communist Party is one way of doing it.  That Reese Commission and Norman Dodd that gave the interview in fact, he, they went through some of this too if you really go into depth in their books that came out of that actual inquiry. So this is an old, old idea. And the Communist Party, if you want to call it communist, communism is a front, as you know.  You can't go much deeper into that, but it's a front.  And the people that they use are always used, you know, to get it all into play.


But they're not going to be the winner themselves, the people who do all the stuff at the bottom. In fact, they get rounded up afterwards, because the system, hhhch, that used them, can't allow them to continue that way when the people find out they're not getting what they actually fell for.  They get eradicated.  That happens.


But anyway, the cultural deprivation step by step by step is a big, big part of the total destruction, going way back as I say to Gramsci. It's been awfully successful. Until literally people, there's no shame at all or blushing in voyeurism, which is what television is, voyeurism into deep sexual affairs. And it's so addictive, which they know too.  So incredibly addictive, that's part of it as well. That's why they push it so much.  Once they're addicted to that you won't, no one's going to have a stable relationship, male or female, you know.  Because you're going to see things there that don't really happen in natural life.  It gets addictive and you want a bigger high and a bigger high, so you end up with, well, mass promiscuity. You actually see it in The Matrix movie.  They showed you a lot in The Matrix movies where they go into Zion underground, deep underground, then you have this strange kind of orgy scene when they're all dancing and going crazy and so on. That's the system of the future they're showing you there.


Neil: I remember being a young boy and there was four children. You'd be sitting in front of the TV there, mom and dad, they'd be watching something. It could have been that ridiculous soap opera Coronation Street, or whatever it was, they’d be watching that, and if somebody so much as kissed each other they'd be saying, oh, you don't be watching that, you don't be watching that.


Alan: Yeah.  Yeah-yeah.


Neil: You know, and now, as you say, people don't even blush if they see basically what's pornography portrayed as entertainment in a movie or something, they sit there with their parents and watch it.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: It's just baffling really.  But going back to what you were saying about the so-called street revolutionaries as it were being rounded up and dealt with because they can turn on the new system as it were. Do you think, is it the same technique used on the military when they come back?  Or the same process that they dehumanize them and then, you know, they pull a few out for war crimes or whatever, and just give them a bad name.


Alan: Oh yeah, they certainly do. Plus the military itself, years ago they had articles out there and they called it The Chemical Soldier. They also had, you know, talking about advancements in the soldier and how he'd be on super drugs, to be a super soldier. Well, they actually put them on lots of these drugs.  And they're never the same afterwards. It would take them years to get the stuff out of their system. It causes permanent damage in a lot of them.  They've got soldiers today in America that have done so many tours of duty that that's all they know, a lot of them.  You can't go on like that as a human being, getting sent to hotspots, watching the misery. It doesn't matter about IQ levels or anything, you see the misery. If you go into Iraq and you see it still bombed into the Stone Age pretty well, and you see the misery caused by previous generations of your troops going in there, um, you could possibly start saying, what on earth are we doing here, you know, what have we done here?


Of course, if you start thinking that way you're going to find out, if you really have the ability to go beyond your conditioning because soldiers are incredibly conditioned. They're trained not to think and not to feel, you know, that's what the soldier really is, is just to obey. Even to survive you've got to live on your instincts basically, fast Pavlovian type responses.  But if they start thinking, even in a few days off duty or they go home on leave or whatever, that's when things crash in on them and they say, what on earth are we doing here, who, what's really behind this, what's it really for?  And if they start to get on the road there, that they're there for a different reason altogether, maybe even for a different nation or different purpose or something else.


Americans aren't benefiting from any of this at all, as you know, that's the big, big problem right now, but you're left with the bill. And as you pay for it all, there's less money to spend at home on all the things it should be spent on, in a post productive world. You’re post industrial society you're living in, all that money that's extra, well, for taxes, is going for the military-industrial complex and to pay for all these bases across the planet. It's not meant to go on forever. 


Back in the 1930s as I mentioned before when you look at the amazing books churned out by the CFR and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, when they had their annual meetings, they had annual international meetings then.  They've got a group for the Far East including Australia, some of them were held in Australia. I've got the books here. They go through it step-by-step before World War II happened, 1937 I think it was, 1938, they said that the coming war with Japan...  Well, there was no war with Japan at that time. And the coming war with Germany… You know, the war had not started. 


But they didn't even pause to even consider in the book, and they had all the members there giving their speeches, that's what the book is comprised of, the speeches of different politicians.  Central bankers were there, you know, everybody who was anybody was there.  They're all listed in the back of the book.  But there was no hesitation about even losing the war - which is quite fascinating - and what they would do afterwards and reconstructing the world.


Right up until America, you know, that they went along the same lines as previous philosophers and historians in Britain like Arnold Toynbee, America will be basically the battering ram for this new order, this world order, and the taxpayers will fund it, a massive tax base.  But they also said that America will be the ruler for a while of an empire and then eventually it will start to lose. And I think that was like Vietnam, when the big change happened, the psychic change, that it might not go the way that we want it to go and why are we doing this anyway. And afterwards, they said, it will rally again and conquer again, maybe once or twice, and then it will collapse internally. That's exactly what's going to happen.


Neil: I think since Vietnam, after basically going out of Vietnam, they've been bogged down in these wars in the Middle East for what, two or three decades now. And they're not winning anything. They're not winning anything.


Alan: It's a 30-years war. 


Neil: Certainly not the hearts and minds.


Alan: Starting with Desert Storm, it's a 30-years war. And the US, and here's Trump again doing his saber rattling against Iran, at the same time as Netanyahu has publicly said they might do a first strike on Iran, you know, themselves from Israel.  Anybody who's sitting thinking is saying, wait a minute here, [Chuckles] you know, do they realize what they're talking about here?


Neil: I said to somebody recently, do you think going to war with China is a good idea?  Do you think that's really going to end well?  For anybody?


Alan: Remember Anthony Sutton?  Anthony Sutton was the guy who came out with the real deep studies on the true Trilaterals, you know.


Neil: He did books on who funded it.


Alan: But also, he came out with the history before it was called the Trilateral Commission.  He goes into Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, how Wall Street funded the Bolsheviks. He gives all the data and the details and facts. It's not speculation. It's not some author’s take on something, it's actual evidence. Then he had the one about who funded Hitler.  And another book called The Best Enemies Money Can Buy, how you always fund them up into prominence, then you get the wars going.  We've all lived through, if we're awake at all, the transference of all your factories to China with free trade and the GATT treaty and so on.  I did talks on them years ago when it was happening. I says, doesn't anybody notice that all your factories are getting, literally uprooting physically going over to China.  They were even sending, in Canada they were sending foreman over for different factories to train the people over there, as their factories were getting moved. 


We paid under the free trade treaty, the same with India at the moment and free trade, we paid these factories and these corporations to move, physically move and put up their offices and their factories over there.  For 15 years afterwards under the treaty if they claim they've lost money because of the move, you know, in the 15 years, then they pay no taxes for 15 years, and then they can actually renew it for another 15 years, so they never pay taxes. They make stuff cheaper over there and sell it back to us again. That's what free trade is all about.  Now we're doing the same thing with India, and a whole bunch of other countries by the way. 


We're paying for the postage. Look at the stuff from China.  Folks think it's wonderful, oh, I can order this from China online and I get this come back within a week and it only cost about one or two dollars. You can't, I can't post a letter here for that kind of thing. We're paying for it all, our tax money pays for China's posting the stuff to us, under free trade.  It's still on the go yet.


Neil: Yes, it's like the Indian guy who was the head of the IPCC at one time.  He was high up in the executive of Tata [?], again all the coal running plants and all the rest of it, the steel plants, all shipped over to India and rebuilding them again for free. And yet he's talking about climate change.


Alan: Was it Pachauri too that was head of the IPCC?


Neil: Pachauri, yeah-yeah-yeah, that's who I'm talking about.


Alan: Yeah!  So, he got a massive grant and he started, he opened up coal mines in India.


Neil: Yeah, and steel plants. [Laughing]


Alan: That's right.  [Laughing] I remember giving the talk years ago on that.  Yeah, it's a complete farce.


Neil: Yeah, the guy who was writing pornographic novels in his spare time.


Alan: And grabbing the women, publicly, you know. I don't know what he was on, the same stuff as that other guy that used to be with the World Bank, he was...  They're all, these drugs, they’re hypersexual, these characters, you know.


Neil: They're probably watching too much television.  Hhhch, he's watching too much television.


Alan: Well, he certainly enacted what he was seeing, you know.


Neil: Yeah. Talking about the drugs and stuff, it makes you wonder how screwed up these guys are that join the Army and they’re over there actually see what's been done. I remember the picture they came back when, I think when the Iraqis were trying to leave Baghdad, or it was one of the cities that had been bombed. And there was a whole line of them, maybe a mile long of these trucks that they just strafed with whatever they strafed them, and the bodies were basically caramelized.


Alan: Yeah. 


Neil: I can't understand why young men can see that on the televisions, when they, and then they'll see the ads to join the Army or the Navy or whatever it is, and think, well wait a minute, I think he's after me.


Alan: They did the studies back in the 70s and the 80s on all the coming video games, you know, even before you got the really good ones coming out. They did lots of studies. They had ones out by the way for the military years before. They even had them just at the end of World War II onwards, they got better and better.  They were kind of video types, but they were actually for training people to kill. Because it's not easy to train folk to actually do the killing. You can go for the movements and so on, but when you actually kill someone it's a different thing. Unless you enjoy it and you're a psychopath, you know. 


They had these incredibly good games that started off with the ones for World War II aircraft for shooting down enemy planes. And they had real footage in these kind of video things, you know. Then they went on and on from there. Then they gave, when it became all digital into the Internet, they give the plans to Japan. Japan started to lead the whole charge for making more improved video games very realistic, and the Department of the Defense in the US funded most of it. 


They did studies on Pac-Man even and other ones as well all to see if it was addictive to the youngsters. They studied them all, from the age of maybe 5 right up until about 20 to see if it made any difference on their psyche and how they viewed the world or anything. And they did.  They had more blunted feelings regarding humans themselves.  And when it got more and more realistic, again they were invented for the military initially and started selling them to the public. Because they wanted, and I gave the talks, I says, they're going to raise a generation up for the military with these games. And sure enough, now they actually have these articles out there saying, From Xbox to the Battlefield.


Neil: Yeah, wasn't it Arnold Schwarzenegger that did a tour at one of these factories with all these wargames and stuff and he said this was, I think he was governor of California at the time saying how good it was to train the children.


Alan: Yes. It's for training a generation, and sure enough you've had them across the Middle East now, you know, literally just for years and years and years. They trained them in advance.  They did documentaries only a few years ago there talking to some of them who were working, who were playing on the Xboxes who were going into the military.  They even take you into some of the recruitment offices where they have the same games in the recruiting offices for them to play with. So they go in their everyday and they'll play and walk out, and eventually they get recruiting sergeants and then they get talked into it.  It blunts your empathy. You're not, you're so used to seeing heads explode in a virtual world that it's nothing at all in real life.


Neil: Yeah, I often wonder if these young adults, children, I mean, I see people 40 years old that have been playing these games and you think, what are you doing, you know. It makes me wonder if when they're playing online, they're supposed to be playing with their friends, and there's all this fake battle scene, it makes you wonder if that's a training exercise going on.  And you get a knock at the door one day and they say, I believe you're very good at whatever it is, some murder game or whatever, how would you fancy coming to work with us for a little while?


Alan: Well, you said that and, it's happened.  Because it was maybe four or five years ago there was articles, actually ads from the Department of Defense where they were buying a lot of these used games, they had the recordings of the users in them and the different systems they'd set up themselves, the users, for the battles and all that. They actually analyze them to see the difference of that generation’s mentality and their ability to possibly kill in real life, as to the people who had never had that before in previous generations, they didn't have the games, you know.  So you're quite right actually. They actually, they put millions too, millions of dollars they're putting out to buy them back, these games.


Neil:  Not many years ago Paula’s son took part in an exercise, and he was in high school at the time. He wasn't even in college. It was run by the military. It was designing a system to hack into a computer.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: So a few weeks later there was a knock at the door from the military saying could they speak to her son, and she told them where to go.  That's what they're doing, they're going around the schools and setting up these little exercises to find out who's got the capability to do this, that and the next thing, for any specific thing they want them for.  They have their name and address and they come knocking on your door.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: It's just... aaacchh. 


Alan: Again, the parents think, they can't quite relate to it, thinking it's a GAME, you know it's just a game, and they can't really, they don't realize the effect it has on the mind when you're getting trained to go out and slaughter.  That's what it's about really. You see, modern warfare is nothing like the old Hollywood movies of the 1920s and 30s for World War I or II.  Modern warfare is generally not going up against real organized armies, you know, no matter what they've said in the past, in the recent past.  You've got really ragtag armies that you're invading their countries, and you're going into civilian populations and policing the populations. That's not what the Army is for. It's completely changed, you know.  So you're regarded as the oppressors. If you can’t give a valid reason as to why you're there, then you are the evil guy.


Neil: Oh yeah, absolutely.


Alan: And they really can't see, I mean, they can't. We know it was a complete farce with Afghanistan because they were ready to go into Afghanistan before 9/11 happened.  It was all drawn up and they had troops and so on all set to go. So that was part of the, it was one of them on the list of the PNAC group from the 1990s, the same group that took over with Bush Junior when he got in.  So it was all, that whole list of countries was on the list to be taken out by the PNAC group. Really, the people of America have no wars with the Middle East at all, you know.  Not personally they didn't.


Neil: There's only a couple of countries left. There's Iran and I think it said North Korea, or, I can't remember.


Alan: Yeah. And there's still, the US is still, and so is Britain still funding the terrorist organizations they're calling freedom fighters against Syria. You know, I mean we've been funding, this is another thing too, this is an idea about collective punishment in a sense. If you look at some old religions, there’re some heavy, heavy discussions in old religions, in theology, about collective punishment. Judaism has it, you know, if you're Jewish, regardless of your nonparticipation in anything underhanded or whatever, you still collectively will get punished, this is part of it.


It's the same thing if you look at Protestants versus Catholics to an extent as well. Even if you've got a radicalized group, a small faction in one or the other doing all the dirty stuff, the whole lot will get punished collectively, you know, in the world's eyes.  Well, it's the same thing if you're sitting back watching for years and years munching on your chips and so on, your crisps as they say in Britain, and watching this stuff going on. You're paying for all that.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: And eventually comes back to hit you collectively that the world is going to hate you for sitting and funding it all, you know.


Neil: I mean, we're getting a form of collective punishment now. If somebody breaks a curfew or something, then the whole city is locked down kind of thing. So you've got to point a finger at the bad guy for going out to the pub after 10 o'clock at night or something. In Scotland they're encouraging you to report your neighbor if you see too many of them in the garden next door. It's just getting bizarre.


Alan: I know.  Well they've got to, if the folk don't stand up against it, again, collectively...


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: It's got to be, and everybody says NO. I said, I gave this talk back in 1998, you've got to relearn a word that's called NO. 


Neil: M-hm.


Alan: That's all. Don't explain it, as to anything, you know, just say NO. And that's how, that's the only way, if enough folk do it, they can't put everybody in prison, you know.


Neil: Exactly. I've always said the same.


Alan: What they have planned for the people is hell. This is not going to stop. I've watched trains go by here, the houses shake. We've never had such heavy, this is full, this is goods of canned stuff and so on going to the bases further north there for NORAD, that's where they are, they're further north of me. Underground bases. And for the stuff, I've never seen so many trains in all the years I’ve been here. Every day maybe 20, 25, sometimes 30, heavy, heavy suckers. Miles long. And it's not going to stores, believe you me. What you're looking at here is quite a few years of massive lockdown.


Neil: Yeah, well they're putting reports out saying that this is going to go on until 2024, 2025. So there's your...


Alan: This could go on indefinitely, I think.


Neil: Probably if it goes on that long it's going on indefinitely.


Alan: This is to change the WHOLE structure of existence. It isn't...  Covid is just an excuse.  It's the whole sustainability idea. Total lockdown. Post-democratic societies, that's a big part of it.  They've said at the Club of Rome, the Club of Rome is like the massive, the big think tank that manages the cultural changes for the elites. They've said it, that the whole agenda for sustainability that they couldn't get people to comply with through the climate agreements and so on, cut back on food, cut back on farming, cut back, cut back, cut back, we can implement it through the Covid and they're just overjoyed with what they're doing. They've already started it. They said that they wouldn't allow businesses to open up, any kind of business, unless these unelected panels in your community see it first, what you do and if, are you wasting materials, are you causing carbon, blah blah blah, and they're actually not allowing certain businesses to start up again.


Neil: Well, a report came out, not a report, somebody tweeted something out that they'd seen UN vehicles coming into Cork harbor yesterday and there's some speculation about what they're for.  But they could just innocently be troops coming back from some exercise or whatever.


Alan: That was Cork, was it?


Neil: Cork, yeah.


Alan: Yeah, well you see, Ireland is one of the, hhhch, one of the biggest suppliers of troops for the United Nations and they go off with the white armored vehicles. They train in Ireland. They're based in Ireland, most of them. They're a big part of it. I know some guys in it in fact.


Neil: Well going back to, well, we're talking about Agenda 2030 now, and Gavin Newsom in California, he said he's going to get rid of sales of petrol cars by 2035.  So I mean, 15 years and you know, I said to people here, what are you going to do when they come for your cars? And they say, well they won't do that. Well, there you go, there's California already.  And 15 years is not a long time. You know, that's...


Alan: No.  My Ma used to say, she was kind of up on the kind of cultural, at least all the stuff that was getting pushed out of California, or Hollywood. She says, all social cancers that start, they all start in California and spread out to the rest of the world.  Anything that's avant-garde and progressive, it all starts in California and then it gets pushed outwards. And that's so true, I've watched it my whole life.


Neil: Yeah, well I guess the Irish government is taking that on board because the national bus company there have decided they're not going to supply buses between cities anymore. So there's your lockdown going to be implemented for every city, and you won't be able to get out. There will be roadblocks, as have been already in Ireland stopping you going from, get out of Dublin, or get into Dublin.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: I think there was talk of them doing the same thing in Cork as well. So who knows what those UN troops are for?  Maybe they’re there for Cork, who knows?


Alan: Oh yeah, they'll let them loose at the right time, yeah.  Don't forget too what Kissinger said in his talk in California. It was in the 1970s or 80s, I can't remember now. He was giving a talk to an audience in California, and he said, he was talking about the United Nations.  The people were all boo-booing, and, we don't want the United Nations, it's a communist organization and so on. He says, if under the right circumstances of famine or starvation or the like, you'll welcome them in, including Chinese troops if need be.  That's what he said.  You can actually find his speech up there yet, I put it up years ago.  But yeah, I mean...  you see, their reality, the ones who help plan all this, are completely different from the people at the bottom. It's like the CIA, the CIA was never there to help Americans.  They had an agenda.


Neil: Yeah, there was people in Trafalgar Square on Saturday saying that when these guys, these police officers came in, you know, to charge the crowd, said many of them looked Eastern European. They didn't appear to be English police officers.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: So where they came from is anybody's guess.


Alan: That's interesting. I'll tell you, the same thing happened in New York after 9/11.  I know from some people I knew personally there who were in touch with me at the time. One woman who was a nurse down there, she had applied for, it was a, they were afraid of asbestos and so on so you could put in your name and then you get a special vacuum cleaner for your apartment or your house. She fell for that and went for it.  Well, hhhch, she was there one day, and this kind of SWAT team came in all, well, they were actually kind of far Eastern looking people.  There was a woman in charge, with these black outfits like something from a sci-fi magazine. They had a GPS with them, and into the room and the whole thing and told her to stay where she was.  They did a location thing, they weren't interested, they said they were there, hhhch, to check the vacuum cleaner that she got. What absolute nonsense, didn't even look at it. But they were all heavily armed by the way, you know. I heard it from other people too that I knew at the time, that didn't know each other. So they gave me the same stories of the same things happening to them in different parts of New York. 


Neil: They said they appeared to be Eastern European, I don't know how they ascertained that. As I say, but they were very young.  I mean, if they're very young they're hardly unlikely to be trained by officers, because they tend to be a little bit more experienced.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: They said they had manic staring eyes and were aggressive right from the start, beating the truncheons into their hands and all this kind of thing to rile up the crowd and all this kind of stuff.


Alan: Oh yeah, you've definitely got them. Some of them were caught years ago here when they did the anti-globalist agendas where they were having the globalist meetings.  Huge student demonstrations at the time in Canada and in the States.  I remember in Montréal, I think it was Montréal they had one of the big globalist meetings where they publicized them, etc.  That was just the WEF group that went there too, they managed it all.  But I remember you had the same kind of characters that would turn up at these meetings, with the masks on. Folk thought they were Antifa, you know.  This is years ago. Dressed exactly the same way.  But these are the only ones who threw gasoline bombs at the cop cars, they did it in Montréal. Well, they caught four of them and some, hhhch, some of them saw the photographs in the papers and they had combat boots on, these guys.  So, I looked into it.  For sure enough, they were members of a very secretive unit for the police in Montréal. They were doing the actual firebombing.


Neil: Yep.  I remember the pictures they showed you, the soles of the boots, and they were all exactly the same, the same tread.


Alan: That's right.  That was the clue for folk to investigate further. But you definitely have a super, if you want to call it supra-force already established to deal with the international terrorism.  Including if the public themselves are declared the terrorists, the general public.  It's already there, they’re trained and all the rest of it. 


Neil: Well, we are going to be declared terrorists if we don't take the vaccine.


Alan: Well I mean, absolutely. If you don't do what you're told, not just with the vaccines, there's a whole slew of things they want you to obey.  And it's not going to stop. This is a whole new way of living and it's going to be getting ordered every day as to what to do and what not to do. This is the authoritarian system; we are post-democratic.


Neil: I mean a lot of so-called protests in the past did come from students.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: In Scotland now you've got this Nicola Sturgeon, this real.... maniac leading the country, and locking students up in their dorms, and then she just kind of backtracked a little bit because there was big pictures put out on this. These student accommodation places they put them in now look like prisons anyway from the outside. They all had signs in the window saying, help me Mum, and all this kind of thing, and, let me out, blah blah blah.  But what does it take for students nowadays to actually get out in the streets and say we've had enough, and we don't like the way this is going?


Alan: They're short of testosterone, I think, you know.


Neil: [Chuckles] ...and that's just for the girls.  [Chuckles]


Alan: Here's the thing, you know, I can joke about it, but the people are way high now in estrogen, males too.  Way higher than they used to be.  Again constant studies, they keep giving the same reports and updating them every year or so. It ties in with the male infertility, you know. Interestingly, I don't know if you noticed, when the Covid thing came out, and yeah there was a massive, massive campaign to terrify the West, no doubt about it.  With complicity of China. That's what I said at the time, I says, are they all in it together, China and the US, you know, all working together to terrify their people?  I really think it is that way. But anyway, they did give the reports out with the initial Covid 19 idea.  They said that it affected the testes of men, and could actually cause permanent damage, you know. I thought, what a coincidence.  If this virus can actually do a bit more, a bit more infertility advancement for the elites, and add to the rest of the problems we've got because you've already got lowered sperm counts, and what's left in the West is very low motility, most of them are half dead, the ones that are still moving, the spermatozoa, you know.


Neil: Well then, going back to what you were talking earlier about men in spandex and things, I mean, it's been very, very obvious over the last, at least a decade anyway, young men, school-age men in college, whatever, are very effeminate a lot of them.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: And act effeminately, they hang about with girls. But not in the way like we would've done 50 years ago, you know.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: They're hanging about with girls as if they're the same as them.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: You know, they all have the same interests, they all watch the same, ah, celebrities, they all follow all that junk. They don't, there's no distinction between male and female in terms of attitudes or anything.


Alan: Again, I gave the talks back in the 90s on androgyny, that was part of the reason, where you would not just look alike, you'd behave the same ways and so on. Again, through the school system where they, with the massive campaign to stop what they call bullying, right, but it wasn't just bullying.  Hhhch, any young guy that sits on his rear end for a few hours in a classroom at the age of 6 or 7 is going to be tapping his feet or something. Because young guys normally climb trees, you know and do things like that, you've got this energy, that's what you do. 


Well, they want the males to conform like the females. Huge, you know, huge studies were done on it, how to make the guys comply. Well, they came out with all the different new, ah, fabricated diseases of ADHD and so on and hyperactivity.  And for hyperactivity they give them amphetamine!  You know, so if the child wasn't hyperactive before, ah, he's better now, he's on speed. I've watched this, and everybody's been shaking their heads watching it.  Of course what does it do too? It literally shrinks the brain as it's developing. These guys never mature properly. Their IQ drops. This is the studies that prove it, it's not my opinion here.


Hhhhh, can you believe that a whole generation, really, actually, it’s going the the second generation, of male leaders who are completely nullified, when teachers just got fed up with someone asking questions, and got them to see a doctor and get prescribed, you know, to put them on drugs?


Neil: I got into a lot of trouble with this.


Alan: That's your leadership generation out the window.  Yeah.


Neil: I got in trouble for asking questions at school, a long time ago, and I guess that put me off school for a long time until I went back to college and then University, and asked a lot of questions there and they didn't like it either. So nothing had changed really.  But yeah, I mean, students, I don't know, it's a...


Alan: You've got a war. You see, you've been living in a war your whole life long. Most folk don't realize it. They think all these things are unrelated. No, these are all parts of the war.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: You've mentioned before all these nonsense degrees that they bring out now, like flower arranging, and just ridiculous beauticians coming out...


Alan: Belly dancing, there's belly dancing too.


Neil: Yeah, whatever.  I mean, and people actually, the parents of these children must think, oh well there’ll be a job in that. Well really? What job?


Alan: I know.


Neil: It's crazy. And they don't know anything.  You try and talk to some of these children and you're talking to a wall. I mean, there's nothing coming back at you in the way of any intelligent conversation.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ...for the most part, there are exceptions of course.


Alan: They did the studies too, lots of them can't even look another human being in the eye. You see, they're not used to, they've been raised just texting people and so on and they're not used to actually talking and conversing in real life with people, you know.


Neil: They're trying to tell them now that looking somebody in the eye is an aggressive posture.


Alan: This is straight out of the manuals of ancient China, and Britain by the way. [Chuckles] Because the nobility has never allowed, royalty has never allowed the peasantry to look at the people, their betters in the eye. That was a big, you could really, you could get chained and whipped for that, you know.


Neil: I think that still goes on.


Alan: Britain was the same. Queen Elizabeth I had a lot of them done that way because they looked her in the face. So did Hillary Clinton, you know that too, eh? 


Neil: Yeah. I think it's the same today in Buckingham Palace. I think they've got to walk past with their head bowed and they're not allowed to walk on certain sides of the corridor and all this kind of thing.


Alan: Absolutely. It's subservience, you see.  It isn't just politeness, it's subservience.


Neil: Yeah. It's getting that way with the politicians as well. They're all adopted this, ah, what's his name, Mussolini type posture with the raised chin and looking down the nose that you.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: So, you can't even look them in the eye, because they're looking down at you, they're kind of, they're not looking AT you, they're looking over your head.


Alan: Again too, it's interesting that whole phenomenon. Because when you look at how the communist, you know the early Communists were quick off the mark in adopting the Germanic filmography techniques for propaganda purposes. They had a lot of old silent ones on the hero type, the new Soviet hero. But you can see the techniques that were used. And the hero, a little guy would start off at his little peasant village, and as the time went on, he became the hero and kept factories going single-handed and stuff like that. The camera shots took it from below to make them look like a giant, you see. And so they made the screen bigger.


The same thing happened with Germany, with Leni Riefenstahl you know, she did the Triumph of the Will was it called, that movie?  She used the techniques too and she made everybody look like giants with the shots that she took and the angles. And it's no mistake, what you're talking about now. Almost everybody out there has got these massive giant screens. And it's all catering to them, to make these folks look superhuman. 


Neil: Well that, I can't remember the name of the movie, Inglorious Bastards or something it was called.  It was about the war and that, Riefenstahl was mentioned in that.  That the lady in that one, that cinema, she was helping this Riefenstahl.  Exactly as you said there, they got this young soldier guy, and he was a great marksman. They made him into this great sniper, and he murdered 50, 60 of the enemy blah blah blah, and all the camera angles were like that, looking up to him, and he was up in the clock tower and he was a big hero.  All exactly the same way as the movies were done in the 40s. Exactly the same way.


Alan: Oh yeah.  M-hm.


Neil: They're doing the same with the politicians of course, exactly the same.


Alan: Yeah.  They give you the big screens, high definition, then they seem larger-than-life.  Including the celebrities that everybody's stuck on, you know. They actually get embarrassed when they see them in real life as they're pretty short or maybe even a bit pudgy, you know, and something like that.  But the TV screens make them look like they're giants and superhuman. That's intentional too, then you follow the stars, you know, that's why they make them stars.  And the nobodies follow the stars because they haven't found out they are somebody themselves yet.  That's what they do.


Neil: Again, going back to the students. I mean, that's all they've been brought up with. They've been brought up with this whole culture of celebrity, their whole lives, and they don't see any real people.


Alan: Absolutely. Here's another big thing too, I remember talking to people years ago and they were teaching at universities, and it was a discussion about the future for the youngsters of the West.  And hhhch, as they churned out more and more ridiculous degrees, the competition rises all the time.  Because with the amalgamation, which again goes back to the 1930s for the CFR group, for the amalgamation of the Third World countries into the first world countries, they knew that, hhhch, this is so interesting really, the families that would succeed, they said, in the 1930s.  This is your own elite, you know, talking here, the ones that manipulate and manage things.  They said that the families from countries like India and China, they still have intact family units.  But the ones in the West would be degraded as they progress towards a different system. Well, naturally they actually said that the children would be far more successful for the ones in the family units from China and India, than the ones in the West as the ones in the West become more freer.  [Chuckles] And sure enough, you look at the students from China in the West, and the ones that have come over from India, their children, they'll study and study like crazy compared to the West. They have decent homes where there's not screaming and argument or whatever, or all the problems there, drugs. So, they are getting used at the moment for the middle-class bureaucracies that are running over us actually.  But it was planned all that time ago, it's just astonishing to sit and watch it your whole life long.


Neil: You mentioned Indian people, and it is amazing because everyone you meet from, well, call it a middle-class family if you like, they are a very cohesive family unit. And they're all like doctors and lawyers, they're all very well-qualified people.  Because they have that kind of, I don't know how, I don't want to call it strict...


Alan: A stable home is so important. But the war on the family was done on the West, it's still on the go, what's left of it. But I mean, it's pretty well demolished the family. If you have parents, and the parents can get on in some kind of order, right, there's an order at home, so it's not screaming, hollering or on drugs and all the rest of it or alcoholism, or affairs all over the place.  If you could have a stable family at home of order the child grows up with a greater ability to be a good achiever, you know. You can't do it, you can't study at home when there's chaos, you know.


Neil: I know, and then they tend to stay-at-home longer, willingly, because of the environment.


Alan: Well, here's the thing too, I mean, both China and India, especially I'd say, they put out more for their children, you know, they'll sacrifice more for their children, financially. The West went through so much deprivation for world, even before the world wars, you know, the Boer War, World War I, Great Depression into World War II, rationing even after World War II, etc. You had broken families all over the place. Wars cause incredible shock to the system of everybody growing up in it, you know. Then you hit it with deliberate plans to destroy the family unit, and bingo, you're going down the tubes as other ones replace you and take over with stable families.


But in Britain, the biggest thing that I heard in Britain from parents all over the place and the friends I knew and so on, the parents wanted them out of the home as soon as they can get them out of the home, you know. They did not have the financial backing to even have the children back then. Because you're living in pretty well poverty after, you know, years of wars and Great Depressions.


Neil: Of course if you talk about China and the villages, Indian villages all the children there are, you know, they're valuable to the family as a working unit, you know, as a working unit.


Alan: That's what the...  Here's the thing now. The ones who wanted you all destroyed understand all this. It was a purposeful thing to destroy the West. And nothing happened by itself.  Always under the guise of freedom, eh?  It was a complete war, spelled-out by at least, at the very least you get the communist sides of it spelling it all out. It was a deliberate war using, Gramsci said you'll use culture, entertainment, everything to do it all. And they DID it. Then they signed all these agreements to take all your work away from you. So you've got an even higher concentration of youngsters with degrees and no work to go and use them in. I remember when we were training Chinese in the West in colleges and universities as engineers and sending them back to China, and they had no factories to go back to at the time. Because it was in the wind that we were going to finance and ship our factors to them. Everything is planned this way on such a massive scale.  It's not happenstance.


Neil: No. It makes you wonder what's going to be left in the West in the next 10 or 15 years.


Alan: They want it demolished, right down.


Neil: There's got to come a point where people do get genuinely disgruntled because they'll have nothing left to lose, once they've lost everything.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: Including their family and their home and all the rest of it.


Alan: Veganism [?] is just another word for nothing left to lose.


Neil: [Chuckles] Yeah.  But they've just announced, I think they're going to do away with this mortgage or rent moratorium, and they have extended in some places. But you know you've got landlord saying, hold on a minute, I, you know pensioners, I worked all my life to buy those two apartments so I would have an income when I was older, and now you're telling me that nobody has to pay me any rent anymore for those? And it's going both ways. The people who did get money, to pay the rent, just chose not to pay it. And yet, they're allowed to do as they please and the poor guy who's paid for the apartment gets nothing.  That's his livelihood gone.  He'll probably lose his own house paying the rent for the other ones, or their mortgage.


Alan: That's the agenda. You see, the world they want to bring in, it's prearranged, everything that's happening is prearranged. It's massive companies, only maybe five companies.  Just like the agri-food businesses, you've got five big agri-food businesses that run the world's food supply. Same thing with apartments and rentals, you'll have about the same thing. They want to raise up, they're already here, you know, quietly sometimes, but they're here and they'll own all rentals across the world. This was, it's an old idea, going way, way back, you know, 100 years. That's what they're going to do where the smaller ones. There's people with a few houses the think they're still landlords. No, they're going to get done away with.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: It's big corporations that are going to own, you know, streets and streets and streets throughout the cities, like they do in New York in some places.


Neil: I saw it in Bulgaria where the old factories that had been basically abandoned when the Soviets left, and they have the blocks built there specifically for the workers. These are basically, the government owned them.  If they didn't do as they were told in the work, then they'd lose everything. They lose their work, their money, their accommodation, everything, it would be on the street.  Maybe we're going back that way.


Alan: I'm sure we will actually.  I think it's even worse than that. What's arranged here, I mean...  Hhhhh.  I don't know if you've ever seen troops going into action, actually seen them going into action.


Neil: No.  No.  I've never been so unfortunate.


Alan: Yeah.  Because there's a, a, hhhhh, a character change comes over them, you know, and commanders, as they're going into it. And that term resolute, a resolute grasp of things, very resolute, it means more than the word.  It's so easy to say it, but it's a tangible thing, you know. It's when this-is-it, you know.  It's a this-is-it moment and that's all-or-nothing, you know.  And by the way there'll be no Geneva Convention when these kind of things take off, that's how it happens.  But what you're seeing today, it's a look that they have from the superior, the higher commanders, you know, it's an all-or-nothing look. It's a hard thing to explain, but you're seeing it now. You're talking about the politicians in Australia, etc. actually come out in saying this, we've got to be more authoritarian now. You're seeing that same look.


It does not bode well for the general population.


And I think what they've got in mind here, to completely eradicate, again getting back to year zero, afterwards, I think you're going to see starvation, going over a few years here as they bring us down and down and down. Until the folk, whoever's left will beg them to bring in the, hhhch, plan that they have had on the shelves for years, you know.


Neil: Well, at the United Nations, they'll be begging for the United Nations on the street.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: And it's funny that people here say, well we've still got guns, we've still got this and that. I says, well, when you don't have any food, you'll quite quickly hand your guns over.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: They go, oooooh, I would never do that, we'll never do that.


Alan: Well, you can't eat them.


Neil: [Chuckles] You can't eat them, exactly.


Alan: If you ever go into a place where there's starvation happening, you know, different parts of Africa, and a long, long time too, you get it in Bangladesh and different places.  But it's nothing like you'd think it was going to be. You don't see [undecipherable], you see lots of trucks coming back and forth anyway. You see a quietness. You walk, you go into villages, and there's folk in the streets dying, you know. It's the silence that gets you. It's not... It's not noisy. It's not folk screaming. They're past the stage of asking for help.  Or expecting it. I could see it happening here. And yet you can sit there with your rifles and all the rest of it as your starving to death, you're way too late by then to use them.


Neil: Well yeah.  Unless you're going to shoot something to eat, that's about all you can do.


Alan: That's right.  And I can see that is part of the plan, eventually to make us buckle under until ANY memory of how it used to be is utterly eradicated. That's the intention here, brute force eradication of memories of a different time.


Neil: I mean I says, you know, I'm trying to grow what I grow. But it's very difficult to grow anything in any kind of general bulk here. I mean you're only talking, you know, salad vegetables and beans and things like that. You can't grow enough to live on. I mean you know you can can in the summer or spring or whatever. But you can't grow meat. I mean, you can't grow all the essentials you need. And certainly not water. I mean, if they cut the water supply off, you're screwed. I mean, that's it. Two days without water, three days…  In a Florida summer, maybe one day...?  As you say, you can see them going around in a truck with water bottles on the back saying, okay we know you've got a gun, just hand that over and we'll give you a case of water today.  And that's the way it will go.


Alan: Yes.  They did that in New Orleans when they had the, when the booms went, you know, when the water flooded in. The trucks went around the houses, the soldiers went around the houses to evacuate people in some of the areas, and some of the better areas too.  They weren't allowed to take anything with them. When they came back of course all their guns were gone. They even took the animals and brought them into big halls, like townhalls and so on and machine-gunned them. I don't know if people realize that's what they did with the pets eh.  But yeah, you've got to start maturing very quickly here when you see what's going on here. Got to mature very, very quickly.


Neil:  Yeah, I mean going back to the students. No, older people would have relied on their children to defend them in times of, you know times of strife. But you got a generation now that all, 18 or 20-year-olds, they're not going to defend anybody because they are incapable, certainly.


Alan: And they're disconnected.  The bonding, they're completely disconnected. They've been trained from school, just like the old technique where they were quite blatant in the 60s and 70s, don't trust anybody over 30. Then they kept reducing the age until children could only relate to teachers around 20 years old, you know. Then you could indoctrinate the children much easier with them.  Everything's worked out scientifically here. But the general public have been broken. You've been broken with your bonding to each other.  The Internet society has helped destroy it as well. You've got lots of people out there in the chat rooms and stuff, but who’ve never met anybody in real life, you know. You don't know who's real and who isn't real.  And you tend to neglect the folk who are around you as irrelevant. It's quite amazing to study it and watch it.


Neil:  Well, now the student school children are being taught that they can't even speak to each other anymore. They’re being segregated, even down to that level, even down to kindergarten, they're not even allowed. And that generation...


Alan: The thing is too, with so many families that are single-parent families, basically it's been going on for such a long time, and the guy is absent. And even if the guys are around, they're generally quiet. Because they've been trained in school that the whole world's faults/problems is theirs.  You know, they're just another generation of men that's caused all these problems. That's how they're trained, to shut up in school and come to consensus with the group in school, consensus groups and so on.  They've been trained literally the women are the leaders. You see that everywhere you look.


Look at all the riots across the States.  And mayors coming out and telling everybody to stand down and let that happen.  And the guys are all shutting their faces and saying nothing here. I mean?  It's because they've been trained not to say anything. They've been trained that they are irrelevant, by the way.  And then you add into it the hyper estrogen that's in their system, and the lower sperm count, things start to fall into place.  Big time. 


Neil: Yeah, I mean, even down to the most basic survival if you like, even if they had food most youngsters these days wouldn't know what to do with it. They wouldn't know how to cook.  It's...


Alan:  I knew somebody... [chuckles] I knew somebody from the States and who did well for herself, you know. She said to me, quite proudly she says, I've never cooked in my life. And was proud, you know, very proud.  Meaning, you don't have to, you see, a society that was doing okay in certain cities, in certain areas and classes, the in thing was to always eat out. If you had to cook for yourself, you were obviously falling ranks in the class structure. But she very proudly boasted to me that she could make a grilled cheese sandwich, you know. And I thought, wow, I think that's what it's come down to, today they can't even feed themselves if they had to, you know.


Neil: There was a little video put up there and there was two teenagers, or two teenage boys, I don't know maybe, you know, late teens. They were given a dial up telephone and asked if they could make a phone call. It took them about half an hour to work it out, and they still, they had to be told at the end how to make it work. The same goes with cooking.  I think there's no basic knowledge instilled in them. Because as you say, I mean there might be single-parent families, there might be, you know, whatever. But in America for sure, a lot of people eat out all the time. ALL the time.


Alan: It's astonishing really.


Neil: And I can't understand how all these places survive. But then you look in and you think, well, they have all the people in them so, you know. 


Alan: What it is too, they don't realize that you've been trained to be helpless in an emergency.  And what d'you do if that… And look at them now with all these restaurants folding, eh, deliberately getting put under.  Woah. 


Neil: It's not just the mom-and-pop's that are going under either. A lot of these, the Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, Burger King, they're all closing hundreds of stores all over the country.  It's not just the small ones. But of course, that's just consolidation isn't it, and sharing amongst themselves, the big chains, I guess.


Alan: Yes.  M-hm. 


Neil: It will only be them left.  But I guess when it's only them left they could put up the prices again, just make it even harder to eat out, if that's all you've got.


Alan: That's what they want. You see, they don't plan on going back to a consumer society where you've got a variety of choices in buying things and so on. So, they're actually fulfilling it with using Covid as an excuse, you see. So this is the post consumer society. Of course the new industrial revolution is not replacing it with anything to help you.


Neil: Well, it's not replacing it with industry.   It's not replacing it with industry, so I don't know why it's even called an Industrial Revolution. It's I guess a revolution to destroy industry, I guess, put it that way.


Alan: Yes. And also, to fool people, you know.  You see, everybody's waiting, oh they're going to replace it with something. No, no. This is a complete ultimate...  The Club of Rome years ago, you know, in their publications from the very beginning actually have said that democracy does not work.  Now, they work on behalf of the elites that run the WEF. They said that they'd have to bring in a system of authoritarianism, get things done, and that the old system was gone.  The old system of work is gone, commerce is gone, you know. They'd replace it with a new system of emergency powers basically. That's what they're talking about.  And you're in it now.  I was going to say, they published their books starting off about the 1970s onwards, reiterating the same thing.


Neil: I left school in 1979 and we were told then that, look forward to the future because you'll have lots of leisure time, a paperless society, blah blah blah, all this stuff.


Alan: That's right.  [Chuckles]


Neil: What they don't mention is you'd have leisure because you wouldn't have a job and you'd be starving.  [Chuckles] We're going to have plenty of leisure time, it's just that you won't be able to have any leisure because you'll be constantly struggling to survive. They left that bit out.


Alan: Yeah.  And that's what it is.  But as I say, the West has been under attack, a deliberate planned, with a massive bureaucracy working it like a battle plan at the higher levels. There's no doubt about it. What's happening now is what they said, that the people would not all go along with the climate agreement, it would take too long, so we need to get a more stricter measures to bring it in. Well, Covid came along, that's it, that's the invention for it.


Neil: It seems that the, we mentioned just the last time we spoke, it seems to be the old rich colonies that are bearing the brunt of this at the moment.


Alan: Isn't that interesting, yeah.


Neil: Do you think some of these Eastern European countries, I think we've touched on this before, last time as well, but I don't know if you know in Bulgaria for the last, I saw this report the other day there, for 70 days anyway they've been in the streets, and tens of thousands of people been turning up every  demonstration calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister or the president or whatever he's called. As far as I was, I met that guy once when he opened the bridge up near where I was living and dug the first sod and all that kind of thing.  He was an ex-Mafia gangster's bodyguard. So that's the caliber of the heads there. But they wanted him out because he'd sold, they reckoned that he'd sold them out to the Mafia basically. I'm not sure which Mafia they were talking about, whether it was the European Union or not, just the elites or whatever.


Alan: The CIA runs the Mafia over there. Yeah, they do. Again, the money that flows from the EU to make the roads and so on never gets there. It's always put in the papers they're going to build this road and so many millions or whatever. It all disappears very, very quickly into these organizations that are the same organizations that they're using in, that even Biden's son's involved in in other parts of the area of Europe, the same organization.


Neil: As you know I was there when they were building the bridge over the Danube, and I walked on that.  The Bulgarian workers were getting paid half the amount of money that was on their contracts and the rest of it went into the back pocket of the company, FCC, a Spanish company, which runs recycling, and there's lots of them even over here.  I'm beginning to wonder if that's what they built the bridge with, recycled stuff, because it's falling apart already.  It's only been there 10 years.


Alan: It probably is. Yeah.


Neil: Yeah, that was going on back then and it was pretty obvious it was all corrupt. Again, like you said, it was hundreds of millions of euros spent on this thing.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: [Chuckles] And where that went, I don't know.


Alan: The whole idea in this massive EU, again, is a front where the commission at the top is pretty secretive, most folk don't even know who's in it. You don't get to vote them in, you know.  They have the fake ones down below that are the politicians that can't even pass laws.


Neil: Yeah, I think they get about 10 minutes a year to talk, something like that.


Alan: Yeah.  That's right, 10 minutes.  [Chuckles] And well-paid for 10 minutes, absolutely. But it's a complete farce. It's a farce. Even a lot of the Soviet dissidents talked about it and says this is the REAL Soviet system, it's beyond what the old Soviet system used to be.  Totally corrupt at the top. It's a different agenda than the people will ever fathom out at all.  Everything we live in today that's over us is there for a different reason, and it's part of a massive, it's like a big octopus idea or a spider's web, all connected across the world. When you look at the Ukraine for instance as I say with the farces going on there, when you hear the people talking involved in the areas there, they all blame America and the CIA.


Neil: So does Bulgaria. So does Bulgaria.


Alan: Yep.  Sure.


Neil: That's what they're told to believe.


Alan: It's interesting too, getting back to Norman Dodd, you know, and the Reese Commission and all the rest of it in the 1950s. They talked about all these nongovernmental organizations, that are massive armies really, with the leaders who live with pensions, you know, full, like life pensions. These aren't little charitable...  These are massive armies that can be mobilized at any time across the whole planet. And the CIA has got its fingers in everything. That's what Dodd and all the rest of them wondered about, what is the CIA? You know? It's never been explained yet. But it's part of the MI6, it's CIA, it's Mossad, it's a few other ones too, all combined. It's one massive system that really works on behalf of this real global elite at the top to plan the future. And they use every country in turn to help push its agenda and then they collapse it behind them.  They collapsed Britain long ago, now they're going to collapse America.


Neil: Do you think these Eastern European type countries, who should still remember living under tyranny before...


Alan: Yes.


Neil:  ...and a lot of them on the streets now… I mean the elderly people as well who you know were repressed under Stalin, getting rolled out in wheelchairs and all sorts of things to protest. I mean, do you think those, are those countries that still instill that knowledge onto their children, and the children are probably a lot more politically aware than people in the West generally.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: They don't buy the newspapers. They know the newspapers are all propaganda. You know, the villages don't even sell newspapers. That's how much they disrespect them.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: But do you think they, I mean, it used to be I think, believe that America could be the big stumbling block, you know, because of the weapons, etc. But I can't see that happening, as we have just spoken about, they could take the guns off people that easily using food and water. But do you think the countries where the populations do get out in large numbers, and who aren't armed, is that going to possibly be the, like in Eastern Europe particularly where they can actually remember history, they are going to be the ones to stand up?


Alan: They have the potential to do it, absolutely. The potential is there.  They still have, although they've been getting hammered too, they still have more intact family units, you know.  Not all together.  They're getting attacked as well. It's the same cultural changes that are forced upon them by the way. But you'll notice that Putin over the last few years has been kicking out all the different NGOs that have been doing the same old stuff as the color revolutions types and the Pussy Riots and going to churches and destroying churches. When you see the same MOs, and by the way it was the same MO they were using for the ISIS fronts across the Middle East, the churches were getting absolutely massacred and destroyed. Churches that were going way back to about 100 A.D., you know, totally destroyed. With utter hatred. Utter hatred. Planned.  And taxpayers money from Britain and the States funded all that stuff, you know, to happen. Well, you're seeing the same thing across Europe. You're looking at this strange conglomerate at the top, as I say, of special secretive agencies and so on funding and managing all this kind of stuff. But Putin saw it all and he says no way any he kicked them out as enemies of the state. And that's what they should be declared here at home as well.


Neil: Well, it's not just Christianity being attacked.  They recently announced they were going to make the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul...


Alan: Yep.


Neil: ...into a museum.  And I can't understand why there's not been more protesting on that even.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: It's incredible. I've been there and you can't see that in any other context than being a place of worship.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: You know, you're not going to go in there and say, oh this is a nice museum. No, it's a huge part of the culture there.


Alan: Sure it is.


Neil: I just don't understand why they'd allow that to happen.  I think, was it Putin or one of the others, one of the Middle Eastern countries said that they couldn't believe that that was being allowed to go ahead. I can't remember who it was.  But yeah, again, talk about religion, students, young people that they have no ties to religion anymore.


Alan: No.


Neil: I say particularly in the UK, maybe more so in the States in the more rural areas, but certainly not in the UK. 


Alan: Something the people should remember, whether they like it or not, you know, it's nothing to do with liking something. The elites of the show that you're seeing today at the top that run it, the ones who manage it, the long-term strategy, you know, because this is a very old war, you know. Their biggest ENEMY for centuries was religion, especially Christianity. That was their BIGGEST enemy, you know. All the planks, even in Communism that they had to follow, the destruction of the family unit and so on and man and wife and so on, was held together by the religious social sphere, you see. That's why it's always been first to get knocked off. Once you knock that out of the way, everything is easier to demolish underneath it.


Neil: It opens the door for all the ills to come in, I guess.


Alan: It's a big idea. This is a term, this is their terminology, a big idea.  Bush Senior used this in his new world order speech, remember, you can look it up online. He said, I see a new world order coming in to view, and he said, it's a big idea. Bush Junior 10 years later said exactly almost the same speech, new world order. And the same date by the way, you know.  You're looking at part of the esoteric dictation that they put out for their own members across the world. No reporter even picked it up and says, what did they mean by a new world order, you know, really, what's he talking about, a new world order, who's new world order, what new big idea? 


Mao Tse-Tung, because these are all parts of the same revolutionary parties that do the left-hand path, right-hand path, they work together, the dialectic, you see.  Mao Tse-Tung said he wasn't afraid of anything.   He says, all power comes from the barrel of a gun. But when he was asked if anything made him afraid, he says, he's only afraid of a big idea. You see, his enemy can have a big idea too. Because the one thing that united folk and culture was religion.  And once you have that behind you, you're unstoppable.


Neil: Yeah, I got that, that was pretty obvious back in Jerusalem when the Muslims, Christians, everybody live together, side-by-side, no problem at all. Until the establishment decided that they wanted to start causing trouble amongst them and they couldn't. I mean, the worst thing that could possibly happen to the elites I guess is if all the religions in the world turned around and said, right, enough of this, we're now going to get together and...


Alan: You see, here's the key, Neil. People can argue politics until the cows come home, if they even have cows in the future, you know. 


Neil: [Chuckles]


Alan: But the thing is, and they can argue all kinds of facts and factoids and theories and so on. But if everyone has the feeling of something bigger than themselves, that's a power, you see, way above arguments, you know. Folk will go to the end for that particular backing, of something bigger than themselves. That's the big idea.


Neil: We talked about good and evil the last time and whether you're religious or not, you should all know the difference between good and evil.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: And evil, I think we mentioned this, like it's an entity, if you like.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: And physically manifests itself in people, and you can see it in the way they look, in the way they, that look in their eye, that psychopathic kind of thing. [Chuckles]


Alan: [Chuckles] Have you seen the meltdowns that they've put up there, some of the women, when Ginsberg died there?


Neil: I've seen some of that but, it's just madness. It's almost like North Korea.


Alan: They even introduced the meltdowns when Trump got in the first time, you know.


Neil: Well, it was the same with Obama.


Alan: That's not normal. I mean, that's not normal behavior. 


Neil: No.


Alan: It's beyond rational.


Neil: People see that happening in North Korea when one of the leaders dies or something and they're all standing there weeping. And they think, ah, look at that, they've just made them do that, you know, that's all fake. But no, maybe it's not.  It's not, maybe they are just totally insane.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: You know?


Alan: Yeah, if people have an actual, actual belief in something bigger than themselves, that's the one thing that tyrants are terrified of. That's the one thing. It can overwhelm all common sense. You see, people would use this idea of common sense, well they've got all the guns, they've got all this power over us, they've got… But if folk have something to live for, here's the key, is to live FOR, that's bigger than just themselves, then nothing is going to stop them if they get on the march.


Neil: Yeah. It's like even the one guy in Tiananmen Square who stood in front of the tank.


Alan: Yes, absolutely.


Neil: And dared them to run him over. And the guy in the tank I'm sure was as brainwashed as the rest of the military, but he must've got something in his ear telling him, you'd better not do this...


Alan: [Chuckles]


Neil: ...or they're going to be all over your tank, and you're going to be dragged out in the street.  That's what it takes, it takes people to stand up and as you say, keep saying no, no, no, all the time. To anything. And don't justify it.


Alan: They don't get it here, that they've been played as suckers since this thing started, you see. Oh, just a few weeks. Oh, just a few months. Oh, just, oh, a few more months.  And this is to go on for years by the way, you know. And you're going to, you can't keep saying, oh maybe they'll back off and be kinder down the road. No, no, no. Don't start, don't go there. They lied from the beginning, they're going to lie right through it, and it's going to get more and more evil, and evidently evil as time goes on. Until you're too weak to do anything about it.


Neil: Yeah. Well, they'll back off a little bit if enough people start protesting, and then they'll come back later on and just push it again and push it again. Because people, people tend to, you know, they’ll get one step forward but then they very quickly take two steps back again.


Alan: Yes. It's all psychological warfare, massively so.  They spent billions, billions of dollars just on psychology and behaviorists to put this whole program across to the public, you know. So yeah, they've tried to think of every possible way to con us. Don't forget, at the beginning this strange character Fauci who literally worked with the [chuckles] the viruses that were sent over to Wuhan, you know. I mean, you couldn't make this up in a bad movie.  Here he is, he told you at the beginning, he says, life will never go back to normal.  What part of you that don't you understand?


Neil: He must be clairvoyant.


Alan: You see, we live in hope.  Yeah, we live in hope, you see, that it's going to, of something that's familiar to us. But they've already told us, it's not going to go back to normal.


Neil: I mean there's so much evidence coming out now and that's what started it off, the guy from Pfizer, that you've got people, one on Sky News even in Australia questioning the numbers and all this, and why there's any need for lockdowns and all that.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: Maybe they're just covering their own backside, who knows? 


Alan: Oh, it's much bigger than that. They're not going to; they are NOT going to...  I tell you, there's no way they're just going to back off. Unless the public, that's it. 


Neil: Again, oh yeah, I mean of course the public is influenced by the television and maybe, maybe it's going to be like, what's his name, the clip from Network...


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ...where he says, you know, you are reality, you are reality, not the television, you are reality. And stir the people up that way, I don't know.  I said to Paula, maybe people just need to stop throwing bricks at, you know, mom-and-pop restaurants, they need to take over the TV stations and put some real information out and see where that goes.


Alan: Yeah, really.  What's coming down the pike is a long-term agenda, that was planned for years and years and worked out, every single part of it, consequences, reactions to every single part, like a massive chess game.  They've implemented it. And they are dead serious. Now they'll go overboard. They're going to do head cracking in the streets shortly, you know. Terrify the public even more.  This is a terror campaign.


This is what the brutality of tyranny happens to turn into.  It's to get folk to comply.  They'll do brutal, brutal things to make sure you all see it, to comply. And as that happens, that's when you start going after these goons. What was it, don't forget what Solzhenitsyn said? He said, when the NKVD, you know, used to come in the middle of the night and grab people out of their homes and so on.  He says, they would often only be 4 to 6 of them at a time. we should have grabbed clubs, axes, pickaxes, everything, and gone for them right on the spot at the beginning, he says, and it would have stopped it right there.


Neil: Yeah.  I think it was, he also said something about when you see that car parked in the street under the lampposts, you need to get out there and drag that guy out of his car and give him a good saying-to basically.


Alan: Yes.  They were disappearing people and slaughtering millions over many years. Millions of folk were slaughtered.


Neil: And he mentioned the people peeking out behind the curtains as cowards, they should have been out there stopping it...


Alan: That's right


Neil: ...when they had the chance to do it. Then, well, we all know what happened.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: Well, we've done our two hours again, Alan, very quickly.


Alan: Oh yeah, it's short, eh?


Neil: Yeah. So where does that leave us? Saying no, I guess, saying no, no, no.


Alan: I said it in the 1990s, 1998 I think I says, I gave a talk on it, what was coming down the pike and I says, you got to learn to use NO. We've been trained to be compliant, to be nice and decent, and to our own detriments.  You've got to start saying no, that's it.


Neil: I think it's more important as well that when you say no, you just walk away, and you leave it at that. You don't even indulge in a conversation about it, you just walk off and leave them standing there wondering what to say next.


Alan: Also when it comes to seeing people getting grabbed on the streets for whatever it happens to be, you've got to get the numbers and badge numbers of all the cops involved. Because these, they must all get fired.  You must start taking action collectively to get these characters, you know, out of uniform.


Neil: Absolutely.  I did see one clip from Trafalgar Square at the weekends where this, she looked like a middle-aged woman dressed in a business suit, and four or five of these thugs just got around her, threw her around the place like a pinball machine and then just threw her to the ground.  And nobody... nobody did anything.


Alan: This is intentional terrorization. That's what I'm talking about, this is intentional. They want the public to see that to make you terrified it might happen to you.


Neil: Yep.  Yep.


Alan: That's when you nip it right in the bud, now, you know.


Neil: Yep.  Yep.  Okay well, on that jolly note... 


Alan: [Chuckles]


Neil: [Chuckles] What can you say, I mean sometimes you just got to laugh, and marvel at it.


Alan: You do.


Neil: And marvel at it in some sense because it's genius. You can't knock them. They thought this out pretty well.


Alan: They had all the time in the world to do it, and all the money, all our money to do it too. Yeah.


Neil: Yeah. But it's got to be stopped and that's the end of it.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: So okay, well, pleasure talking to you again.


Alan: Well, you take care of yourself.


Neil: Always informative.  Okay, so with that we'll sign off and be back on, what day is this, Wednesday, we'll be back on Sunday with news and views. With that we'll say goodbye.



Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
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Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
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Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"