Sep. 2, 2020 (#1791)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster)



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Transcriber’s note:

The audio is poor and therefore words or phrases that can’t be clearly understood will be referenced as [?].


Neil: Okay, it seems we're live again.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: Welcome back to Reality Bytes.  I've still got Alan Watt and you know, kind of technical things, to try and get backup recordings just in case this doesn't work.  So anyway, we'll start again. 


Alan:  Yeah.


Neil: I was talking about Ireland and the protest that's been going on there over the past few weeks. It was up to 10,000 people a couple of weeks ago.  And the latest protest being outside the studios of RTE, the main television and radio provider in Ireland for the BBC in England.  I was wondering if the elites would expect this type of thing because it's not the usual thing you see across Europe.  It's mainly mass protests in the streets, there's nobody actually targeting any specific institution if you like. 


And it speaks to the people in Ireland for that, realizing that RTE are now the enemy, and always have been. It's pretty obvious what they were reporting of the previous demonstrations and protests which cited a couple of hundred people actually outside Custom House, when the pictures clearly showed thousands of people.  That was the reporting that RTE did, then of course they marred that reporting with the Antifa scuffles which came to nothing really.  Antifa of course has become the supporters of the government apparently because they seem to turn up at every antigovernment demonstration supporting the other side, which is quite strange, considering they're trying to bring down governments.


But Scotland on the other hand, I know you talked about the Irish problem, the Scottish problem, etc. in the past Alan. And Scotland seems to have gone kaput completely. There doesn't seem to be any resistance there at all, unless you know of any.


Alan: No.


Neil: My son says nothing is happening there and everybody is just complying.


Alan:  M-hm.


Neil: England is a funny mix, I think. There seem to be some things happening in London and Manchester and other places. But nothing, nothing really like this that grabs the attention, apart from the highjacked event in London at the weekend with the usual suspects coming out.  Well, he didn't mention lizards but he may as well have.  There was a speaker there who mentioned closing the schools, which was again, a bit of a giveaway because that's exactly what they want to do.  It struck me that maybe Ireland is on the right track, it takes a small country, maybe even Ireland, to actually fight back and say enough is enough.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: The government in Ireland has been corrupt for years. It was corrupt when I was there, and it's still the same people in power, they're just switching them around...


Alan: Sure.


Neil: each other a thumb.  But if you spoke about the Irish problem in the past, and the English problem, and the Scottish problem, and you've mentioned that there's something about the Celts that doesn't like taking orders from people basically and won't be walked over. And now as I say, the Scots seem to have been walked over, but the Irish are still going.  What would you put that down to?


Alan:  It's, well, Scotland was gone a long time ago really. It was, the SNP was a Trojan horse, you know. It was, again this, get the people to really vote for Scottish independence, which isn't independence as you know. The same as Ireland, you don't wake up from independence into the European Union, which is an even bigger group of fanatics at the top.  So, they fell for it.


When you look at all the members of the SNP at the top, they used to be called the Communist Party.  That's what they used to be, these characters. They're international. That's their slogan, international socialism.  Folk have no idea that communism basically was set up and advised with the Comintern years ago and so on to get back to their own countries after the meetings in Moscow.  They'd come back.  Like Pierre Trudeau did.  He led the Communist Party for Canada in 1952 over to Moscow. He came back and then they ran as liberals, you see.  That was the trick to it. So, get in by any means you can, and once you're in you start to implement the international agenda. Which again is almost like an open border system, and masses of migration, and displacement of your own people in a sense too.  This idea of cheap labor doesn't really wash. Lots of the labor that came in, it wasn't needed in the first place. And that was flooding in even after World War II. 


But once the SNP got up and running, they promised you a wonderful utopia, as always, to get everybody on board with it. They push women's rights and all these rights for all these different people. Before you know it, you've got people coming into the country that get positions in, I think I heard recently in fact that the SNP were giving the votes to people outside the country.  I mean, what kind of nation is that? It's not a nation, you see, anymore. Pretty well destroyed.


Ireland still had the remnants of religion, you see. Even though it was hammered and hammered for a long, long time.  The Communists biggest enemy always, always, always was religion. Religion gave them a basis of culture, a cohesive culture which is awfully hard to destroy. Even when you, hhhch, pretty well took most of the religion away, the culture was still there, it was based on the religion, you see.  So that's why they haven't been able to completely annihilate Ireland yet. But they're really going at a pretty good there. They've put all the right Trojans in again, into the government systems across the board. And they're all paid off from outside sources. That's the big one too, I mean massive funding from all outside sources to individuals.


We don't live in any kind of democracy. Hhhch.  We've lived in an almost hypnotic state since World War II, since the big world organization that really runs the world, which you see at the WEF, the World Economic Forum.  They're quite open about their agenda. And it is based on a form of Technocracy. And Technocracy in the 1930s was a form of communism, a more perfected form of where communism was supposed to go, where experts would rule the world, you see.  You find, I think Elon Musk’s grandfather, or even father was part of the system too and was thrown out of Canada at one point in the 30s for subversion.  [Chuckles]


So, their idea is to take over the world's resources.  Which tied right in, when if you look at the Lord Alfred Milner group that came out with the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the British Empire, they ran the British Empire, this private club that morphed into the Royal Institute of International Affairs, with the American branch called the Council on Foreign Relations. They took over the world's resources. Everything that you need to live as a human being individually and collectively in a nation, they would take over. That's food supplies. That's energy, all energy.  And don't forget that food is energy. And your heating, electricity, your gas, whatever you're using, all energy would be controlled by them.


That's exactly what's coming out of the World Economic Forum today with the big crew that decided they have the right to rule the world. Behind all the sustainability for climate change, it's the same group that simply changed it into Covid, post Covid and austerity.  It's the same bunch. WE are the problem, too many of YOU, that's what they say, you know.  It's always been, on their own websites they go into this in quite good detail with Klaus Schwab prattling off his same old mantra, there's too many of you and that's the world's problem. So, they're going to make you come to a decision where you're going to accept sterilization.  I really mean that, that's where it's all going.


Neil:  Yeah.  Well of course there's many ways to sterilize people and abortion is one of them.


Alan: Yes.


Neil:  They've been pushing that hard in Ireland for the last five or six years.  Or, well, longer than that actually. But they've really been preaching it hard.


Alan: Oh, they're also going to definitely go into, they said at the last meeting last year, the same crew as I say, the WEF, it's the same crew that runs all the climate change agenda and so on, the same bunch, and the Club of Rome with them.  But they said last year that people were not listening to their advice, as they said it, on cutting back on consumerism and so on so they'd have to do something more drastic to make the people listen. And bingo, you get Covid breaking out around November, December.  [Chuckles] And here we go into rationing, you know, regimentation of the public in a wartime scenario.  It's all out there. 


Don't forget too that Bertrand Russell, this is a big group that's been on the go since before World War II, during World War II and after World War II, that runs the world. The same group.  Russell himself who belong to all these groups talked about bringing in a form of credit control, they'd give you credits issued by the state. Today it's universal social credit system and you get paid that every month. You would get paid not to work even, you know. That was in the 1940s and 50s he talked about this.


They're unfolding the whole agenda under the guise of Covid that they couldn't get through with sustainability and the climate change agreements. Under the climate change agreements, they said last year again that humanity was the problem, too many of you. Yeah. Then the Club of Rome came out right after the Covid broke out and said, we'll achieve all our goals for sustainability using Covid. And that's exactly what they're doing. Yeah.


Neil:  I think you mentioned on your broadcast on Sunday, you talked about the rationing and the rationing of fuel during the war years, and how it continued after it for quite a long time.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: I was speaking to a lady in the supermarket yesterday, quite unusual.  She was talking about she wasn't going to use the self-service checkouts, blah blah blah.  She was behind me in one of these disabled carts, and just chatted for a few minutes. She suddenly turned around to me and said, why, how did you get in here without a mask? And I said, because I just ignore them.  She said, you just ignore them? I said, yeah, I just walk in the door and don't listen to what they say.  I said I have never worn one.  And she says, oh, oh.  She said, I was at a meeting yesterday, an educational course or something that she was on, and she said there was about 25 people there and a couple of them had masks on, and the lecturer stood up and said, before we start, I've been doing this class for 10 years three days a week and I've never asked anybody to wear a muzzle, so if you don't want to wear that thing take it off.  [Chuckles]


Alan: [Chuckles]


Neil: She said by the end of the class nobody was wearing one. I just thought I'd throw that one in there because there's some positivity somewhere, you know.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: Getting back to England. England is a funny mix of people anyway but there seems to be, I would have thought that the north of England would have been protesting a lot more than they are, as opposed to the south. Because, you know, the South is still pretty affluent compared to the rest of Britain.


Alan: Sure


Neil: And they've not really, when a recession hits there they get brought down to the high levels that the people up north usually thought they enjoyed.  But they don't really suffer that much, and it's not really hit them yet.  Do you think that if something goes, again, the Irish, because it's an island, for the elite it's kind of a target because it is an island and it's easy to shut it down, it's easy to stop obviously food getting in and stuff like that, and fuel for that matter. Do you think the rationing could come in there first, or somewhere similar, where they can shut off easy?


Alan: They have enough operatives in Ireland managing the system that they could do it, sure. And they certainly do have operatives inside the system. Ireland has had its operatives in there since even before World War II running the system. It's a covert system we’re living under. You have one that they call democracy which folk actually think exists, and the other one is the one that really runs the system.


You'll find, I mean, I've got books going back, one especially is the 1930s, 1937. It's published by the Rockefeller Foundation, and it was for the British Empire, you know, The Future of the British Empire. But what it was, was a book about the transition from the power of Britain having it solely, you know, naval power and the whole thing, and the old Empire, and sharing it with the United States. So that the members of the Council on Foreign Relations there, that's the American branch of the same group, talking about the future, and that the war hadn't started, you know, but they talked about the war, the coming war with Japan.  That was in the book.  All the members who attended, the names were on the back. Top politicians, top bankers, central bankers of every country attended this. And the top Communist Party members. Because remember Quigley said the same thing, we don't mind, we've got communists, fascists and dictators, we don't mind, all these different members of the group. That's how you run the world.


The terminology is mainly to distract the public, the general public.  They're kind of puppets in a sense, and feints, like boxing feints.  We get carried away with the terms, we lose track of what they really are, but they're all used for the same purpose. 


So, they talked about a post-World War II system, in the book.  It was a big thick book too, for members.  They talked about restructuring, after the war, which hadn’t started, remember, with Germany either, after the war they would restructure the culture of Europe.  That's exactly what they did with Hopkins who worked for FDR during the war, setting up a system they'd introduce into Japan and Germany after the war where they'd eradicate their history, you know, and they teach children that there was no history. Very much like the Communists would do with Year Zero.  That the only history they had was something that was ominous and bad, so you mustn't be taught it.  It was too upsetting, so you weren't taught it.  But it wasn't just for them. Quigley said himself in his own books, who was a member of the same organization, he said, all sides in a war are used for change. He's admitting that there's groups above all this that cause and bring on the wars, and then they direct the changes which they desire, and which they have planned. That's what they use it for, that's how it's done.


Neil: You mentioned Germany there and it's interesting that, you know, Germany has been made to feel guilty, you know, they use them, Germany particularly to be made to feel guilty about the atrocities of the past, which of course they got nothing to do with them.


Alan: Absolutely.


Neil: What is it, 80 years ago now?  It's good to see so many of them start to get out of the street and say no, no, no, no, we're not going back to that.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: So obviously that eradication of history has not quite worked, and a lot still remember.


Alan: It's lucky. Actually, it was really a lot to do, this is the double whammy, with the Internet, you know, which is not heavily censored. But at least on the Internet there was ways of communicating material to people, of their history and their past that they didn't know. And what a shock it would be to be at the age of about 40 sometimes, and for the first time you're hearing a history that you didn't even know existed. In your own country.  But I take the same idea and put it across the world, we're all given fake histories pretty well, you know, to a great extent.


Because we're managed by this supra national organization, that do have their members. I met some of them. I've talked to them. One of them actually was the head of the WHO a few years ago, and the head of lots of other organizations. They rotate them around like musical chairs to these organizations. These people are unelected, and they become heads of countries, and heads of the United Nations at times as well. So, they do exist. They call themselves different names like, The Guardians, and The Elders is another group.  It sounds very innocuous, The Elders, oh that's just old folks. No, no. These people literally have, everything that's happened with the United Nations and all the agreements in sustainability and all the rest of it comes from them.  They tell the other organizations what to do.


They have a site up there by the way, that you can look up. Again, it's misleading.  There's the exoteric for the public, they'll think they’re just ex-important people that all know each other.  Like Maggie Thatcher, she was a member of it too.  But in reality, they dictate to the other ones. They have power to put people in positions of power inside these countries. So never, I mean these are the same people who push for opening the doors completely for mass migrations from Africa and India into Europe in the last few years, you know. That's a lot of power to have.


Neil: I was going to mention that because, I don't know if you saw the thing about Sweden that's happened recently with the, supposedly somebody burning a Koran and it set off riots in I think it was Malmo.  And I thought, that's just what we need right now there, one of these uprisings again. But again, it's like Sweden being punished for not locking down its citizens, you know, would set off something like that and cause some trouble.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: And maybe it will spread across Europe, who knows...


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: ...if there's enough Muslims in Europe to cause that kind of trouble.


Alan: Of course.


Neil: But of course, that will get frowned upon.  That will be religious freedom or something.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: Going back to Ireland, now they've got in a law that only 15 people can gather outdoors.  15.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: And any organizers or protests can now be fined about €10,000 or something. So, I said to the lads in Ireland, what you need is a thousand organizers with 15 people apiece...


Alan: Yes!


Neil: [Chuckles] ...get around it that way.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: So, you can't get fined.  And if all those 15 people just happen to be together, well, that's just coincidence.


Alan: Isn't that something though, eh.


Neil: Yeah, but 15 people.  That's...  I mean, that's got to including a restaurant with outside seating.  I mean, you can't have 15 people...


Alan: You see, the people are doing it all wrong, you know. What you have to do is get black jeans and T-shirts and facemasks, and just say you're having a demonstration.  You know?


Neil: With matches.


Alan: Yeah, with matches.  Yeah.  And they'll leave you alone. The cops won't go near you.  You can just have a party and just say you're talking party politics. It's quite simple.


Neil: Yeah, as I said, it was good to see the police in Ireland turn the street back a little bit and let events ensue, and let it go a little bit out of hand, they stepped in and kept the Antifa people from proper beatings, shall we say.


Alan: There ya go.  [Chuckles]


Neil: [Chuckles] But yeah, I think the Irish have got the right idea, just get them in a corner and put them in their place basically.


Alan: Well, yeah, I watched it leading up to it. What got me, because I know quite a few people in Ireland, and some people who'd come in as migrants from Africa in Ireland, they were all talking about something, and I’ll say what they're on about, it's because some of them had been stabbing white folk in Ireland, during the Black Lives Matter raid, you know, pulling down the statues and stuff.  They actually were stabbing some folk. They had picked on some young guy and his girlfriend, hhhch, and so they were divided on whether to applaud the guy that did the stabbings on the white fella, or if it was going too far. I mean, this is all generated from outside the country as you know, by the folk who really run and bring them in and finance them.  We know the names of a lot of them too that are doing it.


Neil:  The video of that stabbing was quite horrific.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: How that got past sensors on Facebook and all that, I don't know, but there you go, it was out there.  Apparently, that guy that did it was bragging about it on Facebook...


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ... and doing all sorts of things. He was arrested and released.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: As far as I know nothing was ever done about it.


Alan: It won't be. You know, you see, you've got paid...  I'm afraid to say your judges and so on, they're paid off literally from external sources. It's the same, people can't figure out why these mayors in the States and so on and the politicians and the Democrats are all on board exactly, sworn to the same agenda that makes no sense to the public. It's because they're getting paid for it. This is what it is, they are bought and paid for. All of them.  Folk have a hard time believing this but that's how it really works.


Neil: Yeah. It's funny, I mentioned to you in an email that I came down to the City Hall to state my case of  why we shouldn't be mandating masks, etc. I went in there knowing full well that they were going to mandate it anyway, but it's good to get on the record that you're giving them evidence, etc., so they can't turn around and say they didn't know when something does happen.


Alan: Sure. Yeah.


Neil: But I came back, and I looked up the… Because when all this was going on, I usually go into the office and say I'm not interested in that and blah blah blah.  But just like [?] I looked up when the next election was. Because one of the ladies there was basically making racist remarks about the city next door, the next city to us. They’d simply say, we don't want them coming in here spreading a disease.  [Chuckles] And I thought, what does she thinks she's saying? She's a black lady. And I thought, if a white guy had said that it would be, what? 


Alan: I know.


Neil: You know but anyway, I went back to see when she was supposed to be up for reelection, and apparently her term ended this May.  And so, did the deputy mayor.  So, they're not even supposed to be sitting on the commission but there they're making decisions. So, I don't how that works. I've got to look into that and say, when is your term finished? As far as I can see on your own website, it's already done, so how are you making decisions?


Alan: Sure.  You see, people don't realize that you're living in so-called perception management, through television, a very old science, you know, nowadays anyway.  You can literally create whole perception, misperceptions actually, but directed misperceptions you want to the public to believe in. 


You can get a small group and make them appear like there's thousands there. Look at the BBC that's used mass gatherings in India and used it pretending that it was in Iraq at one time after 9/11. These were mass gatherings in India for something totally different and they tried to pretend, oh, look at these thousands of people happy and rejoicing that the US is being attacked. No, it wasn't. It was completely fake, and they stole it from a different demonstration inside India. This happens all the time.


So, it's perception management. The general population have been raised, I've mentioned this before, to be literally naïve and you believe the mainstream media is in authority. When I was growing up every person, every working person knew who owned the different newspapers. They knew. Because they had gone through, a lot of them had gone through the 1930s as young men, you know, people my parents age, in the 40s and the war and all the rest of it. They realized that all information was a propaganda war, and they knew who was who. Then in Britain of course you had complete cartels that ran the whole system.  It was very much like Hollinger in Canada and the States, you know, with Conrad Black and a lot of reporters underneath them that ran stacks of newspapers, all the way to Israel in fact.


But nowadays they've done such a good job to bring it back to, we are the authority.  It's only because they're on every night of the week, the same characters giving you the news, that they are the authority. It's perception management. So yeah, you don't realize that you're living through a play. And I really mean that it's a play. What you do with big plans to change your countries, never mind the fact you've set up all the top politicians, they're all bought and paid for. Quigley said it too and he applauded it, he was all for it.  He didn't believe the people had the right to sort of choose things for themselves. 


If you take everything that's been happening in last, oh, since last year even, and before, never mind all the other things leading up to it all, sustainability was the mantra.  There's too many people, the Club of Rome, etc.  They want a postindustrial, a postconsumer society going into austerity.  They signed all the agreements at the United Nations years ago.  I did all the radio shows on it explaining it to the public. Well, here it is.


So, as I say, look at the Covid thing. It broke out after, after Trump did one thing right. Whoever's managing him, you know, whoever it might be, they did one thing right. That was that he pulled out of the climate change agreement. Well, that's when all hell broke loose.  Because they just had their meeting, they publicized it.  Soros had an emergency meeting with the WEF, and it went on saying that Trump is the greatest danger to the world right now.  Now, he's speaking with and on behalf of every top corporation on this planet, that belong to the WEF, and the WHO. They're all in bed, it's all one big organization. Bill Gates is part of it too, you know. 


So Covid breaks out suddenly, you know, and I thought at the time, this is an agreement with China and the world.  Because they gave us horrible video coming out of China, of all places, where they can censor out anything, nothing comes out of there unless they want it out.  I thought, you see folk dropping dead in the streets supposedly and yada yada, and big machines going down streets blowing this mist hundreds of feet up into the air and it was all...  This is what they showed, getting us prepared for the terror, you see. And I thought, are they all working together? 


Well, they ARE working together. Because we're supposed to merge with China into a global society. China is supposed to take over as the policeman of the world after all this. Well, how do you bring America down to make China the supreme power? Well, you bring it into poverty, all commerce stops, almost, you know, bring them into a wartime scenario, an internal wartime scenario, using Covid. Famine breaks out, rationing breaks out, all this.  Completely, they're calling it by the way, reimagining society, from the WEF, that's where it came out of. Bill Gates put his programs out for children to learn through the computer at home called reimagining education.  So, his programs are literally going to be used across the whole world to standardize one information system for every child on the planet. Right out of UNESCO's idea, the old Julian Huxley idea, that's what it's for.  So, reimagining the police, again too. Eradicate the police forces.  Bring, the military-industrial complex are all on board. That's why all these generals are on board with it in America and they're not backing Trump.  They're going to go into a world society, they will still exist. They're all paid lobbyists for the military-industrial corporations. They're going to bring in all the electronic robots for the streets and so on.


It's all managed this way. Perception management. The general public must believe it's all real, it's all accidental, the accidental view of history, right.  [Chuckles] You can reimagine 9/11 was just an accident, and it happened at a time when the PNAC group that published all the countries they wanted to take out in advance, years before, were empowered at that time so they could get started with their agenda. It's always an accident, so it's an accidental view of history. 


So accidentally after the WEF came out with sustainability, we've got to go further and actually promote ideas to even encourage sterilization, voluntary, amongst the people, and Trump comes out and says no to them. Bingo, you get Covid. Then the WEF comes out again with Soros with an emergency meeting giving, and coming back with an extra speech, it's up on YouTube, I think. It's to say, I mean, here's a guy, you don't elect Soros. Nobody elects him that we all...  They're elected by the higher group that runs the planet. And no one's objecting him at the top. Have you noticed that? Nope.  Not one person. Not...  The CIA isn't objecting. Because he's part of it. The FBI aren't objecting to Soros. 


Any, if you were doing all this and you had the money, you would be one of these James Bond characters, you know, like Spector, these rich multi-billionaires that run the planet. Because that's what he would appear to be.  But he's part of a big organization that's funding literally terrorism within your own countries.  This is astonishing to watch it happening.


And they'll keep going, internal riots, another perception management part, after the Covid thing out came, it was the Black Lives Matter, not just in America but across Britain for goodness sake. You know. I mean, Britain is really the most lax places of all for migration.  If you want to get ahead from coming outside of Britain into the country there's all kinds of programs to elevate you above even how the ordinary people live, without even paying for education. It's amazing. 


So, they use these armies to terrify the public. It's like a show of strength, and they're like armies, remember.  Being allowed to do what they did.  That's the other key to it, the very fact that they're allowed to do what they did, tells you that it's all orchestrated and it's authorized from very high powers above you.  That's what it's about.


Neil: You knew Soros was part of the club when he brought down the Bank of England, and MI5 and MI6 did nothing about it.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: That's part of their reason for being, is to protect the establishment, protect the financial institutions, etc., and here is this guy bragging that he brought down the Bank of England and he's made millions of pounds on it.  And nothing's done about it?


Alan: That's right.  M-hm. Nothing. No.


Neil: That he's some private individual, he just got lucky, I guess.


Alan: Oh, it's always that way. It's the accidental view. Yeah. Don't forget that Britain brought him in, when they all ran out of Europe and so on, went over to Britain. They gave him a free education in economics and all the rest of it, again, the London School of Economics eh, the usual, then he goes into investments. Then he crashes the country's bank.  Then he boasts about it, yeah and Britain had to borrow billions of pounds to bail themselves out because of what I and my two FRIENDS did, he says. I mean, whooof!  [Chuckles]


Neil: You talk about perception management and how it's created, they used to have a, I mean, this is called the city where we live but it's really just a big town. The main area of the town is really only, I'd say a square mile if you're lucky. It spreads out to the countryside, it's rural mainly. But we used to have a local paper and that was shut down a few years ago. Another city nearby was the next kind of local paper, so everybody now buys that instead of the one they used to buy, which is the one that covered this area. I looked into who owned that and it's the biggest newspaper owners in America.  [Chuckles]


Alan: Yes.


Neil: So of course here's people thinking they've got a provincial newspaper giving them provincial news, and they're getting the same news as everybody else all across America telling them what to think and what to believe and how bad it is here and how bad it is there, or whatever.  That's how easily it gets done.


Alan: Oh yeah.


Neil: I'm sure that little paper in the other town didn't cost much money for these people to take over.


Alan: Sure. Sure. And the thing too, again, you can go back into the 30s and even before that, I know the Rockefellers did it, the Rockefeller Foundation. Don't forget, Rockefeller's agenda was straight in line with the Royal Institute of International Affairs, take over the world's resources.  Give a limited amount out for public investment or shares and so on but these corporations were to take over the world's necessary resources. That's what he did with Standard Oil.  Of course, they tried to pretend that they did the antitrust laws and so on and racketeering laws and they pretended to divvy up the company when the government went after them for having too much power.  But they simply, and it's been admitted by themselves too, they put out front CEOs with the corporations they set up, buried under stacks of fronts and so on, until you get to the real information. So, they still ran all the oil industries and the gasoline and the petroleum industry. All the drugs too that are made from petroleum, eh, that was another big part of it too. So, they created the AMA. 


But anyway, you're living through an amazing agenda. Which is again admitted to. It's not conspiracy theory.  It's quite open if you want to dig into it. It's just that because they own the media, you're not going to get your favorite newscaster that you've been raised with to trust, you know, coming on with the news telling you this kind of stuff. They won't do it because they're on the payroll. Of course, they are. And they know it too.


When I was small in Britain there was a guy on the BBC who came on every night. I can't remember his name. I know his face.  I couldn't believe when he was retiring, and I was a child and he was retiring, the accolades he got. I think he got an OBE or something from the Queen, something like that. And I thought, all he did was get on and read the news. But you see, a whole generation had been raised believing this guy is a real, the real thing, you know, an honest guy, a decent guy and all that, a kind of guy that probably brought them through World War II with the same news reels or something, so they believed and trusted the guy. But he's reading scripts written by other people for him. That's how things really are.


That's why they keep these anchor people on the go until they're dropping off the chair, you know, or falling asleep on the set, and pay them so much money.  Is because if you can keep them there for a long, long time...  I mean, Walter Cronkite in the States was one of them. I mean, every time he opened his mouth, every time, everybody believed him. They really believed him, you know. It took yeeears to convince the public to start believing private news companies, but today, it's completely accepted that they're all somehow part of the authoritarian natural system. But they're just as fake as they always were.


Neil: Yeah.  I think about the thing in Ireland, is that what woke them up to that type of thing, is because all this corruption was going on in the government.  The program that had been going on there for years, the Rate Show [?], and they put in one kind of celebrity presenter every so often, and usually an employee of RTE funnily enough gets in there.  They bring in these politicians who've been accused of all sorts of nefarious acts, corruption, whatever, they come on there and they give them such an easy time.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: They don't ask the right questions. And this is supposedly a live program, although there's a slight delay in it after somebody got on the stage and started doing something. But yeah, they give them such an easy time.  The Irish people started to see through it and say what, you know, why aren't they asking them this question, why aren't they asking them that question, you know? I think that's really what started the crusade, for want of a better word, against RTE. And I hope it continues because I think it's the way to go.


When they were there I said, you know, lads, you do need to pound in the doors and just kick it out. Because that's what's going to have to happen. And I think there was some kind of movies about this, there's been movies in the past though, or documentaries where this actually happened, that people have broken into TV studios and said this is what's actually happening and they've broadcast it live, and let's see what happens. I don't know, but maybe it takes that.  Who knows?


Alan: Yeah, as I say, it's all, unfortunately, I've said this many times, the technique of conditioning children who become adults is almost perfect. Again, you can't stress enough about Aldous Huxley's comments on different TV shows he was on and radio shows, and appearances at Berkeley for lectures and so on. He went through the system. I think the Mike Wallace show he was on, that's up there somewhere, maybe, unless they've pulled it.  Where Aldous Huxley, and don't forget, he called himself part of the scientific establishment that ruled the world. He mentioned there's a dominant minority at the top, at Berkeley, you know. He says, there's a dominant minority and underneath that you've got academia and the scientific elites. Now, that included psychologist, behaviorists and so on that managed the minds of the public. The Bernays types, you know, even more advanced than that of course. 


In the 1960s don't forget on the Mike Wallace show Aldous Huxley mentioned that the techniques even then were almost so perfect and were going to get even more perfect, or perfected, of conditioning the general public, and there would be, sciences would be used against them so carefully and subtly and efficiently that they could make the public do and accept things that perhaps they shouldn't, that wouldn't be good for them. It was that good, where you wouldn't even notice you're going along with something you shouldn't. But today it's so perfected. Look at the Covid, it's a good example, where they have militarized society so quickly into utter submission. More so than they even had during World War II.  [Chuckles]


Neil: It's amazing to be out and about in the stores.  As I mentioned before, Paula doesn't go out that much because she doesn't like shopping.  I say, which is great.  She doesn't spend too much.  But I go out you know every day or two days and it's just, I'm still astonished that so many people are complying. But every time I see somebody without a mask, I make a comment, you know, like, it's good to see you got your brain out instead of a mask.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: …you know, or whatever.  But sticking on an education theme, and this guy in London who was on that hijacked protest shall we call it, who demanded the schools be closed, you know, blah blah blah.  In I think it was Tennessee here, the parents are now having to sign waivers to say that they will not be in the same room as the students while getting their lessons. I mean, [chuckles] what could possibly go wrong, eh? 


Alan: I know.


Neil: It's just insane.  But they are actually doing that.  I mean, Iiiii think I'd be refusing to sign anything, just say, well hold on a minute, you wanted home education, you’re getting home education, that's the end of it. But I'll be in charge of what comes through that computer screen.


Alan: Yeah.  Uh-hm.


Neil: And as we mentioned television before, how it's a weapon, and the flicker rate on the television.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: And as the televisions have gotten more advanced, I'm sure that's...


Alan: It's actually better because, I mean, I did the old TV sets with the flicker rate and the frequency, flicker and so on, what they used back then to bring them into subliminal states, you know. But once you go into high definition, that literally, that was a weapon, because I read the stuff from the Pentagon on it, you know. They put a lot of literature out of it years ago on it, maybe it's still up there. They talked about what they could do with the high definition.


Because you see, hhch, if you go into basic techniques of even meditation you can change the states of your mind, the brain patterns of your mind, alpha, beta and so on.  The old TV set could do that.  That's when the children would sit and stare with their mouths wide open, you know, three-year-olds, four-year-olds stared at the TV, or cartoons, even when it changed into a different cartoon, they were hypnotized. This is well understood in psychology and psychiatry and behaviorism. 


So anyway, once you brought in high definition it literally, your eyes don't see like that. If you look at something close to you, the stuff in the background behind the object is more blurred. That's how your eyes operate. So, in high definition, from the start of the picture, the closest objects and the further are all equally clear. So, it alters the brain patterns.  And it's well tested already, they knew it before they gave it to the public it puts you into a different trancelike state almost. You're way more suggestible than you normally would be. They know this. And time will pass by the way, you'll lose track of time, and you won't know where it went.


But the Pentagon went further, and the Pentagon admitted that they had a whole bunch of programs, this is like 15 years ago, and even later, where they could target people, or even a whole population with pixel rates, a concentrating with colors, but very, very subtle colors, in certain parts of the screen that would affect different parts of your brain.  And you wouldn't really be conscious of it because you're watching the story, you see. But they can actually manipulate it, it was very effective, and very efficient and workable. Sure.


Neil: Well that's where I was going to go with the teaching in the home on the computer. Now, the computer monitors now are more advanced as well. So, they're getting into the high definition as well.


Alan: Of course.


Neil: So, you can imagine a child sitting in the room and the teacher can basically tell them anything.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: And they'll be sitting in that catatonic state for however long the lesson is.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: 40 minutes, 50 minutes, and then they get a five-minute break or whatever and then they go on to the next one, and the next one, and on it goes. And they sit there, before they know it, six, seven hours.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: And the parents have got no input whatsoever, got no control over it.  And these children, look, I mean, even if they actually go to the school, they've been taught not to share.  They're not allowed to share pencils and pens anymore. They're not allowed to, you know, associate with each other.


Alan: Ah-ha.


Neil: You know, the desks are 6 feet apart or whatever it is. They're not allowed to play outside. They're not allowed to do this, that and the next thing. They're being taught selfishness, and who knows how that's going to be backed up on the computer, what they're really being taught.


Alan: What it is, was explained, it was explained back in the 1920s where we’re coming to now, you know. Because some of the best propagandists, the elite have always used authors.  They make them stars, just like you make singers stars, the star making machinery, or actors, you know.  This is admitted to by the way.  If you ever watch the, hhhch, documentary put out by, about the Unabomber bomber, why he was attacking certain professors and particularly University.  It was because they had, he said they were part of a system that was going to change society and literally control our minds, you know.


Then it came out, hhhch, during the inquiries that these professors HAD been involved in psychedelics and drugs and strobes and so on, which were eventually used in discos, you know.  Great documentary to see that he was part of an experiment himself. And he was a professor, remember, the Unabomber.  But as a student these same guys had experimented with him.  That came out during the documentary, which came out from Germany eventually. But when you see how far they had gone then, and then some of these professors talked about it on the documentary, one of them was, belongs to a star making machinery, he said, where we make scientists and the people you see on TV stars.  You know, who give you the stars, you know, the professor who talks science and so on, to give them these personas and backgrounds and fake reality backgrounds and so on and make them stars.  It's the same star making machinery.  The same ones that gave you Carl Sagan by the way.  And people believe them.  Hhhh, wow, these guys are brilliant!  They don't realize, no, these, they're almost actors, some of them. The people follow what they say, though, meticulously like they're religious leaders. And that's how you control society.


You put these characters out, make them into stars, and the people follow. That's why they call them the 'stars' even in Hollywood, people follow stars, you see. So, you use them, you make them, and you use them. Just like the CFR put Clooney in there and Angelina Jolie and others, and they said in the CFR's own books you know, Foreign Affairs magazine, they were using them because people would follow what they said, if they were on board with the agenda. It works awfully well.


That's your whole TV, is so incredibly weaponized today, that youngsters who are brought up with that don't have much of a chance of breaking away from it all. And that's also the terror machine for Covid. Without TV people would have ignored it.


Neil: I said that to people in stores as well. I says, you need to turn off your television. And if you did, you wouldn't even know there's anything wrong.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: You wouldn’t notice anything.


Alan: And that's why, by the way, that one month or so or six weeks in the summer, I knew they would, I even said this back in February, I said what would happen. I said, they'll give you a break in the summer, rather than have total revolution, a counterrevolution, because this is the part of revolution, you see. So, they wouldn't have counterrevolution to go against it.  In those few weeks you saw that, the people started to smile again. You can read the faces of people. Because we communicate with a whole bunch of expressions and nuances and so on, because we're human and we're social creatures.   When that's masked and you can't see it, it makes everyone else suspicious. You don't know what they're thinking. You don't know what they're feeling. Are they pleasant?  Are they unpleasant? What? You can't tell. It's meant to do this. They know this.


So, it breaks down communication. So, in the few weeks in summer they gave you a bit of freedom and the masks came off. The folk went right back to happiness. The social distance was thrown out the window and it was getting ignored.  So, they can’t have it ignored, because this is a big, big agenda. And it's nothing to do with Covid actually. It's everything to do with the whole system.


Neil: Yeah. My friend living in Sweden at the moment, my English friend that I used to live with in the UK, he has no intention of going back to the UK. He says this is like paradise compared to the UK. He says there's absolutely nothing happening here. There's no masks, none of that. No social distance. He says there's nothing signs out, there's nothing.  He'd been on a trip to Germany recently where even to get a cup of coffee had to give his name, address, where he was going, ID, everything, just to get a cup of coffee.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: I've got a guy on Sunday actually who's a friend of his and he is going to be important with what's happening in Germany with the protests and stuff so that should be interesting as well.


Alan: Sure.


Nemo: But he was in Sweden for a while, so I want him, so he's got the contrast.


Alan: U-hm.


Neil: But yeah, the school thing. It's, hhhch, if you're a parent and you were even remotely aware of what the WHO wants to teach your children in terms of sexual education, and they said to you, you've got to sign this waiver so you’re not going to be in the room when he's getting taught this.  Your alarm bells should be ringing off the wall.  I mean...


Alan: Oh sure.


Neil: But they're not apparently, there's just so many people signing this stuff.  I mean, maybe they’re signing and they're in the room anyway.  But of course, there's a camera on that computer so you've got to stay out of sight of it, once you sign the waiver, or they'll prosecute you, supposedly, I don't know.


Alan: It's been such a long time in the making, you see.  Again, getting back to HG Wells in the 1920s as a propagandist, he was made a star. He was recruited in late 1800s, you know. He initially came out for free love by the way, but back then, the late 1800s, a time when they didn't have the abortion factories on the go. But that was part of the destruction of the family unit. This amazing guy HG Wells, that was heavily promoted, he had all the help for his books from professors of all kinds at Oxford and so on who would lay out all the details of his books.  He was really a front man. He was completely on board, naturally, when you're well-paid you're on board with an agenda. 


In his nonfiction books he went really far with it all. He talked about the Modern Utopia and how, like going through a storyline with his friend on an escapade, a holiday, and there would be no private transportation. That's like Agenda 21.  You could travel by bus and trains.  The general population with the lower IQs, that weren't necessary anymore, all the working class, had been, he said we used to think we'd have to kill them, but we realized it's more humane just to sterilize them. And this is the kind of talking walking walk-through what they foresee, what they foresaw was going to happen. Don't forget that he worked with Julian Huxley and many others, eh.


Neil: He also mentioned that carbon would be a commodity, I believe.


And: Yes.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: He went through the whole agenda,  sexually, the breakdown, because again he was all for the end of the family unit. Isn't it odd, it's the same agenda as the Communist Party, eh?  And who funded the Fabian Society that Wells belonged to too?  It's the Astor family, the biggest, richest folk on the planet at the time.  So hhhch.  And again, the famed society was again this pretense which they, where they get the working classes to follow them. That was the idea of it. So, whenever you follow, and I keep telling folk, if you follow anything, you're being led up the garden path, somebody’s using you. So, they always give you the parties that's going to speak for you, you see. Just like they get the BLM, the Marxist groups to speak for black folk in the States. That's so they’re already made for you to follow.


Neil: And they're all white.


Alan: I know!  Have you noticed it? It's just amazing, eh.  And they bus them in from state to state according to where the riot's to be.  And they’re paid mercenaries. A lot of them by the way has been over there in Syria fighting with mercenaries over there, yeah, as mercenaries.


Neil: You mentioned HG Wells and the abortion industry. I think at one time he was one of Margaret Sanger's hanger's-on, or whatever you want to call them.


Alan: Yes, that's right.


Neil:  What I'm seeing now, I might be thinking of the movie Time Machine. That was Wells as well. The scene by the river where the person falls in the river, and they're all just sitting about thinking, well, we can't swim.  And the guy who's come back from the future, or sorry, he's gone into the future, he jumps in the river, and he rescues her. And at one point they're like, what are you doing that for?


Alan: That's right.


Neil: What are you doing that for? She was obviously worthless, she couldn't swim, [?] let's have her fall kind of thing. And I think that's where we are now. Nobody gives a damn what happens to anybody else.


Alan: Well, you're right actually. Again, there was one, a case in US I think it was on a train station on a subway station. Some guy started raping a girl right in front of all the passengers on the platform, you know. And everybody just stood around taking photographs of it with their cell phones. I mean, that's what it's come down to.


Neil: Yeah, there was a case of one of the activists in Ireland, Gemma O’Doherty I think it is, was violently assaulted by some thug just at the weekend there. He, she was arrested. As I say, people stand about and watch this stuff and don't get involved, and if they do, they do so at their own peril because they'll be axed.  Just like was it, that Niemöller said, then they came for me – and there was nobody to stand up for me.


Alan: As I say, you're living through a script right now, Neil.  Because as I say, look at the buildup to the Covid with China, you know. At the time, there was nothing happening, supposedly, with all these videos in China that they were putting across to the rest of the world, to terrify you.  At the same time, you had Fauci saying, I don't think the US has got much to worry about, at that time, remember. So, you had all that happening. But when they let loose, the toppling of the statues, worldwide… This happened, come on here, worldwide?!  I mean, it starts supposedly with a shooting inside the US. But you aren't having that across Europe.  So how come this organized group is, that's allowed to go around toppling statues, in the UK...  And once again it's all called protests, right. Most of them are migrants that had flooded in a few years earlier, you know, into Britain. They were warned at the time, these are armies they're bringing in here.


Well this is all shown to the public to get you scared.  This is why you're seeing all this stuff, that's happening, the buildup to all this, to get you terrified to comply. Because this is an internal Army which the elite will use. We know who's funding them. We know who the leaders are by the way. They're well-funded agitators, and not just Marxists, they're mercenaries. A lot of the guys in Antifa, literally as I say, have been over working with the groups that the US was employing to try to overthrow Syria for years. You know, you had the ISIS, ISIL, the ISS, and all the fancy names they gave them. All the same groups really.


So, this is run by the world government, let's put it that way. All this is run by the world government. It's all stage play, theater for the public to terrify the public. Because when you add that shock to the Covid, right, this is another shock, my God, are they going to overthrow the whole city of London or what, this is how it appears on TV perception management again, then the folk go into a shock state. Literally, shock. When you're in shock you can't think straight, you're more compliant, you'll do what you're told because you're fearful. This is stage-managed. All of it.  With professionals at the top.


Neil: Yeah. I think back to that movie The Children of Men.  At the end of that movie they showed you these hordes of Muslims running through London chanting ala Akbar, etc. etc. with the Kalashnikovs.  And they actually had nothing to do with the story whatsoever.


Alan: Yes, there you go.


Neil: So anyway, it was just thrown in there at the end, and you say, where did that come from?


Alan: That's right.


Neil: Because that's what they showed you, this army of immigrants basically well-armed obviously well-funded to get all these weapons, marching through London basically taking over. And we’re now coming into a stage of total depression, and all these immigrants were supposedly brought in because there wasn't enough people to fill all the jobs. Well, what jobs? What is the excuse now? There aren't any jobs. [Chuckles]


Alan: Of course. Yeah. [Chuckles] I know.


Neil: And they're still coming in.


Alan: Sure, they are.  Remember too, isn't it amazing, that the communist idea, or the Marxist idea was eventual elimination of borders and the nation-states? Marx said eventually the nation-state will wither away. At the same time you've got the Royal Institute of International Affairs that runs what was called the British Empire, even today, the so-called Commonwealth of Nations, and they put placements, they decide who's going to be at the heads of them, even to this day, including India.  They literally planned the whole system years and years and years ago and published what they were going to do. You're living through it.  And folk are so ignorant of the facts, you know, that they can't believe it when it happens.  You're living through a planned overthrow takeover of your nation, and to go under a form of world government that you don't get a chance, and it's a posted democratic system according to the WEF and the Club of Rome.


Neil:  I mean TV news is terrorism basically.


Alan: M-hm.  Sure.


Neil: I tried to look up and get some T-shirts and stuff out to wear around and I thought, oh it's just way too expensive.  People are jumping on the bandwagon. It's like $30 for T-shirts and I thought, oh that's just crazy.


Alan: [Chuckles] Yeah.


Neil: So, I got the white ones and an indelible marker and I'm just going to make my own, for four dollars. Just write things on them and just walk around and see if I get a reaction. I got one that I did buy, which said, good people disobey bad laws.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: And a lot of people have stopped and said, that's right.  I said, well keep doing it, keep doing it, because there's a lot of bad laws coming...


Alan: Oh yeah.


Neil: ...and you'd better start disobeying them shortly because if you don't, they'll get worse. Anyway, that's an aside.  What I mean, we're living in an evil, evil system.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: There's no doubt about it. And I don't understand that people can't see it, when they look around the world and see what's happening.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: People now are so immune, shall we say, to bombings of weddings and stuff in Afghanistan or wherever, they think, oh well, they must've been up to something.  You know. Yeah, they were getting married. 


Alan: Yes!


Neil: Things like that, and they're just, oh well, they're over there, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. But they don't understand that the same laws apply within America, and they can come and bomb you anytime they want to.


Alan: Sure, they can. 


Neil: But it is evil. Without a shadow of a doubt, it's evil.


Alan: Oh absolutely.


Neil: What you were talking about on Sunday, in regard to psychopaths.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: And some of the lads in Ireland, you know, religious connotations, etc. etc., of demons, people being possessed by demons.  It made me think about, I was out mowing the grass today and I was thinking about Culloden.  I've been there a few times. I'm not sure if you've been there or not in your lifetime.


Alan: Yeah, I've been there.


Neil: But yeah, it's one of those very, very strange places in Scotland where you can feel, if you're Scottish I guess, I don't know how it is for people who aren't Scottish, but you can sense something went on there.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: You can sense it. Whether it's in your blood or not, I don't know. But yeah, you get in the car or whatever and you stand there, and you look across it and you can imagine the slaughter that went on. And you get this overwhelming sense of sadness...


Alan: Sure.


Neil: ...or you know, empathy for the people that died there.  Like I mean on both sides, it doesn't really matter.  But mass slaughter on both sides, predominantly the Scottish side of course. But I thought about a psychopath going up there, you know, and standing there, and smiling, and thinking, this is fantastic.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: This is fantastic, all this slaughter, blood and gore and stuff. I went back to what you were saying on Sunday about this possession kind of thing.  It's the total opposite of what I would feel.  And I'm thinking, well, my feeling would be empathy for the people that were killed.


Alan: Yeah. 


Neil: And the psychopaths feeling would be, ah, joy I guess, and maybe a wish to repeat that themselves and to be involved in that kind of thing.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: In that sense, I don't know if that's where you are going with that conversation on Sunday or not, but in that sense, they are possessed by something.


Alan: Oh yeah.


Neil: Because ordinary people would never ever think that that was a good thing.  Not in any shape or form. It doesn't matter if the field was full of English soldiers.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: You still go up there and say, well, they were just poor lads, conscripted, and so they went into battle that they knew nothing about basically, and they were just left there slaughtered, it doesn't matter what side of the fence you were on.  But a psychopath wouldn’t care, they would just see mass slaughter and they wouldn't care what side that anybody was on.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: And get joy out of it.  Or get some, I don't know what the right word is... power, I suppose...


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: ...feel some sense of power in themselves that they could really be involved in something like that. Do you want to kind of elaborate on that? Because you said you kind of sensed that yourself in some people, that they've...


Alan: Oh, I have no doubt, I have no doubt at all about people like that.  Well you know for instance, a good example is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill wanted war.  He was placed in there by, again, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  He didn't even know the name of it at the time. He argued with the group that put him in, you know, in Parliament. He came out with an argument. He says, we've got people running this country that we've never even heard OF, AN organization that we haven't even got a name for.


Well, that was eventually put into Caroll Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope, and The Anglo-American Establishment book. He went through it all. He gave the history of it. He said, he mentioned that Churchill too came out arguing about what they'd been doing. Because Churchill was still doing his pretense about Germany, trying to play it, soften it a bit as he pushed ahead for the war.  This other group that we know now as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, before then they were called The Kindergarten group or Milner's Kindergarten because he had picked these guys and made them heads of countries like South Africa, you know, and parts of India too, like viceroys, you know.


So anyway, he himself, Churchill was a psychopath.  A long history, I remember reading his lineage and the whole thing and his parentage. But the fact is, during the Boer War he went over as a correspondent, you probably know that.  Correspondents were not allowed to carry firearms because if they did that they'd be put down as a combatant, and the enemy could slaughter you and anybody with you, like on trains and so on. Well, he did, he carried a Mauser semi-automatic pistol with [?].  He did get folk killed when he started shooting at the people from the train.  Of course, he opened up on the train and killed a lot of people, but they made him into a hero.


He was a psychopath.  His personal secretary put a book out called The Fringes of Power. It's interesting to read it because, hhhch, the guy literally had a great time through the war. They had parties every night of the week. Big, big meals and all the champagne, brandy, etc., and underground bases in different places, and places outside London. It was just like an ongoing big party for Winston Churchill, who couldn't get out of his bed before noon, you know.


Churchill himself stated, and I gave this talk years ago, he stated that, he says, this war's wonderful. He says, we'll achieve our long, our dream of a united Europe. You know. Well, who’s dream is this?  Because you wouldn't find it in the general history books. But then you find it from Karl Marx. Isn't that odd, eh?  How they both work together to the same agenda. Marx talked about the creation of united Europe with a parliament, United Americas with a parliament, and a Far Eastern group under a parliament. The same bunch that's today under free trade.  NAFTA for North America. They've changed the name of it again too with [USMCA] the US, Mexico and Canada.  But it's the same group. The Far Eastern rim group has members based in Japan and in China and Australia.


They've been working for the same agenda that Karl Marx is working towards. Under these three trading blocs they would eventually emerge under a singular world government. Well, it's happening.  Well how come the Communists were all going the same road as the technocrats? It's the same with the banks and the capitalists and so on, all going along on the same agenda. Because at the very, very top it's obviously all one.


Neil: Well you've got a bit of irony there because you've got Edward Heath, the man who...


Alan: [Laughing]


Neil: ...the man who ran for Prime Minister in the UK on a ticket of, we'll never join the European Union.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: The first thing he did was sign up.  And they buried him next to Karl Marx!  [Chuckles]


Alan: Yeah, and also Ted Heath, he also was a member, was a member of that group in Korea. What's his name that had the cult for the weddings and everything? Mass weddings? Remember that Guru that they had in Korea? [Sun Myung Moon, who founded the Unification Church] Anyway, he would marry about 300 of his followers to members of the opposite sex on the same day sort of thing. Ted Heath was a spokesman for them, who got paid millions of bucks for that, yeah, after he got out of politics.  But talking about him, what he said, the same thing happened in Canada.


You had Chretien who was the Prime Minister saying that he would never, you know, join a united Americas. Then once he was in, it said he's now the champion, within a month he's now become, reconsidering it, he's now the champion of a completely integrated Americas. Then after that you had Mulroney, Brian Mulroney doing the same thing. He ran on the same ticket, to take you out of it, you know. And he became the champion of it once he was in. So, didn't matter if it was liberal or conservative. It's all one agenda. They're all part of the game.


Neil: Getting back to the evil and this type of possession.  I think Gates is a perfect example of that. Because when you see him talking, particularly the recent news that have come out with him talking about injecting genetically modified organisms directly into the arms of babies, and you see him and his wife sitting next to each other grinning like, you know, cats that have found the cream.  They're clearly sick. They're clearly...


Alan: These people literally, you feel it off them, you know, before you actually, if you even heard them you would feel, if you're in their proximity, I would feel it.  Because they radiate something. They radiate something that's very tangible. 


Neil:  Yeah. As you know in the past, I had the dubious matter of hanging over David Rockefeller’s shoulder, and his dinner table. And yeah, you could feel it from him.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: He was... He was...


Alan: Well I remember, you know, I mean again, Malachi Martin had a lot of, I believe a lot of failings because he helped sink the Catholic Church to an extent with basically the reformation of it, the reforming of the Catholic Church in the 1960s. He literally was an enemy agent. He also belonged to the CIA, you know. He admitted that in a roundabout fashion on the Art Bell show years ago. He talked about the fact that the CIA used Jesuits and other priests, because they were across the whole planet, you see, within communist countries and other countries and so on so they would get information that was happening on the spot in real time. They all work together in some cozy relationship.


But Malachi Martin himself was literally also being funded by a foreign power at one point.  And ironically as he got into writing his books, as the Catholic Church was failing, because it got too materialistic you see. Don't forget, that priests can only be as staunch as the general public. If you got a worldwide attack intergenerationally and the culture of the public, that they don't even know is an attack on them, they think, it's called progressive remember by the other side, then they think it's all developing naturally. And with it becomes, comes science, science becomes elevated to a high pinnacle to fill the void that spiritual matters used to take, you see. That's what's happened.  That's why you're being bombarded with science and experts, like Bertrand Russell said that they would do. They've done it. Well, the general people in the Catholic Church are only pulled out as priests from a very, almost secular society. Which means they are tainted themselves.


But Malachi Martin after helping to destroy part of the, the actual traditions of the Catholic Church, who knows why, inadvertently restored something that was sorely, it was like getting water to folk in a drought. He started to touch on the spiritual side of things, you know. It was an immediate success because that's what folk crave. We know there's more to this world than just, if you believe in nothing but secular systems, you're finished.  You won't beat it, you see.


Neil: I think that's part of what's going on in Ireland. There's a lot of speakers now at these, you know, peaceful protests until Antifa show up, talking about the fact that there are aborted babies in vaccines, etc., etc.  It's getting people all thinking more about their religious roots if you like.


Alan: That's right. Well, once you get into Malachi Martin's books, like Hostage to the Devil, it's called, was a main one.  He did Windswept House and other ones too.  Hostage to the Devil was taken from real cases, verified by other priests, it wasn't just made up.  He goes into the different things that happen to the individuals with real heavy, heavy possession.  As he was discussing that too, that same book, he was discussing it on the Art Bell show years ago, he did mention that he had met, because Bell asked him, have you met anybody who is really heavily possessed?  Talking about perfect possession. In perfect possession there's no fight or struggle between the person possessed and the spirit possessing them, or the demon, you know. It's a happy union.


He talked about the Kissinger types as an example, you know. I guess you could tack in the Brzezinski types too, or even Stalin types. So, he said that he met, he gave an example of someone he'd worked with on and off over years in a library situation. One day he just saw the guy from a particular angle, and in him what was odd about the guy. Then he realized, this guy is possessed. And as he realized it, he said the person he was talking about, he knew, looked at him and smiled, and he says, oh, you know.  They know what you're thinking at times.  I call it reading, they can read you, you know. Sometimes you can read them as well. But definitely, I have no problem accepting the fact it exists. None at all. I've had too many experiences with it in other people.


Neil: Yeah, you mentioned in the past that psychopaths smell the way the wind is blowing. And that's the thing, if they see they can take advantage of you then they will.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: They can sense that you're a vulnerable person or...


Alan: It's not even a study of you. It's instinctive with them. They read you instantly. It's not even work to them, you know. That's this odd gift.  That, is it a gift? Or is it a demonic gift? Or what is it that makes them so quick to literally see right through you? They know, any chink in your armor and they know what, how to exploit it immediately.  If it's a woman they're after, a guy, or woman, these days, they'll immediately know how to attract that person to them and get beyond their defenses. Instinctively. It's PURE instinct.  Something tells them how to do it.


So when you take the signs and symptoms of the psychopath, on one hand of the page, one side of the page, and it's a long list, you know, because there's different categories of them, which is also similar to, the whole point is, the other side of the page, put down the signs and symptoms of someone who's demonically possessed. You'll find they completely match. Complete.  So, for the secular group they're called psychopaths. For the religious group you call them demonic possession.


Neil: Yeah, well, as I say, you can see it in Gates now, I mean more clearly than ever.


Alan: Ohhhhhhhhhh, yeah. 


Neil: I think perhaps, I think now he's at that, you know, he's looking over the fields of Culloden and he thinks he's won.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: And he thinks this is it, this is my day in infamy, I'm going to live, I'm going to survive to see my dream come true kind of thing and that's what it's like.  And he's not an old man, I guess he's got another 40 years or so to live, with the good healthcare and everything that he gets.


Alan: Oh yeah.


Neil: But he's certainly going to see his dream come to fruition, unless he is stopped.


Alan: It's a great example actually, he is a great example of someone who is perfectly possessed. You can see behind, even on a clip from a television – I don't have a TV, but I get clips sent to me on the Internet and so on. You can see in the guy's eyes that they're furtive, they're constantly moving, with that fixed expression he puts on as he's being asked questions. It's an agile mind. But behind the mask of it you could actually see there's something else definitely in the guy, you know. There's no doubt about it, to me.  And to be involved in what he's involved in, he's a front, definitely he's a front, he's a higher player but he's still in the front, he's a worker bee.  The real guys at the top are not workers, they don't work at all, they're not worker bees and they don't have to be accessible to the public. 


But here's the key to this too, I mean I could go on for hours and hours and hours going into examples. But here's the key to it. If you go into this world revolutionary party for instance, we know that Mazzini was given the right, he was actually approved by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike at the time in the States, which wasn't from Scotland at all by the way really. He approved Mazzini to take over the world revolutionary party across Europe. And they did. Lots of books put out by him, or for him at least, they've all got, most folk get ghostwritten books in the revolutionary parties even down through the centuries.  But eventually we know that Lenin took over, and then eventually it branched off from Bolshevik into communism, you see. It's all the one movement.


If you look at Madame Blavatsky who also was from Russia remember, who grabbed some of the Masonic, um, occultic terminology, etc. and put out Theosophy, blending it with India. Interesting that too, and she says, why are you taking, really, mainly India as an example, or Hinduism? And she said that, and this was part of the revolutionary party, that SHE said she was a member of, remember. And Alice Bailey, it's always AB as they take over, Alice Bailey was one of them, and Blavatsky of course was an HB, but the other two ones that were famous were always AB types.  One of them was the founding member, one of the females was a founding member, along with HG Wells and George Bernard Shaw, of the Fabian Society.  So, you're looking at a tradition of international revolution, which she boasted she had been part of. And at the same time, she said, our goal with blending it from India, not just for a mass migration from India down the road, hhhch, our goal is also to blend the spirit with science.


Well, when you look at all these characters that were into Technocracy, with the Bill Gates types and all the other ones working, look at even Epstein.  Definitely a front man for a massive operation for honeytraps and so on and blackmail. We know a lot about that. But regardless, Epstein himself was so interested in genetics and eugenics, and also with science. He put big money towards groups at MIT for instance, who got the first information on scientific projects, incredibly interesting science and in the future of going into this idea of immortality.


I gave a talk in the 90s about this actually. I said, what is a demon? A demon technically is a bodiless entity. A powerful entity, but bodiless, nonetheless.  What does it crave the most? It craves a body to inhabit. The fallen angels idea in religion was to do with those that were cast down, the rebels.  You'll find today, ha, in all occultic and exoteric groups out there that run the world, they talk about Lucifer being a champion, along with Eve, breaking the rules to create progress. What's the mantra of the left? It's called progressiveness, you know, and progressive. Destroying the rules, rebuilding society, rebuilding that which was left imperfect, which is the world and humanity. That's the mantra of them all. 


So anyway, you go into this idea of a demon, a fallen angel, a rebel, you know. 2 millions visibly were cast down, out of a 6 million.  They could go in and out of different bodies, that accept them. You have to accept a demon in, you see. So, through the New Age, hhhch, you get lots of folk wanting power, that's why they go into it, you see, and they become possessed themselves.  But the ones at the top go through all these different rituals amongst themselves to bring in the higher demons.  There's intelligence, like ranks in a military, different intelligences.  So, what do they crave the most? Perpetual, a demon wants perpetual existence in this world.  You know, immortality. And a body that will not die, you see. 


Neil: Yeah, you talked about the other thing, there's a little clip of him when he was supposedly starting to be questioned about his activities, and he had the same grin on his face as if he knows he is immune from anything, you know, nobody's touching him.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: And Jimmy Savile was exactly the same.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: When people spoke to him, you could see that kind of malicious look on his face.


Alan: Oh yeah.


Neil: He knew he was; you know, he had these backers [?] themselves and he was untouchable.


Alan: He said he was untouchable, Jimmy Savile. In that documentary that, was it Theroux [Louis Theroux] put out there?  He said that, he says, they can't touch me.  And just around from Savile’s house by the way, and again they had this odd thing too, with the fixation with their mothers and things, you know. I mean, Savile literally treated his mother like a goddess, you know. But around the corner from his house was where one of those, was it, who was it that did the murders, the man and the woman there?


Neil: It was in Yorkshire, Fred West, was it Fred West?


Alan: I think it was.  It was one of them anyway. Was it the Moore one? There was also the Moore murders.  But anyway, it was just around the corner of where his house is that happened. It makes me wonder, a lot of folk wonder too, was he having communication with Savile, back, in and out and all the rest of it, you know. Who knows?


Neil: The police actually took his dental records at one point because there was teeth marks on that body that was found at his home.


Alan: Yes, that's right.


Neil: So, I mean, they knew he was involved.


Alan: Oooooooooooo, yeah, he...


Neil: And of course, he preceded the guy in [?].  It wasn't Fred West. It was, um, I can't remember the guy's name now.


Alan: Yeah, another psychopath. Yeah.


Neil: Yeah, but he [?] and they became friends apparently. I think they were friends before that.


Alan: Sure.  But when you're talking too about, say, graveyards or battlefields, you know, Scotland wasn't just the battle, that last battle at Culloden.  It was predicted long before it. I mean, that area was called Drumossie Moor, you know. And Culloden was a later term that they gave just before, not long before the battle, you know. You had Culloden House for instance.  But Drumossie Moor was the actual area. And the Brahan seer, he was a seer, that was a Celtic thing where you had folk that weren't possessed but they had a link to higher power. Which Malachi Martin did mention too, and it's true in Catholic theology, certain people have gifts given to them that they don't seek it, you know. People who seek gifts generally are looking for demons to possess them. But some folk have certain abilities or sixth senses.


Culloden, it's almost the culling of Odin, you know.  The Odin is again the north, the northern peoples.  But the Brahan seer in the 1500s was a great prophet that different clansmen used to go to for advice and so on.  He talked about the place that would eventually have the black rain he called it.  Well, that's oil, and they had the oil rigs not far from that site down on the coast there, northeast, with an American company that ran it at the time that [?] it to us. But the Brahan seer talked about the place that eventually would have the black rain. He said, before that the flower of Scotland, the young men, you know, would have their last battle on Drumossie Moor, 200 years before it happened. And that's exactly what did happen. It's never been explained, why on earth Charlie and the armies came right up to that particular spot. Because Highlanders never charge on the flat boggy ground, on foot, you know. But they did it. It made no sense at all.


What you realize, this was a planned thing too. It was already planned. We know that even going back to the McDonald slaughter that happened with the Campbells that were an army that worked for the English king. They were sent in to meet the McDonald clan and eventually came in as friends and guests and they were put up, and they got the orders to slaughter the folk at night, that put them up, the actual McDonald's. And they did that. It's never been forgiven to this day.  So, they've never trusted the English, or British Army, or folk in employ of the British Army. But actually, at Culloden that was the final one.  The king had decided to eliminate the whole Highland race actually. So, it started at the battle, but they went through for like 50 years slaughtering the folk across the Highlands, you know, and the islands. Man, woman and children. Massive genocide.


Neil: Yep. Yep.  It's interesting, the Campbells actually set up this town that I live in now in the States. So yeah, just a coincidence. And they've got murals actually up on the walls in some of the restaurant areas showing the towns and stuff.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: But anyway, is there anything else that you want to mention on that, the demonic side of it?


Alan: The demonic side is too, it's the ones that are, even getting back to Culloden. I mean it was the Duke of Cumberland that was really part of this Prussian German group that came over from, became the royalty of Britain. He's given all the accolades for slaughtering the Highlanders. But he said it too. He said, let none of them live, man, woman or child. This is a psychopath. He went down in history as a hero, for London, you know, and royalty. A man who had no compassion of ANY kind at all.  Whoff, you're talking about real planned genocide that was published, you know.  Even in their letters which they still have today, from the king to him, absolutely. You can't fathom it. And you wonder what, I used to say to people who'd come into Scotland, I says, they'd said oh what a wonderful islands and so on.  I'd say, it's so roomy. And they'd say, yeah, yeah. I'd say, it's because millions of folk were slaughtered that used to live here.  Yep.


Neil: Yeah.  I was saying to somebody else the other day there, somebody was talking about Black Lives Matter and saying, oh they want reparations now. I says, well the Scots have been slaughtered for centuries, I said, maybe we should claim the money off the English.


Alan: There you go. [Laughing]


Neil: You know. 


Alan: And here's the problem too though, a good part of the English army that fought at Culloden for London, that were part of the British Army, they were Scottish.  But they had the ole and Scot's grays [?] and so on and they were part of the English regiments, eh.  So once again they can divide up the country and get part of them fighting the rest of them. For money.  It's a wonderful thing, keeping folk in poverty. Because young guys always join the military. It's almost an instinctive thing, nothing else is there.


Neil: Again, that's what we've got again, isn't it?


Alan: Yes.


Neil: Because people are going to be so poor, and the military will be dangled in front of them as a way to get out of poverty. Oh, you can send money back to your families, who are starving.


Alan: Exactly.  Yep.  Yep.


Neil: I mean, so okay, let's move on to something that you mentioned that's coming this winter, the winter of discontent.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: Now, I remember when that phrase was out back in the 70s, with the power cuts. I was only a young lad then, '73, '74, something like that.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: I remember the blackouts, the three-day week. The television went off at 8 o'clock, right after Coronation Street of course, because they had to get the soap opera out.  And yeah, that was a bad time. We were basically rationing food at that time because it was for us four children.  And you know, they struggled to make ends meet. That’s exactly where we're headed to now, if we're not already there.


Alan: Yes


Neil: In many parts of the States and Britain.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: And parts of Europe of course as well, Australia, New Zealand. It's funny, that the most draconian legislation is all in the colonies.


Alan: YES.


Neil: Australia and New Zealand have been awful. I mean, they're even worse than Britain is at the moment.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: But yeah, the winter of discontent.


Alan: Well they want to make it a, everything that happens in a wartime scenario is being put on the table and introduced step-by-step. Including down to rationing, heavy duty. Don't forget, let's just jump from here, never forget the past, the buildup to this where the Club of Rome were given the task, it's a big think tank for the WEF and for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  They are the main think tank for the future, planning the future and techniques to implement it. They came up with, not just Limits to Growth, etc. that was also parroted by Maurice Strong, all these global players. But also, they came up with how to unite the planet to convince the public to stop consuming and go into almost a postconsumer society.


The Club of Rome by the way from its very inception by well-known players against the general population, eugenicists and so on, the Club of Rome have stated from the beginning that democracy would never work. That was one of their main goals, was to replace democracy with an efficient technocratic system of running the populace. Which is massive, really heavy socialism, you know. They said that they were given the task to unite the planet, so they tried, looked at all different ways to get the public to unite and give up their rights, you see. They said that the climate is what they picked. They said global warming, famine and drought, and the like, and pestilence, would fit the bill. Man therefore is the enemy of the planet, so they'd have to direct all their arrangements and agreements and organizations to reducing the population.  That's what you've had hammering at you since the 1970s.


Neil: Yeah. We've had the climate thing which didn't work. Now we're getting the pestilence...


Alan: That's what they said, recently, I mean, I put it up on my site too, links to the COR, the Club of Rome where there's a woman that's the head of it now and she said that we could achieve all, this is wonderful, we can achieve all the sustainability and greening goals under the Covid umbrella.  So right now, and even in the last few days again they keep repeating it, they said that no company would be allowed to restart an open up again unless it's green and sustainable. Which tells you there is obviously a group above them who's going to decide if your green and sustainable.


Neil: Yeah.  Ha, and part of the reason the pubs are closing down as well, I guess.  Because people talk there, apparently, it's the only country in Europe where the pubs are still closed...


Alan: Yes. Ireland, oddly enough.


Alan: Isn't that amazing, eh?  [Chuckles]


Neil: I guess, as I say, we've had the climate change, we've had the, where in the middle of the plan to make pestilence, and the famine and drought are still to come, I guess.


Alan: Oh yeah.  Don't forget, I mean, we've had stacks and stacks of information and meetings and University meetings and Harvard meetings and publications about the geo-engineering they've been doing since, you know, pretty well daily since the 1998, is when they started the daily stuff, you know.  So, bringing on a famine or floods is child's play today. We’ve watched it. Those who've got eyes to see have watched it for years as they lace the skies with these trails and so on, then the weather changes. This is old stuff. But they have meetings about it, always pretending IF we do this down the road to save the world, it might have fallout on the public, you know. But in reality, they've been doing it all along.


Neil: Yeah. Yeah. There's been so many articles out recently about food recalls, particularly beef. Like thousands of tons of beef being recalled for some curious reason.


Alan: Well, isn't that interesting?  Here's something, we've got to remember this. Whatever is to happen here we saw happening in China under the trial, before we got it.  Remember all those thousands of tons of meat at the docks in China there left to rot?  Same thing, this is months ago, months and months ago, January/February that was happening.  So that was all the trials to see how they could work things, and then they did immediate surveys in the populace to see if they went along with it and accepted it.  Any problems where they wouldn't go along with it, how do you get around those problems, how would you fix those problems to get folk to accept stuff… They tried it all out on the Chinese before they're putting it out here. All of it.


Neil: That's what I've seen recently, the massive, thousands of tons of beef.  Peaches.  Onions.  Lemons. All kinds of stuff. As I say, the beef, the chickens of course, they're going after them as well.  And it's hhhh... They've dragged out David Attenborough again, and the other one, that comedian Stephen Fry...


Alan: Oooh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Neil: ...Extinction Rebellion being all over the Guardian this week. Let's now protest, they're all out protesting now, but that's okay. That's okay.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: You know.  But they wear masks, because they might want to do something violent and not be recognized.


Alan: [Chuckles]


Neil: [Chuckles] But that's okay. That's okay.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: I'm sure you saw the one in the States with the, literally the city was on fire behind the guy and he's going, ah, it's a few fires but it's nearly peaceful.


Alan: Nearly peaceful. That's right. And they could even hear gunshots here and there too in the extended version of that clip, yeah.


Neil: It's madness. And people are falling for it.


Alan: Well, it's gaslighting.  It's the gaslighting, isn't it. Yeah. Yep.  You see, here's the key to it.  Eventually the public through training through television and experts will be trained that they couldn't trust their own intuition and observance of things, and their own opinions that were formed from what they were really experiencing, you wouldn't trust them anymore. Lots of folk are like that. Folk will see on TV exactly the opposite of what they're experiencing, but they'd rather believe the TV version because they've been trained to believe in authorities speaking through that little tube.


Neil: Yeah.  I don't understand how anybody can look at Bill Gates...


Alan: Ah, ha...


Neil: ...talking about injecting genetically modified organisms directly into the arms of babies, and he is making the motions with the needle...


Alan: I know.


Neil: ...and he's smiling as he does it, and his wife's...


Alan: Well, never mind that. I mean, look at the massive lawsuits that were in against him across India and Africa for giving polio to the people that he was giving the vaccines too, things like that.  I mean, these are, look into the India Times and the different newspapers in India, they've got stacks of information on this. This is real stuff. I can remember when Bill Gates's group, and again, who gives him the right to go across the planet testing experimental vaccines on people? I mean, they bribe the tribesmen and the leaders and so on and that's how they can get in there. And of course, because there's no real media in the areas, there's no voice of the people who are getting infected with these things.  This has been on the go for years and years and years. 


But when he went into India and other, parts of Africa too.  He was giving some of them a live vaccine, it was in the spray form, for oral, you know. It turns out that the World Health Organization, I don't know if they've scrubbed it yet on their own sites, but I kept all the stuff from years ago. The World Health Organization eventually had to come out and admit that they had given, they had introduced a new, it became a new live strain of polio in those peoples, that they couldn't control, you know, with the present vaccine. Whatever they introduced was a modified version of the virus, and they says...


Neil: Probably that's the only strain that still going.


Alan: That's right.  Now they call that the wild virus. 


Neil: The vaccine.  [Chuckles]


Alan: Yeah. This is how the game is played. But this guy literally, oh, he's a psychopath. I mean, he never answers a question directly, he just skips around everything. And his hands are going all the time, you know. And you do wonder what's in that body, that physical body, because it's like it doesn't know how to control the gestures.  [Chuckles]


Alan: But I was thinking too of Fauci.  I'm mean, Fauci's wife you know is a eugenicist, and she's into, what is it they call it now, um, ah, to do with...


Neil: Bioethics.


Alan: Bioethics, yeah. She runs a bioethics organization for the States, under the president by the way. And gets millions of bucks sent to them too. They are deciding, through the Rockefeller foundation, you probably saw their big presentation to the president a few months ago where they said, here's the whole unrolling of the agenda, using bioethics and bioethical lawyers to manage the general population, right down to life and who gets medication, who won't get medication, etc. You talk about psychopaths, woof, there's regiments of them now.


Neil: When you look back at the, you mentioned the antitrust laws out there, and Bill Gates was prosecuted under that before.


Alan: Yep.


Neil: But when you look at that clip of him being questioned, and he's asked if he's concerned about something, and he replies, what do you mean by concerned...


Alan: [Laughing] I know.  [Laughing]


Neil: And his answers to everything is completely different to what it is today. His whole demeanor is completely different. And it's just like Rockefeller, his image as a philanthropist has been remodeled, you know.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ...[?] young folks and with that haircut and stuff like that, to make him look like a geek.


Alan: Yes. And yet he was no, he was no computer geek.  He's a businessman.  You had the partners that started up the company of Microsoft who all say the same thing, he was just the businessman.


Neil: Yeah, was it Paul Allen, the guy was?


Alan: That's right. 


Neil: And he tried to steal his money at the end.


Alan: Yes, he did.


Neil: ...when the guy was dying of cancer.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: The key is too though, you see, Bill Gates grabbed a lot of the stuff, programs, etc., from IBM.  So, Gates already was a front man for, I call it, the World Corporation, the real group that runs the planet. Because it's untouchable. They do what they want with impunity. They really do. As I say, no one's going to go after him. No one's going to go after Soros. In fact, they'll hammer you for mentioning his name. But the fact is, I mean, to hear a person advocating what really is the overthrow of the US congressional system, whether you like it or not makes no difference, he's advocating insurrection, along with the top politicians. And no one is going after him?  All these youngsters in the street are taking their commands from hearing speeches by guys like that, as an authority, you know.


Neil: As I say, if you or I stood on a soapbox in Parliament Square or something, [?] and try to overthrow the government...


Alan: Yes.


Neil: ...and said, we're going to leave this city in ashes... We'd never see the light of day again.


Alan: No, you wouldn't. So, it tells me there is already the world governmental system. And the World Bank is all part of it.  Don't forget, the World Bank is on the board of the WEF, you know. A private bank.


Neil: Well, that's another question you can never get answered, why do governments borrow money from a private bank? No one will answer that one.


Alan: Well it's magicians, you see. Because if you or I counted up the debts and income of countries, we would say, my God, we owe billions and trillions and trillions. But these guys are magicians. That's why they bring them in from other countries into the States, into the Federal Reserve.  And where they would see stuff that would freak you out, they have no problem with it, they can fix it all, you know.  They’re magic, you see. Because it's nothing to do with accounting, obviously.  [Chuckles] It's pure magic, yeah.  It's completely bogus. I mean, there's nothing backing anything.


Neil: No.  I was walking down at the lake in the morning there and the City Council has got these guys cutting all the grass there.  And on the best possible tractors you could ever have, and that would be John Deere's, you know.  Everyone was brand-new.


Alan: [Chuckles]


Neil: You're thinking, hold on a minute, you're getting way too much money here. This is outrageous, you know.


Alan: M-hm.


Neil: And super tractors at that.  And all it is, is cutting grass. They're not digging or anything, you know.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: Somebody's getting a backhander or something, some showroom or somewhere that sells John Deere has a friend or something. That's how that works.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: But you could tell, even in that City Hall, a few weeks ago myself and Paula, you can tell the whole place is corrupt.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: You can smell, you can sense it.  And you know they're not listening to you.


Alan: No.


Neil: And you're not going to make any difference to what they vote and what they don't vote.  But as I say, I think it's important to make your voice heard so they can't claim they didn't know [?].


Alan: It is. Here's the key again. When you see all the left-wing politicians in the States literally sworn allegiance to this overthrow of the US government, [laughing] literally, you know.  And they've already said it, Pelosi said it and Hillary Clinton said it, they're not going to accept any verdict about Trump. And another one too, the one, that Harris that they're putting up there, she said too a few days ago that this rioting and destruction is not going to end with Trump, or even if they get in, it's going to continue right through the year. I mean, what is this we're listening to here?


Neil: Yeah, we've got a little Speaky's bar here which we're actually going to go after the show.  Which, I mean, people are a bit more open-minded there for some reason, I don't know why, they just are.  Nobody wears masks. Nobody's social distances or anything. It's just a little shoehorn bar, everybody gets along.


Alan: Again, getting back to the key, the key is so important, is that they're all on board with the exact same agenda, not for the good of the country. They're all paid off, obviously. They're all part of another organization, obviously, that's above your federal government.  I have no doubt on it whatsoever.


Also, you look at the sustainability groups that started to graft themselves onto even local councils over the last 20 years. All ex civil servants retiring, taking early retirement, move into areas and then graft themselves onto local councils to do with sustainability, etc. You know, we didn't vote them in. They just all appeared there. And now that they've made their agreements, no matter what happens, if the states, like the US refused to go along with the sustainability or the climate change agreement, they're passing it state-by-state themselves because they've grafted themselves onto the governments.  And who are they working for? Someone is at the top, you know, paying them all.


Neil: Well, that's my next visit to the City Hall to speak on whatever issue it is. I'm going to ask them who they're working for. Because they're clearly not working for anybody in the room. You know.


Alan: Absolutely.


Neil: And well, as I've said, there's one guy there who was adamant that this is all going to be over in November after the election. I said to him, I said look, and he's a friendly guy, he doesn't wear a mask at the store and all that kind of thing. I said, look, we'll have a different conversation after November, because it ain't going to stop, this is going on and on and on and on.  He mentioned Kamala Harris, and of course she had to admit, or her father had to admit that her ancestors were slaveowners.


Alan: That's right.


Neil: So why don't Black Lives Matter go after her first?


Alan: Exactly.  And these are telling points because it's nothing to do with what's portrayed by the media. It's a different organization. This is a big organization, that's a global organization, that has so much of the power, that runs pretty well every country on the planet right now. Not them all completely.  But this is the big, and they've said it, Soros said at the WEF, I mean, they brought him back on to give the special speech and he said, we've got to, Trump must be removed completely he says.  Well, he's telling the richest people on the planet that this man has to be removed? Whether you like him or not makes no difference, the fact is, they are advocating the overthrow, they’re advocating insurrection and overthrow of another country. And you're funding it. [Laughing]


Neil: Yeah. That would be classed as a threat if you or I said it.


Alan: Yes, it would be. Or anybody else for that matter.


Neil: Yeah.  I was going to say something, Ireland again.  Hhhch, I think... No, I wasn't going to say that. I was going to go onto the WEF supposedly delayed their next meeting in Davos until June apparently.  Do you think there's anything in that, our or is that just a smokescreen?


Alan: It's a smokescreen. These guys are the busiest guys. They are technically world government, you know. They have their own, on their own website, they've been training folk for the last 50 years to be world leaders.  I mean, that's what they, they picked children and they groomed them to be leaders of all different areas of sustainability and politics, etc. So no, they're not some simple little NGO here. This is a multitrillion dollar organization set up again by a leading technocrat of his time.  And he was, you know, a technocrat, and he still is, that Schwab.  So, this is, the system they want to bring in is a managed from birth to grave system for every individual on the planet. And eventually the gradual eradication of the useless eaters, as Bertrand Russell called them.


Neil: Yeah, I mean, I saw somebody reporting on [?] because of the bank schedule and what they want to do.


Alan: Yes.


Neil: I was thinking, these guys don't get bank schedule.


Alan: Remember what Bertrand Russell said? And he was a member of the Macy group, the Frankfurt school and the groups that were put in there with, after FDR and Truman to help create a new culture for the Americas. He said that by diet, injection and injunction we shall alter the world and control the people.  Yep.


Neil: And of course, going along with the food scarcity, that's going on there, and the food recalls, they're also pushing the vegan stuff and the Beyond Beef and all that. All over the place.


Alan: Yeah sure.


Neil: Every day there's stuff coming out about it, the best ways to go vegan, the best ways to this and all that nonsense.


Alan: Yes. And eat crickets, eat crickets and bugs.  Yep.


Neil: And these guys eat the best beef on the planet.


Alan: Exactly.


Neil: Anyway, so, we've done our two hours eventually, Alan, of technical problems.


Alan: It flew in.


Neil: And hopefully you got that. Well, we could go on and on and on, but people won't listen to more than this.


Alan: I know. 


Neil: We'll maybe do it again next month.


Alan: Sure.


Neil: Hopefully you got it recorded, and we got it recorded, and between us we can get it out.


Alan: Yeah, see if you can get yours up first, and I'll look into it and I'll look at this recording here and see if it's working. Yep.


Neil: Okay.


Alan: Okey-doke.


Neil: I've actually, it's in the other room but I've actually got one of Malachi Martin's books, I can't remember the title of it.  I started reading it once and I went on to something else, but I can't remember what it's called.  I'll send you an email and tell you and let you that know I've got this recording done or whatever.


Alan: Okey-doke, thank you.  That'll be terrific.


Neil: Okay. And I'm still trying to get a source for yeast, but I can't get somebody to reply to me to say are you posting it to Canada Post or whatever, they don't get back to you. The one I got before I think that's just a scammer because she then refused to send me a tracking number for the package, she sent to the post office so... 


Alan: Sure.


Neil: But as far as I know, Ian is sending you stuff from Ireland.


Alan: Yeah. Anybody sending anything to me has to send it by regular post. Because the UPS and FedEx won't deliver here, because it's an unorganized Township they call it.  We won't toe the line and just buckle under so...  But regular post gets here. And even then, don't expedite it or insure it, because it always arrives, the post always arrives.


Neil: It's funny you should say that because I'm still on the list for UPS this year and hopefully I'll get started with them in September or October.  They've been employing a lot, a lot of people in Canada recently.


Alan: Oh yeah. Oh, the UPS, you see, they won't deliver outside the cities. Even though they say, if you've got an address we shall deliver. They're lying. Because I've had battles with them for years where they've kept stuff sent to me, generally at Christmas time, and they won't deliver here. They won't even phone you up to tell you there's something even at the head office, even though it's maybe 25 miles away, you know, you're supposed to go and get it yourself. So, what's the point?  I have to go a 50-mile round-trip for a pair of socks or something. Which by the way, they had signed out to somebody else. I said to them last Christmas, I says, have a good Christmas, I says, I'm sure you've plundered enough of the customers goods.  Yeah.


Neil: Yeah.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: Well actually they deliver out to the rural areas here, but of course there's no snow on the roads.


Alan: Yeah.


Neil: So, I mean, it's easy.


Alan: Even in the summer they won't do it here.


Neil: Well, they've certainly employed enough people to be able to do it, I'll tell you, because I get the email everyday about what's available.  According to the email, in Ontario where you are, they employed a lot of people.  So, who knows what they're doing?


Alan: Sure.


Neil: Okay well, we'll call that a day, anyway.


Alan: Okey-doke.



Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"