ALAN WATT    BLURB (i.e. Educational Talk):





April 25, 2007


Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – April 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)





Hi folks. I'm Alan Watt. Today is April 25th 2007 at and


And by does the time fly, eh? It's flying away when you're having fun, and even when you're not having fun. So many things happening, which in a sense distract us from the very big picture that's always going around (or is going on around us, I should say), but so many incidences of the data which fill up our lives.  I used to think about this when I was pretty young—all the data, incredible amounts of data, that my parents absorbed too, from newspapers and television and radio, interspersed with all the fads that they were given to pick up and run with, which is marketed to them, really, by the same media that gives you what is supposed to be relevant information.


I can remember when the hula-hoop became fashionable for my parents’ age group.  I was really small at the time, and I'm watching them buying these plastic tubes, really. That's all they were, was cheap plastic tubing with a little wooden dowel in them to keep the ends together. It was marketed via the media that was going all out for the "pop" and the "rock" revolution, to make things trendy.  Roller skates became trendy again, and hula-hoops. You watch your parents, and everybody else's parents, waddling these rings around their waists, trying to keep them up, and laughing.  I thought, "That's a strange way of happiness."  I used to run off into the forest and climb trees and things, and fall out of them, and that seemed more natural to me. You didn't have to buy anything to do it. However, that was the same age as they were targeting the age groups, as they always do.


Every generation gets targeted by the marketers.  Remember, Bertrand Russell talked about the necessity of bringing in the big marketing organizations to be of use to condition the mindsets of the whole world, towards a particular controlled agenda, and sure enough, they went at it right away. I don’t think he invented the idea. It was on the go before he came along I'm sure; but it certainly was more sophisticated in his day, with the advent of radio, television and so on.  They marketed “The Twist,” the silly dance called "The Twist," by making it a hit record. “Do The Twist again,” with Chubby Checkers, I think it was, and I watched all these parents go wild doing these silly dances. I knew then that it wasn't really normal. 


What struck me is, why they'd adopt what they saw being done on television, and yet, that is exactly the technique. It's so simple. It's been used since before the days of Plato, but Plato certainly wrote about it. The public, who witness entertainment, mimic what they see. They mimic; they copy what they see. Simple technique, especially when it's made, presented, in almost a circus type fashion, the hype, the almost a happy hysteria presentation.


The same technique works, of course, in big rock bands. You don't see so much anymore, but you'd see crowds go wild with hysteria, as the bands would sing. In fact, often you couldn't hear them singing at all. You couldn't make the words out. You just heard the feedback from the cranked up amps and the screaming of the crowds. A circus type atmosphere that creates a type of hysteria is very good for promoting particular suggestions into people.


Sure enough, as I say, shortly the hula-hoop fad was over, when they bought their second or third one, because they all broke. The cheap plastic, it would sort of bend and get a little kink in it, and you couldn't get it out. They all ended up in the dump, until they gave you the next fad and the next fad, and then they brought out even hipsters for men.  Hipsters pants were pants that literally sat on your hips. Men don't have much of a hip, so it wasn't the best thing to buy, because they tended to sort of drop your pants rather quickly when you least expected it, so that didn't last too long.  Then they had the bell-bottom pants, with the best name brands. That was a big thing, too. It was the beginning of the name brands, with the big patches advertising them (who made them). That became the snob appeal, you see. Ever since then, we've been on a roll from one thing to the next, because the fashion industry works, as Plato said, "in conjunction with the drama and the music industry." It always has. It's all part of "culture creation."


In the Victorian and the Edwardian days, it was still important to keep family units together, since most of them were workers. They were bringing up the next generation of workers and soldiers, for the British Empire and everybody else's empire. It depends on what country you're in.  They promoted, basically, the family unit; that was very important.  They didn't push promiscuity, at all. In fact, they came down on it and condemned it.  They made sure that women wore long dresses and behaved in a certain fashion. Then of course, when the family unit was to be destroyed, because the system was moving on to the next post-industrial era, then they decided to take down the family. Most of skirt disappeared for a while, when they brought in the mini-skirt; and we've been on a roll since.  Fashion is a very important part of culture creation, as is music and drama.


Each age group tends to think that all of the things that are there in their lifetime, and develop in their lifetime, are spontaneous. That's what you're taught to think, but nothing is so further from the truth.  Everything is planned, like a huge business plan, way in advance with experts, and it was done so with think tanks in the 1800’s, just as much as today. They looked ahead to the future. They had whole think tanks of economists working for the big corporations, based in London, and part of the whole investment procedure was to look at the society that would develop, and that they wanted to develop, over the next hundred or more years. That has never changed.


We tend to think that, by listening to the media, we're just stumbling through time, and parliaments and politicians just deal with issues as they arrive at them, and debate them, and come up with the solutions, and nothing is further from the truth. Nothing is further from the truth. When big changes occur, you always have a form of chaos. You have the spin-offs, the side effects of a dysfunctional society, as they try to mimic the previous generation's society, which no longer works. It no longer works because those who control the system have indoctrinated both male and female to be antagonistic towards each other. IT'S TAUGHT IN SCHOOL THAT WAY, TOO.


They started with the women, first of all, and worked on them. They promoted the female, through all the television ads, beer commercials, all the comedies and all the rest of it, as some kind of sex object—selling beer with a tiny mini-skirt, luscious body, and she's not really a person; she's just something a guy wants. They DEPERSONALIZED the female in the mind of the male.


In the mind of the female, the guy is just a low kind of beast who wants sex and booze and sport. That's the system that's been developed. However, even that be so, everyone is looking for a partner, a mate, and they're trying to emulate previous generations, and it's completely dysfunctional. It doesn't work, because of the indoctrinations and the use of terminology, which further reinforces the disruptions—that’s part of psycholinguistics.


We also see all the school shootings that have been going on. It’s becoming almost a fad, and always a couple of years later, they come out with more details. They wait for a couple of years before the “unwashed masses” get more of the truth, because there's always a benefit to government's agendas with these shootings. Part of it is more control.  Oh, “see you live in an unsafe society.  In fact, you yourself cannot be trusted. You might go berserk. You need to be monitored, watched, tested.”  Remember that President Bush wants every American eventually to be tested, psychologically, by the experts, who will come up with all kinds of theories to fit you into. If they can't fit you into one, they'll make a new theory just for you.


I've been looking at a few of the science websites, to do with the shooting.  It’s interesting, the way they phrase things, because this is the standard way (the one I'm about to read), how they phrase things. They condense it down into sort of tin of soup, condensed soup fashion. They take all the bulk out of it, knowing that most people, most lay people, read just the overview that's minus all the relevant details, and that's how you're left with an impression in your mind.


This one is from, and this states here: This is from April 22, 2007.


             "Scientists look to disrupt the brain chemistry of violence."


Alan:  Before I start, I'll give you my little preamble. Psychiatry is a new supposed science. It's been on the go, really, for a hundred years, in any form of pretense of a science. They are tremendously good in psychiatry at diagnosing (putting you into a category of illness). They can describe symptoms, and signs and symptoms of a particular type of illness, and all they are, are categories to familiarize each other with a vocabulary, by the use of a vocabulary, so they can say, “This is schizophrenia. This is manic depression.” They call it "bipolar disorder" and so on.  These are what they call "psychotic illnesses".  Psychotic illnesses differ from neurotic illnesses, in that the psychotic behaves oddly, but doesn't know that they're doing it. They think they're fine. They have no insight into themselves, and how they're behaving.


A neurotic tends to know there's something wrong with them, but they don't know what it is. That's the big split there, between the two categories. Psychiatry has looked, since its beginning, for self-importance.  To build it up into a science and make it credible, they put more propaganda out there than most sciences. All sciences do put tremendous propaganda out, to basically get credence from the public. They want to be raised above the public into a profession, a professional science. Therefore, they give lots of propaganda and very high-sounding phrases out, in terms of the public, to impress you, and also to make you feel very silly and profane, basically, by the terms and terminology they use.


That's the first thing you do, in a science, is create your own vocabulary. You make it an "in thing" for those who are part of your "degreed" group, because everything in this world is based on a Masonic system. That's why you get a degree in school.


Since the beginning of psychiatry, they come up with all these theories of how to predict things and how to prevent things. This idea of getting more and more power over the people is not new.  They've been at this since its beginning. In fact, at the beginning of the psychiatric era, psychiatry has been a 'right arm' of the eugenics movement.  The top psychiatrists, the first psychiatrists, were generally members of the World Eugenics Society.


It says here:


             "Scientists look to disrupt the brain chemistry of violence."


Alan:  That’s with the usual PR.


             "Strides in understanding human brain chemistry and genetics are giving scientists hope they may be able to defuse violent behavior to avoid tragedies like last week's university massacre in Virginia, neurologists say."


"The shooter, a 23-year-old South Korean…"


Alan:  Which is 32 backwards, by the way, for Masons.


             "…who had lived in the United States since he was a child, killed 32 people before committing suicide, in the deadliest school shooting in US history.  "There is no doubt in my mind that if we could have examined his brain (the killer at Virginia Tech) we would have found anomalies, and we would have been able to suggest for him to get therapies," said Dr. Allan Siegel, a neurologist and researcher at the University of Medicine of New Jersey."



Alan:  That's your typical statement from these guys who want more power over the public. They've been cutting brains apart for a long, long time, coming up with all kinds of theories. “My goodness, is that a little lesion there?” and then 10,000 of them will debate it, and come up with 10,000 different reasons and disagreements. They keep pulling the same thing out of the bag, the same rabbits out of the bag. It’s because they want power over the people, to be able to create this world where everyone is studied and given the clearance stamp. You'll be approved to get into the workforce, as the agenda stated a long time ago. You would have your stamp of approval.


Isn't it interesting, the big thing that came out in the '50’s, really primarily from Hollywood, once again, was suddenly every star in Hollywood had a therapist. It was the "in thing."  Everybody had to have a personal therapist to talk things over with.  Before, it was your rabbi or your priest or whoever, and now it suddenly became your therapist, a professional.  If you really want to know the story of the professionals, you should listen to Woody Allen and all his stories about them, because he was addicted to them for years, until he really understood that they were no better off than he was, as far as a healthy mind went, whatever that is.


And therapist is "the rapist."  Think about it. What is someone who rapes your mind?   A "the-rapist", the rapist.


"…a neurologist and researcher at the University of Medicine of New Jersey.  "We might have been able to avoid this if he had been treated properly in the hospital setting," Siegel told AFP."


Alan:  Which again is a big joke, because to get treated properly, he'd have to be really somehow be uniquely diagnosed as being a potential berserker, as this guy became. They don't have these sciences, we're told—yet.  God help us, if they ever get the right to diagnose us, into all these different categories, when we're children. That's what they're after.


Here they go, with the usual PR:


             "Clinical research as well as animal testing, particularly on cats, over some 40 years has shown that there are specific zones in the brain linked to aggression and violence, he said."


Alan:  That is true. Every species has the same part in the brain that controls your ability for self-preservation. We have that built into us, from a mouse to a human to an elephant. Everything has it. However, here's how they word it here, as though this was something special they've found out.  We all have it. That's why we're still here and alive today (the species). Every species wants to survive, and the ability to put on aggression, when required, is a survival instinct.  You see it's necessary. Here they rehash all the old stuff they know.


             "The front region of the brain, or the prefrontal cortex, including the limbic system, appears to play an important role in violent behavior, according to the neurologist."


Alan:  That's where, as I say, everything is located. The limbic system is where all the amazing things you could be capable of, and you might have in your dreams, but don't do in reality, occur.  That's where your sexual drives, everything, is located, and your "fight or flight" syndrome (systems). Everything for self-survival, self-preservation and perpetuation of the species is basically in that area.


Then it goes on to say:


             "The killer Charles Whitman, who gunned down 16 people at the University of Texas in the 1960’s, was found to have a tumor in the temporal lobe in the region of the limbic system, he said."


Alan:  See, they're still looking for physical causes for all these things.


             "The link between the prefrontal cortex and violence was first revealed in 1848 in the case of a railroad worker…"


Alan:  This is standard psychiatric textbook stuff.  (Phineas Gage.)  Phineas Gage was a railroad worker, who, while he was knocking some spikes on a stick of dynamite, it blew a spike right up through the bottom of his jaw, up through the top of his head. It was extracted and he survived a few years, but he became very base. They always bring up the same one, even though the ancient people, who used to stab each other with spears and hit each other with axes, knew the same thing, thousands of years ago. Anyway, this is standard psychiatric, obviously textbook.


             " Phineas Gage, whose skull was impaled by an iron rod in an explosion damaging the front part of his brain. Gage survived the accident but his behavior radically changed, with his formerly respectful, sensitive manner replaced by an impulsive and aggressive personality. Medical cases since have linked violent tendencies to damage to the front part of the brain, Siegel said."


Alan:  The opposite is also true. A lot of people have also had accidents to the frontal part (the frontal cortex of the brain), who haven't had this kind of odd, violent, nasty behavior occur. So you see, they can really mislead people by simple statements from the experts, not so much by telling you something, but by withholding other information.


             "A recent study shows children who suffer injury to the prefrontal cortex before age seven developed abnormal behavior, characterized by an inability to control their frustration, anger and aggression, according to an article in the journal Neuroscience."


Alan:  There's no name attached to this little blurb, this little paragraph here. That's how they get impressions over to you. It's almost a filler part.


             "A recent study shows children who suffer injury to the prefrontal cortex…"


Alan:  It doesn't say which study.


             "…before age seven developed abnormal behavior, characterized by an inability to control their frustration, anger and aggression, according to an article in the journal Neuroscience. Neurologists believe the frontal region regulates and controls aggression and violent impulses."


Alan:  It’s the same again.


             "A brain imaging study of 41 murderers…"


Alan:  Why 41?


             "…found evidence that in most cases the prefrontal cortex as well as some deeper brain areas, including the amygdala, functioned abnormally, researchers wrote in the Neuroscience article."


Alan:  You'd have to do a blind study, meaning you'd also have to do people with the same, who didn't become murders, and compare them. That's how you do things. You compare them all.  I'd like to see some of the elite's brains. Wouldn't you like to see some of that and see what's wrong with that?  Maybe guys like Lord Bertrand Russell or the Darwin family group, but they won't let us have access to that information.


             "In the case of the Virginia Tech gunman, a medical investigation would also have to examine if he suffered a deficiency in his serotonin system, said Klaus Miczek, a neuroscientist at Tufts University."


Alan:  That's the “in thing” today. That's the greatest theory now. You see they go from fad to fad. In the medical profession and the psychiatric profession, and even the herbal industry, it's the same thing. They go from one fad to the next fad, to the next fad; and that's a fact, if you check your history of these so-called "professions".  They’re tremendously addicted to fads. They have theories that last for a while, and they're taught, and you pass and get your Master's and all your degrees and stuff. Then 10 to 20 years later, they change the theory and replace it with something else, and that's now the gospel truth, until the next gospel truth comes along; and you have one fad after another.


What’s interesting also, is here they are with this careless blurb here, trying to say that it could be a deficiency in the serotonin system, which as I say, is the "in theory" right now, you see.  It's one of the “in theories;” and you make a lot of money off these theories, because scientists live on grants. They're given lots of grants, and so they have to come out with results, for the money they're spending, to the guys that are giving the money. They come out with all these theories, and that's the big in thing right now.


I noticed in the comment section here, someone does have a bit of the truth here. Someone replied to this talk.


He said:


             "If I'm not mistaken, most if not all of the recent mass killers were on selective serotonin reuptake and inhibiting medications. There's a known connection between these medications and violent behavior towards self and others."


Alan:  That's quite correct.  There's the other side, from someone that has written about this, but it's not an actual blurb itself. They're actually pushing these drugs in the blurb, which is natural because the last people who are willing to accept anything when they're doing wrong, will be the psychiatric profession, who dish out all these drugs for the big companies. We know that, for instance, Prozac and all the offshoots of Prozac, now that it's got a bad name. They’ve got all these other Prozac types with different names. They just changed the molecules around a little bit and call it something else. They've found that people who are on these are having violent outbursts, and often blackouts, and they can't remember.


Then at the bottom of this article, here's another bit of misleading information:


             "A number of drugs have proved effective in controlling violent impulses by compensating for serotonin deficiencies, said Siegel…"


Alan:  Siegel is obviously well in with all the drug companies that are pushing these serotonin type drugs, replacement drugs.


It says:


             "…citing Prozac and lithium used also to treat schizophrenia."


Alan:  Lithium has traditionally been used for manic depression (bipolar depression), not schizophrenia. But who's quibbling about details, eh? That's the kind of stuff they dish out to the public, and that's what leaves impressions within the public’s minds, that kind of disinformation or parts of information. You can't get an informed opinion on something unless you have all the facts, and what we always get are selective facts to leave you with a false opinion (impression).  That's how simply it's done.


What is true is that even with the Columbine High School shootings, pretty well every one of them in fact, they were known to the police beforehand. We know that they had been on drugs or were on drugs, at the time, from psychiatrists. We know they love to take pictures on video and put it on the Internet, with guns in their hands pointing at cameras. That's traditional with them, so all the police forces in the countries know what they're up to. 


We know that school therapists ("the rapists" again), knew about all their impulses and problems, and it's no surprise when they eventually do what they do. Who knows how they've been conditioned to be triggered to do what they do?  We talk about mind control as existing only in certain movies. But no, the movies show us that mind control actually does exist. It's not a new science, by any means, at all. These are very perfected sciences, in fact.


It's interesting that when they want an agenda fulfilled, someone will go on the rampage and fulfill the agenda, so that laws can be passed from governments. We saw it happen in Canada and it's happening in the United States, and they're using the sovietized system of collective punishment on populations. If one person commits a crime using a weapon of some kind, then they ban it for everyone. That's basically how it works in the sovietized system, which we now have here. They just don't call it the "sovietized system." They don't mention the communistic system. They use other terms for it, so we don't connect it.  However, that's exactly what it is.


If we use that kind of logic (which they might one day with cars), if one person loses control of a vehicle, they could ban all vehicles. It’s the same logic, you see. We're all potentially guilty, before you actually commit a crime. It’s a pre-arrest type of mentality; this is also where they're going. They want the ability to predict what you're going to do next. They want to know you so well, that they'll know you better. They'll be able to predict your movements. What will you do next?  They want you to be predictable, because in a totally controlled system, and I mean "totally controlled system," everyone must be predictable to the ruling authorities.


Before I go on to the next piece, I’d like to thank those people, and there's a few, who have sent donations, and I'm going to try and get the time to get back to them.  It's hard at the moment, because I'm dealing with a new site, the set-up of it (for the European site) and the various translators. There's a lot of work involved at the moment, and I'm way behind in mail and email too, and as I say, I hope I will get around to it all. I do know whom everyone is who writes to me. I know the few who have sent donations. I know who they are and I thank you very much, because this is really keeping it going.  There are expenses involved, never mind the time.


The time is really what I'm short of, because it's a lot of work to deal with, a kind of a one man band, when you're playing the drums between your knees and the guitar in the front and the cymbals attached to your elbows. You're keeping it all going, and however, I will keep it going as long as I can, to get the information out, for as long as I can, and push it as far as I go.   I will try and get back to those who have been kind enough to put forth a donation.  It's not that I forget or take it callously or carelessly. It's just that I'm overwhelmed with work right now, and I've got to start cutting wood, shortly, to get all seasoned up for the next winter. That's my next big project to try and fit in between everything else. I’d like to get it cut before it's mid-summer, because mid-summer is so warm. It's kind of crazy time for that kind of heavy, heavy work, never mind the mosquitoes that love to get into you, while you're sweating away there at cutting trees.


I don't often get letters of complaint, once in a while I do, maybe a handful, maybe five maximum over the years, and you know who each one is. They use different names, but you can tell by the complaints and their style that it's the same people.   I got this funny one the other day there. He's written to me a couple of times about Africa, and how my views on Africa are all warped, and how it's prospering and doing really well. It's probably someone, obviously, who's getting a grant from the United Nations; and he threatened me.  He said, "I reported you to the American Congress and the United Nations."  I just wanted to tell him, that's fine, because I've had congressmen send off for my books and the United Nations got my books last year. They sent for them, and they paid for it too. So they know all about me. I'm just letting you know, so you can go off and rant elsewhere.


This last little while I've also been communicating with a woman, who has for the last two or three weeks, been helping put up all the sites after I put up the main ones. She has a nerd and I get to know everyone who is helping me get this information out. You get to know them pretty well, because people who come forward to help are extraordinary to begin with. They might not think so themselves, but they are extraordinary. They do come forth; they give you time and put some effort and work into getting this information out, because they believe and they know it's important that others know more of the reality that exists around them, and within them, what has shaped them themselves. They also want to prevent all the mishaps that we've lived through from occurring with subsequent generations.  It's time that this was stopped—this manipulation, this mass manipulation and mass mind control


The woman who has been helping me with the sites has been taking care of her father, who was ill for years with chronic skeletal problems. Only a couple of weeks ago, he was diagnosed ultimately with cancer, a sarcoma, that was all through his body. She went through the whole process of seeing him in his bed, doing all the daily hygiene, turning him every couple of hours. We were in frequent communication over the days, as he died just the other day, and she certainly did give him good care. I know that. And he died, seemingly without tremendous pain.


It was hard work for her, because turning someone every couple of hours and propping them up and so on, and being on call in the same house to make sure that you give the medications at the right time, and getting a couple of hours of sleep at a time, is very, very trying.  So I commend her for what she did, and it takes me to the next part of how we begin to appreciate life more by being involved in these entrances and exits from life.


Not so long ago, families took care of their own and everyone chipped in. Even the youngest would chip in. This tended to bond them together and to give them an appreciation for each other. An appreciation, which would override the impulses we have once in a while to get angry at each other, because in the back of your mind, death is real. It's only after people die that you have the wish, and wish back if you could have it all over again, all the silly little things that you exchanged between each other at times had never happened, certainly in the way that they happened.


We live in an age of nihilism, an induced nihilism, a part of the side effect of the breakup of the family unit, which was essential for this next part of the “New World Order,” as Bush Senior said.  No one complained that he was making out a conspiracy theory when he stated it on national television. 


The family unit had to go, obviously; so people don't appreciate each other anymore. Life is cheap now. It's become so cheap and very artificial, so remote from reality. It's the dream of Plato, when he talked about the beehives that would bring about the Republic, the utopia of the elite, because in a city type system, which is all artificial from top to bottom, you can alter the culture. Culture is plastic. It's fluid. You can alter it. Right is wrong. Wrong is right. It's whatever they say so, at the time, that becomes the norm. We have seen the devaluation of life go on for a long time, until we're now we're selling body parts like pounds of flesh at a butcher shop. Fetuses go on sale and the spinal columns go on sale for $5,000, in good condition. 


The dead are taken care of in hospitals before they die, and all you have to do is visit them once in a while. They're cleaned up, propped up, drugged, and you leave them some flowers or some fruit they can't eat, and walk out again at the end of the visiting hour.  Then they're dead. The undertaker takes care of things. You don't have to deal with anything. You just pop into see old so and so, all dressed up in the best suit in a casket, for about an hour, and then it's over. It's all made so hygienic and sterile. There's no care involved.  All we have is a sort of fuzzy recollection afterwards of what transpired.


Whereas when you're involved with a person, you go through milestones yourself. Milestones begin when you're born, from when you say “dada” or “mama.” (I guess dada's out of the picture now in single parent families.) That's one milestone, and you go through different milestones as you grow up. When people die, you tend to see a bit of yourself go with them, and also a gradual acceptance comes that life isn't so cheap after all, that life itself is precious. When you understand that life is precious, then you stop treating each other quite so bitterly, with petty jealousies and anger, and conditioned responses to each other, that siblings often have.  Even years later, they fall back into patterns of dominance and they attempt to dominate, and the petty little things that occur.


Yet personally, if you take it personally, the death of a person, especially a parent, you do reflect over your own life. It brings mortality closer to you. You realize that as you saw them, you are becoming. Children have a hard time, almost impossible time, of imagining death for themselves, personally. It's a remote thing that happens to others. That's how it is, even getting old.  I can remember thinking someone at 30 was old, or even 20, until you hit that age yourself, and say, “My goodness, what happened to the time?”  Then you look back and you say, “I don't want to remember all the things that happened during that time.”


However, these are the milestones we go through. People who die and who are dying change too, when they know they're dying. We all have the personas we project outwardly. It's never the same as the one that the people who watch us and see us see.  It's always different, because we all have a little shield to protect us from being vulnerable, because it certainly can be a cruel world out there, too. Yet when someone knows they're dying, all the little things they used to be obsessed about disappear.  The things that had to be in their place, in the right place or put back, and so on, disappear. They don't talk about those things that they own.  It doesn't matter anymore.  If anything, their thoughts are on things which influenced them, people who influenced them—their friends, some of whom they've never seen for many years, because that's what life's about. It's not what we have or what we accumulate. We can all accumulate, no matter what class level we live in.


It's the people who affect us that come back to us in our minds at certain times. That's what's important.  In fact, that's all that's important. It’s something we've lost. We're lost because we are brought up in a commercialized world, where happiness is the next bar of soap, as some nude woman scrubs herself in the bathtub on the television set, or the next toothpaste, or whatever it is they're pushing.  There’s nothing further from the truth, because some kindness at times, and some opening up of true communication between person to person, can imbed itself in the mind or the minds of those who exchange thoughts and ideas, not simply exchanging data that's been downloaded into them.


Normal people have been blunted emotionally by the system they've grown up in. Their emotions are still there. They can't express them. They're not sure if they should at times, because we have been almost depersonalized, dehumanized, in this culture that had to be created for the elite to bring us to the next step, so that we wouldn’t protest the grotesque things which are happening; and we've accepted it now as the new norm.


You get sick of hearing about what Hitler did in World War II; when the soviet system killed many more; when other governments in past ages had done the same, often on their own people.  If I had my way, I'd have monuments to every massacre, every holocaust brought on from governments, in every nation, to remind the people that servants are supposed to be exactly that—not your masters, because they always attract the psychopath, who ends up in charge with fellow psychopaths, and they always go off in the same direction. They have no choice, and since they're terrified of the bulk of the populace, you know the humans, the normal humans that emotions and loves and dreams and sorrows and guilt, something the psychopath doesn't understand; then they must try and keep the normal people in check, and eventually they must completely control them.


So for all those listening, and the young ones too, because I get a lot of mail from young people, who are going through tough, tough times in a very crazy world that's partly science fiction to them, the way it's presented to them. They've been conditioned, through tremendous scientifically created systems in the school, that Bertrand Russell said would literally condition them for life. They’re battling that, and in response to them coming in to society after school and trying to fit in. They’re running after the big carrot that's held out, and the stick that they're supposed to run for and work for, and, “One day, you'll make it son, if you just work hard enough.” You know THE BIG LIE


Then they start blaming themselves, when they can't make it. They become depressed. Some of them fall into drugs, the street drugs. Others have already been put on the various drugs at school, so they write to me and tell me about their problems, what they're going through.  I try and answer them all, but there's so many come in from all over, as they try and hold on to something that's worth holding on to, because often they get to a stage where they cannot see any future for themselves.


It’s the generation X’ers that are written off. They're excess surplus. They want companionship. They don't know how to keep companionship, whether it's male or female. They don’t know now, because they've been taught to have conditioned responses to certain (even common) language that's used, and to violently react against certain words and so on, Pavlovian style. Again, it’s deliberate conditioning to make sure there's disruption, and so they are tremendously lonely going through life, and yet there's some hope there too, because they also tell me they've got so much out of what I've been telling them; they've stopped blaming themselves, and that's very important.


Stop blaming yourself. You're not a failure; you are a side effect. You're feeling the side effects of a dysfunctional system and a time, to which was written about years ago, that would happen, by those who planned it. You're seeing the side effect, the fallout around you, and knowing that can start giving you strength, because then you stop blaming yourself.


I saw this happen in Britain, throughout the '70’s even, when I used to come back to Britain from different countries. I watched people; I knew people who committed suicide because they lost their jobs. You’d switch on the media and it was happy time on the media. The same comedies would come on, same ads—“buy, buy, buy, everybody's happy,” yet the opposite was really true at the time. Only now the suicides are becoming younger and younger. Life has been devalued, and people have been broken from the generations. The generations are separated from each other.


Elderly people, who used to pass on wisdom from one generation to the next, are irrelevant now. They've been pushed out of the picture.  That was important, very, very important, because that was part of the survival mechanism of peoples, for thousands of years. The elders were respected because they had wisdom. They could warn; they could guide the young. The young don't have it anymore. They're guided by the mass media, the educational system with Russell's scientific indoctrination, and the electronic brainwashing industry that controls their games and the Internet, and with all the movies they watch, with predictive programming.


The fallout is everywhere, and it was predictable, because it was planned that way. Many books have been written at university level, written as far back as the '50’s and '60’s and '70’s, on the coming disruptions within society, as science took over control in decision making and conditioning.  It’s where, with more techniques of birth control, with the gradual acceptance and psychological indoctrination that the baby or “fetus” (Latin for baby), again dehumanizing something which is human. It's just like a wart. You can get rid of it and it's no big deal.


The next step was to start on the elderly. Pop them off in the old exit homes, and it's no big deal. They are of no use. They are the "useless eaters;" or as the United Nations say, "a good citizen is a good producer-consumer."  When you're elderly you stop producing, therefore, you're just a consumer, therefore et cetera, et cetera.


We're lucky that in some parts of the world they still have family units, although they are under tremendous attack from what's now called "the democratic system" being pushed by the West and the United Nations.  They still take care of each other to the end, knowing with confidence that when it's their time to go, their relatives and children will take care of them too, the natural way. 


Getting back to the temporary webmaster, I was trying to find something with an appropriate song for the end of this blurb. When you look back on it, there's not many songs about your dads, because they've been put out of the picture so much. There's stuff from the 18th century and 17th century, et cetera, when men had some stature, but as they've been devalued and humiliated through comedies, et cetera, there's nothing been churned about them.  I looked through all these old songs and I couldn't find anything, except that when "I hung up the guitar" as they say, years ago, to begin doing what I'm doing now, and I vowed never to play it again, at least until I was doing this, something very important.


I also chucked out lots of old master tapes from studios of songs that I had got published or had written for others.  I thought they were all gone, but I found one old cassette taken from a master that I hadn't ditched yet, and I do these kind of things. I throw my past out, as you go through phases and you become the new you, and you've written books, you've written poetry, you've written songs. You do different things in your life. You play on stage. You do session work. You play solo on stage. You work with groups on stage. You do it all, and each part, it's different part of you, in a sense, or, at least with me.


Years ago, I wrote a few songs and backed someone who wanted an album produced, and this was done in a studio in Philadelphia.  I was digging through all my old stuff to see if there was anything left at all, talking about dads. I found one, which was never published. I wrote it in a café on the way down, because on the way she was going to visit her father, who was sick at the time, and she says, "could you write something about, you know, a dad, a father?"  I said, "well I hadn't really thought about it."  So I scribbled this one down as you do. You scribble lots of songs down and throw them in boxes, and then you throw them out or whatever, and really to keep her happy I said, "Okay, I'll write something." 


Once we went into the studio, which was about one in the morning, in fact, by the time we arrived there, and the technicians were clearing away stuff and resetting up stuff. As they were setting up the mikes and the volumes and so on, she says, "Why don't we sing that one you just wrote there?"  While they're setting the mikes up to get the volume levels and so on just right. It was never meant to be recorded; and it's about a dad, you see. Even though I had bits of my dad in there, she said, "Your dad would be like everybody's dad, in a sense."  I knew what she meant, in that fathers project this little persona of where they try and preserve what they see as a dignity to themselves, a separation. They don't like to be seen as vulnerable, and lots of them feel they'd like to have done more for their offspring; and they’re on the defensive, in case that's ever brought up, and yet, really under the circumstances, most of them do the best they can. Who are we to judge?  As the Indians say, "don't judge a man until you've walked a couple of miles in his moccasins."


So forgive this little ditty song, but it's all I could find to do with dads; and it wasn't meant to be published, as I say. It was just a first run through. It was the only time it was ever sung, just to get the mikes set-up and the volumes set-up, but it's a dad song, and so it's for Laura and it's for pretty well everybody else's dad, I guess.  Life and death go together. Dying is part of living, and we all one day will face it.


From Hamish and myself, it's good night, and may your god or your gods go with you.




“Father Farewell” (For Laura)

By Alan Watt


Well old man, I've come to talk

We can have a beer or go for a walk

I'm going away to a distant land

Let me help you with your coat, old man


Your defenses are all up before me

I can see the life in your eyes

Drop the bridge and let me in

Ah just for a little while


Your talk is rough, it's just your way

To hide your feelings all away from me

But I know you care, I know you do

Come on old man and have a beer or two


Your defenses are all up before me

I can see the life in your eyes

Drop the bridge and let me in

Ah just for a little while


You never spoke much when I was a kid

Down the deepest mines you hid

You never had much of life, old man

Yet your slavin’s made me what I am


Your defenses are all up before me

I can see the life in your eyes

Drop the bridge and let me in

Ah just for a little while


So thanks for the crack at life, old dad

I got the chances you never had

I'll hug you now and be on my way


I love you dad and that's all I've got to say

I love you dad and that's all I've got to say



(Transcribed by Linda)