Previous Episodes of
Alan Watt on
"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru

Alan began in 1998 on Sweet Liberty radio with Jackie Patru, in which he did a series of episodes, giving a history of the world from pre-Sumer times until the present day - followed a continuous thread of those who rule the world to the present goal.

Listed Below are many radio programs featuring Alan Watt available as a free MP3 download.

Right click the link with your mouse, and select (save as) to save to your computer. (Or) just click the link to listen.

March 22, 2006
USA Police State, Smallpox and Polio, Live Viruses, GCN / ABC / Disney, Soybean Diet and Estrogen, Soya for the prisoners, Herbal Tincture for Colds, Rewilding Project, The Haggis of Scotland, Deep Pit for Perverts, Men in Uni-Form, Military turns on its own, Video Games, Peacekeepers

March 21, 2006
Vaccination Effects, Flatulence Tax, The Age of Aquarius, Zeus' Assault, Astronomy / Astrology, Timetables of the Agenda, 2001 / 2010 / 2012, Mayan Calendar, Will the world end?, The Never-ending Story, Bio-enhancement, Soviet System School to Work, The Technotronic Era, Walking Antennae, Cell Phone Microwaving, Brain Chip, Beehive of the City

March 8, 2006

March 1, 2006

February 22, 2006

February 14, 2006

January 25, 2006 (Alan Watt "Solo" on Sweet Liberty)
Alan Watt filling in for Jackie Patru on the Sweet Liberty Broadcast. Alan talks on the national ID card ready to go in 2007, non-linear thinking, Socrates, the intelligence behind the agenda, and more.

Sweet Liberty Episodes featuring Alan Watt







033005 (was replay of 032805)


Israel Identity, and Old Testament deity identity. World Federalist Society, World Zionist Society are one and the same.




Music- the Beatles



























Thanks to Sweet Liberty for show descriptions.




Ephesians 6:10-13, the role of organized religion and politics to bring about the brotherhood of man, the origin of all religions, the origin of "god" in religion. Things to Come by Foster Bailey, 1974, published by Lucis Trust (used to be Lucifer Trust), which has the whole agenda including: origins of the Hierarchy, reasons for the bloodlines, how the bloodlines hold their DNA structure, meanings and coding of their language (reverse meaning to ours) and the use of meditation to create thought-forms to promote their agenda. The meaning of the Illuminati beehive symbol was revealed, as well as the Natural System (from the Creator) and the Artificial System (for control) of humanity. Freemasons are master builders of society towards this Artificial System by merging science with spirit to eventually rebuild, by recreating, humankind itself. Discussed the de-culturization of natural humans and the re-culturization of humanity to serve the Artificial System.

Jackie reads an anonymous email "A Different Perspective". Discussed the origins of the bloodlines of the royal dynasties and aristocracies, worship of an eugenics program, origins of the Pharaohs of Egypt. Greeks spoke about troglodytes. The Old Testament called these troglodytes the Horites, who lived in mountains and caves in the north of Israel where the tribe of Manasseh interbred with them and whose offspring were very fierce and warlike. The symbol of the tribe of Manasseh was the eagle holding arrows in one talon and an olive branch in the other. Origins of the races, the allegory of "Plato's Cave", concepts of time and space, reasons for war, original date of The Plan, and much more.

Monkeys test 'hardworking gene' by Richard Black, BBC science correspondent, discussing gene therapy to create workaholics. How electrical/chemical/mechanical alterations of humans to affect behavior and mental health, bureaucrats run the government and people are kept out of the loop, weather modification with Tesla technology, reasons for chemtrails, vaccinations, modifications to our hormones through our food, water and air. The way out of this situation is to come to our own spiritual consciousness and stand up for ourselves as an individual against anything and everything that we disagree with and live what is right for ourselves and answer the consequences for it. Do not join groups as they're either created by or will be quickly infiltrated by the elite. Be a group of one and be a leader by demonstrating what is right.


Short-wave and Superstars
Reads a moving anonymous email "Now, that's God". (Due to glitches the recorded broadcast continues at 29:55) Public short-wave was created by the CIA using Christian front-groups to counter communist broadcasts from the Soviet Union. You cannot put someone out there to sway people away from truth without giving that person a lot of the truth. Uncovering symbologies of the Tree (Birch, Oak and Ash) in high masonry and the houses that they're put into according to their degrees and functions and the clues that they leave. Discussed that some of the very high inbred people have no melanocyte sites in their skin, which is what gives you your tan.


Biblical History and our Point of Power
Why the Japanese broadcast "Tora, Tora, Tora" (Torah?) when attacking Pearl Harbor. The Old Testament was written around 200-300 BC by 72 priests in Egypt who wrote it in Greek (not Hebrew) for the Jews who spoke Aramaic. The Kabala existed in ancient Egypt although added to after the 1500's. The Talmud was based on the Babylonian Talmud, updated and carried out of Babylon by the Pharisees and the Sadducees and it was then that Judaism began. Origin and symbolism of the Caduceus (western medical symbol). Tyrannical occupation of Egypt for 200 years or so by the Hyksos (Shepherd Kings) and the Habiru (mercenaries) who were a conglomeration of nomadic peoples from the northeast. And much more....

Discussed the agenda for control and depopulation by using technologies that would have widespread, long-lasting or severe effects through deliberate manipulation of natural processes and cause such phenomena as earthquakes, tidal waves and changes in climate and weather patterns, as described in the UN ENMOD Convention, and yet appear to the public as "natural" occurrences. Deliberately effect people's thoughts and emotions with subliminals and electromagnetic waves, such as HAARP, and with legal and illegal drugs. Promoting cultural changes through the use of music, entertainment, education and fashions, most particularly with the young. Discussed the Beatles who did not write or own their music. Standardization of the news content and presentation to the public. All of this to "destroy what was, in order to create that which might be", as they say in high Masonry.


B'nai Brith (Sons of the Covenant)
Democracy is being redefined to protect all minority rights without distinction. The B'nai Brith, formed by the Sephardic Jews who ran most of the slave trade into America, is a Masonic organization and is Chartered under the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, with their buildings called Lodges. They're implicated in fomenting dissension on both sides of the Revolutionary War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln through the spin-off group called the Knights of the Golden Circle, all recorded in the Congressional Records. The B'nai Brith are writing the Hate Laws today for implementation into the general public. People are being forced to live in United Nation Habitat areas through oppressive taxation, abolition of private property and private transportation, etc., where people will happily be good producers, consumers and taxpayers. What is the esoteric meaning of Revelations, hoodwinked, Harpo Productions (Harpocrates), Thor and "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Contradictions and additions in the Bible for control purposes. The international priesthood created the form of religion for the masses, so they form-alized and author-ized religion which is based in the material world, to distract the masses from seeking their own individual spirituality within themselves.