Mahatma Gandhi: Sexual Deviant, Member of the Blavatsky Lodge, British Agent (?)


by Not Sure

31 March 2024


            Note to the reader: This piece is brief and will make more sense if it is read after listening to today’s Redux #154 “Happy Easter From the Matrix to the True Trinity.”



            In “The Buffer Fringe” section of Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, Mahatma Gandhi’s methods are described as having been derived from his own Hindu traditions, but reinforced by reading Ruskin, Thoreau, Tolstoi and the Sermon on the Mount.  Quigley would have known quite a lot about Gandhi’s childhood, his trip against caste to be educated in Britain and from reading “The Buffer Fringe,” we know that Quigley had access to wide accounts of Gandhi’s education, and his work to free India from British rule.    Quigley was able to discover inconsistencies in what Gandhi preached and how he lived, as he wrote that “he preached against the use of milk but drank goat’s milk for his health for much of his life”.   Quigley wrote that Gandhi promoted the use of native health prescriptions even to the point of quackery but sought Western medicine when he had appendicitis.  Alan Watt read that once when Gandhi and his wife were quite ill with influenza, he put himself under the care of a Western physician but forbad his wife to have that doctor’s care.


            In Tragedy and Hope, Quigley writes about Gandhi’s work for equality for the untouchables calling them all “God’s children” (Harijans), associating with them whenever he could and even adopting an untouchable girl into his family.  What Quigley didn’t write about was what was said to be known during his lifetime but suppressed.  He slept next to naked young women and girls but claimed to be celibate.  In 1906, at the age of 38, he took a vow to live a spiritual life.  According to an article in The Independent, “Gandhi found it easy to embrace poverty. It was chastity that eluded him. So he worked out a series of complex rules which meant he could say he was chaste while still engaging in the most explicit sexual conversation, letters and behaviour.”  The article continued, “He set up ashrams in which he began his first ‘experiments’ with sex; boys and girls were to bathe and sleep together, chastely, but were punished for any sexual talk. Men and women were segregated, and Gandhi's advice was that husbands should not be alone with their wives, and, when they felt passion, should take a cold bath.  The rules did not, however, apply to him. Sushila Nayar, the attractive sister of Gandhi's secretary, also his personal physician, attended Gandhi from girlhood. She used to sleep and bathe with Gandhi. When challenged, he explained how he ensured decency was not offended. ‘While she is bathing I keep my eyes tightly shut,’ he said, ‘I do not know ... whether she bathes naked or with her underwear on. I can tell from the sound that she uses soap.’ The provision of such personal services to Gandhi was a much sought-after sign of his favour and aroused jealousy among the ashram inmates.”


            At, the webmaster and curators want to make a sharp distinction between their Saint Helena and that “other” Theosophist, Annie Besant.”  They also lay claim to Mahatma Gandhi, writing that he met two young Theosophists when he had been in London for about two years.  This would have been around 1890.  Gandhi himself writes glowingly about Theosophy and Blavatsky and how that led him to “true” Hinduism.  Trouble is, Blavatsky has been convincingly exposed as a fraud.  This spirit-conjuring medium had her rooms wired with the latest technology, so when the willing dupe thought he was communicating with his dearly departed uncle, he was in fact hearing a voice piped in from another room.


From Wiki, “A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole.  A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and is expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of study of systems theory and other systems sciences.”  It is science that wishes to organize, categorize, dissect, and rearrange.  When holy men, whether sincere or Fak-Irs have neatly laid out their School of Thought, I see a trail that ultimately leads nowhere.  Systems enclose, and today we find ourselves in a matrix of ancient and interlocking systems.  Alan Watt often repeated Blavatsky’s claim that the goal of Theosophy was to blend science with spirituality.  This has been achieved, making any association with organized religions or your local yoga class risky business.  This is why I run, and don’t walk, whenever I hear someone extoll the virtues of this or that “system” of spiritualty.  Your own mind contains the power to free you.


            In “The Buffer Fringe,” Quigley quoted Gandhi regarding fasting.  Gandhi discovered that his personal fasts from food “could be used as moral weapons against those who opposed him while they strengthened his moral hold over those who supported him.  ‘I fasted,’ he [Gandhi] said, ‘to reform those who loved me. You cannot fast against a tyrant.”  This is a key, “ah-ha” insight into actors, politicians, “holy” men, and others of the psychopathic persuasion: they enjoy the power they wield over others.  Down through time, this type of person has been selected for certain tasks, or they gravitate towards epicenters of power where they are used.  Amassing wealth, impoverishing you, using sexual manipulation, blinding you with science, or asserting their moral superiority, the goal is the same: They are on top.

            In 2015, a top Indian judge, “Justice Katju said: “Gandhi was objectively a British agent who did great harm.  By injecting religion into politics Gandhi furthered British divide and rule.”  He asserted that Gandhi’s accomplishment was pitting Hindi against Muslims.  “Does such a man, who constantly injected religion into politics, and thereby furthered the British policy of divide and rule, deserve to be called the Father of the Nation?”

© Not Sure

Additional reading:



The Unmasking of a 19th Century Occult Imposter


An odd kind of piety: The truth about Gandhi’s sex life